
|Hobbs Math Standards |NM |Timeline |Activity/Assignment/Resources |

|Items highlighted need to be mastered by the end of First Grade |Standards |& |180 Instructional Days – 159 Lessons |

|ALL lessons are to include the Classroom Routines |& |Important Dates |Literature Connection |

| |Benchmarks | |CK refers to What Your First Grader Needs to Know |

| | | |Compass Learning Computer Activities |

|How Many of Each? (25 lessons) | | | |

|Investigation 1 – Counting and Quantity (4 lessons) |1.N.1.1 a. |Begin |Adding and Subtracting 10120 |

|During the four lessons of Investigation 1, students will: |1.N.1.1 g. |August 17 |Place Value 10121 |

|Develop vocabulary to talk about time and sequence (first, next, last, before, after, |1.G.1.1 a. | |Equal Numbers 10119 |

|during, and so on) |1.G.4.3 | |One-digit Addition 10122 |

|Count a set of objects up to 20 by 1’s |1.M.1.1 e. | |Positions of Objects 10174 |

|Explore the characteristics of cubes, pattern blocks, Geoblocks, and Power Polygons | | |Direction Words 10255 |

| | | |Position Words 10115 |

| | | |The Number Line 10199 |

| | | |Calendar 10156 |

| | | |Passage of Time 10157 |

| | | |Tools for Telling Time 10158 |

| | | |Time to the Hour and Half-hour 10169 |

| | | |Elapsed Time 10159 extra |

| | | |Weather Chart needed for Unit 4 |

| | | |Unit 1 “Help Sheet” |

| | | |Investigations 1st Grade Answer Key |

| | | |List of Books that support learning math concepts |

| | | |CK – Calendar Time p. 261-262 |

| | | |Investigations vocabulary – Unit 1 |

| | | |Collect 20 Together |

| | | |Twenty Frame |

| | | |CK - Geometry p. 259-260 |

|Investigation 2 – Counting and Comparing (7 lessons) |1.N.1.1 a. | |Start With/Get To Cards |

|During the seventeen lessons of Investigation 2, students will: |1.N.1.1 h. | | |

|Practice the rote counting sequence forward and backward, from 1 to 30 |1.N.3.2 | |Need to make: red clothes pin (Ending #) & green clothespin (Beginning #) |

|Use the number line as a tool for counting | | | |

|Count a set of objects up to 20 by 1’s |1.A.3.1 | | |

|Connect number names and written numbers to the quantities they represent | | | |

|Order a set of numbers and quantities up to 12 | | | |

|Record a solution to a problem | | | |

|Compare two quantities up to 10, 20 to see which is larger | | | |

|Develop an understanding of how the quantities in the counting sequence are related: | | | |

|each number is 1 more or 1 less than the number before or after it | | | |

|Count a set of objects by 1s | | | |

|Develop and analyzing visual images for quantities up to 10 | | | |

|Introduce standard notation for comparing quantities (greater than, less than, and equal| | | |

|to) | | | |

|Order 2 set of numbers up to 12 | | | |

| | | |CK - Numbers and Number Sense p. 235-237 |

| | | |Compare Dots Dot Cards - A B C D |

| | | |Compare Primary Number Cards |

| | | |Assessment: Counting 20 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |CK – Numbers from 1 to 10 p. 236 |

| | | |One More, One Less; Number for Things in Order p. 237; Greater Than and Less Than |

| | | |p. 241; Number Flash Card Activities p. 242 |

| | | | |

|Investigation 3 – Combining (7 lessons) |1.N.1.1 a. | |Double Compare Dots |

|During the seven lessons of Investigation 3, students will: |1.N.1.1 i. | |Double Compare |

|Find the total of two or more quantities up to a total of 20 by counting all, counting |1.N.3.1 | | |

|on, or using number combinations |1.N.3.2 | | |

|Compare two quantities up to 20 to see which is larger | | | |

|Visualize and retell the action in an addition situation |1.A.2.1 | | |

|Model the action of an addition problem with counters or drawings |1.A.3.1 | | |

|Connect number names and written numbers to the quantities they represent | | | |

|Introduce standard notation (+ and =) for representing addition situations | | | |

|See that adding the same two numbers (e.g., 4 and 3) results in the same total | | | |

|regardless of context (e.g., number cubes, cards, objects) | | | |

|Develop an understanding of how the quantities in the counting sequence are related: | | | |

|each number is 1 more or 1 less than the number before or after it | | | |

|Record a solution to a problem | | | |

| | | |Cooperative Learning Cards: Time to the hour and half hour |

| | | |Clock worksheets A B C |

| | | |Story Problem Routine |

| | | |4 Square Graphic Organizer |

| | | |Five-in-a-Row |

| | | |Five-in-a-Row Gameboard A B C |

| | | |Rooster’s Off to See the World by Eric Carle; |

| | | |The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle; |

| | | |One Gorilla by Atsuko Morozumi |

| | | | |

| | | |Roll & Record |

|Investigation 4 – Composing Numbers ( 7 lessons) | | | |

|During the seven lessons of Investigation 4, students will: | | | |

|Find and explore relationships among combinations of numbers up to 10 | | | |

|Solve a problem with multiple solutions |1.N.1.1 c. | | |

|Record a solution to a problem |1.N.1.1 f. | | |

|Find the total of two or more quantities up to a total of 20 by counting all, counting |1.N.2.4 | | |

|on, or using number combinations |1.N.3.2 | | |

|Find and explore relationships among combinations of numbers up to 10 | | | |

|Use standard notation (+ and =) to represent addition situations |1.A.2.1 | | |

|Visualize and retell the action in an addition situation |1.A.2.3 | | |

|Model the action of an addition problem with counters or drawings |1.A.3.2 | | |

|Solve a problem in which the total and one part are known | | | |

|Record combinations of two numbers that make a certain total | | | |

|Represent number combinations with numbers, pictures, and/or words | | | |

| | | |Three Towers of 10 |

| | | |Heads and Tails |

| | | |Heads and Tails Recording Sheet |

| | | |How Many Am I Hiding? |

| | | |How Many Am I Hiding? Recording Sheet |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |T chart – graphic organizer |

| | |Finish by |End-of-Unit Assessment |

| | |Sept. 23 |Teacher Notes of how to assess Unit 1 p. 216-223 |

| | | |Rubric - Unit 1 |

|Making Shapes and Designing Quilts (16 lessons) | | | |

|Investigation 1 – Composing and Decomposing 2-D Shapes (7 lessons) |1.N.1.1 a. |Begin by |Sort Using One Attribute 10138 |

|During the seven lessons of Investigation 1, students will: |1.N.1.1 d. |Sept. 26th |Sort Using Two Attributes 10139 |

|Notice shapes in the environment |1.N.2.6 | |Rules for Sorting 10198 |

|Describe, compare, and name 2-D shapes |1.N.3.2 | |Straight and Curved Lines 10094 |

|Cover a region without gaps or overlaps using multiple shapes | | |Open and Closed Shapes 10093 |

|Decompose shapes in different ways |1.G.1.1.a. | |Plane and Solid Shapes 10196, 10197, 10095 |

|Count a set of objects |1.G.1.1.b. | |Special Plane Shapes 10113 |

|Develop visual images of and language for describing 2-D shapes |1.G.1.1.d. | |Attributes of Plane Shapes 10149 |

|Find the sum of multiple addends with small numbers |1.G.2.1.a. | |Slides and Turns 10151 |

|Find different combinations of shapes that fill the same area |1.G.3.1. | |Congruent Shapes 10152 |

|Examine how shapes can be combined to make other shapes |1.G.3.2. | |Symmetry 10153 |

|Alter designs to use more or fewer pieces to cover the same space |1.G.3.3 | |Build Shapes 10096 |

| |1.G.4.1. | |Plane and Solid Shapes 10154 |

| |1.G.4.3 | |Perimeter and Area 10168 |

|ONLINE ACTIVITES FOR UNIT 2 |1.G.4.5 | |Shapes Around Us 10155 |

| | | |Pattern Blocks 10116 |

| | | |Unit 2 “Help Sheet” |

| | | |[pic]Introduce Shapes Software – |

| | | |free explore |

| | | |Make shape posters – Paper Shape Cut-outs |

| | | |The Button Box by Margarette S. Reid |

| | | |The Shape of Things by Dayle Ann Dodds |

| | | |When a Line Bends . . . a Shape Begins by Rhonda Gowler |

| | | |Fill the Hexagons |

| | | |Quick Images: Shape Cards |

| | | |Shape Cards for centers |

| | | |How Many Shapes – template |

| | | |Combination Shape Cards |

|Investigation 2 – Describing and Sorting Shapes (5 lessons) |1.G.1.1.a. | |[pic]Use a Hoola Hoop for Guess My Rule |

|During the five lessons of Investigation 2, students will: |1.G.1.1.b. | |Shapes Software – Quick Images activity |

|Identify common attributes of a group of shapes |1.G.1.1.d. | | |

|Describe, compare, and name 2-D shapes |1.G.3.2. | | |

|Develop visual images of and language for describing 2-D shapes |1.G.3.3 | | |

|Identify characteristics of triangles and quadrilaterals |1.G.4.1. | | |

|Identify and make triangles and quadrilaterals of different shapes and sizes |1.G.4.3 | | |

|Recognize that there are many types of quadrilaterals (e.g., rectangles, trapezoids, | | | |

|squares, rhombi) | | | |

| | | |[pic]Shapes Software – Puzzles using pattern blocks |

| | | |see Teaching Notes p. 56 |

| | | |See Math Notes p. 79 & 92 |

| | | |Assessment Checklist: What is a Triangle? |

| | | |Assessment - Triangles |

| | | |Link to great math games |

|Investigation 3 – Quilts (4 lessons) |1.A.1.1 | |[pic]Cooperative Learning cards for Transformations: Rotation (turns) Reflection |

|During the four lessons of Investigation 3, students will: |1.G.1.1.d. | |(flips) Translation (slides) |

|See relationships between squares and triangles |1.G.3.2. | | |

|Examine how shapes come together to make other shapes |1.G.3.3 | | |

|Use a repeated unit to create a pattern |1.G.4.1. | | |

|Decompose shapes in different ways |1.G.4.3 | | |

|See how changing the unit affects the whole pattern | | | |

|Find different combinations of shapes that fill the same area | | | |

|Describe, compare, and name 2-D shapes | | | |

|Identify common attributes of a group of shapes | | | |

| | | |Quilt Frame – see Materials to Prepare p. 103 |

| | | |CK – Patterns and Classifications p. 234 |

| | | |CK - Geometry p. 259 - 260 |

| | |Finish by |End-of-Unit Assessment |

| | |October 21 | |

| | | |Rubric |

| Hobbs Math Standards |NM |Timeline |Activity/Assignment/Resources |

| |Standards |& | |

| |& |Important Dates | |

| |Benchmarks | | |

|Solving Story Problems (25 lessons) | | | |

|Investigation 1 – Combinations (9 lessons) |1.N.1.1.c. |Begin by |Read Numbers 10147 |

|During the nine lessons of Investigation 1, students will: |1.N.1.1.d. |October 24 |Compare Numbers 10097 |

|Practice the rote counting sequence forward and backward, starting from any number 1 to |1.N.1.1.f. | |Ordinal Numbers 10092 |

|30 |1.N.2.4 | |Whole Numbers 1B001 |

|Find as many 2-addend combinations of a number as possible |1.N.3.1 | |Count Numbers 10100 |

|Prove that all of the possible combinations have been found |1.N.3.2 | |Place Value 10101 |

|Record solutions to a problem |1.N.3.4 | |Compare with Place Value 10194 |

|Solve a problem in which the total and one part are known | | |One-digit Subtraction 10124 |

|Find and explore relationships among combinations of numbers up to 10, 12, 15 |1.A.2.1 | |Greater Than and Less Than 10163 |

|Develop counting on as a strategy for combining two numbers |1.A.2.2 | |Start With/Get To cards Set A Set B |

|Use numbers and standard notation (+, =) to record |1.A.2.3 | | |

|Connect written numbers and standard notation (+,=) to the quantities and actions they |1.A.3.2 | | |

|represent | | | |

|Find the total of two or more quantities up to a total of 20 by counting all, counting | | | |

|on, or using number combinations | | | |

|Visualize and retell the action in addition situations | | | |

|Estimate whether an amount is more or less than a given quantity | | | |

|Use the equal sign to show equivalent expressions | | | |

| | | |Same or Different cards |

| | | |How Many Am I Hiding? Same as Unit 1 |

| | | |Counters in a Cup Same as Unit 1 |

| | | |Number lines |

| | | |Dot Addition Cards in your kit |

| | | |Dot Addition game and blank gameboard |

| | | |Gameboards A B C D |

| | | |Roll and Record same as Unit 1 |

| | | |Five-in-a-Row same as Unit 1 |

| | | |Story Problem Routine |

| | | |See Teacher Note p. 187-189 |

|Investigation 2 – Introducing Subtraction (3 lessons) |1.N.2.1 | |Start With/Get To cards Set B |

|During the three lessons of Investigation 2, students will: |1.N.2.6 | | |

|Visualize and retell the action in subtraction situations involving removal |1.N.3.1 | | |

|Subtract one number from another, with initial totals up to 12 | | | |

|Use numbers and standard notation (+, -,=) to record |1.A.2.1 | | |

|Develop strategies for solving subtraction (removal) problems |1.A.3.2 | | |

|Model the action of subtraction (removal) problem with counters or drawings | | | |

|Develop methods for recording subtraction (removal) strategies | | | |

| | | |Roll and Record: Subtraction |

| | | |Five-in-a-Row: Subtraction Game boards A B C D |

| | | | |

|Investigation 3 - Working with Addition and Subtraction (5 lessons) |1.G.4.3 | |*Use blank cubes to make number cubes with larger numbers p. 103 |

|During the five lessons of Investigation 3, students will: |1.N.1.e. | | |

|Visualize and retell the action in addition situations and subtraction situations |1.N.3.2 | | |

|involving removal |1.N.2.1 | | |

|Develop strategies for solving addition and subtraction (removal) problems |1.N.2.2 | | |

|Record solutions to a problem |1.N.3.2 | | |

|Generate equivalent expressions for a number | | | |

|Use numbers and standard notation (>, , ................

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