TOPIC 1 Issuance of Merchant Marine Circulars

STATUS June 1981

2 Function of the Directorate General of Consular and Maritime Affairs

June 1981

3 List of Merchant Marine Consular Offices

October 2018

4 Panamanian Maritime Fees


5 Data and Documentation Required for Ship Registration


6 Application for vessel Registration


7 Vessel Registration (Navigation


8 Amendments to the Vessel Registration (Navigation

October 2011

9 Registration and inspection of Yachts

October 2011

10 Preliminary Registration of Title Deeds and Mortgages of Vessels


11 Mortgage Contract

October 2011

12 Execution of Bill of Sale; Language Requirements

October 2011

13 Cancellation of Vessels from the Panamanian


14 Ex Officio Cancellation of Vessels under Panamanian Registry


15 Statutory Certificates


16 Registry of Vessels Under Construction which require

September 2011

17 Applications for Radiocommunication Station License in the Maritime Mobile Service and List of Approved Radio Service Companies

18 Required Documents for Ship Radio Stations

October 2011 October 2011

19 Navigational Charts, Publication, Records and National Documents Required on Board Cancelled

Panamanian Vessels of 500 GRT and above

20 Annual Safety Inspection Program

June 1981

21 Minimum Safe Manning Requirements


22 Certificate of Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1968 Law 21 of July 9, 1980 Resolution No. 145 of March 22, 1976

23 Oil Record Book


24 Discharge of Contaminating Substances

June 1981

25 Construction Subdivision and Stability, Machinery and Electrical Installations

January 2012

26 Protection, and Fire Extinction for New Passenger Ships Carrying More than 36 Passengers; New Passenger Ships Carrying Not More than 36 Passengers; and Existing Passenger Ships Carrying More than 36 Passengers

27 Regulations Concerning Construction - Fire Protection, Fire Detection, and Fire Extinction- for New Tankers

28 Regulations Concerning Construction - Fire Protection, Fire Detection, and Fire Extinction for New Cargo Ships of more than 500 Tons Gross Tonnage

29 Regulations Concerning Life ?Saving Appliances, etc. for New Ships engaged on International Voyages

30 Observance of Traffic Separation Schemes

February 1992

February 1992 February 1992 February 1992 February 1992

31 Investigation of Serious Casualties


32 Casualties Investigation of Panamanian Flag Vessels


33 Death Inquiries


34 Performance Standards for Gyro Compasses

February 1992

35 Bareboat Chartered Vessels (Fletadas)

February 1992

36 Specifications for the Issuance of Technical Certificates

February 1992

37 Report to be submitted by the Classification Societies and other Recognized Organizations in case of a mayor Casualty

38 Safety Requirements for Cargo Vessels under 500 GRT

April 1992 February 1992

39 Exemption from the Requirements of International Conventions and National Regulations

40 Carriage of Timber deck Cargoes

Cancelled April 1992

41 Carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes

May 1992

Page 1



42 Stowage and Securing of Containers, Unitized Cargo and Vehicles 43 Minimum Safe Manning Certificate 44 Medical Certificate 45 International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 46 Notice to mariners and Summary of Corrections 47 Retention of the Official Log Book 48 MODU Code 49 List of Merchant Marine Consular Offices Authorized to receive License/Seaman's

Identity Card's Applications 50 Issuance of Certificate of Competency 51 Application for Statutory Certificate of Competency 52 Seaman's Identity Card 53 Personnel exempted from the requirement of having a Seaman's Identity Card on

Panamanian Flag Passenger Vessels 54 Certificate of Competency 55 List of Countries whose licenses are validated by Panama 56 Private Accounting Authorities 57 Regulations for Crew Accommodations 58 Regulations for Crew Accommodations 59 Cargo Ship Safety Certificate for Cargo Vessels under 500 GRT and Cargo Ship

Radiotelephony Certificate for Cargo Vessels under 300 GRT 60 Amendments to Panama Ship Mortgage Law 61 Regulations on Crew Accommodations for Vessels under 500 GRT 62 Entry into force of ANNEX II to MARPOL 73/78 63 Surveys on Crew Accommodations 64 Exemption of the Requirements of Crew Accommodations 65 Validity of the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate 66 Certificate of Crew Accommodation - Procedures 67 Issuance of Tonnage Certificates 68 Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft 69 Administrative Fee Imposed by the Republic of Panama for each Statutory Certificate

issued by these Organizations 70 Panama Policy on Technical Matters 71 Official Documents on Board Panamanian Flag Vessels and Standard Fees 72 Consular Fees and Legalization's 73 Minimum Safe Manning Certificate 74 License Applications 75 Bulk Carriers entering Canadian Ports 76 Declaration of Conformance as per the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes

(BC Code) 77 Rules and Guidelines for MOUs 78 Minimum Safe Manning for Laid-up Vessels 79 Acceptance of home Country Lifeboatmen or Survivalcraftsmen Certificates 80 Temporary reduction in Manning due to special circumstances 81 MARPOL 73/78 ?Retention on Board of Oily Waste 82 MODU Code 1989 83 Oil Record Book Changes 84 Consular Visits to Panamanian Flag Vessels 85 List of Countries whose licenses are validated by Panama

May 1992 Cancelled Cancelled May 1992 May 1992 May 1992 Cancelled Cancelled

Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled

Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled

October 2011 Cancelled June 1992 Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled February 2015 June 1992 Cancelled

September 1993 December 2012 June 1992 Cancelled Cancelled July 1992 July 1992

July 1992 July 1992 Cancelled July 1992 July 1992 January 1993 Cancelled May 1993 Cancelled

Page 2



86 Panama Policy ?GMDSS Licensing


87 MODU Code 1979 & 1989

April 1994

88 Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan

August 1994

89 ITC 69

October 2009

90 New Rules of Measurements: PC/UMS

September 1994

91 Panama policy Matters

September 1994

92 GMDSS Radio Qualified Personnel on board Panamanian flag Vessels


93 SOLAS 1988 Amendments, Chapter III Regulations 6.2.1, IMO Resolution 762(18)

December 1994

94 Panama Policy ?GMDSS Flag Vessels

June 1995

95 Implementation of the ISM Code

September 1996

96 Fire Protection


97 Implementation of the ISM Code ?Required Reporting Date

April 1997

98 Navigational Charts, Publications, Records, National Documents and International Certificates Required onboard Panamanian Vessels of 500 GRT and above

99 GMDSS Radio Qualified Personnel on board Panamanian Flag Vessels

Cancelled Cancelled

100 Implementation of the ISM Code

January 1998

101 New Requirements for the Registration of Vessels

June 1998

102 Amended by MMC No.102


103 GMDSS equipment requirements

August 1998

104 GMDSS Radio Qualified Personnel on board Panamanian Flag Vessels Policy


105 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Fines

January 1999

106 Amendments to MMC No. 104 GMDSS (Radio Qualified Personnel on board Panamanian Flag Vessels Policy)

107 Publications and Records required on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or above with International Registration in the Panamanian Registry

108 Publications and Records required on non-self propelled units certified under the Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Code

109 Application of GMDSS in accordance with International Tonnage Certificate ITC'69

Cancelled March 1999 September 1999 August 1999

110 Radio Direction Finder Apparatus Exemption Certificate Ch. V, Reg. 12(p) of the 1997 Edition of SOLAS 74/78

111 Radio Accounting Authorities

October 1999 Cancelled


October 2013

113 Compliance with mandatory Ship reporting systems

September 2001

114 Policy matters

September 2001

115 Implementation of the ISM Code for other Cargo Ships and Mobile Drilling Units of 500 Gross Tonnage and upward - Required reporting date.

116 Survey of Passenger Ships

September 2001 Cancelled

117 Termination of Satellite Processing of Distress Signals from 121.5 and 243 MHz emergency beacons.

118 Amendments to MMC No. 106 GMDSS (Radio Qualified Personnel on board Panamanian Flag Vessels) update policy

119 Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBD) ??

September 2001 Cancelled Cancelled

120 Issuance of Crew Accommodation Certificates


121 General Exemption to Ships without Mechanical Means of Propulsion as per Reg. V/3.1 July 2002

of the 2000 Amendments to SOLAS 74.

122 Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspection of Fire-Protection Systems and


Appliances. Interpretation of MMC 119 (item d) Minimal revision of 11.1 (April 2003)

123 International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code)

November 2017


November 2017


November 2017

126 Ship Security Officers

June 2013

127 Company Security Officers Guidelines ISPS CODE


Page 3



128 Security Levels and Declaration of Security (DoS)

June 2017

129 Pre-Arrival Notification ISPS CODE


130 Maritime Labor Inspections

October 2013

131 Authorized Recognized Security Organizations (RSO)

October 2018

132 ISPS CODE Entry into Force. Cut-off date for submission of SSPs.



134 Validity of Course Certificates and Course Endorsements

April 2018 April 2004

135 Procedures for the issuance of the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) and the full term International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC)ISPS CODE

136 Authorized Recognized Organizations (ROs)

Cancelled October 2018

137 ISM Code Certification


138 Magnetic Compass

August 2009


May 2005

140 Implementation of MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships.

141 Dry docking Interface Periods for Panamanian Flagged Vessels

Cancelled Cancelled

142 Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBD)

June 2018

143 Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS)

February 2006

144 Carriage of Immersion Suits carries onboard Panamanian Flagged Vessels

April 2006

145 ISPS Code ? Intermediate verification


146 Administrative Fee imposed by the Republic of Panama for each statutory issued and approvals by these Organizations

147 Acceptance of the Exemption provision for the Vegetable Oils in the RevisedMARPOL Annex II and IBC/BCH Code as amended

148 Amendments to Oil Record Book and cargo Record Book

Cancelled December 2006 Cancelled

149 Procedures for the issuance of the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) and the Full Term International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC)

150 MODU Annual Safety Inspection

Cancelled July 2007

151 Implementation of IMO Unique Company and Registered Owner Identification Number Scheme

152 Harmonized System of Surveys and Certification

September 2007 October 2007

153 Crew Roll Logbook Endorsement

October 2014

154 Amendments to the Oil Record Book



March 2008

156 Exemptions of requirements of International Conventions and National Regulations and October 2018

Issuance of Conditional/ Short Term Certificates

157 Control of Anti-Fouling System on Ships

March 2008

158 EPIRB Registration

March 2008

159 Control of the Issuance of Statutory Certificates. (and Memorandum GTC-11-2007)

August 2018

160 Qualifications, training and experience of the Designated Person

March 2008

161 Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) and Simplified Voyage Data Recorder (S-VDR) annual test, and its Performance Standards


May 2014 March 2008

163 New format for Seafarers License

July 2008

164 Guidelines on early assessment of hull damage and possible need for abandonment of bulk carriers, on board of Panamanian Flagged Vessels

165 Guidelines for Periodic Testing of Immersion Suits and Anti-Exposure Suit Seams and Closures

166 Other means of embarkation for remotely located survival crafts

July 2008 July 2008 July 2008

167 Crew Boat Requirements

May 2015

168 Approval of rate of Discharge of Sewage

July 2008

Page 4



169 Radio Accounting Authorities and Point Service Activations 170 Night Time Lookout 171 Online Ship Status ? ASI 172 Correction of deficiencies ? PSC 173 Paris MOU, PMA new guidelines 174 ROs List of Surveyor 175 Crew Dispensations 176 International Safety Management Code 177 Oil Record Book for oil tankers of less than 150GRT 178 Reports Alleging Inadequate MARPOL Port Reception Facilities 179 Recognized Organizations Authorized to issue AFS Statement of Compliance 180 Accession & Entry into force of the Bunkers Convention 2001 181 Merchant Marine Circular No. 181 Seafarers Circular No. 022-08 182 Appropriate Certificate 183 Procedures and Rates for the issuance of the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) 184 Casualty Investigations of Panamanian flagged vessels 185 Recognized Application Service Providers (ASPs) 186 Tripartite Agreements in Compliance with Regulation 6.3 of Annex II MARPOL 73/78 187 Hours of Rest and Watchkeeping 188 Watchkeeping at Sea 189 Notice of the Rest Periods 190 Issue of the Certificate of Inspection of Crew Accommodation (CICA) 191 Application Forms 192 Type Approvals and to the satisfaction of the Administration criteria 193 Optional and Voluntary System for Electronic Books on board of Panamanian Flagged

Vessels 194 Approval of the use of Viking Liferaft Type S30 195 Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) 196 STCW Required Training and Certification for Ship Security Officers (SSOs) 197 Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) 198 Renewal of the Bunkers Convention Certificate 199 SEGUMAR E-mail Accounts 200 Revision of the IBC/BCH Code and MARPOL 73/78 Annex II 201 Correction of Deficiencies found in ASI Inspections 202 List of Approved P&I/Insurers 203 Material Safety Data Sheet 204 Outside Ship Bottom inspection and Dry docking Interface Periods for Panamanian

Flagged Vessels 205 Procedures and Rates for the issuance of the International Ship Security Certificate 206 Recognition of Company Security Officers (CSO) 207 Procedures for ISSC Extensions and Additional Verifications 208 Internationally Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC) and Compliance with the Best

Management Practice (BMP). 209 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) management Plan 210 Review of Executive Decree No. 49 211 Segumar Tokyo Office 212 Segumar Piraeus Office 213 ISM Code Amendments

July 2018 July 2008 July 2008 July 2008 Cancelled Cancelled August 2018 December 2015 August 2008 August 2008 Cancelled August 2017 August 2008 August 2008 July 2018 September 2008 October 2008 October 2008 October 2008 October 2008 October 2008 March 2014 May 2018 November 2008 April 2018

December 2008 MAY 2017 Cancelled January 2009 January 2009 August 2017 February 2009 September 2017 September 2018 July 2009 April 2004

July 2018 July 2018 Cancelled July 2018

July 2010 March 2010 December 2016 June 2010 July 2010

Page 5


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