Center for Applied Linguistics

4646 40th Street NW, Washington DC, 20016-1859

Tel (202) 362-0700, x. 242; Fax (202) 362-3740

E-mail: valerie@


Ph. D. Developmental Psychology (1997)

George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

(Dissertation Title: Hierarchical categorization by Hispanic children learning English as a second language)

M.A. Social and Community Psychology (1991)

Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines

B.S. Social Work (1981)

University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines


Co-Principal Investigator and Program Manager, Research and Assessment Core, Acquiring Literacy in English: Crosslinguistic, intralinguistic, and developmental factors (jointly funded by the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development [NICHD] and the Institute of Education Sciences [IES], U.S. Department of Education; $7,300,000) [September 2000-May 2005].

Principal Investigator, Literacy development of non-Hispanic English Language Learners (funded by the Center for Applied Linguistics; $5,724) [May-September 2004]

Principal Investigator, Using technology to deliver computer-assisted oral proficiency assessment packages in Arabic and Spanish (funded by the International Education and Graduate Programs Service [IEGPS], U.S. Department of Education; $459,458) [2004-2006].


Program Manager/Research Associate, Language Testing Division, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington D.C. (January 1998 to the Present)

*Manage the research/assessment core of a crosslinguistic transfer study project and other smaller projects; develop and modify language tests and other assessments; hire, train and supervise research assistants; collect, manage and archive data, conduct statistical analyses, write research reports; write funding proposals for research/assessment projects; present and publish about CAL’s research and language testing activities; network with members of the research and testing community.

Field Reviewer, Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services, Early Childhood Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (June 1999 to 2003)

* Once to 4 times a year, review literature and other materials used by parents, teachers and other child development practitioners for their cultural and linguistic appropriateness; reviewed all the materials written in Filipino.

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA (1997 to 2003)

*In collaboration with faculty and students, write articles about studies investigating improvements in the language competence, hierarchical categorization, seriation, classification, sequencing and class inclusion skills of academically-delayed and English Language Learner children. Correlate these factors with gains in the children’s intelligence and achievement scores.

Item Writer, Chauncey Group International, Princeton, NJ (August 2000-February 2001)

*Developed test items for the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC).

Filipino Translator, Second Language Testing, Inc. (2000)

* Translated prompts in a writing test into Filipino

Project Co-Director, Preschool Initiative Project, English Language and Multicultural Education, Center for Applied Linguistics (November 1998 to December 1999)

*Assisted school districts, Head Start schools, and preschools in the Washington D.C. metropolitan in providing services to meet the language assessment and other language-related needs of their English-as-a-second-language children.

Research Associate/Statistician, Division of Quantitative Analysis, National Center for the Advancement of Prevention, Rockville, MD (March 1997 to May 1998)

* Extracted statistical information from longitudinal studies for the metaanalysis of the antecedents of youth substance abuse, reviewed scientific findings, conducted secondary statistical analysis using national, state and county surveys on substance abuse, prepared reports for policy makers and field practitioners and wrote articles for publication.

Research Assistant, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (Jan-May 1997)

* Administered the following tests to bilingual, Hispanic and English-only, fourth and fifth graders: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), Depth of Vocabulary Test, English Reading Test and Pseudoword Reading Test.

Part-Time Faculty, Department of Psychology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

(Fall 1995; Spring, Summer and Fall 1996)

* Taught "Research and Readings in Psychology" and "Research Methods in Psychology."

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA (Fall 1992-1994)

* Instructed kindergartners on the Piagetian operations of conservation, seriation and classification. Assessed children's intelligence and other cognitive gains from the instruction provided to them.

Development Intern, Bread for the World, Silver Spring, MD (January-April, 1992)

*Assisted the Research Director in obtaining Philippine materials on the impact of violence (civil war) on the mental health and socioeconomic status of affected civilians; assisted the Development Director in developing a database of donors.

Research Assistant, Human Resources Center, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

(November 1987-May 1988)

* Reviewed the literature on Filipino personality and culture, wrote the manuscript and facilitated seminars disseminating the results of two research projects on Filipino political and cultural values: "A moral recovery program: Building a people, building a nation"; and "Authoritarianism and democracy in the Philippines."

Trainer-Researcher, Agency for Community Educational Services, Nueva Ecija, Philippines (1984)

* Trained farmers in conducting seminars to disseminate and validate the results of the participatory-action research entitled, "The socioeconomic-ecological effects of High-Yielding Variety rice technology on small farmers."

Research Assistant, College of Social Work, University of the Philippines, Philippines

(August-October 1981)

* Conducted the literature review and interviews with the farmers for the research: "The social ecology, cognitions and life aspirations of landless, agricultural workers."



Malabonga, V. & Pasnak, R. (2002, November). Hierarchical categorization by bilingual Latino children: Does a basic-level bias exist? Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 128 (4), 409-441.

Malabonga, V. & Cox, M. L. (1999). Improvements in the English- and Spanish- language expression and comprehension of Latino preschoolers. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 422 725).

Ciancio, D., Sadovsky, A., Malabonga, V. & Pasnak, R. (1999). Teaching classification and seriation to preschoolers. Child Study Journal, 29(3), 193-205.

Hendricks, C., Pasnak, R., Willson-Quayle, A., Trueblood, L., Malabonga, V., Ciancio, D. (1999). Effects of instruction in sequencing and class inclusion for first graders. Genetic, Social, & General Psychology Monographs, 123(3), 297-312.

Hendricks, C., Trueblood, L., Willson-Quayle, A., Malabonga, V., Ciancio, D., & Pasnak, R. (1998). Investigation of sequencing as a key cognitive ability. Virginia Journal of Science, 49(2), 116. Abstract.

Pasnak, R., Madden, S. E., Malabonga, V., Martin, J. W., & Holt, R. (1996). Persistence of gains from instruction in classification, seriation, and conservation. Journal of Educational Research, 90 (2), 87-92.

Malabonga, V., Pasnak, R., Hendricks, C., Southard, M., & Lacey, S. (1995). Cognitive gains for kindergartners instructed in seriation and classification. Child Study Journal, 25 (2), 79-96.

Malabonga, V., Pasnak, R., & Hendricks, C. (1994). Generalization effects from instruction of kindergartners on classification and seriation. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 79,



Malabonga, V., Kenyon, D., August, D., Louguit, M., & Carlo, M. Converse and conversar: The development of a cognate awareness measure for bilingual children. (manuscript submitted for publication to Bilingualism: Language and Cognition).

Howard, E., Arteagoitia, I., Louguit, M., Malabonga, V., & Kenyon, D. The English Developmental Contrastive Spelling Test: A tool for investigating Spanish influence on English spelling development. (manuscript submitted for publication to TESOL Quarterly).

Howard, E., Arteagoitia, I., Louguit, M., Malabonga, V., & Kenyon, D. The Spanish Developmental Contrastive Spelling Test: A measure to assess Spanish spelling development in the upper elementary grades. (manuscript submitted for publication to Bilingual Research Journal).


Kenyon, D., Malabonga, V., August, D., Louguit, M., & Carlo, M. (in preparation). The development and validation of a measure of English and Spanish derivational morphology for bilingual children. (will be submitted to Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.)

Malabonga, V., Kenyon, D., Goldenberg, C., August, D. & Pinal, A. (in preparation). The development of the Parent Interview Response Sheet: A measure of family background, home language, and literacy practices.


Malabonga, V. (2004, November 5). Assessment of Spanish and English literacy in ELL children. In McCardle, P. (chair) Literacy development in Spanish-Speaking children learning English: Recent findings. 55th Annual Conference of the International Dyslexia Association, Philadelphia, PA (paper accepted for presentation).

Malabonga, V., & Kenyon, D. (2003, April 30). Assessing components of literacy development in bilingual children. In D. August (chair), Linguistic and developmental influences on the English literacy acquisition of native Spanish speakers. Colloquium conducted at the 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Tempe, Arizona.

Malabonga, V., Louguit, M., & Arteagotia, I. (2003, March 20). The application of Rasch analysis to a developmental contrastive English spelling test. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the East Coast Organization of Language Testers, Washington, DC.

Malabonga, V., Louguit, M., Caglarcan, S., Kenyon, D., August, D., Carlo, M. (2002). Assessing transfer of vocabulary and morphological awareness in bilingual children. Poster accepted for presentation at the 24th Language Testing Research Colloquium, December 12-15, 2002, Hong Kong, China.

August, D., Malabonga, V., & Louguit, M. (2002). Assessments measuring transfer of literacy from Spanish to English. Paper accepted for presentation at the International Research Conference on First and Second Language (L1 and L2) Literacy Strategies, November 1-3, 2002, College Park, MD.

Malabonga, V. (2002). Acquiring literacy in English. In McCardle, P. & Garcia G. (chairs) Biliteracy : Investigations of the development of English literacy in Spanish-speaking children in the US. Symposium at the International Reading Association’s World Congress on Reading, July 29-August 1, 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Malabonga, V. (2002). New assessments to measure transfer of skills from English to Spanish. In D. August (chair) Transfer of reading skills from Spanish to English: A study of elementary school English language learners. Symposium paper presented at the 47th annual Convention of the International Reading Association, April 28-May 2, 2002, San Francisco, CA.

Malabonga, V., Caglarcan, S. & Louguit, M. (2002). Cross-linguistic transfer in vocabulary and morphological awareness tests. Paper presented at the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) Annual Conference, March 19-23, 2002, Philadelphia, PA.

Snow, C., August, D., Tabors, P., Paez, M., Carlo M., Howard L. & Malabonga, V. (2001). A focus on research design issues: Acquiring literacy in English, crosslinguistic, intralinguistic and developmental factors. Paper presented at the Special Institute for Biliteracy Research at the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) Annual Conference, February 20-24, 2001, Phoenix, AZ.

Malabonga, V. Improvements in the English- and Spanish- language expression and comprehension of Latino preschoolers. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, July 9-12, 1998, Washington, D.C.

Ciancio, D., Malabonga, V., Sadovsky, A. & Pasnak, R. Learning by playing: Preschoolers learning key thinking skills via play. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, July 9-12, 1998, Washington, D.C.

Hendricks, C., Trueblood, L., Willson-Quayle, A., Malabonga, V., Ciancio, D., & Pasnak, R. (1998). Instruction in sequencing for high-risk students. Association for Advancement of Educational Research, Jacksonville, Florida.

Hendricks, C., Trueblood, L., Willson-Quayle, A., Malabonga, V., Ciancio, D., & Pasnak, R. Investigation of sequencing as a key cognitive ability. Poster presented at the Virginia Academy of Sciences 76th Annual Meeting, May 26-29, 1998, Fairfax, VA.

Malabonga, V. (1997, April). Hierarchical categorization by Hispanic children learning English as a second language. Poster presented at the 1997 Society for Research In Child Development Biennial Meeting, Washington D.C.

Malabonga, V., Pasnak, R., & Hendricks, C. (1995, April). Cognitive and achievement gains through classification and seriation instruction. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Pasnak, R., Waiss, S. & Malabonga, V. (April, 1994). Effects of classification, seriation and conservation instruction on kindergartners. The development of the ability to insert into a series. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Rhode Island.

Malabonga, V., Pasnak, R., & Hendricks, C. (1993, November). Effects of classification, seriation and conservation instruction on kindergartners. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Washington, D.C.



Malabonga, V., Kenyon, D., & Carpenter, H. (2005). Self-assessment, preparation and response time on a computerized oral proficiency test. Language Testing, 22 (1).

Kenyon, D. & Malabonga, V. (2001, May). Comparing examinee attitudes toward computer-assisted and other oral proficiency assessments. Language Learning & Technology 5(2), 60-83. (Also available at )

Kenyon, D., & Malabonga, V., & Carpenter, H. (2001, May). Response to the Norris Commentary. Language Learning & Technology 5(2), 106-108. (Also available at )

Malabonga, V., Weller, A. and Zamar, S. (2000). The Computer-based Placement Test for Filipino Language (CPFTL). .

Malabonga, V. (2000). Trends in foreign language assessment: The Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument. NCLRC Newsletter ().

Malabonga, V. & Kenyon, D. (1999). Multimedia computer technology and performance-based language testing: A demonstration of the computerized oral proficiency instrument. In M. B. Olsen (Ed.), Computer Mediated Language Assessment and Evaluation in Natural Language Processing. New Brunswick, NJ: Association for Computational Linguistics.

Malabonga, V. (1998, Autumn). Computers and language testing: The Computerised Oral Proficiency Interview. Language Testing Update, Issue 24, p. 29.


Malabonga, V., Kenyon, D., & Carpenter, H. (in preparation). Computer assisted rating: Reliability, efficiency, and perceptions on the Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument.


Malabonga, V. (in preparation). [Review of the book by Goldin-Meadow, S., The resilience of language: What gesture creation in deaf children can tell us about how all children learn language]. Sign Language Studies.

Malabonga, V. (2004, April). [Review of the book by Davies, A., The native speaker: Myth and reality]. Language Testing, 21(2), 245-248.

Malabonga, V. (2001). [Review of the book by McNamara, T., Language Testing]. Language Testing, 18(3), 326-328.


Malabonga, V., Carpenter, H. & Kenyon, D. (2002). Computer assisted rating: Reliability, efficiency, and perceptions on the COPI. Paper presented at the 24th Language Testing Research Colloquium, Hong Kong, China, December 12-15, 2002.

Malabonga, V., Carpenter, H., & Kenyon, D., Developing oral proficiency tasks for the Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument (COPI). In M. Malone (Chair), Applying national reading, listening and speaking criteria to task development. Colloquium at the Annual Conference of the National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL) Annual Conference, April 11-14, 2002.

Carpenter, H., Kenyon, D., Malabonga, V., Malone, M., Stauffer, S. & Winke, P. (2001). Applications of technology to language assessment. Presented at the CAL Site Visit during the Association for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Conference, November 16-18, 2001, Washington D.C.

Malabonga, V. (2001). Innovations in language proficiency testing: The Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument (COPI). Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Conference of the National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), April 6-8, 2001, Washington D.C.

Kenyon, D., Malabonga, V. & Carpenter, H. (2001). Effects of examinee control on examinee attitudes and performance on a computerized oral proficiency test. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium, February 20-24, 2001, St. Louis, MO.

Malabonga, V. and Kenyon, D. (2000). Computer technology and language testing: The Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument. Paper presented at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Conference, November 17-19, 2000, Boston, MA.

Malabonga, V. (2000). Multimedia performance-based language assessment: The Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument. Paper presented at the World Conference on Educational Media, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA), June 26–July 1, 2000, Montreal, Canada.

Malabonga, V. (2000). The Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument: A demonstration. Presented at the National Foreign Language Resource Center Workshop on Computer-based Tests for Less Commonly Taught Languages, June 12-23, 2000, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI.

Malabonga, V. (2000). The Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument: Demonstration and research results. Paper presented at the CALICO Conference, May 31-June 4, 2000, Tucson, AZ.

Malabonga, V. & Kenyon, D. (2000). Multimedia performance-based language testing: The Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium, March 8-11, 2000, Vancouver, Canada.

Malabonga, V. (1999). The Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument: A demonstration and discussion of preliminary research results. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Greater Washington Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages, October 16, 1999, Washington DC.

Malabonga, V. & Kenyon, D. (1999). Multimedia computer technology and performance-based language testing: A demonstration of the Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument. Paper presented at the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference, June 22-26, 1999, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Malabonga, V. (1999). The Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument and the Multimedia Rater Training Program. Presented to the developers of the Multimedia Test of English (MATE), May 2-4, 1999, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea.


Kingery, P. M., Stewart, K., Alford, A., Coggeshall, M., Malabonga, V. (1997, November/December). The epidemiology of youth substance abuse: What is the value of national surveys to practitioners? Prevention Pipeline. 8 pp.


Malabonga, V. (1991). The Development Assisting Center program in Tangbo, Katipunan and Bongdo: Case studies in community change. Unpublished masteral thesis, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines.


Malabonga, V. A. (1999, January). Dan Singh: A unique kababayan [compatriot]. Tambuli, p. 5.

Malabonga, V. A. (1998, August-September). Is a Filipino accent an impediment to attaining success and power in America? Tambuli, p. 6, 11.

Malabonga, V. A. (1998, June-July). Oral History of Eusebio “Sebio” Espineli. Tambuli, p. 12.

Malabonga, V. A. (1998, April 30). How Pinoys [Filipinos] cope with tragedy. The Manila Mail, p.11.

TRANSLATIONS DONE (English to Filipino)

Stanford Writing Assessment Program

A Parent’s Guide to the Rights of Students of Limited English Proficiency in the Illinois Public Schools


Consultant, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea (May 1999)

* Reviewed the university’s Multimedia Test of English (MATE) and suggested revisions.


1995-1996 Predoctoral Award, Association for Women in Science Educational Foundation

1996. Dissertation Research Award, American Psychological Association

1994-1995 Dissertation Fellowship, Department of Psychology, George Mason University

1993-1994; Graduate Fellowship, Department of Psychology, George Mason

1994-1995 University

1995-1996 Dissertation Grant, College of Arts and Sciences, George Mason University

1991. Thesis Award, World Vision Development Foundation, Philippines


June 12-13, 2000 Computer-based Tests for Less Commonly Taught Languages, National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa


Part-Time Faculty, Department of Psychology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

Research and Readings in Psychology (Spring and Fall 1996: Dr. James Sanford)

Child Psychology (Spring and Fall 1996)

Developmental Psychology (Summer 1995, Spring 1994 and Fall 1993)

Adolescent Psychology (Spring 1995 and Fall 1994)

Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

Statistics in Psychology (Fall and Spring 1992-1993; Professor: Dr. Robert Pasnak)

Introduction to Psychology (Fall 1992; Professor: Dr. Douglas Hershey)

Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

(Summer 1991) Introduction to Psychology


Available upon request


Proposal Reviewer For the 18th Biennial Conference on Human Development, April 23-25, 2004, Washington DC (sponsored by the Applied Developmental Psychology Program, George Mason University (October, 2003)

Proposal Reviewer National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (2003)

Reviewer Families with Pilipino Roots (chapter by Rosa Milagros Santos and Sam Chan in the book: “Developing Cross-Cultural Competence: A Guide for Working with Young Children and Their Families”) (2002)

Reviewer Web-test listening and reading framework: A working document to develop web-based tests of listening and reading in the Less Commonly Taught Languages (April 2001)

Reviewer Early Language Learners’ Oral Proficiency Assessment (ELLOPA): A language assessment for preschoolers to kindergartners (2001)

Reviewer/Statistician For the Student Oral Proficiency Assessment (SOPA): A language assessment for elementary school-age children (1999-2000)

Test Developer Collaborated with Filipino language teachers in developing the Computerized Placement Test for the Filipino Language (CPTFL) (May-June 2000 to the present)

Proposal Reviewer For the June 22, 1999 Symposium on Computer-Mediated Language Assessment and Evaluation in Natural Language Processing (sponsored by the Association for Computational Linguistics) (1999)


Member American Psychological Association (Divisions: Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology)

Member International Dyslexia Association

Member International Reading Association

Member International Language Testing Association

Member National Association for the Education of Young Children

Member Society for Research in Child Development


Contributor Tambuli, Newsletter of the Filipino-American Community in the Greater Washington D.C. area (1998-1999)

U.S. East Coast Coordinator University of the Philippines Elementary School ’73 and

& Library Committee Chair Integrated School ’77 Alumni Association (1998-Present)


English (Near Native), Filipino (Native), Spanish (Intermediate-Low),

Cebuano (Novice), Ilocano (Novice), Surigaonon (Novice)


SPSS, Word, Powerpoint, Filemaker, Access, Remark


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