8th Grade Georgia Social Studies: - Home

Think-Tac-Toe | |

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|Prehistory - Exploration |

| A B C |

|. . |

|Make a chart describing the four prehistoric |Create a Venn diagram comparing and |Draw pictures depicting the characteristics of the|

|groups in Georgia. |contrasting the Archaic Indians with the |four early groups of people in Georgia. |

| |Mississippian Indians. | |

|Make an outline describing the early European |Make a timeline of events for each European |Write a story describing how a European country |

|exploration of the New World by country. |country involved in voyages of exploration. |sponsored voyages of exploration from start to |

| | |finish. |

|Write a paragraph describing each English |Make a poster using a web diagram showing |Make a PowerPoint describing early English |

|colony in North America using the 5W & H model,|England’s early colonies in North America with|settlements in North America. |

|including GA. |dates and characteristics. | |

A = 60 pts. + B = 90 pts. + C = 150 pts. = 3 grades for 300 pts. total

• Choose one from each column, A, B, & C in any order.

• Column C requires a 5 minute presentation to the class.

• All output must be completed before Fall Break.

• Exemplary models will be displayed inside the LMS building.

• Unsatisfactory output and/or presentations will result in alternative assignments for mastery.[pic]


Optional Activity


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