Young Peoples Workshop


▪ A word from the director

▪ All School News

• Something to Share

• Parent Education Series

• Monthly Parents Night Out

• Anything else pertaining to the whole school

▪ Parent Handbook Highlights

▪ Did You Know …

▪ Special Events

▪ Enrichment Activities

▪ A Note From Our Teachers

• Classroom pictures

• Paragraph about “What we will be working in the classroom”

• Brief description about “What we have learned this past month”

o Infant & Toddlers: Social-Emotional Development, Cognitive Development, Language Development, Motor Skills

o Early Preschool to PreK: Social-Emotional Development, Language/Communication, Science, Math, Social Studies,

o Advanced PreK: Social-Emotional Development, Language/Communication, Match, Science, Social Studies, Phonemic Awareness

o Kinder: Social Emotional Development, Reading Workshop, Writing Workshop, Math, Science, Social Studies, Phonemic Awareness,

▪ Mark Your Calendars


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|Please email us back with your updated contact info, if your home address, email or phone numbers have changed. |

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|Inclement Weather Policy Reminder |

|Most of the children, who are budding meteorologists, confirmed to us that they wish to have a winter season with a lot of snow. We would all love the snow! |

|Since so many children have been praying for this event, we think this is a good time to remind everyone about our INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY. |

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|Parents should always seek to keep their children safe. If you are uncomfortable with driving in severely inclement weather, feel free to stay home. Never risk |

|your family’s safety for the sake of trying to get to school or work. |

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|YPW Spanish Immersion School will close whenever the EANES School district closes due to hazardous weather conditions.  |

|In the event of bad weather, school closings or delayed openings will be announced on our school website (), school-wide email, Facebook and |

|Twitter posts.  |

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|Teachers Christmas Party |

|We want to share with you that last month we hosted a Christmas party for all YPW staff. We had a blast! |

|We wanted to take a moment to thank and share with all parents who supported Parents’ Night Out every month because with those funds we were able to show the |

|teachers your appreciation by having these amazing gifts to raffle off. |

|P.S. If you are wondering you won the TV, the lucky winner was Ms. Fanny! |

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|Parents his is the time to check that your child has spare clothes for accidents or messes, there is a good chance that they have grown out of what you brought |

|or that they are not weather appropriate.    |

|ALSO remember to send weather appropriate clothes for outdoor time. |

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|Holiday Concert |

|Our Holiday Concert was a great success! |

|Like every year, we celebrated the end of 2017 with our Holiday Concert.  We were able to see our little ones performing different traditional Christmas songs |

|in Spanish.  I couldn’t be prouder of the hard work the teachers and the children put in for a great show.  It was great seeing you all cheering for all the |

|performers.  Thank you for your support and for helping us make this night a very special one. |

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|Did You Know… |

|That the money collected from Parents Night Out goes towards our teachers?  This time, we used it to buy them gifts for our Holiday Party.  We had so much fun |

|and a yummy dinner at The County Line Restaurant.  Here are some of our lucky girls!      |

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|Hola YPW Families, |

|At YPW we are always interested in our teachers to train constantly to ensure that they have a continuous professional development. In this way, we are the |

|educational fore front to transmit this knowledge and development of skills to our students.  In January our teachers took three training courses: “Nurturing |

|Environment,” “Play Based  & Hands On,” and “Learning Centers”. We are ready to begin 2018 with an excellent team of teachers to continue offering you the best |

|educational option for your children. |

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|Parents please remember to wash the hands of your little ones in the classroom upon arrival when dropping them off in the morning. This is VERY important in |

|maintaining the health of your students, teacher and staff. Your teacher has been instructed to remind you to follow this guideline when necessary. |

|Many thanks for your cooperation. |

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|Wednesdays & Fridays |

|3:00 (ages 3-5) |

|3:50 (ages 2-3) |

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|We are back with our enrichment workshops with our teacher Ms. Maribel. ​These hands-on workshops help teach language development, knowledge and understanding |

|of the world, physical development, social & emotional development, art, mathematics, science, engineering & technology with LEGO Simple Machines. |

|JR LEGO Robotics on Tuesdays and Math Arts on Wednesdays |

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|Join us for our annual Spring Break Camp! We are taking your school age student (kindergarten to 6th grade) to the Austin Rodeo! Mrs. XXX and Mrs. XXX are |

|planning fun-filled activities including sports, games, water activities, art & crafts for all of your 5 to 12-year old’s. We are very happy to offer an |

|excellent opportunity for campers to develop their interests in Spanish, make friends and have fun!  |

|Download your registration form now! |

|Add link |

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|Join us on Saturday X/XX from 2 – 5 pm as we participate in the annual “Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day” event at UT. |

|Look for “Can you handle the Pressure” a hydraulics and pneumatics activity sponsored and presented by our own YPW Camps! |

|For more information please visit: |


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|[pic]Community Speaker Series |

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|Parents our school is open year-round. However, during the summer months preschool, pre-K and advanced pre-K students have the option to sign up for the whole |

|summer or sign up only for certain months or weeks. You may also take the summer off and come back to us in the Fall when the new school year starts. Either |

|way, we need to know your plans. Please make sure to hand-in your Summer registration form (attached) to the front office by February 16. After February 16, |

|we’ll open the summer camp registration to everyone. If we don’t have your form filled out by February 16, we’ll assume you don’t need a classroom space during |

|the summer. |

|Please note this option is only available to our current preschool, pre-K and advanced pre-K students. |

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|Please let us know if you have any questions. |

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| Parents we would like to continue the learning journey with your child and family this coming school year.   |

|We need to receive the following per child in order to save a classroom space for your student: |

|- Enrollment Agreement => |

|- Enrollment Agreement only for After School => |

|- $150 Annual Registration Fee |

|Please remember the student enrollment agreement and $150 annual registration fee must be turned in together by XXXX, XXX X 20XX |

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|We need you to send all items to school label with your child’s first name and corresponding last name initial. This is crucial when a substitute covers in your|

|little ones classrooms and she needs to correctly identify you child’s food items.     |

|The teachers have been instructed to use a black sharpie to label items right the way (specially food related) when necessary. |

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|This is a plea to our parents to keep sick children at home. Our school policy is that children with fever of 99.4 or greater must be fever free without fever |

|reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school. |

|We are trying our hardest to keep YPW Spanish Immersion School clean taking special precautions when doing our daily cleaning. |

|Thanks so much for helping keep YPW healthy! |

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|DID YOU KNOW… 2019 |

|This is the 9th year YPW Workshops participates at UT during “Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day”. We loved seeing some of our families visiting the different |

|exhibits.  Monica, Yazmin and I had a lot of fun!! If you couldn’t make it this year, make sure you do the next.  |

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|Have you ever wondered what is it that we do when the school is closed due to “Staff in Service”? |

|Well, on President’s day, all the YPW staff got together for professional development. We had a great training on outdoor curriculum.  Then, we went to Central |

|Texas Food Bank and had an awesome time preparing boxes with goodies for the community in need. We filled 800 boxes of food in one afternoon. It was a great |

|team work experience! |

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|[pic]Community Speaker Series |

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|Thank you to all  who were able to make it to the egg hunt at Pease Park. We had a blast! Hopefully next year all of you will be able to make it. And don’t |

|worry, we’ll have more events to come.   |

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|Did you know... that at YPW Westlake we are sponsoring a child through World Vision?  Well, Amy is our Colombian little friend who is turning 4 years old in |

|October. Our children from YPW, made letters for her.  The teachers also fostered compassion through example and I’m sure Amy is going to be so happy when she |

|receives these beautiful letters.   |

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|Spring Parent Teacher Conferences are coming soon. |

|So you can plan ahead, here are the dates the conferences will be. |

|Please be sure to look out for the Parent Teacher sign up sheet which we will posted soon. Be sure to save the date and schedule a conference |

|                                      Monday April 29th Infants A                 Monday May 6th Early Preschool B |

|                                      Tuesday April 30th Infants B                  |

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|MAY |

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|Attached SunLotion-ParentPermission file |

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|Last week we had our kinder promotion. 11 little preschoolers are ready to go into the “big kids” school. Congratulations to our graduates! |

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|During the summer months we continue with the same opening and closing hours as during the school year. Everything is pretty much the same. The big difference |

|is that during the summer we changed our curriculum, focusing more on intelligent fun! With the promise of warm weather approaching, our summer program will |

|include the outside play areas as an extension of the classroom. We also have new families joining us. |

|Parents for the summer we cannot accept more children or add additional days in our prek and preschool classes as they are full with a wait list. |

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|Please check your child’s extra clothes bin for appropriate clothing (summer clothing) that is labeled. If you haven’t already done so, please return your |

|child’s sunscreen permission form and a labeled bottle of sunscreen. Attached find the sunscreen permission form. |

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|Teacher appreciation week is right around the corner. We love having parents participate in various ways to show their appreciation with gestures from the |

|heart. Here are some great ways to show your child’s teachers you appreciate them and all that they do for your little one. |

|Monday, May 6th :  Movie Madness Monday -where you can bring your teachers any variety of movie snacks including popcorn, movie dvd’s and or tickets/gift cards.|

|Tuesday, May 7th : is Tasty Tuesday-where you can provide your teacher with a snack, and or any food items. This can be a breakfast taco, to fruits and or |

|bringing them lunch to gifting them gift cards to a restaurant they may enjoy. Please be sure to talk to your teacher so they can plan for this event and or |

|make sure of any allergies. |

|Wednesday, May 8th : A Wonderful Thanks Wednesday – is having your child/parent make a card and any other gift they would like to present their teacher to show |

|their appreciation. |

|Thursday, May 9th : Spa Treatment Thursday-these are ways you can pamper your teachers. Anything of bath and body products from lotion, to makeup and nail |

|polish as well as a day at the spa. |

|Friday, May 10th : Flower and sweet chocolate Friday! |

|Also friendly reminder these are just ideas of what you can give to help with gift ideas. We will also make sure to set out our Teacher Wishlist Binder so you |

|can personalize things they like. The binder will be placed at the front office near the Catering Menu Box. |

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|Also friendly reminder the Teacher appreciation Dinner is May 15th which we will have our Early release day at 5pm. Please be sure to have plans for pickup that|

|day and also if you would like to help in anyway please get incontact with Yesenia Rhodes and Taina Price. |

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|It’s about that time. Our Annual Graduation and End of Year Celebration is coming soon. This is one of our most amazing events. An event we encourage our |

|parents and families to join us in. So be sure to invite the aunts, uncles, and grandparents’ too.  This event will allow you to see all that the children and |

|how they have learned throughout the year in each class.  We will be saying goodbye and good luck to some of our little ones who have grown with us but also to |

|see some adorable and amazing accomplishments. We know they all will do amazing things for the future and they will truly be missed. Please save the date. Let |

|us all celebrate our YPW Spanish immersion accomplishments and celebrate being apart of an amazing family and community that we are. |

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|Where: St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 1500 N Capital of Texas Hwy, Austin TX 78746 |

|When: Friday May 17th |

|Time: 6:30pm |

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|Thank you to all the parents for their contributions to the Teacher Appreciation Day. On behalf of all our educators thank you for your thoughtfulness. |

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|Mis queridas Familias, |

|How can I say Thank you enough? It was amazing to see you all gathered to celebrate a wonderful school year, but also to say good bye to our big boys and girls |

|who graduated from PreK and Kindergarten. I’m so proud of the hard work our teachers and children put into the performance.  Thank you for your support through |

|the year; and more importantly, for trusting us with your children. It is  a pleasure to watch them grow and develop in so many aspects.   For those that will |

|be taking the summer off, Bon voyage! And for those that will be staying with us, welcome to a summer of fun! |

|July |

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|Update pictures and text as necessary |

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|This summer we have been very busy "traveling" through different latin countries learning about their food, music, people, their culture! As we were "traveling"|

|we were also addressing our 8 learning domains / 8 curriculum subject areas. For instance ....  |

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|MATHEMATICS : Predicting, Using mathematical language |

|As we were traveling trough Venezuela the children made "worms" out of playdough like the ones found in the Venezuelan forest. Which worm is "mas larga" |

|(larger) ? or which one is "mas corta" (shorter)? They also were making different shapes with the playdough and sorting them out by color and shape.  |

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|KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORLD: Individuals, Culture and Community |

|While "visiting" the various Latin countries, your students had the opportunity to cook and taste different food from our countries of origin; like: Arroz con |

|Leche, Arroz con Coco, Plantain Chips, mmm ... Yummy! |

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|HYPOTHESIZING & SCIENCE: Problem solving, measuring and estimating, cause and effect concepts in real-life situations. |

|As the children were preparing Jello, they measured various ingredients, Cuanta azucar usamos? "how much sugar should we use?  Una, dos, tres o cuatro |

|cucharadas? "one, two, three or four spoons?" tratemos una cucharada ... " let's try one spoon" ... |

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|LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT & FINE ARTS: Listening Comprehension, Vocabulary, Verbal Expression, Print and Book awareness, Motivation to Read |

|This summer your children have enjoyed "reading" books and acting out the stories while increasing their Spanish vocabulary. One of their favorite activities |

|has been to "write" on their passports and then "read" them back to the teacher or to a classmate. |

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|Making a piñata! |

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|... and just for fun ... |

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|As you see, we take our phylosophy of learning very seriously! |

|Children learn best while playing and participating on hands-on, fun and engaging activities ...This is what we call  "play with a purpose". |

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|Make sure you know the names of the new teachers. |

|Talk at home about the expectations: New friends, new teachers, new classroom. |

|Be positive about it: “Mrs. Lola is going to be so happy when she sees what a good helper you are” “Ms. Coco will love the way you count to 5”. |

|Remind them that toys should stay home, unless the teacher asks you to bring one. |

|Pick a stuffed animal that fits in the cubie (if your child needs one for nap time). |

|Bring extra change of clothes, even if your child is potty-trained. |

|Pack nutritious meals. Avoid sugary items and remember, we are a PEANUT free Facility, |

|Take your time when dropping them off on the first week. Rushing them will only cause more anxiety. |

|Please arrive by 8:45am.  Arriving in the middle of an activity prevents the teacher from welcoming your child and creates and uncomfortable distraction between|

|the children. |

|When picking up your children, be mindful about the time. We close at 6pm, which means that you should arrive at least 15minutes before closing to get |

|information about your child’s day and collect his/her stuff. |

|Have fun when walking in and out of the school.  It’s easier for children to be more relaxed if parents are singing in the car or telling jokes. (Why are fish |

|so smart? Because they live in schools)  |

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|DID YOU KNOW… On August 21st, the first day of the school year 2017-2018, most of our children will be moving to a different class. You’ll have an opportunity |

|to meet the teachers and know where your child’s classroom will be before the very busy Monday. |

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|We’ll be guiding you at the front office if you need help finding a classroom, or have any questions. |

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|Saturday, August 19th  “Meet the teacher Day” |

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|Infants, Toddlers & Early Preschool 9am |

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|Preschool & PreK 10am |

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|Advance PreK and Afterschool 11am |

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|Soon you’ll be receiving more information about class placement and teacher’s names. |


|[pic]Community Speaker Series |

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|We are back with our enrichment workshops with our teacher Ms. Maribel. ​These hands-on workshops help teach language development, knowledge and understanding |

|of the world, physical development, social & emotional development, art, mathematics, science, engineering & technology with LEGO Simple Machines. |

|JR LEGO Robotics on Tuesdays and Math Arts on Wednesdays |

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|Wednesdays & Fridays |

|3:00 (ages 3-5) |

|3:50 (ages 2-3) |

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|From October 2nd to the 6th, we will be having our Scholastic Book Fair. Spanish and bilingual books will be available for purchase at the front reception with |

|Ms. Wanda and Ms. Jessica from 8am -6pm. |

|Teacher will be posting a book wish list for their classroom. |

|A child’s success as a reader begins much earlier that the first day of school. Reading and love for reading, begins at home. That why we are going to have our |

|Book Fair this month and it will be hosted by Scholastic October 2nd  to 6th. |

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|Reading tips for parents of babies: |

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|Reading Tips for Toddlers & YEPS:   |

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|Reading Tips for EPS & Preschool: |

|Reading Tips for Pre-K: |

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|[pic]Community Speaker Series |

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|We’ll start our enrichment workshops with our teacher Ms. Lorena. These hands-on workshops help teach language development, knowledge and understanding of the |

|world, physical development, social & emotional development, art, mathematics, science, engineering & technology with LEGO Simple Machines. |

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|Placemats and Family Pictures |

|Have you brought your child’s placemat yet? If not, hurry up and plan a fun family activity with your child and make one. Your child will remember this moment |

|every time he/she eats a meal at school.  Also, do not forget about your family picture, this will help minimize anxiety from being away from parents. |

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|From October 2nd to the 6th, we will be having our Scholastic Book Fair. Spanish and bilingual books will be available for purchase at the front reception with |

|Ms. Wanda and Ms. Jessica from 8am -6pm. |

|Teacher will be posting a book wish list for their classroom. |

|A child’s success as a reader begins much earlier that the first day of school. Reading and love for reading, begins at home. That why we are going to have our |

|Book Fair this month and it will be hosted by Scholastic October 2nd  to 6th. |

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|Reading tips for parents of babies: |

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|Reading Tips for Toddlers & YEPS:   |

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|Reading Tips for EPS & Preschool: |

|Reading Tips for Pre-K: |

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|If you want to know what the children are doing and learning on a different level, you are welcome to come and visit the other classrooms. |

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|23rd Early Preschool A & B |

|24th  Preschool from 9am-10pm |

|25th Pre-K from 9am-10am |

|26th Advance Pre-K from 9am- 10pm |

|We recommend parents to visit the next grade level, so you can get the feeling of what your child would be doing and learning the next school year.  Please make|

|sure you arrive on time, so you could enjoy the Circle Time. Circle Time is one of the most important parts of the day. It’s where children develop social and |

|communication skills; they learn vocabulary and have the opportunity to share ideas and stories. |

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|           “Fall is a second Spring where every leaf is a flower” |

|Come and join us for our exciting Fall Festival! YPW is working very hard to make this festival a successful one. Upcoming flyer will be sent.  We are going to |

|have many fun activities that night, please join us with all your family. October, 20th   6:30pm |

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|Parents, this is our fourth year supporting UNICEF – Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is an easy, fun way to teach our children the value of helping others and how we |

|can make a difference with children around the world. |

|Please participate! You can take extra boxes with you to share with relatives and friends. |

|Just ask your teacher for more! Last year we raised over $500 – Let’s work together to raise more this year! |

|For more information please go to |

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|I want to share some ideas that come out of the full day Teachers Training we had at the beginning of October. For a few |

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|Queridas Familias, |

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|Since this is a month to be Thankful, I would like to start with you:. Thank you for your time, thank you for trusting us with your children, for your support, |

|for giving us the possibility to be a great school, for your patience, for your love and for teaming with us for a great partnership! |

|Between the UNICEF boxes, the silent auction and the festival, we were able to collect a total of $, which has been sent to UNICEF Puerto Rico.  Your generosity|

|has made this possible.  Many thanks as well to our amazing Staff for putting together a great festival. Our children had so much fun! And so did I! |

|Please stay in tune with our calendar and emails, so you don’t miss anything! |

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|Please help us reinforce with your child the importance of coughing and sneezing in to their elbow. This helps us dramatically cut down on the spread of germs |

|here at school, and is the preferred method promoted by most pediatricians. We will be teaching and modeling this method throughout the rest of this year. |

|Please join us in practicing this skill with your child in your homes. Encouraging your child to blow and/or wipe their nose on a tissue and then throw it away |

|themselves is also a huge help in “germ control” here at school. |

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|As the temperature drop, we generally see an increase in the number of ill children at school. Please review the guidelines in your parent handbook concerning |

|the exclusion of children from school and follow them closely. It’s important that each of us do our part to keep our school environment healthy. It is |

|imperative that we always have a number where someone can be reached if a child becomes ill, and someone who is able to pick up them up quickly. |

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|Thanks to all families and volunteers for your time and participation. You all made the YPW Fall Festival a good opportunity to get to know our teachers a |

|little bit more, to meet new friends in your child’s school, and just to have fun with your family. |


|With your help, we were able to raise: $334.60 for UNICEF!! |

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|Turkey in Disguise |

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|This is a family activity. Disguise your turkey, creativity has no limit. Please return your Turkeys for display on Monday the 13th. |

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|YPW Spanish Immersion School loves to have the parents, children, and staff participate together in worthy causes throughout the community. With the holidays |

|fast approaching we want to help others in need in our community. We are asking for your participation in a food drive. The items will be given to the Capital |

|Area Food Bank to distribute it to local families. |

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|We have drop boxes in the after school, outside the infant center and at the office. |

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|We appreciate any contribution as we all work together to make this a happy holiday for others in need.  |

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|I strongly suggest to take advantage of this opportunity to “officially and formally” talk with your teachers regarding the progress and development of your |

|little one. If you were not able to make it this week for parent conferences, please talk with your teacher regarding a makeup time. |

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|To celebrate this special day we will have a dinner at school on Nov.21st at 4:00 p.m. You are welcome to come and join us, we will have a sign in sheet with |

|different options for you to bring. This will be a great opportunity for you to come and share your favorite dish and also share with other families. |

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|We hope to see you all here. Thanks for all of your help.    |

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|Protect Your Family During Winter and COVID-19 |

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|WASHINGTON, D.C. – With the COVID-19 pandemic getting worse, and winter’s colder months limiting outdoor activity, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission |

|(CPSC) urges housebound consumers to be alert to hidden hazards in the home. Here are some life-saving tips: |

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|Warm Up Safely |

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|Planning to use a fireplace or space heater to keep warm? |

|Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. |

|Keep material, such as curtains, sofas, beds, clothes and papers at least three feet away from space heaters. |

|Have fireplace flues and chimneys and other fuel-burning appliances, such as your furnace, inspected by a professional before each heating season.  |

|Always plug space heaters directly into a wall outlet. Never plug a space heater into a power strip. Overloaded powers strips can catch fire. |

|Light up Safely |

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|If a winter storm knocks out your lights: |

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|Use battery-powered flashlights or lanterns, rather than candles to light your home. |

|If you do use candles, never leave burning candles unattended. |

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|Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Other Hazards |

|If you are planning to clear snow with a snow blower, NEVER leave the machine running in an enclosed area, such as a garage.  The exhaust contains poisonous CO,|

|which can kill in minutes. |

|Stop the engine, and use a long stick to unclog wet snow and debris from the machine.  Do not use your hands to unclog a snow blower. |

|Portable generators must be operated outside only.  Keep generators at least 20 feet away from the house.  Never operate a portable generator inside a home, |

|garage, basement, crawlspace, shed, or on the porch close to the house. |

|Make sure to have working CO alarms on every level of your home and outside sleeping areas.  Test the alarm each month, and replace the batteries every year. |

|Have a professional check your fuel-burning appliances, including your furnace, to protect against CO. |

|See our video on generator safety tips here. |

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|Use Smoke Alarms and Keep Them Functional |

|Protect your family by installing working smoke alarms on every floor and inside every bedroom. |

|Change batteries in smoke alarms every year, unless the alarms have sealed 10-year batteries.  Replace your alarm at the end of its service life; 10 years for |

|smoke alarms, 7 years for combination smoke/CO alarms.  Test the alarm once a month. |

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|Have Our COVID 19 Home Safety Checklists Handy |

|Keep cleaning products, laundry packets and medicines in their original bottles, locked up, and away from children. |

|Ensure that high-powered magnets are kept away from children at all times.  Swallowed magnets can stick together across intestines, causing serious adverse |

|health effects, lifelong injuries or death. |

|Stairs should be well-lighted, free from tripping hazards and with a secure hand rail. |

|Never climb a ladder alone.  Ask for assistance when installing decorations or taking them down. |

|Check for Recalls |

|Check for recalled products in your home. |

|Fill out and send in registration cards that come with new products, or register your product on the firm’s website so that companies know how to contact you if|

|there is a recall. |

|Think you have an unsafe product or an incident where someone was injured by a product?  Report it to CPSC at . |

|Remember, follow these winter safety tips during COVID-19, and the life you save may be a loved one or your own.  |

|For more information, visit |

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|[pic]Community Speaker Series |

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|This year YPW will adopt 2 children from Salvation Army Angel Tree Program. These children are either living in one of the shelters or are from low-income |

|families. We are going to place angels with the children’s names and notes as pants sizes, shirts, shoes, wishes and their needs by the school Christmas tree. |

|We will be looking for sponsors to buy this things and all together will be donated to the shelters.   |

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|It is that time a year again for the Brown Santa Program! This a local program run by  the Travis County Sheriff’s department where they collect New Toys & |

|Books as well as Non-Perishable Food items. This is a great opportunity to help those in need during the Holidays. |

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|We will be hosting a drop off station here at YPW  from December 3 thru December 12. |

|Thank you for helping make all of these possible! |

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|Thanks for Thanksgiving potluck |


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|It was a grand success! We were so excited to see how many families were able to join us to share Thanksgiving with teachers and your little ones as a family. |

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|Turkey in Disguise |

|It was amazing to see all our families creativity! We were so proud to display them for all to be seen. We are happy to announce that all your turkeys remained |

|safe and were not eaten! |

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|During the first two weeks of December all students in YPW (especially from YEP to Kinder) will be practicing for our holiday program. |

|We recommend dropping your kids before 9:00 a.m., it is very important for all students to gather around during Circle Time and don't miss any important |

|announcement, new songs, sharing time, instructions and specially holiday program practicing. |

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|Recommendation: Please don't put any pressure on your child to perform.  It is not unusual for preschool children to become anxious about performing in front of|

|people, and that is okay.  If your child expresses any anxiety about performing, please reassure him/her that she/he doesn't have to perform.  |

|You may find that without any added pressure that your child may change his/her mind. |

|If not, that is okay.  It is fine for your child to sit with you and enjoy the holiday program as well. |

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|Kids love gift exchange!! So as a tradition here at YPW we celebrate Santa’s visit with a small gift exchange among students (Wednesday, December 20th, 2017) – |

|Bring a gently used book already wrapped w/o any labels. |

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