5010150-66675Interdisciplinary learning (IDL) The curriculum should include space for learning beyond subject boundaries, so that children can make connections between different areas of learning. We plan for IDL topics in our classroom to provide relevant, challenging and enjoyable learning experiences which meet the varied needs of our children. Our focus will be on the theme of Artic lands this term and we will look forward to:Developing an understanding of world climates and use geography skills to locate biomes.Researching Artic animals and write reports on our findings.Exploring how life has changed for the people of the Artic.Developing an understanding of conflict and learn about different views of how the Artic land should be used.Learning how changes in the Artic can help us tackle Climate change.5454650334010Ethos and Life of the School Even in their classroom bubbles, our children are being encouraged to contribute to the life and work of the school and, from the earliest stages, to exercise their responsibilities as members of a community. This includes opportunities to participate responsibly in decision-making, to contribute as leaders and role models. Primary 5 have had the opportunity to develop their cooperative skills this term:Being responsible and safe and adhering to the new rules that are in place due to coronavirus. Carrying out their classroom duties with pride.Deciding as a class what the class charter should be and voting on what the consequences would be for anyone breaking the charter promises.5847080405765Planned Opportunities for Personal Achievements ?Personal achievement provides children and young people with a sense of satisfaction and helps to build motivation, resilience and confidence. Therefore, at St David’s we provide the children with various opportunities to share personal achievements. In Primary 5 we can share our personal achievements through virtual assemblies and in class. Please do share any outside school achievements:SportsClubsMusicArtworkDramaWe would love to hear all about it and share personal achievements in class. School TripsUntil it is safe to do so will not be going on trips throughout the term. However, we would encourage you to please volunteer to help on these trips if they become available as class trips are not possible without the help of parent volunteers.Primary 5 Learning Leaflet Term 1 2020 Primary 5 are pleased to be able to share your child’s learning with you. We learn through the 4 contexts of learning and plan for children’s learning experiences in this way. Discrete subject areas 43624503657600Expressive ArtsAll of P5 Expressive Arts has a Health and Wellbeing focus.Drama: We will use our drama techniques to express how we are feeling. Music: We will be using the work of a Scottish composer Anna Meredith to inspire us to be confident in our ability to compose music with clapping and stomping! We explore rhythm, timing and pace, the class are really enjoying it and it’s always fun.Art: P5 will be studying the work of Henri Matisse, focus on his collages and scissor work. To make artwork that uses colour to show emotion.00Expressive ArtsAll of P5 Expressive Arts has a Health and Wellbeing focus.Drama: We will use our drama techniques to express how we are feeling. Music: We will be using the work of a Scottish composer Anna Meredith to inspire us to be confident in our ability to compose music with clapping and stomping! We explore rhythm, timing and pace, the class are really enjoying it and it’s always fun.Art: P5 will be studying the work of Henri Matisse, focus on his collages and scissor work. To make artwork that uses colour to show emotion.23547374979513REThe children in Primary 5 will refresh and complete their preparation of the sacrament of Holy Communion. We will also be developing our spirituality and faith through weekly liturgy. We will explore Bible stories that show us God loves us and looks after us. 00REThe children in Primary 5 will refresh and complete their preparation of the sacrament of Holy Communion. We will also be developing our spirituality and faith through weekly liturgy. We will explore Bible stories that show us God loves us and looks after us. 3714750426085Maths and NumeracyWithin Numeracy we will:Recap and extend our knowledge of multiplication and division. Learning our 6,7,8 and 9 times tables facts as fraction facts.Use coordinates and direction with knowledge of degree turns clockwise and anticlockwise.Learn about angles and how to measure angles, in 2D shapes and triangles.Work on fractions, decimals and percentages.Use surveys and questionnaires and how to present the data in graphs.Learn how to read tables and timetables, and how to add and subtract time.00Maths and NumeracyWithin Numeracy we will:Recap and extend our knowledge of multiplication and division. Learning our 6,7,8 and 9 times tables facts as fraction facts.Use coordinates and direction with knowledge of degree turns clockwise and anticlockwise.Learn about angles and how to measure angles, in 2D shapes and triangles.Work on fractions, decimals and percentages.Use surveys and questionnaires and how to present the data in graphs.Learn how to read tables and timetables, and how to add and subtract time.-11131554656455Health and WellbeingThe children will be taking part in PE activities this year on a Wednesday, with Mr Creaney. Kit is:sensible running shoes. Warm sports clothes for outdoorsIn class we will be developing our knowledge of games that involve sharing and taking turns. Every Monday we start the week with a meditation session, being mindful and gentle, we will use breathing techniques that calm us and encourage the class to use them during the week.Our focus is building confidence and building a positive mindset. The class have built an igloo for a safe calm space to use.We will continue to learn about personal safety through the Keeping Myself Safe programme of work. 00Health and WellbeingThe children will be taking part in PE activities this year on a Wednesday, with Mr Creaney. Kit is:sensible running shoes. Warm sports clothes for outdoorsIn class we will be developing our knowledge of games that involve sharing and taking turns. Every Monday we start the week with a meditation session, being mindful and gentle, we will use breathing techniques that calm us and encourage the class to use them during the week.Our focus is building confidence and building a positive mindset. The class have built an igloo for a safe calm space to use.We will continue to learn about personal safety through the Keeping Myself Safe programme of work. -257175426085Literacy and EnglishLiteracy we will be:Working on our cursive handwriting and complete weekly tasks Working on spellings, spelling rules and spelling activities based on patterns and prefix/suffix links to common root words. Focusing on independent writing tasks, focusing on editing and drafting to improve our writing.Improving note taking skills, and gather relevant information.Exploring news and views and spotting fake news.Building our vocabulary through dictionary work and reading. Working on a Reflective Reader approach by using book extracts to develop literacy skills and a love of reading.Creating newspapers and report stories. We will look at persuasive writing skills to help us with this task.Continue talk partner work to improve talking and listening skills.00Literacy and EnglishLiteracy we will be:Working on our cursive handwriting and complete weekly tasks Working on spellings, spelling rules and spelling activities based on patterns and prefix/suffix links to common root words. Focusing on independent writing tasks, focusing on editing and drafting to improve our writing.Improving note taking skills, and gather relevant information.Exploring news and views and spotting fake news.Building our vocabulary through dictionary work and reading. Working on a Reflective Reader approach by using book extracts to develop literacy skills and a love of reading.Creating newspapers and report stories. We will look at persuasive writing skills to help us with this task.Continue talk partner work to improve talking and listening skills.22358357007860LanguagesSpanish We are learning about Spain and its culture and look at the positive stories from Spain in dealing with the coronavirus. We will also learn how to bless ourselves in Spanish. 00LanguagesSpanish We are learning about Spain and its culture and look at the positive stories from Spain in dealing with the coronavirus. We will also learn how to bless ourselves in Spanish. center3859530Curriculum areas00Curriculum areasGenerally, we learn these subjects on their own. The knowledge and skills we learn can be transferred and applied in other areas.1476375512889500329755519456400063201551880870 ................

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