Dear Pre-K Families: A Buddy Bag is a special backpack ...

Dear Pre-K Families:

Our class has many "Buddy Bags" that go home on a rotating basis. A Buddy Bag is a special backpack that may contain activities, books and a stuffed animal or character that goes home with our class leader each day.

Buddy Bags are designed to be fun and informative ways for families to share literacy and learning experiences at home. Buddy Bags are a way to connect our school family with your home family in meaningful and enjoyable ways. The bags may contain specific theme related books and materials for you to enjoy at home with your child. Some bags are for special occasions such as birthdays and others are to reinforce things we are learning about in class.

Please discuss with your child the importance of being responsible and taking good care of the bag when it is their turn. Because the bags are expensive and some items may be difficult to replace we are asking that you sign this form to participate in the Buddy Bag project. If you and your child would like to participate in our Buddy Bag project please sign and return this form to school with your child.

Thank you for your interest J


____ YES We would like to participate in the Buddy Bag project. We understand that the Buddy Bags need special care and responsibility and we will do our best to care for them.

Child's name: __________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________


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