Writing A Cover Letter

RESPONDING TO A JOB LEAD IN WRITING means including an effective letter of request or a cover letter to accompany your resume’.

Letter of Request: Write a letter of request when you need to ask for an application form or request an interview. Include a brief summary of your education, experience, and qualifications in the letter.

Cover Letter. A cover letter is used when a job lead asks you to send a written response and resume. Your cover letter should introduce you to your prospective employer without repeating your resume’.

Rules for writing a cover letter:

• Use a business letter format.

• Use proper grammar and punctuation.

• Write each cover letter separately for each individual job.

• Address the letter to the specific person responsible for hiring.

• The cover letter does not repeat what is in your resume…it’s an opportunity to “sell yourself” to the employer and encourage then to read your resume.

• Keep your cover letter short. A few paragraphs should be enough.

A cover letter should include:

1. Tell how you learned about the opening.

2. Explain why you want to be considered for the position.

3. Describe your interest, aptitudes, and abilities related to the job.

4. Close by telling the employer what action—for instance, a phone call or interview—you would like him or her to take. Be polite in your request.

5. Thank the person for reviewing the cover letter and resume’

6. Sign the letter Yours truly, or Sincerely, and your name.

7. PROOFREAD your letter! A mistake could make a poor impression of you

View the example on the back of this page.


1. Find an employment ad, cut it out and make an enlarged copy of it.

2. Write a cover letter for this specific position, using the rules listed above. And include all the elements the cover letter should include.

2233 Home Avenue

Richmond, VA 23220

March 13, 2008

Ms. Janelle Kirschner


Glencoe Community Preschool

1234 Grove Lane

Anytown, VA 23220

Dear Ms. Kirschner,

I am responding to your ad in last Sunday’s Richmond Times-Dispatch*, seeking a teacher’s aide for the morning pre-kindergarten class. I would like to apply for this position.*

On May 15, I will graduate from Glencoe High School. In addition to required classes, I have taken child development and occupational child care classes. I am an active member of the local Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) chapter.*

During my last year in high school, I was enrolled in a work-experience program as a teacher’s aide at Sunnydale Preschool.*

I would like to schedule an interview.* You can reach me at home after 3 p.m. My telephone number is 100-555-1111.* Thank you for considering me as a future employee.


* Sign your name

Shelly Adkins


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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