Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases - Stockton University

Prepositions, Adjectives, Adverbs


Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

We have been working with prepositional phrases since the first day of class. They are a deeply important building block of the English language. Prepositions combine with nouns or pronouns and their modifiers to create Prepositional phrases.

Go to the following web page and read the first five paragraphs.

I am especially interested in the third and fourth paragraphs describing the professor's desk. Prepositional phrases, as this example makes clear, are a great way to add units of meaning (the phrases themselves) that modify other nouns and verbs in a sentence.

More Prepositions

In the following sentences, identify all prepositions and describe the words they modify.

A train jumper from the town by the supply depot sat with his legs dangling out of the car near the rear of the train.

One way to see the phrasing is below:

A train jumper (from the town) (by the supply depot) sat (with his legs) (dangling out of the car) (near the rear) (of the train). But is "dangling out of" a compound preposition or just "out of" with "dangling" following but modifying "car"? Perhaps the following parsing is more appropriate.

A train jumper (from the town) (by the supply depot) sat (with his legs) dangling (out of the car) (near the rear) (of the train).

Prepositions, Adjectives, Adverbs


Here are more good practice sentences (for the answers, see the end of these notes):

In the shade of a walnut tree, Zoey with great zest sat at the picnic table and ate dog biscuits from the package [that had been stored in the drawer by the door]. I have placed the final adjectival relative clause in brackets.

Old-time hockey is played on a frozen pond or lake. You must first clear the ice of snow. Gather all of your friends next. On skates with stick in hand, drop the puck between you and a teammate and start the game.

From Absecon to Chatsworth is 30 miles.

A Look at Adjectives

Adjectives fall into two major categories: descriptive and limiting. The descriptive are fairly straightforward. Let me glance at the various types of limiting adjectives.

possessive adjectives: our garden, her gloves, your job

relative adjectives: the man whose name you mentioned; I know what time it is.

interrogative adjectives: Which house? What kind? Whose idea?

demonstrative adjectives: this toy, that litter box, those hockey pucks

indefinite adjectives: each boy, some candy, another day, either dog

Articles: a, an, the

Negatives: many negatives are adverbs, such as "not" and "never," but no is an adjective ? "we have no bananas."

Prepositions, Adjectives, Adverbs


Note how close adjectives and pronouns can be. Interrogative Pronouns/ Interrogative adjectives, Demonstrative Pronouns / Demonstrative Adjectives, Possessive Pronouns/ Possessive Adjectives, Relative Pronouns / Relative Adjectives. You NEED to consider context.


Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, verbals, and sometimes entire sentences.

Most adverbs modify verbs in certain regular ways:

by telling how: they moved swiftly by telling when: they moved immediately by telling where: they moved forward by telling how much or to what extent: they moved slightly

Adverbs may modify adjectives or other adverbs, usually telling how or to what extent:

with adverbs: rather awkwardly; very awkwardly with adjectives: almost six feet; exactly six feet

The function of an adverb, however, is not always easy to define. Some common adverbs (possibly, indeed, however, not, therefore, etc.) do not seem to answer the usual questions; nor do they always, as adjectives do, refer to specific words in the sentence:

He did not answer to his name. Possibly the best route would be across the causeway. It was indeed a disastrous venture.

Prepositions, Adjectives, Adverbs


In sentences like the last two, the adverb is sometimes said to modify the whole idea of the sentence rather than a particular word.

Many words that are commonly prepositions can be used as adverbs, the difference being that as prepositions they take objects and as adverbs they do not:

Kinsella strolled by. (adv) Kinsella strolled by the house. (prep)

Don't look down. (adv) Look down the valley. (prep)

Let's walk around. (adv) Let's walk around the house. (prep)

Conjunctive Adverbs

A conjunctive adverb--however is the prototype--is a word that indicates the relationship between ideas but that does not simply link two independent clauses together in the manner of a coordinating conjunction. Conjunctive adverbs indicate the relationship between one idea and the next. These adverbs modify the whole sentence.

Google "conjunctive adverbs" for a decent list of these common adverbs. Here's one:

Conjuctive adverbs can be a bit puzzling to puncture. For an in-depth discussion of ways to punctuate them, consult the following webpage:


Prepositions, Adjectives, Adverbs


Prepositional phrases identified:

(In the shade) (of a walnut tree), Zoey (with great zest) sat (at the picnic table) and ate dog biscuits (from the package) [that had been stored (in the drawer) (by the door)].

Old-time hockey is played (on a frozen pond or lake). You must first clear the ice (of snow). Gather all (of your friends) next. (On skates) (with stick) (in hand), drop the puck (between you and a teammate) and start the game.

(From Absecon) (to Chatsworth) is 30 miles.


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