Meditation Day 1

Mounts Bay United BeneficeJune 2020 Prayer Booklet INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Sunday ServicesWeekday Morning + Evening PrayerValued WantedLovedPraying Together(although physically separate)‘Hope’ is the theme of our third lockdown prayer booklet for June. We can all see hope rising now that the worst of this crisis is passing and we will in the next few months, God willing, be able to meet each other and come back to some sort of normality. It was wonderful to be allowed back into the church buildings, albeit in such a limited way. In this coming month of June, please pray for us as we will be spending much of this month planning how best to return to the church buildings in July and how to put in place measures so that everyone can feel safe.The Mounts Bay Arts and Spirituality Group have continued to meet on-line during the lockdown under the great guidance of Vivien Taylor. The picture on the front is by a member of the group, Liz Lancaster, and we are very grateful to Liz for allowing us to use your picture.It has been wonderful to know that at 10am and 5pm everyday we have joined together and been united in prayer across the streets, across our towns, villages and hamlets, across the miles at these times.10-10.30am Sunday Morning Services 10-10.30am Morning Prayer (Monday-Saturday)5-5.30pm Evening Prayer (Monday-Saturday)Have you got a place or special chair where you can sit to join for all or part of the prayer-time?Do you like me light a candle to mark out this time together?In this booklet you will find suggested readings and prayers. Feel free to use these readings, prayers and written services or be blessed by saying quiet prayers of your own. I hope you find some of these resources to be helpful.The booklet contains a simple Sunday Service for each Sunday until 28th June. There is also a simple ‘order of service’ for each of the (Monday-Saturday) Morning and Evening Prayers. I find it helpful to say out loud the responses that are in bold type, or sometimes say the whole service out loud, or sometimes just read in silence. Whichever, we are holding ourselves before God. The Morning and Evening Prayers are adapted from ‘Celtic Daily Prayer’ of the Northumbria Community. I am indebted to Ann Hamlin for suggesting this resource and for Ray Simpson for the basis of some of the Reflections of the Saints Days from ‘Saints of the Isles: A Year of Feasts’.We have just celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit on the early Church at Pentecost. When I was growing up the Sundays after Pentecost were sensibly called the Sundays after Pentecost and we continue in that vein in our Readings for Morning and Evening Prayer in June. We read the thrilling story of how the Holy Spirit inspired the beginning of the Church. For the Morning Prayer Readings, we are going to be following the two Letters in the New Testament from St Peter, one of Jesus closest friends. In the second half of June we are following the ‘New Daylight’ theme of pilgrimage. The early apostles were pioneers and adventurers so pilgrimage is a good theme for us to follow in June. Also, thanks to Ann Hamlin, we have some hymn words to reflect on or sing too.For our Evening Prayer Readings, we discover what happened next after the Day of Pentecost by reading the Acts of the Apostles. We will be inspired by how the Church got started and how we are ancestors of those first pioneers: St Peter, St Paul (who we remember on 29 June) and St Barnabas (who we remember on 14 June). We will also be stopping off to pay tribute to the Cornish Celtic saints whose Feast Days fall in June and who so faithfully followed the early Church’s pioneering spirit: people like St Ronan (2 June), St Petroc (4 June) and St Austell (30 June), not forgetting the other great Celtic saints from further afield: St Columba (9 June) and St Boniface, over the Tamar in Crediton! (5 June).My intention is to produce another prayer booklet in July. Thank you for all the contributions to the June booklet. Please keep sending them and any hymns and song words which inspire you. If you find any helpful prayers, poems, writings please let me know and I’ll try to include them. (canon@nigelmarns.). It’s great now that everyone can join in the same service either by reading the booklet at home or telephoning our ‘Listen to a Service by phone’ line: 01736-279039 - those without internet access, give it a try!If you have access to the internet, please continue to follow our website at mountsbayub. or Mounts Bay United Benefice Facebook page. We plan to put up video recordings of each of the Sunday services and for the Institution of Holy Communion/Corpus Christ (11th June). Although we are separate we are not apart!Together we will overcome this time of challenge with love, companionship, faith and hope.Canon Nigel MarnsWednesday 27 May 2020Please contact any of the clergy team about anything:Canon Nigel Marns 01736-740784?canon@nigelmarns.Fr Jeff Risbridger 01736-602862/07711?019590 fatherjeffrey@Revd Linda Garthwaite 07592 612740? useful observations from ‘New Daylight’:On keeping in touch with each other:‘Even a casual greeting can convey warmth and sincerity and help another person feel more alive, more respected, more loved. Words can be carriers of hope, confidence, compassion, life. They can be arrows of divine grace’(Margaret Silf)The importance of remaining united based on John 15 ‘Jesus, the true vine’:‘The enemy would love to see us tear ourselves apart and thereby away from the vine. He has often tried to do that in the past but has only had small success. In the present climate, where the Church as a whole is beset by different interpretations of scripture on a whole range of issues. God in his wisdom allows us some leeway in our understanding of the truth. He gives us grace to worship differently. If we are able to live with that, we can remain in the vine, united to Christ, and bear much fruit.’(Paul Gravelle)On the importance of prayer:‘I can remember a time when we never prayed for the sick. It was thought that miracles and healings had ceased and that it was wrong to ask God for supernatural happenings. As a result no one was healed. Nowadays, we have changed our mind and we do pray for people who are ill. And some of them are wonderfully healed’(Paul Gravelle)ContentsPageMorning Prayer6-7Evening Prayer8-10Morning & Evening Prayer Readings53-54Morning and Evening Prayer Meditations11-32Prayers from the National Church33Sunday Services: Sunday 7 June Trinity Sunday37Thursday 10 JuneCorpus Christi40Sunday 14 June First Sunday of Trinity43Sunday 21 June Father’s Day46Sunday 28 JuneThird Sunday of Trinity 49Morning PrayerLord, I come to you, I am on my own.Lord, I pray to you, I am on my own.Lord you teach me, I am not aloneLord, I feel surrounded, I am not aloneLord you are always with us, we are not aloneLord, we are one in Spirit, we are not alone.Amen.Loving God, holy and immortal,You are with us now in prayer.God of the hills, God of the outposts:You are with us now in prayer.God of the streets, God of the people:You are with us now in prayer.If you are lighting a candle say:We light a candle because Christ is the Light no darkness can extinguish.+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AmenOpening sentencesOne thing I have asked of the Lord, this is what I seek:that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life;to behold the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple.Declaration of faithTo whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,and we have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God. Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory.Today’s Scripture Reading (please see the back of this booklet) & Commentary (please ‘New Daylight’ if you have a copy). This morning’s Reflective Song (please see Meditations in the middle part of the booklet. Either sing them to start your day (if you can remember the tune) or be inspired by the words!)Prayers of Intercession for others and the whole world The Lord’s PrayerCanticleChrist, as a light, illumine and guide me.Christ, as a shield, overshadow me.Christ under me; Christ over me;Christ beside me on my left and my right.This day be within and without me,lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.Be in the heart of each to whom I speak;in the mouth of each who speaks unto me.This day be within and without me,lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.Christ as a light; Christ as a shield;Christ beside me on my left and my right.BlessingMay the peace of the Lord Christ go with you,wherever He may send you.May He guide you through the wilderness,protect you through the storm.May He bring you home rejoicingat the wonders He has shown you.May He bring you home rejoicingonce again into our doors.+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.Evening PrayerOpening sentencesCall: When the world tells us we are what we do with our activity, our acumen or achievement, may we turn around and learn:Response: We are what we do with our silence.Call: When the world tells us we are what we do with our spending power, selling power or power of speech, may we turn around and learn:Response: We are what we do with our silence.Call: When the world tells us to drown the silent suffering of others with indifference or noise or to forget the art of stillness in the storm, may we turn around and learn:Response: We are what we do with our silence.Call: When the world tells us to rush in where angels fear to tread, may we turn around and learn:Response: We are what we do with our silence.If you are lighting a candle say:We light this candle because Christ is the Light no darkness can extinguish.f+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AmenffMy soul waits for the Lordmore than thosewho watch for the morning,more than thosewho watch for the morning.Expressions of faithLord, You have always givenbread for the coming day;and though I am poor,today I believe.ffLord, You have always givenstrength for the coming day;and though I am weak,today I believe.ffLord, You have always givenpeace for the coming day;and though of anxious heart,today I believe.ffLord, You have always keptme safe in trials;and now, tried as I am,today I believe.ffLord, You have always markedthe road for the coming day;and though it may be hidden,today I believe.Lord, You have always lightenedthis darkness of mine;and though the night is here,today I believe.ffLord, You have always spokenwhen time was ripe;and though you be silent now,today I believe.ffToday’s Scripture Reading (please see the back of this booklet)Today’s Meditation (please see the middle part of this booklet)?Prayers of Intercession, for others and the whole worldffCanticleIn the shadow of Your wingsI will sing Your praises, O Lord.ffThe Lord is my light, my salvation;whom shall I fear?The Lord is the refuge of my life;of whom shall I be afraid?ffIn the shadow of Your wingsI will sing Your praises, O Lord.One thing I ask of the Lord,one thing I seek;to dwell in the presence of my God,to gaze on Your holy place.ffIn the shadow of Your wingsI will sing Your praises, O Lord.ffI believe I shall see the goodnessof the Lord in the land of the living.O wait for the Lord!Have courage and wait,wait for the Lord.ffIn the shadow of Your wingsI will sing Your praises, O Lord.ffBlessingO Lord, keep us safe this nightsecure from all our fearsmay angels guard us whilst we sleeptill?morning light appears.(Contributed by Mary Yellop)Watch now, dear Lord, with those who wake or watch or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep.? Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ, rest your weary ones,bless your dying ones, soothe your suffering ones, pity your afflicted ones, shield? your joyous ones, and all for your love's sake.(Suggested by Sue Eames from ‘Iona Worship Book’)See that ye be at peace among yourselves, my children,and love one another.Follow the example of the wise and goodand God will comfort you and help you,both in this worldand in the world which is to come.ff+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.MeditationsMeditation Day 1MorningToday we celebrate the visit Mary made to her cousin Elizabeth in the mountains (Luke 1:39-56). There Mary sings her wonderful song of triumph often called the Magnificat. This hymn is a modern version:Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!Unnumbered blessings give my spirit voice;Tender to me the promise of his word;In God my Saviour shall my heart rejoice.(Timothy Dudley Smith)EveningThe warmth of the sun’s embrace,the gentle breeze swept in by the incoming tide,the rhythm of seasons; of new birth – death and recreation. All these, Lord, speak so clearly of your love,your power and your beauty.All are expressions of your creativity, of yourself.As an artist might share his personality within each brushstroke,so within the myriad colours of a dragonfly’s wing,you share the exuberance of your love.That we can glimpse you within Creation is a beautiful thought:it tells us that you desire to be seen, to be found andknown.Open our eyes, Lord and as we walk through this world, feeling the wind and sunshine, seeing the majesty of Creation unfold before our eyes, help us to see you. Amen. (‘A Song of St Francis of Assisi’ from Celtic Evening Prayer for the Celtic Season of Beltane).Meditation Day 2MorningJesus, lover of my soul,?let me to thy bosom fly,?while the nearer waters roll,?while the tempest still is high;?hide me, O my Saviour, hide,?till the storm of life is past;?safe into the haven guide,?O receive my soul at last! (Charles Wesley)? )EveningSt Ronan (Monk of Cornwall and Brittany, Sixth century)Today we remember St Ronan who travelled from Cornwall to Brittany where he refused to give up his life as a hermit. It was decided he would be buried wherever the horse carrying his cortege stopped, so the great village of Locronan in France marks his final resting place and shrine.Meditation Day 3MorningO Lord, hear my prayer,O Lord, hear my prayer;when I call answer me.O Lord, hear my prayer,O Lord, hear my prayer;come and listen to me.(‘O Lord hear my prayer’ by Jacques Berthier of Taizé Community)EveningSitting in peaceful meditation I see our world from aboveFrom the dark and silence the big earth blue and white.In prayers I ask you dear Father to spread your mighty wingsTo cradle and protect all you have created.Sitting with your mighty wings protect within your world O Lord your peopleFrom this terrible pandemic, all diseases, strife and unrest;In prayer we seek your mighty wings dear FatherTo shelter, every individual; all nations whatever creed or colourSitting in peaceful meditation I see a white globe from aboveFrom the dark and silence the globe bigger and colourlessIn prayer I sense your loving wings Father AlmightyCradling, protecting all your creationI see your mighty wings illuminating all the earthFrom this a hope of love, grace, peace to all mankindIn prayers we receive your mighty wings dear FatherTo shelter, every individual; all nations whatever creed or colour(Poem by Angelika Kearey)Meditation Day 4MorningCome bless the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord?Who stand by night, in the house of the Lord.?Lift up your hands in the holy place,?And bless the Lord, and bless the Lord. (Adapted from Psalm 134)EveningSt Petroc (Patron of Padstow, Bodmin and Little Petherick.)St Petroc was a Welshman of noble birth who dedicated himself to the religious life, was trained in an Irish monastery for twenty years. St Petroc set out to preach the Gospel with a small group of companions coming ashore in their coracles on the coast at Trebetherick, near Polzeath, the other side of the estuary from Padstow. In 518 AD St Petroc came to Padstow: ‘As a pilgrim too, St. Petroc arrived at last, by the will of God in the land of the Cornishmen’ (Lifris, ‘Life of St.Cadoc’). At Padstow, St. Petroc established a cell, school, library, infirmary and farm on the site of the present Church. St Petroc also established an oratory and a mill close to Little Petherick Church which is also known as St Petroc Minor. In later life, St. Petroc established his third settlement, a small hermitage at Bosvenegh or Bothmena (meaning ‘the dwelling or abode of the monks’) which grew to become Bodmin. The three significant places in St Petroc’s life (Padstow, Little Petherick and Bodmin) used to be linked on his Feast Day, 4 June, when parishioners from all three places would gather at St Breock Downs Beacon to hear a sermon. For those wanting to over-romantacise the Celtic saints of old, St Petroc followed the Celtic practice of extreme ascetism. A Celtic monk’s life involved hard physical work, mortifying the flesh and standing outside in the sea for hours! The Irish ideal was to know the gospel by heart and recite all one hundred and fifty Psalms everyday! St. Petroc is said to have spent many hours up to his neck in the waters of Little Petherick Creek reciting the Psalms. Celts believed that the power of evil was tangible, evil forces had to be overcome, they wrestled demons and engaged in spiritual warfare, and in fact, after one of his journeys, St Petroc is said to have rid the land of an enormous serpent the evil King Teudar had kept to punish criminals. St Petroc is said to have eaten only barley bread, but pulses on Sundays! As we know, some of the Cornish saints passed through Cornwall on their way to Brittany and the Continent, but St. Petroc stayed around Padstow for thirty years, performing numerous miracles. St. Petroc did also travel too: making pilgrimages to Rome, Jerusalem and India. St Petroc lived in a hermitage at Bodmin Moor to an old age. St Petroc died in Bodmin on 564AD at Treravel Farm on 4 June, where a spring exists that can cure sore eyes and internal illnesses, and this Day remains St Petroc’s Feast Day. Meditation Day 5MorningDo not be afraid, for I have redeemed you.I have called you by your name; you are mine.When the fear of loneliness is looming,Then remember I am at your side.Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you.I have called you by your name; you are mine. (From ‘Do not be afraid’ by Gerald Markland)EveningBoniface of Crediton (Apostle of Germany, 754)Boniface became a learned monk in Exeter but refused Churcj posts in England and became a missionary bishop to the Germans and French, becoming a Bishop of Hesse and Archbishop of Mainz. His strengths were said to be courage, zeal and administration!Meditation Day 6MorningFather, I place into your handsMy friends and family.Father, I place into your handsThe things that trouble me.Father, I place into your handsThe person I would be,For I know I always can trust you.? (From ‘Father, I place into your hands’ by Jenny Hewer)Evening“Our Father who art in heaven”,Hear this little prayerAnd reach across the miles todayThat stretch from here to there,So I feel much closer To those I’m fondest ofAnd they may know I think of themWith thankfulness and love,And help all people everywhereWho must often dwell apartTo know that they’re togetherIn the heaven of the heart!(Poem by Helen Steiner Rice suggested by Angelika Kearey)Meditation Day 7MorningHe gave me beauty for ashesThe oil of joy for mourningThe garment of praiseFor the spirit of heavinessThat we might be trees of righteousnessThe planting of the LordThat He might be glorified(‘He gave me beauty for ashes’ by Robert Manzano)EveningI said a little prayer for you and I asked the Lord aboveTo keep you safely in His careAnd enfold you in His loveI did not ask for fortunefor riches or for fameI only ask for blessings in the Saviour’s holy nameBlessings to surround youin times of trial and stressAnd inner joy to fill your heart with peace and happiness.(Poem by Helen Steiner Rice suggested by Angelika Kearey)Meditation Day 8MorningHow lovely is your dwelling-place,O Lord of hosts, to me;my soul is longing and faintingthe courts of the Lord to see.My heart and flesh, they are singingfor joy to the living God;how lovely is your dwelling-place,O Lord of hosts to me.(Adapted from Psalm 84)EveningSt Columba ( Founder of Iona, d.597)Born in Donegal in 521 into the nobility, Columba was baptised ‘Crimthan’ (Wolf). Aged 19, he joined a monastery and took the name ‘Colum’ (Dove). He established his first monastery in Derry on an existing, Druidic, sacred oak grove. Columba was said to revere trees and feared the sound of the axe on them. He was well-known as a great organiser, poet/song writer and prophet. Having established many monasteries in Ireland, all was going well, until in his forties, he became embroiled in a copyright dispute, which led to soldiers being killed. Columba left his homeland and headed for Scotland, landing on several islands before settling on Iona, founding there his most famous monastery and mission. At one time, there were over 1,000 monks on Iona, who spread the faith, not only throughout these islands, but to places such as Italy and Iceland. It was from here that Aidan would be sent to Lindisfarne to become ‘The Apostle to the English.’ Inspired by the life and disciplines of Columba, his mission would have an immeasurable effect in England. Columba was a tireless evangelist converting kings and peasants. Many, accounts exist of his miracles: the King of the Picts was converted when Columba raised his daughter from the dead. He cured humans, animals and crops, stilled storms and even saved a swimmer from the Loch Ness Monster! Central to his life were his well-recorded encounters with angels. Columba’s many prophecies were extraordinarily accurate in their detail. He foretold his own death in 597 and his monks carried him round Iona one last time. He blessed his brethren and prophesied over Iona, calling it a ‘Thin Place’ – where heaven and earth are barely separated. He predicted that it would return to a mere grazing place, but that one day, it would be restored as an important place of mission. This prophesy has been fulfilled in our lifetime : in the nineteenth century, Iona was sacked by raiders and left desolate until the Iona Community was founded in the twentieth century, becoming, once again, a principal centre for Celtic worship and mission. Be a bright flame before me, O God,A guiding star above me.Be a smooth path below me,A kindly shepherd behind me,Today, tonight and forever.Alone with none but you. My God,I journey on my way,What need I fear when you are near,O Lord of night and day?More secure am I within your handThan did a multitude around me stand(The Prayer of St Columba)Meditation Day 9MorningI heard the voice of Jesus say,"Come unto me and rest;Lay down, O weary one, lay downYour head upon my breast."I came to Jesus as I was,So weary, worn, and sad;I found him in a resting place,And he has made me glad.(‘I heard the voice of Jesus say’ by Horatius Bonar)EveningSlow me down, Lord,Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind.Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time.Give me, amid the confusion of the day, the calmness of the everlasting hills.Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory. Help me to know the magical, restoring power of sleep.Teach me the art of taking minute vacations – of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to read a few lines from a good book.Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring valuesThat I may grow towards the stars of my greater destiny.(‘Slow me down’ suggested by Dee Holland)Meditation Day 10Today we celebrate the Institution of Holy Communion or the Feast of Corpus Christi.MorningAs we are gathered, Jesus is hereOne with each other, Jesus is hereJoined by the Spirit, washed in the bloodPart of the body, the church of GodAs we are gathered Jesus is hereOne with each other, Jesus is here(‘As we are gathered’ by John Daniels)EveningSimple joys are holyIf you want your dream to beTake your time, go slowlyDo few things but do them wellHeartfelt work grows purelyIf you want to live life freeTake your, time go slowlyDo few things but do them wellHeartfelt work grows purelyDay by day, stone by stoneBuild your secret slowlyDay by day, you’ll grow tooYou’ll know heaven’s gloryIf you want to live life freeTake your time go slowlyIf you want your dream to be Take your time, go slowly ‘Little Church’ (Donovan Leitch)Meditation Day 11MorningGreen pastures are before me,which yet I have not seen;bright skies will shine with glorywhere threatening clouds have been:my hope I cannot measure,my path to life is free;my saviour has my treasure,and he will walk with me.(From ‘In heavenly love abiding’ by Anna Waring)EveningSt Barnabas (Apostle and encourager, first century)Barnabas was a wealthy man from Cyprus who sold his estate and gave the proceeds to the early Church, which held everything in common as we have discovered. Barnabas befriended Paul and introduced him to the apostles. The Jerusalem apostles sent Barnabas to Antioch (which you can read about now: Acts 11:18-end or wait until we get to that part of the story!). In Antioch he brought both Jewish and non-Jewish Christians together. Barnabas is known as ‘the son of encouragement’.Meditation Day 12MorningGreat Father of Glory, pure Father of LightThine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight;All laud we would render, O help us to see:’Tis only the splendour of light hideth Thee.(From ‘Immortal, invisible’ by Walter Chalmers Smith) I took off my shoesTo feel the soft groundIt opened up my sensesTo the beauty aroundWeeds, moss and grassTickled my feetThey seemed to awaken meTo tell me to ‘take heed’I felt the soft breezeCaressing my skinA heightened awarenessOf the place I was inColours were brighterOutlines definedFragrances strongerA stillness of mindTasting a chestnutThat fell from a treeI listened to the birdsongMy spirit set freeOpen your sensesLet nature take Her courseShe will gently put YouIn touch with your Source.(‘Awake’ by Rianne Lengui from the booklet ‘Awake’ suggested by Jan Harrison)Meditation Day 13MorningLove divine, all loves excelling,Joy of heaven to earth come down,Fix in us thy humble dwelling,All thy faithful mercies crown.Jesu, thou art all compassion,Pure, unbounded love thou art;Visit us with thy salvation,Enter every trembling heart.(Charles Wesley)EveningToday we remember the great twentieth century English mystic writer Evelyn Underhill. Here are just a few of her many quotes:‘If God were small enough to be understood, He would not be big enough to be worshipped.’?‘On every level of life, from housework to heights of prayer, in all judgment and efforts to get things done, hurry and impatience are sure marks of the amateur.’?‘In mysticism that love of truth which we saw as the beginning of all philosophy leaves the merely intellectual sphere, and takes on the assured aspect of a personal passion. Where the philosopher guesses and argues, the mystic lives and looks; and speaks, consequently, the disconcerting language of first-hand experience, not the neat dialectic of the schools. Hence whilst the Absolute of the metaphysicians remains a diagram —impersonal and unattainable—the Absolute of the mystics is lovable, attainable, alive.’?‘Every minute you are thinking of evil, you might have been thinking of good instead. Refuse to pander to a morbid interest in your own misdeeds.? Pick yourself up, be sorry, shake yourself, and go on again.’‘Eternity is with us, inviting our contemplation perpetually, but we are too frightened, lazy, and suspicious to respond; too arrogant to still our thought, and let divine sensation have its way. It needs industry and goodwill if we would make that transition; for the process involves a veritable spring-cleaning of the soul, a turning-out and rearrangement of our mental furniture, a wide opening of closed windows, that the notes of the wild birds beyond our garden may come to us fully charged with wonder and freshness, and drown with their music the noise of the gramaphone within. Those who do this, discover that they have lived in a stuffy world, whilst their inheritance was a world of morning-glory:where every tit-mouse is a celestial messenger, and every thrusting bud is charged with the full significance of life.’?‘For a lack of attention a thousand forms of loveliness elude us everyday’?Meditation 14MorningJust as I am, though tossed aboutWith many a conflict, many a doubtFighting and fears within withoutO Lamb of God, I come, I come.(Charlotte Elliott)EveningI know that quite a few who have a regular practice of meditation, including myself, are finding it difficult to concentrate in these testing times.? It all becomes a struggle.? The virus has brought a hidden fear that is bound to affect us and also affect our bodies in one form or another.? It is not surprising since we are all living in a time of rare global crisis.And so it may help to sit with open eyes, focused on whatever lies ahead of us: plants, trees, birds, and simply rest in the knowledge that we are not alone.We may like to take as our mantra at such a time the words:??Thou, o Lord, art in the midst of us.(These lines are from James Roose-Evans' latest post on his blog.? He is 92 now and was a theatre director who founded the Hampstead Theatre and also the Bleddfa Centre for the Creative Spirit which explores the relationship between creativity and spirituality.? He was ordained as a non-stipendiary priest.? Contributed by Sue Eames)Meditation Day 15Morning God sends a rainbow after the rain,? ? Colours of hope gleaming through pain;? ? Bright arcs of red and indigo light,? ? Making creation hopeful and bright.Colours of hope dance in the sun,While it yet rains the hope has begun;Colours of hope shine through the rain,Colours of love, nothing is vain.(Words to the Action Song used by the Fishers in the Service on 7 June by Michael Forster)EveningMay the touch of your skin Register the beautyof the otherness That surrounds you.May your listening be attuned To the deeper silenceWhere sound is honed To bring distance home.May the fragranceOf a breathing meadow Refresh your heartAnd remind you you areA child of the earth.And when you partake Of food and drink,May your taste quicken To the gift and sweetnessThat flows from the earth.May your inner eyeSee through the surfaces And glean the real presenceOf everything that meets you.May your soul beautifyThe desire of your eyesThat you might glimpseThe infinity that hidesIn the simple sightsThat seem wornTo your usual eyes.(John O’Donohue ‘To Bless the Space Between Us’ suggested by Vivien Taylor)Meditation Day 16MorningLord, the light of your love is shiningIn the midst of the darkness, shiningJesus, Light of the world, shine upon usSet us free by the truth you now bring usShine on me, shine on me(From ‘Shine, Jesus, shine by Graham Kendrick)EveningHave patience with everything unresolved in your heart,and try to love the questions themselvesas if they were locked roomsor books written in a very foreign language.Do not search for the answers, which could not be given to you now,because you would not be able to live them.And the point is to live everything.Live the questions now.Perhaps then, someday far in the future,you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer. (Rainer Maria Rilke)Meditation Day 17MorningNow thank we all our Godwith heart and hands and voices,who wondrous things has done,in whom his world rejoices;who from our mothers' armshas blessed us on our waywith countless gifts of love,and still is ours today.(From ‘Now thank we all our God’ by Martin Rinkart)EveningI will not die an unlived life,I will not live in fearof falling or catching fire.I choose to inhabit my days,to allow my living to open me,to make me less afraid,more accessible,to loosen my heartuntil it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise… (Dawna Markova)Meditation Day 18MorningWhen through the woods and forest glades I wanderand hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;when I look down from lofty mountain grandeur,and hear the brook, and feel he gentle breeze;Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,How great Thou art! How great Thou art!Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,How great Thou art! How great Thou art! (From ‘How great Thou art!’ by Stuart K Hine)EveningBe open to the night…Pray with open hand, not with clenched fist…Shapes loom out of the darkness, uncertain and unclear: but the hooded stranger on horseback emerging from the mist need not be assumed to be the bearer of ill… The night is large and full of wonders… (Lord Dunsany)Meditation Day 19MorningHe who would valiant be?'gainst all disaster,?let him in constancy?follow the Master.?There's no discouragement?shall make him once relent?his first avowed intent?to be a pilgrim.EveningSt Alban (First English martyr, d.206)Alban lived in Britain and met a Christian priest fleeing from persecutors and sheltered him in his house for a number of days. The priest, who later came to be called Amphibalus, meaning "cloak" in Latin, prayed and "kept watch" day and night, and Alban was so impressed with the priest's faith and piety that he found himself emulating him and soon converted to Christianity. Eventually, it came to the ears of an unnamed "impious prince" that Alban was sheltering the priest. The prince gave orders for Roman soldiers to make a strict search of Alban's house. As they came to seize the priest, Alban put on the priest's cloak and clothing and presented himself to the soldiers in place of his guest. Alban was sentenced to endure all the punishments that were to be inflicted upon the priest, unless he would comply with the pagan rites of their religion. Alban refused, and declared, "I worship and adore the true and living God who created all things’. These words are still used today at St Alban’s Cathedral which now stands near the site of St Alban’s execution.Meditation Day 20MorningO Lord, our LordHow majestic is Your name in all the earthO Lord, our LordHow majestic is Your name in all the earthO Lord, we praise Your nameO Lord, we magnify Your namePrince of peace, mighty GodO Lord, God Almighty! (Michael W Smith)EveningGo peacefulin gentlenessthrough the violence of these days.Give freely.Show tendernessin all your ways.Through darkness,in troubled timeslet holiness be your aim.Seek wisdom.Let faithfulnessburn like a flame.God speed you!God lead you,and keep you wrapped around His heart!May you be known by love.Be righteous.Speak truthfullyin a world of greed and lies.Show kindness.See everyonethrough heaven’s eyes.God hold you,enfold you,and keep you wrapped around His heart. May you be known by love. (Paul Field)Meditation Day 21Today we celebrate the fulfilment with which we began this month: Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth to celebrate her pregnancy with Jesus. Elizabeth too is expecting a child who becomes John the Baptist, Jesus’ forerunner (Luke 1:57-80). Zechariah sings another song of hope, also called the Benedictus.MorningOn Jordan's bank the Baptist's cryannounces that the Lord is nigh.Awake and harken, for he bringsglad tidings of the King of kings!(From ‘On Jordan’s bank’ by Charles Coffin)EveningMy Lord God,I have no idea where I am going.I do not see the road ahead of me.I cannot know for certain where it will end.Nor do I really know myself,and the fact that I think that I am following Your willdoes not mean that I am actually doing so.But I believe that the desire to please Youdoes in fact please You.And I hope that I have that desirein all that I am doing.And I know that if I do this,You will lead me by the right roadalthough I may know nothing about it.Therefore will I trust You always,though I may seem to be lostand in the shadow of death,I will not fear, for You are ever with me,and will never leave me to face my perils alone. (Thomas Merton)Meditation Day 22MorningO thou who camest from aboveThe fire celestial to impart,Kindle a flame of sacred loveOn the mean altar of my heart!(From ‘O thou who camest by Charles Wesley)EveningOur lives are long enough to learn what we need to learn, but not long enough to change anything. That is our flaw. Each age must learn everything afresh. Such waste!Such waste – making all the mistakes once and again, each generation making the same mistakes, fumbling in ignorance and darkness.This oak was already old when I was born.Now I am old and soon to die, and this tree grows strong still.We are small creatures.Our lives are not long,but long enough to learn.(Stephen Lawhead)Meditation Day 23MorningWe children of dust are feeble and frail -in you do we trust, for you never fail;your mercies, how tender, how firm to the end!our maker, defender, redeemer, and friend. (From ‘O Worship the King, all glorious above’ by Robert Grant)EveningWe have to be candles,burning betweenhope and despair,faith and doubt,life and death,all the opposites.That is the disquieting placewhere people must always find us.And if our life means anything,if what we are goes beyond the monastery walls anddoes some good,it is that somehow,by being here,at peace,we help the world cope with what it cannot understand.William BrodrickMeditation Day 24MorningLet not sorrow dim your eye, Soon shall every tear be dry.Let not fears your course impede, Great your strength, if great your need.(From ‘Oft in danger, oft in woe’ by Henry Kirke White)EveningRisen, ascended Lord, you came down to lift us up.You descended to earth that earth might ascend to heavenYou descended to the dead that the dead might rise to lifeIn our struggles lift us upIn our tiredness lift us upLift us Lord out of darkness into light, out of despair into hopeLift us Lord out of sadness into joy, out of failure into trustLift us Lord out of anger into forgiveness, out of pride into humilityLift us Lord out of doubt into faith, out of loneliness into communityLift us Lord out death into lifeLift us into your heart to be with you for all eternity. Amen.(Linda Garthwaite from ‘Celtic Evening Prayer’ for Ascension Day adapted from ‘Liturgies from Lindisfarne’)Meditation Day 25Today is the Feast Day of St Peter and St Paul who we have been celebrating all month by reading St Peter’s Letters and following their great deeds in establishing the Church in ‘The Acts of the Apostles’.MorningFather-like, he tends and spares us,All our hopes and fears he knows;in his hands he gently bears us,rescues us from all our foes:Alleluia, alleluia!widely as his mercy flows.(From ‘Praise my soul, the King of heaven’ by one time curate of Marazion, Henry Francis Lyte)EveningAnd people stayed home and read books?and listened and rested and exercised and made art?and played and learned new ways of being and were still?and listened more deeply?someone meditated someone prayed?someone danced someone met their own shadow?and people started thinking differently—- And people healed…?And in the absence of people who lived in ignorant ways dangerous, mindless, and heartless….?The earth began to heal— And when the danger ended and people found themselves…?They grieved for the dead and they made new choices and dreamed of new visions?and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully?just as they had been healed.?(‘Something Lovely’ a poem written in response to the current pandemic by Catherine M. O’Meara contributed by Tony Jasper)Meditation Day 26MorningWhat a friend we have in JesusAll our sins and griefs to bearAnd what a privilege to carryEverything to God in prayer.(‘What a friend we have in Jesus’ by Joseph Scriven)EveningSt Austell (Friend and co-worker with St Mewan and St Samson in Cornwall, sixth century)Friendship is a wonderful gift and I’m sure we’re all missing the companionship of our friends at this time. St Austell was a disciple of St Mewan and St Samson and he travelled with them from South Wales. St Austell helped establish a community at Golant, near Fowey and a church is dedicated to him there and of course the nearby town of St Austell itself is dedicated to him. St Austell followed St Mewan and St Samson to Brittany and established St Meen abbey there. When St Mewan was dying St Austell stood in tears but the aged abbot told St Austell not to be discouraged for he would join him in seven days. When St Austell died, they found that although they had initially laid St Mewan on his back with his arms folded over his chest, he had moved to one side to make a space in his coffin for his companion.Meditation Day 27MorningHearts full of longingEyes filled with tearsNations are waitingAt the end of the yearsEmpires are fallingJudgments appearGod comes among usHis kingdom is near(From ‘Rumours of angels’ by Graham Kendrick)EveningIf there is anywhere on earth a lover of God who is always kept safe, I know nothing of it, for it was not shown to me. But this was shown: that in falling and rising again we are always kept in that same precious love.God loved us before he made us; and his love has never diminished and never shall.?(Mother Julian of Norwich)Meditation Day 28MorningYou are my strength when I am weakYou are the treasure that I seekYou are my all in allSeeking You as a precious jewelLord to give up I'd be a foolYou are my all in allJesus Lamb of God worthy is Your nameJesus Lamb of God worthy is Your name(From ‘You are my strength’ by Denis Jerinigan)EveningLord, I will trust You,Help me to journey beyond the familiar and into the unknown.Give me faith to leave the old ways and break fresh ground with you.Christ of the mysteries,Can I trust You to be stronger than each storm in me?Do I still yearn for Your glory to lighten me?I will show others the care You’ve given me.I will determine amidst all uncertainty always to trust.I choose to live beyond regret, and let You recreate my life.I believe You will make a way for me and provide for me, if only I trust You and obey.I will trust in the darkness and know that my times are still in Your hand.I will believe in You for my future, chapter by chapter, until the story is written.Focus my mind and my heart upon You, my attention always on You without alteration.Strengthen me with Your blessing and appoint to me the task.Teach me to live with eternity in view.Tune my spirit to the music of heaven.Feed me, and, somehow, make my obedience count for You.(Prayer by St Brendan)Meditation Day 29MorningThrough the night of doubt and sorrowonward goes the pilgrim band,singing songs of expectation,marching to the promised land.(From ‘Through the night of doubt and sorrow’ by Bernard Ingemann)EveningWe have many doubts in our minds at present, about if life will ever be the same again, if God is with us and whether all things can be made well again. Today we remember the patron saint of ‘doubters’, St Thomas who famously ‘doubted’ whether Jesus could have risen from the dead until he ‘saw the mark of the nails in his hands and through his feet’ (John 20:24-29). St Thomas was indeed granted that privilege a week later but Jesus comments: ‘Happy are those who believe without seeing me!’Meditation Day 30MorningChrist’s is the world in which we move;Christ’s are the folk we’re summoned to love;Christ’s is the voice which calls us to care,and Christ is the one who meets us here.????????????To the lost Christ shows his face,??????????? to the unloved he gives his embrace,??????????? to those who cry in pain or disgrace??????????? Christ makes, with his friends, a touching place.?(From ‘A touching place’ by Iona Community)EveningSt Martin of Tours (Fourth century)The citizens of Liguge wanted to make Martin their bishop but he wasn’t interested. They arranged for Martin to visit a sick person where he was forcibly conveyed to the Church where he was consecrated bishop. St Martin refused to sit on a throne, but produced a cow stool and he urged his clergy to use cow stools as they symbolised simplicity and pastoral care which was their calling. St Martin is the prototype Celtic Christian saint and his simplicity and care was greatly venerated by the Celtic Christian Church.Meditation Day 31MorningSing praise, sing praiseWith a mighty hand and outstretched armHis love endures foreverFor the life that's been rebornHis love endures foreverSing praise, sing praiseSing praise, sing praiseForever, God is faithfulForever, God is strongForever, God is with usForever(‘Give thanks to the Lord’ by Chris Tomlin)EveningWhat God may hereafter require of you,you must not give yourself the least trouble about.Everything He gives you to do,you must do as well as ever you can.That is the best possible preparationfor what He may want you to do next.If people would but do what they have to do,they would always find themselves ready for what came next.George MacDonaldMeditation Day 32MorningLord of the church, we long for our uniting,true to one calling, by one vision stirred;one cross proclaiming and one creed reciting,one in the truth of Jesus and his word.So lead us on; till toil and trouble ended,one church triumphant one new song shall sing,to praise his glory, risen and ascended,Christ over all, the everlasting King!(From ‘Lord of the church’ by Timothy Dudley-Smith)EveningI will not die an unlived life,I will not live in fearof falling or catching fire.I choose to inhabit my days,to allow my living to open me,to make me less afraid,more accessible,to loosen my heartuntil it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise… (Dawna Markova)Some Prayers from the National ChurchFor those who are illMerciful God,we entrust to your tender carethose who are ill or in pain,knowing that whenever danger threatensyour everlasting arms are there to hold?them?fort and heal them,and restore them to health and strength;through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.For hospital staff and medical researchersGracious God, give skill, sympathy and resilienceto all who are caring for the sick,and your wisdom to those searching for a cure.Strengthen them with your Spirit,that through their work many will be restored to health;through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.From one who is ill or isolatedO God, help me to trust you,help me to know that you are with me,help me to believe that nothing can separate me?from your loverevealed in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.For the Christian communityWe are not people of fear:we are people of courage.We are not people who protect our own safety:we are people who protect our neighbours’ safety.We are not people of greed:we are people of generosity.We are your people God,giving and loving,wherever we are,whatever it costsFor as long as it takeswherever you call us. (Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference)IntercessionsSET ALet us pray to God,who alone makes us dwell in safety:For all who are affected by coronavirus,through illness or isolation or anxiety,that they may find relief and recovery:Lord, hear us,Lord, graciously hear us.For those who are guiding our nation at this time,and shaping national policies,that they may make wise decisions:Lord, hear us,Lord, graciously hear us.For doctors, nurses and medical researchers,that through their skill and insightsmany will be restored to health:Lord, hear us,Lord, graciously hear us.For the vulnerable and the fearful,for the gravely ill and the dying,that they may know your comfort and peace:Lord, hear us,Lord, graciously hear us.We commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray,to the mercy and protection of God.Merciful Father,accept these prayersfor the sake of your Son,our Saviour Jesus Christ.Amen.?SET BLet us pray to the Lord,who is our refuge and stronghold.?For the health and well-being of our nation,that all who are fearful and anxiousmay be at peace and free from worry:Lord, hear us,Lord, graciously hear us.For the isolated and housebound,that we may be alert to their needs,and care for them in their vulnerability:Lord, hear us,Lord, graciously hear us.For our homes and families,our schools and young people,and all in any kind of need or distress:Lord, hear us,Lord, graciously hear us.For a blessing on our local community,that our neighbourhoods may be places of trust and friendship,where all are known and cared for:Lord, hear us,Lord, graciously hear us.We commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray,to the mercy and protection of God.Merciful Father,accept these prayersfor the sake of your Son,our Saviour Jesus Christ.Amen.SET C (Linda Garthwaite)Lord Jesus Christ, Ruler and Servant of all, we thank you that no-one is outside your love, whoever they may be, wherever they may be, whatever they may have done and we bring before you now the needs of the world you created: We pray for the rulers of the world, as they seek a way forward through this pandemic. Give them wisdom to balance economic and safety concerns. May they serve their people, putting aside party politics and personal ambition. Lord, in your mercy .... Hear our prayer We continue to remember all medical staff, carers, and all those who serve others in so many ways. We give thanks and pray protection for the staff of our surgery in Marazion and in our local hospitals. We name before you those we carry on our hearts today .... Lord, in your mercy .... Hear our prayer We pray your blessing on charities, grant them the workers and funds to continue unabated. We think of the foodbanks, the homeless projects, child welfare organisations, those involved in overseas aid and animal charities. Lord, in your mercy .... Hear our prayer We pray for all teachers, schoolchildren and students : Keep them safe in the event of schools re-opening and bless all new pathways of learning. Lord, in your mercy .... Hear our prayer Reach out to all whose belief in the future has been destroyed. For all who have lost their jobs, who fear losing their homes and who are losing hope. Grant them support when there seems to be nothing to hold on to and new dreams where the old have died. Lord, in your mercy .... Hear our prayer We remember all who are suffering in body, mind or spirit and pray your healing on those we name before you now .... Lord, in your mercy .... Hear our prayer Grant, we pray, eternal rest to those who have died and comfort to those who mourn. Lord, in your mercy .... Hear our prayer Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you that your love has transformed lives in every country, crossing barriers of culture, colour and creed, unable to be contained by space or time. It is in your Holy Name that we humbly offer these, our prayers. Amen. -460917270479 INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/wb/z412zqns2v15dh9fx0w3vc3r0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET 00 INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/wb/z412zqns2v15dh9fx0w3vc3r0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET 5166530109716 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Sunday ServicesSunday June 7 Trinity SundayYou might like to have some scissors and coloured pens or pencils for our service today.If you are lighting a candle say:We light this candle because Christ is the Light no darkness can extinguish+ In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Opening PrayerCome Lord, come light, come love,Come down, come in, come among e Presence, come peace, come power,Come down, come in, come among e grace, come glory, come goodness,Come down, come in, come among e Creator, come Redeemer, come Strengthener,Come down, come in, come among e Father, come Son, come Spirit,Come down, come in, come among us.(David Adam)The Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:12-17, 25-31Action Reflection Invitation: Eagles and Doves and words for GodChurch services use a lot of words in an attempt to put across in words the mystery that is God and concepts of how he manifests himself to us and in the world. Describing God has a Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is just such an attempt. Today we read as God as powerful as an eagle. In the Gospels, the Holy Spirit is described as a dove. The Taizé cross (which Penny wears often) is a cross in the shape of a dove. What words would you use to describe God: Father, Son, Spirit, eagle, dove, wind, flame? Our Opening Prayer and Galatians 5:22-23 might help you too. I invite you to cut out the Taizé cross from the back page and on the back decorate it with words that most express or describe what God means to you. You can put this in your Bible or prayer space. If you are artistic you can do something special with a key word like hope like Liz Lavender has done on our front cover and send me a picture of your cross to help illustrate our next Prayer Booklet.The Collect/Prayer of the WeekO God of our mystery, you bring us to life, call us to freedom, and move between us with love. May we so participate in the dance of your trinity,That our lives may resonate with you, now and forever. Amen.Prayers of Intercession for others and the whole worldThe Lord’s PrayerSongThe words for this new song seem so appropriate for today. Please also have a look at the rainbow picture on the back of the Prayer Booklet. The actions for the chorus were invented by the Benefice children and Fishers in a recent Zoom meeting online.1. God sends a rainbow after the rain,? ? Colours of hope gleaming through pain;? ? Bright arcs of red and indigo light,? ? Making creation hopeful and bright.Colours of hope dance in the sun,While it yet rains the hope has begun;Colours of hope shine through the rain,Colours of love, nothing is vain.2. When we are lonely, when we’re afraid,? ? Though it seems dark, rainbows are made;? ??Even when life itself has to end,? ? God is our rainbow, God is our friend.3. Where people suffer pain or despair,? ? God can be seen in those who care;? ? Even where war and hatred abound,? ? Rainbows of hope are still to be found.4. People themselves like rainbows are made,? ? Colours of hope in us displayed;? ? Old ones and young ones, women and men,? ? All can be part of love’s great ‘Amen’!Final BlessingGod of the dawning, Christ of the sea,Spirit, giver of breath in me,Trinity blessed, all praise to thee,Giving this day of newness to me.Bless me today, body and soul,Bless me today and keep me whole,Bless me today in all I do,Bless my powers they come from you.May the eyes of the Creator behold you,May the hands of the Saviour uphold you.May the arms of the Spirit enfold you.And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit behold, uphold and enfold you now and forever. Amen.Thursday 11 June Feast of Corpus Christi Thanksgiving for the EucharistThe Greeting?Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.and also with you.???????Prayer of PreparationAlmighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden:cleanse the thoughts of our heartsby the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,that we may perfectly love you,and worthily magnify your holy name;through Christ our Lord. Amen.Prayers of PenitenceMost merciful God,Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,we confess that we have sinnedin thought, word and deed.We have not loved you with our whole heart.We have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.In your mercy forgive what we have been,help us to amend what we are,and direct what we shall be;that we may do justly,love mercy,and walk humblywith you, our God.??Old Testament Reading: Genesis 14:18-20This is the word of the Lord Thanks be to God.New Testament Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26This is the word of the Lord Thanks be to God.Introduction to the Gospel ReadingAlleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.I am the living bread that came down from heaven, says the Lord.Whoever eats of this bread will live for ever. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.The Lord be with you. And also with you.Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John.Glory to you, O Lord.?Gospel Reading: John 6:51-58This is the Gospel of the Lord.Praise to you, O Christ.??Prayers of IntercessionIn faith we pray: we pray to you our God.?at the end: Amen???The Eucharistic PrayerThe Lord be with you and also with you.???????????????????? Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give thanks and praise.Holy, holy holy Lord,God of power and God of might,Heaven and earth are full of your glory.hosanna in the highest.Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,hosanna in the highest.???Great is the mystery of faith:Christ has died:Christ is risen:Christ will come again.The Lord's Prayer?Breaking of the BreadWe break this bread to share in the body of Christ.Though we are many, we are one body,because we all share in one bread.Jesus, Lamb of God, have mercy on us.?Jesus, bearer of our sins, have mercy on us. Jesus, redeemer of the world, grant us peace.Prayer after Communion?Almighty God, we thank you for feeding us with the body and blood of your Son Jesus Christ.Through him we offer you our souls and bodies to be a living sacrifice.Send us out in the power of your Spiritto live and work to your praise and glory. Amen.The Procession of the Blessed SacramentLord our God, in this great sacrament, we come into the presence of JesusChrist, your Son, born of the Virgin Mary and crucified for our salvation.May we who declare our faith in this fountain of love and mercyDrink from it the water of everlasting life. We ask this through Christ our Lord.Amen.The Divine PraisesBlessed be God.Blessed be God.Blessed be God’s holy Name.Blessed be God’s holy Name.Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.Blessed be the Name of Jesus.Blessed be the Name of Jesus.Blessed be his most Sacred Heart.Blessed be his most Sacred Heart.Blessed be his most Precious Blood.Blessed be his most Precious Blood.Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the Altar.Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the Altar.Blessed be God the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.Blessed be God the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.Blessed be the Mother of God, Mary most holy.Blessed be the Mother of God, Mary most holy.Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.Blessed be Saint Joseph, her spouse most chaste.Blessed be Saint Joseph, her spouse most chaste.Blessed be God in God’s angels and saints.Blessed be God in God’s angels and saints.DismissalAs often as you eat this bread and drink this cup,you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.In the name of Christ. Amen.Sunday 14 June First Sunday of TrinityPage onePage 2Page threeSunday 21 June Father’s Day If you are lighting a candle say:We light this candle because Christ is the Light no darkness can extinguish+ In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. See what love the Father has given us,that we should be called the children of God.You are my sons and daughters, this day I have begotten you.See what love the Father has given us.As many as received him,to them he gave power to become the children of God.See what love the Father has given us.Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.See what love the Father has given us,that we should be called the children of God.ConfessionLet us return to the Lord our God and say to him:Father, we have sinned against heaven and against you.We are not worthy to be called your children.We turn to you again. Have mercy on us, bring us back to yourselfas those who once were dead but now have life through Christ our Lord.? Amen.May the God of love bring?us?back to himself,forgive?us our?sins, and assure?us?of his eternal lovein Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.Reading: Matthew 10:26-31Prayer Action: The VWX Gold Stars It seems extraordinary that each of us is valued (V), wanted (w) and loved (kisses xxx) not for anything we do, but because every hair on our head is counted and we are valued, wanted and loved more than the sparrows by God our Father. Attach your gold stars on the front of your Prayer Booklet to remember this.The VWX of God for all peopleRead Genesis 15:1-5 and read some of the words or listen to the U2 Song ‘One’One love, One blood, One lifeYou got to do what you shouldOne life, With each otherSisters and my brothersOne life, but we're not the sameWe get to carry each other, carry each otherAffirmation of FaithWe believe in God the Father,from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.We believe in God the Son, who lives in our hearts through faith,and fills us with his love.We believe in God the Holy Spirit, who strengthens uswith power from on high.We believe in one God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.Amen.Prayers of Intercession for others and the whole worldThe Lord’s PrayerSongFather God, I wonder, how I managed to existwithout the knowledge of your parenthoodand your loving carebut now I am your own, I am adopted in your family,and I can never be alone, cos Father God you’re there beside me.I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, forevermore.I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, forevermore.Final PrayerBlessed are you Lord our God, creator and redeemer of all;to you be glory and praise for ever.Blessed be God for ever.You father us from all eternity giving life to creationand pouring your love into all you have made.Blessed be God for ever.From the beginning we have known you as 'Father',and all our families have their origin in you.Blessed be God for ever.Through the love of earthly fathers you give us a glimpseof your everlasting love.Their guidance and wisdom reveal to us the eternal life of heaven.Blessed be God for ever.In following their example we become more like you,growing into the people your heart longs for us to be.Blessed be God for ever.May the love of our fathers draw us ever nearer to youand perfect in us the image of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.Blessed be God for ever.Final PrayerThe Lord God almighty is our Father:he loves us and tenderly cares for us.The Lord Jesus Christ is our Saviour:he has redeemed us and will defend us to the end.The Lord, the Holy Spirit is among us:he will lead us in God's holy way.To God almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,be praise and glory today and for ever.?Amen.Sunday 28 June Third Sunday of Trinity The GreetingGrace, mercy and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.and also with you.???????Prayer of PreparationAlmighty God, to whom all hearts are open,all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden:cleanse the thoughts of our heartsby the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.Prayers of PenitenceMost merciful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,we confess that we have sinned in thought, word and deed.We have not loved you with our whole heart.We have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.In your mercy forgive what we have been,help us to amend what we are, and direct what we shall be;that we may do justly, love mercy, and walk humblywith you, our God. Amen.Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 28:5-9This is the word of the Lord Thanks be to God.Gospel Reading: Matthew 10:40-endThis is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.?Affirmation of FaithWe believe in God the Father, from whom every familyin heaven and on earth is named.We believe in God the Son, who lives in our hearts through faith, and fills us with his love.We believe in God the Holy Spirit, who strengthens uswith power from on high.We believe in one God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.Prayers of IntercessionLord, in your mercy hear our prayer.Merciful Father,accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.???The Eucharistic PrayerThe Lord be with you and also with you.???????????????????? Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give thanks and praise.???Holy, holy holy Lord, God of power and God of might,Heaven and earth are full of your glory hosanna in the highest.Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,hosanna in the highest.???Great is the mystery of faith:Christ has died: Christ is risen: Christ will come again.The Lord's Prayer?Breaking of the BreadWe break this bread to share in the body of Christ.Though we are many, we are one body,because we all share in one bread.Jesus, Lamb of God, have mercy on us.?Jesus, bearer of our sins, have mercy on us. Jesus, redeemer of the world, grant us peace.Prayer after Communion?Almighty God, we thank you for feeding us with the body and blood of your Son Jesus Christ.Through him we offer you our souls and bodies to be a living sacrifice.Send us out in the power of your Spiritto live and work to your praise and glory. Amen.???Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.In the name of Christ. Amen.On Sunday 3 May, the service about Jesus, The Good Shepherd, Kay Davies liked the suggestion of the wool prayers intercessions and found it helpful for her to concentrate in prayer times. Kay braided her different coloured wool strands together, choosing one colour to represent herself in the centre and other colours to represent her family, her friends and neighbours and the world, all intertwined around her and in her prayers. 446066525000Sylvia Grant tied her wool strands to her Palm Cross and then tied them to her vegetable basket as an aide to Prayer whenever she going to cook.297366895350A Sign of HopeMaureen Edwards sent this picture of a rainbow over Ludgvan Church just before the ‘Clap for Carers’ on Thursday 30 AprilMorning & Evening Prayer ReadingsDateMorning EveningMonday 1 JuneVisit of Mary to Elizabeth1 Peter 1:17-22Acts 2:14-21Meditation 1Tuesday 2 JuneSt Ronan1 Peter 2:7-10Acts 2:22-24Meditation 2Wednesday 3 June1 Peter 2:16-20Acts 2:25-36Meditation 3Thursday 4 JuneSt Petroc1 Peter 3:1-5 Acts 2:37-42Meditation 4Friday 5 JuneSt Boniface of Crediton1 Peter 3:18-22 Acts 2:43-47 Meditation 5Saturday 6 June1 Peter 4:1-11Acts 3:1-10Meditation 6Monday 8 June1 Peter 5:1-7Acts 3:11-26 Meditation 7Tuesday 9 JuneSt Columba2 Peter 1:1-5 Acts 4:1-22Meditation 8Wednesday 10 June2 Peter 1:12-19 Acts 4:23-30Meditation 9Thursday 11 JuneInstitution ofHoly Communion2 Peter 2:1-3 Acts 4:32-37 Meditation 10Friday 12 JuneSt Barnabus2 Peter 3:4-13Acts 5:1-11 Meditation 11Saturday 13 June2 Peter 3:15-18 Acts 5:12-16Meditation 12Monday 15 JuneEvelyn UnderhillGenesis 28:15-22Acts 12:17-26Meditation 13Tuesday 16 JunePalm 96:1-3Acts 5:27-42Meditation 14Wednesday 17 JuneLuke 9:1-3Acts 6:1-7Meditation 15Thursday 18 JuneMatthew 8:19-22Acts 6:8-15Meditation 16Friday 19 JuneLuke 24:13-32Acts 7:1-53 Meditation 17Saturday 20 JuneGenesis 18:1-5Acts 7:54-8:3 Meditation 18Monday 22 JuneSt AlbanIsaiah 8:21-22Acts 8:4-25Meditation 19Tuesday 23 JunePsalm 25:4-10Acts 8:26-40Meditation 20Wednesday 24 JuneBirth of John the BaptistGenesis 2:1-3Acts 9:1-19 Meditation 21Thursday 25 JuneMatthew 7:7-11Acts 9:20-25Meditation 22Friday 26 JuneLuke 15:20-24Acts 9:26-31 Meditation 23Saturday 27 JuneJohn 14:1-6Acts 9:32-43Meditation 24Monday 29 JunePeter and PaulExodus 12:31-34Acts 10:1-33Meditation 25Tuesday 30 JuneSt AustellJonah 4:9-11Acts 10:34-43Meditation 26Wednesday 1 July1 Kings 19:1-18Acts 10:44-48Meditation 27Thursday 2 JulyEzekiel 11:14-20Acts 11:1-18Meditation 28Friday 3 JulySt ThomasNehemiah 4:11-17Acts 11:19-30 Meditation 29Thursday 4 JulySt MartinIsaiah 11:6-9Acts 12:1-25 Meditation 30Friday 5 JulyMatthew 5;3-10Meditation 31Acts 13:1-12Saturday 6 JulyMatthew 5:14-16Acts 13:13-43Meditation 32Another Sign of HopeAfter the Ascension Day Service when I mentioned the Bristol balloon festival, Jo Slade kindly sent me a balloon picture. 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