Questions of the Week (to ask children)

4773710-22859400 Pre K 3 Family Engagement Week 6 - April 27, 2020This week, Pre K 3 students will be focusing on the letter V and will be beginning a new and exciting unit - Insects!Below are suggested activities that students may engage in at home.Questions of the Week (to ask children) 31185731234750047732956731000What words start with the letter V? What is an insect? What is an arachnid? Where do ants live?Where do spiders live? Literacy The children can trace the uppercase letter V (using thick pencils), in their black notebooks.The children can paste pictures of objects that begin with the letter V onto letter V pages in their black notebooks. The children can cut and paste the letter V found in magazines and newspapers, or printed on a computer. The children can paste the letter V onto letter V pages in their black notebooks.The children can form the letter V by painting or coloring a large cardstock letter V violet and adhering pictures of violins, vans, and/or volcanoes on to it. The children can trace the letter V (in their black notebooks), using their fingers. -87411286823004203065374650024329484064000Math The children can count the number of violins/vans/volcanoes that they adhered on to the letter V. The children can count the same number on a number line. 93712625908000The children can count the number of legs on the ants (6) and spiders (8) that they can create in the Art Center.The children can arrange pictures of ants and spiders to create AB patterns.Adults can cut out the spiders and ants so that children can arrange them in the boxes below. -156433927746200The children can arrange pictures (or toys) of ants and spiders in, out and on their habitats. The children can create habitats (ant hills, tunnels, webs), out of blocks. (The children will gain an understanding of the positional words IN, OUT and ON.)The children may use these pictures below, if needed:1286711363670030146462794000 54732666985000Please send Ms. D a picture of your child with the habitats he/she created!Art 135407894424500308737187685200The children can create paintings/drawings/sculptures of ants. The children can use paint or markers to color on paper or egg cartons to create ants with heads, thoraxes, abdomens, antennae and six legs. The children can analyze the photographs of ants below, before they begin their artwork: 14287528765500Please send Ms. D a picture of your child holding his/her ant!282521727565400The children can create three-dimensional spiders. The children can paint a paper bowl black. The children can glue eight googly eyes and eight strips of paper (legs), to the bowl. Yes-a spider has eight eyes and eight legs!5132070116506Please send Ms. D a picture of your child holding the spider he/she created!00Please send Ms. D a picture of your child holding the spider he/she created!-369301117600056902354110800Science The children can learn about the parts of an insect- an ANT!-81267327978100The children can learn about the parts of an arachnid-a SPIDER!-33732915330500Adults may cut out the ant and spider into pieces. Children may then assemble and label the insect and arachnid and their body parts.The children can learn about the habitats of ants and spiders by playing a matching game. Adults can cut out the picture squares below and mix them up. The children can then match the ants and spiders to their appropriate environments:368209203200004699067709100-698547620000195943430258001138651475020018723494342003429001914970010141861050700965202568120010613514205900979724364260010604561395400Science The children can watch the following videos to gain an understanding of the ants, spiders, and their habitats:Insects and Arachnids for Kids: Itsy Bitsy Spider: Pig Spider Web: Bitsy Spider/Peppa Pig: Ants go Marching One by One: : Science for Kids: for Kids: Widow Spiders: The children can use blocks to build habitats for ants and spiders. The children can create ant hills, tunnels and webs. The children can incorporate pictures of ants and spiders into their creations:left15430500Please send Ms. D a picture of your child with the habitats he/she created!9236817429500363772816014200 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET 64245937250035627987621300Dramatic PlayThe children can role play that they are scientists in an insect/arachnid lab. The children can wear white “lab coats”, and work with toy insects, spiders, containers, tools and magnifying glasses.2148205254000-6353501500Please send Ms. D a picture of your child dressed up as a scientist!Stories of the Week The children can listen to the following stories: Vera Viper’s Valentine: 100 Angry Ants: The Very Busy Spider: Letter V Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew: Additional Daily Activities Remembering God 43307006343300The children can listen to the following story:Veggie Tales: God Made You Special: Visiting Seesaw!Pre K 3 is using an exciting new form of online learning called Seesaw! Seesaw is a platform for student engagement. Students use creative tools to take pictures, draw, record videos and more to capture learning in a portfolio. In addition, teachers, such as myself, find or create activities to share with students. This week, activities are focusing on learning about the letter V, insects, patterns, and positional words such as “in”, “out”, and “on”. Come and join the fun! Having PE CLASS with Mr. B!182816524982700Having ART CLASS with Mrs. Hill! 1056640-12169500Having MUSIC CLASS with Mrs. Corvini!For classes with Mr. B, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Corvini, please go to and click on to School Updates, and then scroll down to Class Pages.-63520510500Please send Ms. D a picture of your child engaging in gross motor, art or music activities!Pre K 3 Scavenger HuntColor in the box if you find or see the following items (or pictures of them), in or around your home:-30827-619400Create Your Own Projects!Families are welcome to create their own projects! Perhaps your child wants to create a sculpture or painting of an object that starts with the letter V!Perhaps your child wants to make an anthill out of dirt or sand!Perhaps your child wants to create a spider web out of yarn!Use your imaginations…left15430500Please send Ms. D a picture of your child with his/her project! ................

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