AP World History Syllabus

AP World History Syllabus

Course Syllabus and Outline

The course is designed for high school sophomores who desire an academic challenge in a broad view of World History. Students will experience college level course work that explores the 20th Century as a result of a long process of cultural and societal development. In addition to history, the course will stress college level reading, analysis of primary documents, and writing. Students are also expected to take the AP World History test in May of 2010.

The course will be divided into six thematic units:

1. The relationship of change and continuity from 8000 BCE to the present.

2. Impact of interaction among and within major societies.

3. Impact of technology, economics, and demography on people and the environment.

4. Systems of social structure and gender structure.

5. Cultural, religious, and intellectual development.

6. Changes of function and structures of states and in attitudes toward states and political identities, including the emergence of the nation-states.

Teaching Strategies

The course will be a combination of lectures and discussion based upon assigned text readings in addition to teacher provided journal articles, current news events, weekly and daily television news shows, primary source material, tests, essays, quizzes, and supplementary materials. The purpose of the course is to prepare the students to pass the AP Exam for World History.

Required texts for this course:

Stearns, Peter, et.al., World Civilizations: the Global Experience. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Prentice Hall, 2005.

Andrea, Al & Overfield, James. The Human Record: Sources of Global History, Vol I & II.

Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.

Students will also be required to keep up with daily events in the nation and the world and participate in a daily discussion on these events. Further students will have to analyze and be tested on maps and graphs and other forms of visually presented information.

Grading and Course Requirements

Grades are computed on a cumulative point basis; tests, essays, homework assignments are all worth a given number of points. At the end of the grading period the grade is determined by dividing the total points possible by points earned. Assessment is based on quizzes and unit test consisting of objective questions and free response essay questions assessing student knowledge of lectures, vocabulary, discussion and readings. In addition to listed course work there may be additional Videos, Primary Documents, and additional readings as assigned.

A primary focus of each unit will be the writing of 3-4 comparative essays and the analysis of primary source texts and visuals. This frequent essay writing and primary source comparative analysis will serve to directly help you with the Document-Based Question (DBQ) essay on the exam.

Course Content with Readings

Unit One: Introduction & Beginnings- c.8000 BCE to 600 CE (4-5 weeks with Review)

1. Introduction to the AP World Course

o Become familiar with the AP World Curricular Requirements and five AP World

History Themes

o Introduce the concepts of change, continuity, and comparison that will be used

through out the course

o Discuss how and why the course is broken up into five units: an understanding of

of Historical Periods from 8000 BCE to present

2. Agricultural Revolution to the First River-Valley Civilizations (8000-1500 BCE)

o Define civilization and its key traits

o Mesopotamia & Egypt

o Comparative Essay : River valley civilizations

Stearns, Ch 1

Stearns, Document: “Hammurabi’s Law Code”, pg. 19-20

Stearns, In Depth, “Asia’s Legacy”, pg. 26-27

Andrea, “Epic of Gilgamesh”, pg. 7-13

Andrea, “Search for Eternal Life in Egypt”, pg. 18-22

Videos: “Mesopotamia”, “Egypt ”

3. New Civilizations in the Eastern & Western Hemispheres (2200-250 BCE)

o Early Chinese civilizations

o First civilizations of the Americas

Stearns, Ch 2

Stearns, Document: “Teaching of Rival Chinese Schools”, pg. 42

Stearns, In Depth, “Women in Patriarchal Societies”, pg. 45

Andrea, the Book of Documents”, pg. 27

Videos: “China”

4. India & the Middle East (2000-500 BCE)

o India

o Comparative Essay : India & The Middle East

o World religions overview: students use internet sources to investigate major world religions

Stearns, Ch 3

Stearns, In Depth, “Inequality”, pg. 62

Stearns, Visualizing the Past, pg. 64-65

Andrea, “The Rig Veda”, pg. 42-46

Andrea, “The Bhagavad-Gita”, pg. 67-70

Videos: India

5. Greece and Iran (1000-30 BCE)

o Rise of Greek city-states

o Struggles of Persia & Greece

o Spread of Hellenism

Stearns, Ch 4

Stearns, In Depth, Classical Mediterranean Perspective”, pg. 77-78

Introduce the DBQ: interpret and analyze primary and secondary source documents, Stearns, pg, 32-33

Andrea, “Homer, The Odyssey”, pg. 46-50

Andrea, “Thucydides, History”, pg. 105-111

Video: “Greeks: Crucible of Civilization”

6. India & Southeast Asia (1500 BCE – 600 CE)

o Spread of Buddhism & Hinduism

o Point of view analysis on Buddhist & Hindu primary & secondary source


Stearns, Document: “The Popularization of Buddhism”, pg. 104-105

Andrea, “ Zarathustra, Gathas”, pg. 77-80

Andrea, “Laozi, The Classic of the Way and Virtue”, pg.87-90

Andrea, Confucius, the Analects”, pg. 90-96

Andrea, Han Fei, The Writings”, pg. 96-98

Video: “Life of Buddha”

7. An Age of Empires: Rome & Han China

o Comparison on the empires of Rome & Han China

o Comparative Essay : Rome & Han China

o Collapse of Empires

Stearns, Ch 5

Stearns, Document: “Rome and a Values Crisis”, pg. 86

Stearns, In Depth, “Nomads and Cross-Civilization Contacts”, pg. 94-95

Andrea, “Virgil, The Aeneid”, pg. 130-134

Andrea, “Ban Zhao, Lessons for Women”, pg. 145-149

Video: “Rome”


Multiple Choice Test

DBQ #3: “The Influence of Geography on History”

DBQ #4: “Achievements of the Ancient Empires”

Continuity & Change Essay: RTQ from AP College Board to be selected _______________________________________________________________________

Unit Two: 600-1450 CE (5-6 Weeks with Review)

8. The Rise of Islam and contact with Hinduism (600-1200 CE)

o Origins of Islam, caliphates, and Islamic civilization

o DBQ topic: Principles Concerning the Treatment of Women, pg. 118-119

Stearns, Ch 6 & 7

Stearns, In Depth, “Civilization and Gender Relationship”, pg. 136-137

Stearns, Document: “The Thousand and One Nights”, pg. 141

Stearns, In Depth, pg. 166-167

Andrea, “The Quran”, pg. 235-239

Andrea, Malik ibn Anas, The Smoothed Path”, pg. 246-253

Andrea, 2”Creed Concerning Imams, pg. 254-256

Movie: “The Message”

9. African Civilizations and the Spread of Islam

o African Societies: Diversity and Similarities

o Kingdoms of the Grasslands

Stearns, Ch 8

Stearns, Document: “ The Great Oral Tradition”, pg. 178

Stearns, In Depth, “Two Transitions”, pg. 184-185

Andrea, “Meadows of Gold”, pg. 383-386

Andrea, “Ethiopian Royal Chronicle”, pg. 391-394

Video: “African Addido: English Version”

10. Christian Europe Emerges (600-1200 CE)

o Byzantine Empire, Medieval Europe, Kievan Russia, and the Crusades

o Comparative Essay: Islam & Christianity

o The Spread of Civilization over Eastern Europe

o Western Culture in the Post Classical Era

Stearns , Ch 9 & 10

Stearns, Document: “Russia Turns to Christianity”, pg. 207

Stearns, Document: “Changing Roles for Women”, pg. 231

Andrea, “The Mosaics of San Vitale”, pg. 343-346

Andrea, “The Capitulary on Saxony” pg. 355-359

Andrea, The Alexiad”, pg. 373-375

Video: “Byzantium: Lost Empire”

11. Civilizations of the Americas (600-1500 CE)

o Mesoamerican Cultures: Maya & Aztecs

o Aztec Society in Transition

o Andean Cultures: Moche & Inca

Stearns Ch 11

Stearns, Document: “Aztec Women and Men”, pg. 248-249

Andrea, Book of Gods and Rites”, pg. 403-409

Video: “The Mayas”& “The Aztecs”

12. Renaissance in Chinese Civilization: The Tang and Song Dynasties & Spread of Chinese Culture

o Rebuilding the Imperial Edifice

o Tang Decline and Rise of the Song

o The Golden Age of China

o Comparative Essay: China & Post-Classic American Civilizations

o Japan and the rise of the Warrior

o Korea: Between China and Japan

o Vietnam

Stearns, Ch 12& 13

Stearns, In Depth, “Artistic Expression”, pg. 281-282

Stearns, In Depth, “Comparing Feudalisms”, pg. 295-296

Stearns, Visualizing the Past, pg. 304-305

Stearns, Document: “Literature as a Mirror”, pg. 308

Andrea, “The Old Tang History”, pg. 296-299

Andrea, Chronicle of the Grand Pacification”, pg. 285-290

13. Mongol Eurasia (1200-1500 CE)

o The Rise & Effect of the Mongols

o The Mongol Drive to the West

o The Mongols in Chinese History

Stearns, Ch 14

Stearns, Document: “European Assessment of the Mongols”, pg. 317

Stearns, In Depth, “Eclipse of the Nomadic War Machine”, pg. 330-331

Andrea, “Journey of the Land of the Tartars”, pg. 432-437

Andrea, “The Practice of Commerce”, pg. 445-447

Video: “Ghengis Khan: Terror & Conquest”

14. The Latin West (1200-1500 CE)

o Population growth and Black Death

o The Decline of the Old Order

o Comparative Essay : The Mongols & Middle Age Knights

o The Renaissance, Hundred Years War

o Polynesia and the Pacific

Stearns, Ch 15

Stearns, Visualizing the Past, pg. 339

Stearns, Document: “Italian Renaissance Culture”, pg. 342

Stearns, In Depth, Ethnocentrism”, pg. 346

Video: “The Black Death”


Multiple Choice Test

DBQ #5: “When Cultures Collide”

Continuity & Change Essay: RTQ from AP College Board to be selected


Unit Three: 1450-1750 BCE (5-6 Weeks with Review)

15. The World Economy

o Expansion before 1450: Pacific, Indian, & Atlantic Ocean

o Comparative Essay : Feudalism & Mercantilism

o European Expansion and Maritime Development

o DBQ Topic: European Encounters & Impact of Western Europe on World Trade

Stearns, Ch 16

Stearns, In Depth, Causation and the West’s Expansion”, pg. 365

Sterns, Document: “Western Conquers: Tactics and Motives”, pg. 373-374

Andrea, “King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella”, pg. 89-92

16. Transformation in Europe (1500-1750 CE)

o The Reformation, Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment

o Science and Politics

o The West by 1750

o Absolute Monarchies and Religion

o Comparative Essay : 1517: Pre & Post Religious Condictions

Stearns, Ch 17

Stearns, In Depth, “Elites and Masses”, pg. 393

Stearns, Document: “Controversies about Women”, pg. 396-397

Andrea, “Voltaire, Treatise on Toleration”, pg. 158-160

Andrea, “English Bill of Rights”, pg. 182

Andrea, “Declaration of the Rights of Man”, pg. 188

17. Rise of Russia (1450-1750 CE)

o Russian Expansionism

o Russian Modernization and Peter I

Stearns, Ch 18

Stearns, Document: “Nature of Westernization”, pg. 411

Andrea, “Peter the Great, Edicts and Decrees”, pg. 174-177

Andrea, “On the Corruption of Morals in Russia”, pg. 178-181

Video: “Peter the Great”

18. Early Latin America (1450-1750 CE)

o Spanish and Portuguese

o Comparative Essay : Tenochtitlan & New Spain

o Destruction and Transformation of the American Indian

o Colonial Economics

o Brazil

o Multiracial Societies

Stearns, Ch 19

Stearns, Document: “A Vision from the Vanquished”, pg. 425-426

Stearns, In Depth, “The Great Exchange”, pg. 430-431

Andrea, Encomienda Records”, pg. 137-139

Andrea, Complaint of the Indians”, pg. 139-142

19. Africa and Atlantic Slave Trade (1400-1800 CE)

o Atlantic Slave Trade

o Settling South Africa/African Diaspora

Stearns, Ch 20

Stearns, In Depth, “Slavery and Human Society”, pg. 463-464

Stearns, Document: “Middle Passage”, pg. 465-466

Andrea, “Afro-Portuguese Trade”, pg. 117-118

Andrea, “Political Breakdown”, pg. 121-124

Video: “Amistad”

20. Muslim Empires (1250-1700 CE)

o Ottoman Empire Expansion

o Muslim Empire and India

Stearns, Ch 21

Stearns, Document: “Islamic Traveler Laments”, pg. 481

Stearns, In Depth, “Gunpowder Empires”, pg. 484-485

Andrea, “Turkish Letters”, pg. 43-47

Andrea, “Jahangir, Memoirs”, pg. 52-56

21. Asian Transitions and Global Challenges

o Asian Trading and the Europeans

o Comparative Essay : The Ottomans & Ming Dynasty

o Ming Dynasty and Isolationism

o Japan and the West

Stearns, Ch 22

Stearns, In Depth, “Means and Motives for Overseas Expansion”, pg. 515- 516

Andrea, “Closed Country Edict of 1635”, pg. 31

Andrea, “Symptoms of Ming Decline”, pg. 23-27

Movie Excerpt, “Shogun”

Video: “Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire”


Multiple Choice Test

DBQ #6: “Societal Change in The First Global Age”

DBQ #7: “Cause of Revolution”

Continuity & Change Essay: RTQ from AP College Board to be selected


Unit Four: 1750- 1914 CE (4-5 Weeks with Review)

22. Industrialized Society in the West (1750-1914 CE)

o The Enlightenment & the Old Order

o The American & French Revolutions and how Revolution Spreads

o Comparative Essay : The American & French Revolutions

o Diplomatic Tensions and WWI

o DBQ topic: Liberalism and Conservatism & Education in USA and Japan

Stearns, Ch 23

Stearns, Document: “Women in the Industrial Revolution”, pg. 545-546

Stearns, In Depth, The US in World History”, pg. 556-557

Andrea, “Political Cartoons”, pg. 190-194

Andrea, “Thomas Paine, Common Sense”, pg. 195-200

Video: “The French Revolution”

23. Industrialization and Imperialism (1600-1900 CE)

o Industrial Rivalries and the Partition of the World

o Patterns of Dominance

o Comparative Essay : Colonial Africa & India

o Capitalism and Colonialism

Stearns, Ch 24

Stearns, In Depth, Western Education”, pg. 571-572

Stearns, Document: “Colonizer versus the Colonized”, pg. 581

Andrea, “The Communist Manifesto”, pg. 277-284

Andrea, “Origin of the Species”, pg. 281-285

Video: “Colonialism and Imperialism”

24. The Consolidation of Latin America (1830-1920 CE)

o Independence in Latin America

o Politics, Church and Heritage

o Europeans and Economics

Stearns, Ch 25

Stearns, Document: “Confronting the Hispanic Heritage”, pg. 596-597

Stearns, In Depth, “Explaining Underdevelopment”, pg. 609-610

Andrea, “Latin America: Its Rise and Progress”, pg. 449-453

Andrea, “Cardenas, Speech to the Nation”, pg. 453-455

25. Land Empires in the Age of Imperialism (1650-1900 CE)

o The Ottoman, Russian, and Qing Empires

o Western Intrusion in to Islamic Regions

Stearns, Ch 26

Stearns, In Depth, “Western Dominance”, pg. 620-621

Stearns, Document: “Building a New China”, pg. 636

Andrea, “The Curse of Opium”, pg. 339-342

Andrea, “Ottoman Reforms”, pg. 321-323

26. Russia and Japan-Industrialization (1700-1900 CE)

o Russian Industrialization

o Comparative Essay : Russia & Japan

o Russian Revolution

o Japan Transformation

Stearns, Ch 27

Stearns, Document: “Conditions of Russian Factory Workers”, pg. 647-648

Stearns, In Depth, “Separate Paths of Japan and China”, pg. 654-655

Andrea, “Letter of Mitsubishi Employees”, pg. 353-356


Multiple Choice Test

DBQ #8: “Effects of Industrialization and Imperialism”

Continuity & Change Essay: RTQ from AP College Board to be selected


Unit Five: The 20th Century to the Present (6-7 Weeks with Review)

27. The Crises of the Imperial Order (1900-1929 CE)

o The Great War & the Russian Revolution

o Contrasting destinies of China & Japan

o Comparative Essay : The Schlieffen Plan & Plan XVII

o The New Middle East

Stearns, Ch 28

DBQ “Decolonization & Population Growth”, pg 668-669

Document: “Slaughter in the Trenches”, pg 685.

Andrea, “Comments of the German Delegation” pg 381-384

Andrea, “Kemal: Speech to Congress”, pg 432-435

Macmillan, Paris 1919, excerpts

Wilfred Owens: Poems

Video: “The Great War”

28. The Collapse of the Old Order (1929-1949 CE)

O The Stalin Revolution & the Great Depression

o Comparative Essay : Stalin & Lenin

o Rise of Fascism

o East Asia from 1931-1945


Stearns, Ch 29-31

Stearns, Document: “Realism”, pg 745

Andrea, “Lenin: What is to be done?” pg 396-389

Andrea, “Stalin: Five Year Plan”, pg. 389-393

Video: “Hitler”, Lenin”, “Stalin”

29. Independence in Africa, India & Latin America (1900-1949 CE)

o Diversity & Dominance Activity

o Comparative Essay : Hitler & Churchill

o Cause of WWII

o Emergence of Super Powers

Stearns, Ch 31

Stearns, In Depth, “Total War”, pg. 754-755

Andrea, “Literature of Hope and Oppression”, pg. 421-427

Andrea, “Letter to French Chamber of Deputies”, pg. 445-447

30. The Cold War & Decolonization (1945-1975 CE)

o The Cold War, Vietnam & Korea

o Regional Conflicts and Tensions

Stearns, Ch 32 & 35

Stearns, In Depth, “The US and Western Europe”, pg. 790-791

Stearns, Document, “1986- A New Wave of Soviet Reform”, pg 808-809

Andrea, “Cold War Origins: US Perspective”, pg. 469-474

Andrea, Cold War Origins: a Soviet Perspective”, pg. 474-476

31. The Dawn of the Post-Cold War World (1975-1991 CE)

o Revolutions in Latin America, Iran & Afghanistan

o Comparative Essay : USSR & Russia

o Collapse of the Socialist Bloc

o Persian Gulf War

o The Challenge of Population Growth, Unequal Development & the Environment

Stearns Ch 33 & 34

Stearns, In Depth, “Human Rights in the 20th Century”, pg. 827-828

Stearns, In Depth, “Artificial Nations”, pg. 842-843

Stearns, Document: “Cultural Creativity in the Emerging Nations,” pg. 847

32. Globalization at the Turn of the Millennium

o The Global Economy & Terrorism

o Universal & Women’s Rights

Stearns Ch 36

Stearns, Document: “Protests Against Globalization”, pg. 914-915

Andrea, “The Worldview of Osama bin Ladin”, pg. 517-522

Andrea, “The Dangers of NAFTA, GATT, and Free Trade”, pg. 527-530

Andrea, “Free Trade is the Answer”, pg. 530-533

ABS News: “Sharing Freedom”

Video: “Desert Storm”


Multiple Choice Test

DBQ #1: “Root of Conflict: The World at War”

DBQ #2: “Global Interdependence”


Unit VI. Review & AP World History Exam (2 Weeks)

o Final Presentations and Final Exam

o Review of course materials and key points

o Presentations/overview of final papers

o 100 question exam and essays

Supplemental Readings: all or part of the following sources maybe used.

• Art Prints: Museum Collections from Asia, Africa, Europe, North & South America

• Diamond, Guns, Germs & Steel. Norton 1999

• Macmillan, Margaret, Paris 1919, Random House, 2003.

• Films on relevant topics from:

o A& E Biography Video

o History Channel Videos

o National Geographic Videos & Articles

o PBS Videos

o Smithsonian

o Time Life

• Released exams, rubrics & student samples from AP Central

• Williams, William, Ed., Willis, Dr. Aaron, English, Jonathan, DBQ Practice: AP-Style Document-Based Questions Designed to Help Students Prepare for the World History Examination, Social Studies School Service.

• Pearson-Prentice Hall DBQ for AP World History

• Excerpts and readings from the AP College Board web site, including, but not limited to:

o Social History and World History: Toward Greater Interaction

o What's the Use of Big History?"

o Structuring the World History Survey: A First Timer Confesses

o Teaching Consumerism in World History

o The Role of the Individual in World History

o World History: Curriculum and Controversy

o Matching Textbook Ancillary Resources to Teaching and Learning Styles in the AP Classroom

o An Emerging Consensus About World History?

o The Voyages of Christine Columbus

o Review Essay: Teaching the Great Divergence

o Why the West?

Due to the fast-paced nature of the course, students will be expected to keep up with the assignments on a weekly basis. All work, except that completed in class, is to be typed, double-spaced and due on the assigned date. No cut & paste, nor any other plagiarism is allowed-first offense will be a “0’ and parental contact, any further violations may result in a “F” for the course. Work may be emailed to

There will be a multiple choice exam at the end of each unit; these will be done with notes or a book, so it is important that you do the reading and homework as assigned. It is also important that you be prepared to discuss ideas and concepts from the reading—this will be part of you participation grade. You will also watch a variety of videos and films that will help you get a better idea of some of the events we will study.


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