Pre-K Student Trace - NC

Title I Preschool Student Trace

School:____________________ Student:_____________________ Teacher:____________________

|SELECTION: Ask to see all evidence of how this student was selected. |

|3 - Meets Requirements: |2 - Needs Improvement: |1 - Does Not Meet Requirements |

|Uses multiple sources of data, such as developmentally|Test scores are supported by other data |Uses no more than one source of data or uses an |

|appropriate measures (child’s native language), parent|Most data is educationally relevant and addresses more|inappropriate test |

|interview, and teacher observation |than one area of development |Data is not educationally relevant |

|Data is educationally relevant and specifically |Test scores are obtained through objective measures, |All data is obtained through subjective measures |

|addresses how the child performs in all areas of |but some of the supporting data is subjective | |

|development (social, emotional, physical, cognitive, | | |

|language) | | |

|Data is obtained through objective, standardized | | |

|measures | | |

|Comments: |

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|INSTRUCTION: Ask to see curriculum and daily schedule, and discuss the instructional methods and strategies. |

|3 - Meets Requirements: |2 - Needs Improvement: |1 - Does Not Meet Requirements |

|Curriculum is comprehensive, developmentally |Curriculum is narrowly focused on one or two areas of |There is no curriculum |

|appropriate, supports a broad range of interests and |development |There is no daily schedule |

|abilities, and aligns with North Carolina’s early |The daily schedule does not reflect a balanced program|Instructional materials are limited to worksheets |

|learning standards | | |

|Daily schedule provides a balanced program of | | |

|child-initiated & adult-directed learning experiences,| | |

|including individual and small group activities, both | | |

|indoors and outdoors | | |

|Daily schedule provides opportunity for sustained | | |

|creative play | | |

|Comments: |

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|ASSESSMENT: Ask to see child formative assessment process information and discuss the methods used to identify strengths and needs. |

|3 - Meets Requirements: |2 - Needs Improvement: |1 - Does Not Meet Requirements |

|Assessment is conducted on an ongoing basis and uses |Assessment is conducted infrequently or uses a single |No evidence of assessment exists |

|multiple methods and sources of data (observation, |source of data | |

|work samples, anecdotal records) |Data addresses broad, general categories | |

|Assessment data is used to identify both strengths and|Data does not provide enough detail to plan | |

|needs |appropriate instruction | |

|Assessment data is used to inform instructional | | |

|decisions | | |

|Comments: |

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|FAMILY ENGAGEMENT: Ask the teacher for evidence of communication with the parent/family of this child. |

|3 - Meets Requirements: |2 - Needs Improvement: |1 - Does Not Meet Requirements |

|Multiple methods (in family’s native language) are |Uses one method to communicate with the family |No evidence of communication with the family |

|used to involve families in the education of their |Communication is in a positive tone but focuses | |

|child, such as conferences, home visits, and written |primarily on student progress | |

|communication |Communication does not support efforts of the family | |

|Communication enhances the family’s knowledge and |to participate in the instruction of the student, | |

|understanding of the child’s developmental progress |either at home or at school/one way communication | |

|Communication promotes shared family and staff | | |

|planning of child’s learning experiences/two way | | |

|communication | | |

|Comments: |

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Title I Pre-K Student Trace


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