Bat Mitzvah - ShulCloud

Bat Mitzvah of

Lauren Elizabeth Walden


Parashat Beha’alotcha

Numbers 11:30 – 12:16

June 7th, 2014 11 Elul 5771

Rabbi Craig Marantz

Tami Cherdack, Cantorial Soloist

Laura Bennett Weinstein, Accompanist

Shabbat Shalom

Welcome family and friends to Congregation Kol Haverim. We are delighted that you are here to celebrate this special occasion that acknowledges Lauren’s spiritual coming of age. This Jewish rite of passage recognizes a transition from one stage of life to another, continuing a lifelong process of embracing ritual study, tradition, and community.

The term “Bat Mitzvah” means “daughter of the commandments”.

Today, Lauren will have the honor of reading publicly from the Torah (the first five books of the Bible, hand-written on a parchment scroll) for the first time. When the Torah is taken from the ark, it will be passed “L’Dor Vador”, from generation to generation, symbolizing the handing down of our religious and cultural heritage from one generation to the next. Before and after the Torah is read, the scroll will be carried through the congregation so that anyone who wishes may touch the covering as a sign of love and respect for the wisdom and guidance of the Torah’s teachings.

Lauren will also chant the “Haftarah”, where the story of the Jewish people and our values is further told. The identical Torah portion and Haftarah are being read today in synagogues throughout the world. In this way, Lauren is linked to all Jewish people.

Friends and family will be honored throughout the service. They will participate in various parts of the ceremony by reading a passage, reciting an Aliyah, or reading from the Torah. We thank you for celebrating this joyous occasion with Lauren, our family, and our community.

Please join us for a Kiddush immediately following the service.

Opening Hymn: L’chi Lach

Tallit Presentation Maxine & Richard Kates

The Tallit is the traditional Jewish prayer shawl. The knotted fringes on the 4 corners represent each of the 613 commandments.

Introductory Prayers

Modeh Ani p. 170

Ma Tovu p. 172

A welcoming prayer that helps us to appreciate our surroundings and turn an ordinary place into a place of prayer and closeness with God.

Morning Blessings p. 173-180

These blessings help us think about the many blessings God has given us and how lucky we are to be starting a new day.

Baruch She-amar p. 183

Ashrei and Hallelujah p. 185-188

This prayer praises God with every Hebrew letter in the alphabet.

Reader’s Kaddish p. 194

This prayer begins the formal morning service.

The Sh’ma and its Blessings

Barchu p. 195

This prayer opens the formal morning service with a call to prayer as a community.

Yotzer p. 195

This is the morning prayer of creation, affirming that God creates and recreates the world every day.

Sh’ma & V’a-havta p. 200 - 201

The Sh’ma is the cardinal principal of Judaism, affirming our belief in one God. The V’a-havta declares the unity of all parts of Judaism – the notion of love and ethical conduct, the belief in education and the importance of ritual.

Song: Listen

Mi Chamocha and Tzur Yisrael p. 204

This song was sung by the Israelites when they were delivered from slavery in Egypt.

Amidah and Private Prayer

Avot, Gevurot, and Kedusha p. 206-215

The Avot reminds us that we and all generations of the Jewish people are connected to God in a covenant that lives on.

The Gevurot addresses our souls, and because we have souls we are endowed with eternal worth and eternal hope.

The Kedusha speaks to the belief that the whole of the earth is full of God’s glory and that our God is the God of all generations of Jews.

Silent Amiyda

Sim Shalom p. 216

Reading: Promise Yourself Stephanie Tishler

Silent Meditation

Y’hiyu L’ratzon p. 219

Torah Service

Personal Prayer Lauren Walden

Shomreem (Ark openers) Matthew & Alexis Walden

Mi Sheberach p. 253

Prayer for Israel p. 259

L’Dor Vador: Passing the Torah Rose & Jack Walden,

Maxine & Richard Kates

Robin & Jeffrey Walden

Aliyah Torah Reader

1. Stephen & Shana Kates; Jennifer & Mark Weprin Raymond Watstein

2. Rose & Jack Walden Matthew Watstein

3. Maxine & Richard Kates Matthew Walden

4. Robin & Jeff Walden Lauren Walden

Maftir Lauren Walden

Hagbah & G’lilah: Dressing the Torah Jonathan & Perri Leviss

Special Mi Sheberach p. 252


Haftarah Reading Lauren Walden

D’var Torah: Torah Commentary Lauren Walden

Shomreem (Ark closers) Matthew & Alexis Walden

Closing Prayers

The service ends with songs of praise to God, and the Mourner’s Kaddish, which serves to memorialize those departed from us. The service concludes with the Kiddush and Motzi, which are the blessings over the wine and bread respectively.

Aleinu p. 282

Rabbi’s Blessing Rabbi Craig Marantz

Parent’s Blessing Robin & Jeffrey Walden

Song: “My Wish” Tami Cherdack & Laura Bennett Weinstein

Congregational Presentation Erika Schwartz

Mourner’s Kaddish p. 294

Adon Olam p. 321

Kiddush and Motzi Robin, Jeffrey, Matthew, Lauren & Alexis

Promise Yourself

(Written by Christian Larson)


Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel like there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living person you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself 
that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, and too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world – not in loud words but in great deeds.

To live in faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

Todah Rabbah

A Special Thanks To…

Our wonderful family and friends who have given us their love, time, and support to make this day possible. We thank you for being such a special part of our lives and for celebrating this joyful occasion with us.

Rabbi Marantz for helping us navigate this process and making Lauren’s Bar Mitzvah a spiritual and memorable milestone.

Charri Goldman, Lauren’s wonderful tutor, for her careful instruction, dedication and ongoing encouragement.

Gianna Michaelson, Lauren’s student tutor, for helping Lauren perfect all her prayers.

Tami Cherdack for enriching our service with her beautiful voice and musical talent.

Laura Bennett Weinstein for her wonderful musical accompaniment.

Rabbi Sarah and the teachers at Kol Haverim for their instruction, inspiration, and dedication to our religious school program.

Our gabbayim for their guidance to our Torah readers.

Chris Bausmith for helping with temple arrangements.

Anne Watstein, Lauren’s great grandmother, who couldn’t be here today but is a source of great strength and inspiration.

Geri Denyer for her artistic design work.

Phyllis Nova for her delicious treats.

Robert Schwartz & Darren Tishler for graciously seating our guests.

Stephanie Tishler for friendship and ongoing support and assistance as we prepared for this special day.

The Post and Katz families for their help with the Oneg.

Matthew and Alexis, for being the best brother and sister and encouraging your sister through-out this journey.

Most of all – Lauren

For the joy you bring to our lives every day. We are so proud of you and the beautiful person you have become!

Helping Others Enjoy The Sport I Love


Soccer has played a very important role in my life. When I play soccer, I learn new skills, gain confidence, and enjoy spending time with my friends. Some kids with physical and mental disabilities have trouble participating on a big team and need 1:1 help. TOPSoccer is a program that was created to bring the opportunity of learning and playing soccer to children in kindergarten through high school with developmental disabilities.

For my mitzvah project, I am volunteering with TOPS. I enjoy teaching young children soccer basics such as dribbling and passing. One of my favorite moments in TOPS is when I watch a child dribble down the field, score, and see a giant smile on his or her face. I plan to volunteer with TOPS over the next few years so that I can continue helping others experience the same joy I feel when playing soccer.



Order of Service

In Memoriam

We lovingly remember Lauren’s great grandparents who are not with us today… Irving & Fannie Press, Bernard & Esther Walden, Morton Watstein, Maurice & Lorraine Kates. They will forever be close in our hearts.

“By love they are remembered and in our hearts they live.”


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