



1. title Page

2. Registration Letter

3. Application For Registration (3 pages)

4. Halton Region Statement of Immunization

5. Appendix 1 – Participating Parent Medical Requirements (Immunization History and TB Skin Test)

6. Appendix 2 – Criminal Reference Check

7. Appendix 3 – Parent Cooperative Jobs

Registration Letter for 2010-2011

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your interest in the East Plains Co-operative Preschool. We offer a warm and friendly atmosphere where you can be actively involved in your child’s first experience with school. We hope each day will be a happy and rewarding experience for both you and your child. Our Co-operative school is a non-profit organization, licensed by the Ministry of Community, Family and Children Services and staffed by qualified Early Childhood educators and administered by the parents.

What sets a co-operative apart from preschools is the direct involvement of all parents in the school community. The organizational operations of East Plains Co-op Preschool are preformed by the executive committee made up of the parents with children enrolled at the preschool (please see Appendix 3 for further details). The committee works closely with the teachers during the school year ensuring a smooth and “co-operative” outcome. As a parent of a child in our program, it is your input and energy that make our school possible.

To be considered registered, the following items must be received by the Registrar:

1. A $35.00 registration fee (per child) is due with this application (currently dated and non-refundable). All cheques can be made payable to East Plains Cooperative Preschool.

2. A post dated cheque for September 1, 2010 representing the first month’s tuition

3. Four $25 post dated cheques (2 cheques dated for Nov 1st & 2 cheques dated for Mar 1st ) which will only be cashed if a duty or job is missed, or general meetings not attended.

4. Copy of child’s birth certificate

5. Two recent photos of your child

6. Application for Registration completed in full

7. Statement of Immunization (Halton Region Health Dept.) completed in full for new students only (Please complete form provided)

** COMPLETED registration forms are processed in the order in which they are received.

** All cheques should be written to East Plains Co-op Preschool

You will receive a Letter of Confirmation within 2 weeks of the Registrar receiving your completed registration. In early August we will provide you with further information regarding dates and orientation evenings.

We look forward to seeing you and your child in September, making new friendships that will last a life time. If you have any questions, please call 905-681-0233.

Yours Truly,

Kim Marshall





Registration for (Please check): Toddler Program______ Preschool Program_______

Duty Preference for the Preschool Program:

Duty Parent______ Non Duty (4 spots available)______

Check one:

← Returning parent/returning child

← Returning parent/new child

← New Parent

Student Information:

Student Full Name ________________________________________(Last)


Preferred name to be called (ie. William - Bill) ____________________________________

Home Address___________________________________________________________

Home Phone ( ) ______________________ Date of Birth ______/______/______

(day / month / year)

Parents’/Guardians’ Information:

Mother/Female Guardian Father/Male Guardian

Name _________________________ ______________________________

Cell# _________________________ ______________________________

Employer _________________________ ______________________________

Wk Address _________________________ ______________________________

Bus. Phone# _________________________ ______________________________

Email Address _________________________ ______________________________

Does this child reside with both parents? (Y/N) ___________________________________

May this child be release to this parent? (Y/N) ____________________________________

# of children in the family _________ Ages of other children _________________________

Have other family members attended the co-op? __________________when?____________

Privacy Policy

Please note that all information collected is for the preschool purpose only; the Ministry of Children and Social Services requires us by law to have the above information on file. We do not sell, lend or copy this information to anyone outside of the preschool. All information is kept secure by the executive.

Emergency Contact (Please list someone close by, other than a parent who may be required to pick up your child in case of an emergency or illness)

Name______________________________________ Relationship__________________

Phone ___________________________ Cell Phone_____________________________


List the names of all people (i.e. non-custodial parent, sitter, etc.) to whom your child may be released at the end of the school period, in the event you are unable to pick up your child (must include emergency contact person).

Emergency Contact

1. ___________________________________________Phone #_________________

Other people

2. ____________________________________________Phone #__________________

3. ____________________________________________Phone #__________________

Medical Information

Medical Condition: (list any medical concerns, chronic illnesses, allergies. All treatments or medication needed should be noted)____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Physician’s Name _________________________________________________________


I hereby authorize the Preschool’s Supervisor/Teacher to initiate any emergency care on behalf of my son/daughter. I am aware that the school personnel will attempt to contact me using the information provided to the school for this purpose.


Signature of Parent/Guardian

[pic] Consent for Photography

We/I will (_____) or will not (____) consent to photographs of my child’s activities at East Plains Co-op preschool with the understanding that said photos may appear in forms such as displays within the classroom and on our school website as well as to assist our teacher/supervisor with future certification requirements.


Signature of Parent/Guardian

Responsibilities of Parents or Guardians

1. We/I understand the responsibilities of all parents at East Plains Co-op Preschool include:

a. Assisting the teacher on assigned duty days, approx. 2 per month. (non-participating parents exempt);

b. Provide the healthy snack for the class on assigned days;

c. Active participation in fundraising activities;

d. Performing an organizational or executive job within the co-operative (see appendix 3);

e. Attendance at all scheduled General Meetings (usually 3 a year) and school functions;

f. Sunday set-up and housekeeping duties (executive members are exempt).

2. Provide a $35.00 registration fee (per child) is due with this application, currently dated and non-refundable. All cheques made payable to East Plains Co-op Preschool.

3. Present a post dated cheque for September 1, representing first month’s tuition.

4. Agree to obtain a Criminal Reference check and TB skin test.

5. Supply four post dated cheques (2 cheques for Nov 1st & 2 cheques for Mar 1st) which will be cashed by the school as a penalty for each time a duty day or a set-up or a housekeeping responsibility was not completed, or a general meeting was not attended.


As a co-operative all members of the school must assume a job, either as a committee member or in an executive capacity. Please see attached appendix 3 of this registration package for a list of cooperative jobs and their descriptions. Jobs are given in the order in which the applications are received.

PREFERENCE: #1. ______________________________

#2. ______________________________

#3. ______________________________

In an effort to tap into parent talents that could assist with the administration and other activities of East Plains Co-Op Preschool, please list any expertise/skills you would be willing to share:

___________________________________________________________________ .


___________________ _______________________ _____________________

Signature of Mother Signature of Father Signature of Legal Guardian

For Registrar’s use only:

Date Received:_______________________ Time:_______________________________

Date of Admission:____________________ Date of Discharge______________________



CHILD’S NAME: _______________________________________________



Returning participating adults (that is, who were at the preschool the preceding year) need not fill in, UNLESS their most recent TD Booster is ten years old or older. In that case, obtain a new TD booster and record the date below.

NAME OF PARENT (List any Parent/Adult who will be performing Duty Days)_____________

SESSION (Toddler or Preschool) __________________________________________


All personnel shall confirm that in childhood they had an original series of vaccinations and reinforcement doses every ten years or provide a statement by their family physician that they are exempt for medical or religious reasons. If no record can be found or you cannot remember receiving this shot, it can be repeated after five years.

Most recent TD (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Polio) Booster Date: _________________________


Each individual should provide evidence of either having had the vaccines or the disease or provide a statement from their family physician that they are exempt. Anyone born before 1957 is considered to have a natural immunity to MMR. If you are unsure whether you have had MMR, then a blood titer is required. If you have never had MMR then you should get immunized. If you are positive that you were immunized as a child or that you had the disease as a child, but are unsure of the date, you may put “CHILDHOOD” in the appropriate blank.

NOTE: Rubella vaccine is particularly necessary since Rubella disease can cause serious problems for pregnant women and especially their unborn babies. Women should not receive the vaccine if they are pregnant and should wait three months to become pregnant after receiving the vaccine.


MEASLES DATE_________ DATE_________ DATE ___________

MUMPS DATE_________ DATE_________ DATE___________

RUBELLA DATE_________ DATE_________ DATE___________

Note: You must fill in information for each, stating one of the above has occurred

If age exempt for MMR, please give date of birth _________________________


APPENDIX 1 cont.

Child’s Name: ______________________________________________________



This form is to be completed by new duty parents no earlier than ONE month prior to the first day of school and must be submitted to the Registrar no later than the September General meeting.

Name of Participating Parent: ___________________________________________

TB SKIN TEST (*Returning Parents exempt*)

A TB Skin Test, no older than ONE month prior to the first day of school, is required for all new participating parents unless they have a documented medical record of a significant tuberculin skin test reaction. Note: If you are a returning parent, and have attended East Plains co-op consecutively year after year, you are not required to have a new TB Skin Test.

TB Skin Test: Date _______________ Results: Negative/Positive ______________

*if positive, give date of Chest x-ray

This test is done at your doctor’s office.

Date: _____________________________

Signature: _________________________________________________________




All licensed agencies providing direct service to children are required by law to complete a Criminal Reference Check (CRC) for all new volunteers and employees as part of their screening process.

In compliance with this directive, it is the policy of our Co-Operative Preschool to obtain a current CRC (i.e., completed not more than six (6) months prior to the first day of school) from new volunteer parents or their designates (i.e., individuals doing the duty days).

To obtain a CRC you must apply in person to a local Police Service and show two (2) pieces of valid government identification (one to be a photo ID). Acceptable forms of I.D. include a driver’s license, birth certificate, citizenship card, passport, age of majority card or health card. There will be a charge for the service and the wait time could be up to six weeks for the results. In July & August there is a high demand for CRCs. We suggest you apply for your CRC as soon as possible to ensure you receive your results prior to the start of the school year.

You can visit: Halton Regional Police Services, 3800 South Hampton Blvd., Burlington, L7M 3Y2, 905-825-4747 ext 2305 (Off of Walkers Line just before Hwy 5).

The CRC is to be shown to our signing authority (Supervisor). Information regarding your CRC will be held in the strictest confidence. A "Record of Clearance" form will be completed and only this form will be stored at our Co-Op in a secure location for a period of two (2) years. The original CRC will be returned to you.

A positive Reference Check does not preclude provision of direct service to children unless the information is relevant to that situation. Should you wish to know the procedure we follow for a positive CRC, please contact the school Supervisor.


Applicants who do not have a completed Criminal Reference Check before the child’s first day of school must make arrangements to have their duty days deferred or performed by alternate personnel. The registrar or Supervisor will assist you in finding an ‘Emergency Duty Parent’ to fulfill your duties and you will be responsible for the cost of that service.



The parent organizational duties including executive positions are outlined below. Please review each job. Choose three positions that interest you and indicate your requests in order of preference on page 2 of this registration package.

Thank You.

Fundraising Assistants - 2 positions available

Assist 2nd Vice President with planning and coordinating of fundraising activities.

Playdough, Laundry & Sewing

Provide fresh play dough every three to four weeks (recipe provided).

Wash paint shirts, smocks, etc., every three to four weeks. Make paint smocks and do sewing repairs as required. Make items for drama center if requested.


Prepare and distribute monthly newsletter


Select books from the Burlington Public Library for use in reading corner and by teacher. Change books weekly/bi-weekly, depending on the theme of the week.


Arrange for maintenance and minor repairs around the preschool. Responsible for checking and purchasing household supplies (ie. Office and cleaning supplies, toilet paper and Kleenex, etc.)

Events Coordinator

Responsible for set and clean up of all general meetings and special events throughout the school year. Prepare birthday hats throughout the school year, and diplomas for So-Long Circle at the end of the year. Purchase gifts for Christmas party.

Toy Cleaning – 4 Positions Available

Responsible for disinfecting classroom toys. This weekly job is rotated between toy committee members.

Additional Jobs; Membership Numbers Permitting

Teacher's Assistant

Assist teacher in classroom preparation, updating bulletin boards and organization. Does not involve in-class time, which is performed by duty parents.

Advertising Assistant

Assist VP of advertising in updating parent handbook, orientation manual, advertising events and helping to arrange photos.

Assistant Treasurer

Assist treasurer with banking, reconciliations, invoicing, payables, and tax receipts.


Members of the Executive are responsible for attending monthly meetings, as voting members.


Chair meetings, Liaison with Church and outside agencies. Signing officer.

1st Vice President

Advertising. Marketing. Photos. School Handbooks and Brochures

2nd Vic President

Oversees all fundraising events for the Preschool. Organizes November auction. This includes coordinating and delegating responsibilities to families.


Establish and maintain student files. Prepare and distribute registration materials.

Process registrations and withdrawls. Maintain master contact lists. Distribute information to new membership prior to start of school.


Maintain financial books and liaise with bookkeeper. Signing officer.


Take notes at all meetings. Maintain minutes book. Prepare thank-you notes and file appropriate ministry forms with change in executive.

Co-op Council Representative/Grants and Funds Applicant

Attend 3 Co-op Council meetings in the school year. Responsible for applying for grants as they become due.







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