Logic and Proofs

Logic and Proofs

Philosophy – 80210

Schedule of Exams

Fall 2009

Instructor Information:

Conor Mayo-Wilson

Email: conormw@andrew.cmu.edu

Office: Baker Hall 143

Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:30-3:00 PM and By Appointment

Important Information: You have 24 hours to complete any given exam during the “Exam Window.” In other words, you may start the exam during any time in the exam window, and once you begin, you have twenty four hours to complete it. You must work by yourself, and the written problems on Exam 3 must be submitted to my mailbox (in Baker Hall 135) within 24 hours of when you begin the exam. Please note that Baker Hall 135 is locked after 5PM; so plan accordingly.

|Week |Topic |Exams |Exam Window |

|1 |Introduction to Course | | |

|2 |Sentential Logic: Syntax and Symbolization | | |

|3 |Sentential Logic: Semantics |Midterm 1 |Start: Sunday, September 13th at 9AM End: Wednesday, September |

| | | |16th at 12AM |

|4 |Sentential Logic: Derivations | | |

|5 |Sentential Logic: Indirect Rules | | |

|6 |Sentential Logic: Strategies and Derived | | |

| |Rules | | |

|7 |Sentential Logic: Elementary Metamathematics|Midterm 2 |Start: Sunday, October 11th at 9AM |

| | | |End: Wednesday, October 14th at 12AM |

|8 | |Mid-Semester Break | |

|9 |Predicate Logic: Syntax and Semantics I | | |

|10 |Predicate Logic: Syntax and Semantics I | | |

|11 |Predicate Logic: Derivations |Midterm 3 |Start: Sunday, November 8th at 9AM |

| | | |End: Wednesday, November 11th at 12AM |

|12 |Strategies and Derived Rules | | |

|13 |Predicate Logic: Identity and Functions | | |

|14 | |Thanksgiving Break | |

|15 |Review | |Start: Monday, December 7th at 9AM |

| | | |End: Monday, December 14th at 12AM |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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