Welcome to AYSO Pre-K Soccer

March 2007

Welcome to AYSO Pre-K Soccer!

Pleasantville AYSO has approximately 700 players and is a member of the American Youth Soccer organization, a nationwide, non-profit youth soccer organization founded in 1964.  AYSO is a national affiliate member of the US Soccer Federation.  Our programs are based on five principle tenets:

Everyone Plays * Balanced Teams * Open registration

Positive Coaching * Good Sportsmanship

SPORTSMANSHIP: Kids look to the adults for their example. So let’s show them good sportsmanship right from the start.  We encourage you to acknowledge the skilled plays and success of all players!   Remember the coaches are volunteering their time to help your child learn soccer and have fun.  Unless you are part of the coaching staff, do not coach your kids from the sidelines.  It confuses them...CHEER!  But don’t coach!

COACH CODE of CONDUCT: To ensure that everyone’s behavior at our games is in the best interest of our players, the Pleasantville Spectator Code of Conduct will be reviewed with each family at the first practice and we will ask that you sign and return it to the coach.

PRACTICE/GAMES:  The Pre-K Clinic meets on Saturday mornings at the High School Side Field for one hour on Saturday mornings. The High School Side Field is the smaller turf field located next to the Middle School Parking lot.

• Boys meet from 8am till 9am. 

• Girls meet from 9am till 10am.   

We begin Saturday April 14th and end Saturday, June 16th.  There is no soccer Memorial Day Weekend. 

TIMELINESS:  Please be on time for all practices and games.    Additionally, please be prompt in picking up your player.  Coaches will remain on the field until all players are picked up.

RAIN:  if practice is cancelled due to weather, the cancellation will be posted on our web site at ayso and an email will be sent out. 

If there is thunder and/or lightning, practice and games will be cancelled immediately.   If the thunder and/or lightning start once the game or practice has begun, the field will cleared immediately.  The coaches will remain with the players until all have been safely picked up.

UNIFORMS:  Each child receives a uniform, which is to be worn at all practices and games. If it is cold or windy, dress your child accordingly.  A turtleneck or light weight sweater under the uniform is OK.  Because our uniform jerseys are reversible, children may wish to wear a light undershirt or camisole under the uniform so that they are comfortable changing their jersey out on the field.  Baseball caps, visors, sunglasses are not permitted.  If you have questions about uniforms, please call Genyne Bucciero at 747-6775.

SHIN GUARDS:  Shin Guards are REQUIRED and must be worn UNDER the socks.  Invest in a good pair or Shin guards.  It is recommended that you purchase the soft version which goes all the way around the players shin, also refereed to as the “professional” version.

SOCCER CLEATS:  Non metal Soccer Cleats are permitted but are not required.  Sneakers are acceptable.  Please note that baseball cleats (toe cleat) are not allowed, as they are sharp and dangerous.

EYEGLASSES:  are permitted.  A strap or protective mask over the glasses is recommended.

JEWELRY:  is prohibited at ALL games and practices including earrings, watches, rings, necklaces, chains, hard pony tail holders and hair beads, as these items may cause injury during play.  Any player refusing to remove jewelry at a game will be prohibited from playing.   This includes kids with recently pierced ears.  

WATER:  Every player should bring their own supply of water to every practice & game. 

DOGS:  are NOT PERMITTED on ANY school field.  This is a Village ordinance that MUST be adhered to for the sake of our fields and the safety of our children.  Many children are afraid or allergic to dogs and they should not be made to feel unsafe on their soccer field.

BALL:  Pleasantville AYSO will provide Size 3 balls for all AYSO practices and games. If a player should decide to bring their own soccer ball, please be sure it is marked with your name. 

SPECTATOR VIEWING: ALL spectators should be at LEAST 4 yards back from the sidelines.  Soccer is a sport where the player may maintain possession of the ball from outside the side and end lines.  If our spectators are too close by setting up chairs on the sidelines, it is dangerous for both players and spectators.  Under no circumstances may spectators stand or sit behind the end lines by the goals.  In addition, younger siblings are not permitted on the field.  In order to protect our beautiful turf field, NO Chairs are permitted on the track or turf!

On behalf of the AYSO Board of Directors, we welcome you and your family to AYSO.  Thank You!

Colleen Wagner

Regional Commissioner



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