Medicine Through Time – Knowledge Test – Prehistoric to ...

Medicine Through Time – Knowledge Test – Prehistoric to Middle Ages


Answer all questions as fully as possible.

1. What does prehistory mean?

1 mark

2. Which people living today are a good source for prehistoric medicine?

1 mark

3. Give 3 facts about prehistoric people’s health.

3 marks

4. How did prehistoric people treat illnesses and injuries?

3 marks

5. How did communication affect ancient Egyptian medicine?

2 marks

6. What was the name of the Greek God of healing?

1 mark

7. Describe what happened in an Asclepion temple.

5 marks

8. Describe the theory of the four humours.

8 marks

9. Why was Hippocrates important

5 marks

10. What part did the army play in the development of Roman medicine

3 marks

11. Who was Galen?

8 marks

12. Describe Roman public health

4 marks

13. Why are the Dark Ages called the Dark Ages?

1 mark

14. Name two things people did to try to cure illness in the Dark Ages.

2 marks

15 Name two individuals important to Islamic medicine

2 marks

16 Describe how Islamic medicine differed from that practised in Dark Age Europe.

5 marks

17 Name four things that people thought caused the Black Death

4 marks

18 What were the symptoms of Bubonic and Pneumonic plague?

4 marks




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