Taking Turns at Circle - Head Start | ECLKC

Taking Turns at Circle249555025654000My name is ___________ and I am ___ years old. I go to preschool at _____________________.We do many activities at school like free play, snack and circle. During circle time we do lots of different fun things like listening to books, dancing to songs and _________________. 17621257416800085725069405500At circle time, kids get to help with jobs like _______________ and __________________. I really like to help with different jobs. There are lots of kids in our classroom who also like to help with circle time jobs.Sometimes I will get to help with jobs like _________________ and _______________ and sometimes it will be someone else’s turn.58102526416000If I really want to help and I don’t get chosen, I can say “maybe next time.”380047566357500If it is someone else’s turn and he/she chooses something I don’t like I can say “maybe next time.” If a kid chooses something I like I can give him/her a quiet thumbs up!Circle time is fun when we all take turns! ................

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