Th Grade Advanced Pre-Algebra

[Pages:2]7th Grade Advanced Pre-Algebra

Aspire Middle School, Teacher: Mrs. Jacqui Gibbons

Phone Number: 412-4730

Room: 209

Check out my website @ at Aspire Middle School under teacher


WELCOME Welcome to the Aspire Middle School 2012 - 2013 school year! I am so excited to get to know you and help you succeed in math this year!

During the school year we will be working though the following 7 units with Connected Math Program 2:

Accentuate the Negative ? Integers, Order of Operations, Distributive Property, Coordinate Graphing

Comparing and Scaling ? Ratio, Rates, Proportions

Stretching and Shrinking ? Similarity, Scale, Ratio of Sides, Transformations

Moving Straight Ahead ? Recognize and Represent Linear Relationships in Tables, Graphs, Words, and Symbols; Solve Linear Equations; Slope

What Do You Expect? ? Probability and Expected Value

Filling and Wrapping ? Volume and Surface Area

Data Distribution ? Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Comparing Distributions, Scatter Plots, and Box-andWhisker Plots

Looking for Pythagoras ? Pythagorean Theorem

Kaleidoscopes, Hubcaps, and Mirrors ? Transformations of geometric figures

Scientific Notation and Laws of Exponents

Classroom Routine

Classroom Routine/Behavior Expectations

Behavior Expectations

Entering the Classroom Starting the Class Period Asking for Help

Working Independently

Line up against the wall and wait for the previous class to exit before entering Arrive on time. (This means that you are in your seat, ready to learn, when the bell rings) Be prepared with all required materials Complete the `Do Now' Record the learning goal and homework in your planner If I am talking to the whole class: Raise your hand and wait to be called on If you are working in groups or independently: Ask others in your group quietly Raise your hand and wait for me to come to the group (keep working while you wait) You may stop by before school to get help if the door is open and the light is on. Work quietly at your table Use class time wisely You may throw items away or sharpen your pencil during this time

Working in Cooperative Groups Citizenship

Out of Class Pass Materials

Follow group directions Participate fully and play your role Contribute fully to your group Everyone needs to be treated with respect Allow others their personal views and their right to express themselves Contribute to a positive math community. That means listening carefully to directions, group members, and other people's ideas.

May not be used the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes May be used during independent or group work with permission May not be used while anyone is teaching Math book, composition book, planner, pencil, calculator, and a pen/colored pencil

Work Completion Class Closure

Homework is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise stated Worksheets should be turned in to appropriate in box Book work is done in your composition book and checked daily Continue working until told to pack up Clean up your group area before leaving the room Wait to be excused before leaving the room


Math Concepts ? 80%

Notebook ? 20%

Grade distribution is the following:


93 ? 100 %


90 ? 92 %


88 ? 89 %


83 ? 87 %


80 ? 82 %


78 ? 79 %


73 ? 77%


70 ? 72 %


68 ? 69 %


60 ? 67 %


59 % or lower


Progress reports are sent home mid-term and are required to be signed and returned the following school day. If you have questions or concerns, or simply want to check in, between grade reports you may contact me by e-mail or phone and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

HOMEWORK and TESTS Homework will be checked for completion daily. Homework is to be kept inside the math notebook. I am available for help before school by appointment!


If a student misses a day of math it is their responsibility to check with a buddy in class for the assignment and any class notes. Students are responsible for making up the class work and homework assignment(s). If there will be a prearranged absence (including for music, club activities, class trips, or sports), students need to see me before leaving, in order to keep up with the rest of the class. I am available to meet with students before school to help with any questions that arise due to an absence.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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