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Level A

1. What is the root word in employment?

A) employ

B) ment

C) ploy

2. What is the root word in learning?

A) earn

B) learn

C) ing

3. What is the root word in useful?

A) us

B) ful

C) use

4. What is the root word in misuse?

A) mis

B) use

C) sus

5. What is the root word in faithfully?

A) faith

B) ful

C) fully

6. What is the root word in beautiful?

A) beau

B) beauty

C) ful

7. What is the root word in manager?

A) man

B) manage

C) er

8. What is the root word in happiness?

A) happy

B) hap

C) ness

9. What is the root word in precaution?

A) pre

B) tion

C) caution

10. What is the root word in comfortable?

A) comfort

B) fort

C) able

Level B

1. What is the root word in friendly?

A) end

B) friend

C) ly

2. What is the root word in unemployment?

A) unemploy

B) employ

C) ment

3. What is the root word in insincerely?

A) in

B) since

C) sincere

4. What is the root word in manageable?

A) man

B) manage

C) able

5. What is the root word in disappear?

A) appear

B) pear

C) dis

6. What is the root word in comforting?

A) comfort

B) fort

C) ing

7. What is the root word in stressful?

A) tress

B) stress

C) ful

8. What is the root word in unemployed?

A) un

B) employed

C) employ

9. What is the root word in uncovered?

A) un

B) cover

C) covered

10. What is the root word in disrespectful?

A) re

B) ful

C) respect

Level C

1. What is the root word in unfriendly?

A) un

B) friend

C) ly

2. What is the root word in distrusted?

A) dis

B) trusted

C) trust

3. What is the root word in uncomfortable?

A) comfort

B) able

C) un

4. What is the root word in recovered?

A) recover

B) cover

C) covered

5. What is the root word in outdated?

A) out

B) dated

C) date

6. What is the root word in management?

A) manage

B) man

C) ment

7. What is the root word in unfaithful?

A) faithful

B) ful

C) faith

8. What is the root word in distressing?

A) dis

B) sing

C) stress

9. What is the root word in undoing?

A) undo

B) doing

C) do

10. What is the root word in discovering?

A) discover

B) cover

C) covering


Level A

1. What is the root word in employment?

The correct answer is: A. The root word in employment is employ; ‘ment’ is a suffix.

2. What is the root word in learning?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in learning is learn; ‘ing’ is a suffix.

3. What is the root word in useful?

The correct answer is: C. The root word in useful is use; ‘ful’ is a suffix.

4. What is the root word in misuse?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in misuse is use; ‘mis’ is a prefix.

5. What is the root word in faithfully?

The correct answer is: A. The root word in faithfully is faith; ‘ful’ and ‘ly’ are suffixes.

6. What is the root word in beautiful?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in beautiful is beauty; ‘ful’ is a suffix.

7. What is the root word in manager?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in manager is manage; ‘er’ is a suffix.

8. What is the root word in happiness?

The correct answer is: A. The root word in happiness is happy; ‘ness’ is a suffix.

9. What is the root word in precaution?

The correct answer is: C. The root word in precaution is caution; ‘pre’ is a prefix.

10. What is the root word in comfortable?

The correct answer is: A. The root word in comfortable is comfort; ‘able’ is a suffix.

Level B

1. What is the root word in friendly?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in friendly is friend; ‘ly’ is a suffix.

2. What is the root word in unemployment?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in unemployment is employ; ‘un’ is a prefix and ‘ment’ is a suffix.

3. What is the root word in insincerely?

The correct answer is: C. The root word in insincerely is sincere; ‘in’ is a prefix and ‘ly’ is a suffix.

4. What is the root word in manageable?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in manageable is manage; ‘able’ is a suffix.

5. What is the root word in disappear?

The correct answer is: A. The root word in disappear is appear; ‘dis’ is a prefix.

6. What is the root word in comforting?

The correct answer is: A. The root word in comforting is comfort; ‘ing’ is a suffix.

7. What is the root word in stressful?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in stressful is stress; ‘ful’ is a suffix.

8. What is the root word in unemployed?

The correct answer is: C. The root word in unemployed is employ; ‘un’ is a prefix and ‘ed’ is a suffix.

9. What is the root word in uncovered?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in uncovered is cover; ‘un’ is a prefix and ‘ed’ is a suffix.

10. What is the root word in disrespectful?

The correct answer is: C. The root word in disrespectful is respect; ‘dis’ is a prefix and ‘ful’ is a suffix.

Level C

1. What is the root word in unfriendly?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in unfriendly is friend; ‘un’ is a prefix and ‘ly’ is a suffix.

2. What is the root word in distrusted?

The correct answer is: C. The root word in distrusted is trust; ‘dis’ is a prefix and ‘ed’ is a suffix.

3. What is the root word in uncomfortable?

The correct answer is: A. The root word in uncomfortable is comfort; ‘un’ is a prefix and ‘able’ is a suffix.

4. What is the root word in recovered?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in recovered is cover; ‘re’ is a prefix and ‘ed’ is a suffix.

5. What is the root word in outdated?

The correct answer is: C. The root word in outdated is date; ‘out’ is a prefix and ‘ed’ is a suffix.

6. What is the root word in management?

The correct answer is: A. The root word in management is manage; ‘ment’ is a suffix.

7. What is the root word in unfaithful?

The correct answer is: C. The root word in unfaithful is faith; ‘un’ is a prefix and ‘ful’ is a suffix.

8. What is the root word in distressing?

The correct answer is: C. The root word in distressing is stress; ‘dis’ is a prefix and ‘ing’ is a suffix.

9. What is the root word in undoing?

The correct answer is: C. The root word in undoing is do; ‘un’ is a prefix and ‘ing’ is a suffix.

10. What is the root word in discovering?

The correct answer is: B. The root word in discovering is cover; ‘dis’ is a prefix and ‘ing’ is a suffix.


Root words quiz


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