Journal AM - Inter-American Magnet School

Preschool Continued Learning Opportunities, Week 1Day at a Glance: (60 minutes)Length: 5 Days, 60 minutes of continued learning content per day. MORNINGVaries : Journal AM10 min: Skill Practice AM10 min: Reading AM15 min: Project AM10 min: Enrichment AMAFTERNOON10 min: Reading PM5 min: Skill Practice PMVaries: Journal PMStandards / Skills: ResourcesSample Daily Remote Learning SchedulePK Guidelines & Essential ElementsLiteracy Continuous Learning Guidance ESMaterials Needed:Morning Element of the DayDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Journal AMPurposeLetter of the week: Oo Words that start with O o in Spanish: Oso (bear), Ojo (eye), oruga (caterpillar)Letter of the week: Oo Words that start with O o in Spanish: Ovalo (oval), ocho (eight), ostra (oyster)Letter of the week: Oo Words that start with O o in Spanish: Ombligo (belly button), oreja (ear), oveja (sheep)Letter of the week: Oo Words that start with O o in Spanish: Olas (waves), obscuro (dark), oficina (office)Letter of the week: Oo Words that start with O o in Spanish: Oso (bear), oveja (sheep), oreja (ear),Practice early literacy writing skills with this regular daily routine.Suggestions? Provide prompts for parents to support students? Story writing or journaling with dictationSkill Practice AM10 minPurpose:Math: Counting with dice. You need one dice and 6 small objects (beans, pasta shapes, buttons, any small object). Roll the dice and ask your child to give you the number of objects the dice shows. For example, if the dice says 6, your child should give you 6 beans, or buttons, or pasta pieces. Note: you may use two dice to make it more challenging. Math: Look for 5 shapes around your house and draw them. Take a tour of your home or look in your drawers. Find a square, a circle, a triangle, a rectangle, and an oval shape. For example a spoon is an oval without the handle and ask your child to draw the spoon. Math: Practice counting stepsHow many steps does it take to walk from the living room to the kitchen?How many steps does it take to walk from the bathroom to the living room?If you (the adult) take less steps, ask your child why he/she thinks you took less steps?Math: Practice number recognition with flashcards. Write the numbers 1-20 on flashcards. Show a random number to you child and ask what number do they see?Start with numbers 1 to 10 and move up as your makes progress. Practice 5 to 10 minutes a day. Math: Practice writing the numbers 1 to 10. Give your child paper and crayons t make it colorful. Ask him/her to write the numbers 1 to 10 with you. Please model the numbers for your child when necessary.Interactive games, or mini lessons to guide children to support children's learning. New vocabulary, math or literacy concepts, and isolated skills may be introduced, supported or extended at this time. Suggestions? Exploration of materials? Targeted skill acquisition? Questioning/discussionsReading AM (Read Aloud or IndependentReading)10 min: Purpose:Read aloud in Spanish:Se contarBy Bobbie KalmanOne dog on a teacup, two caterpillars on a leaf, three horses having a conversation.Ask you child to count along with you in the book. You may find this book in Spanish at You may also open a free account aloud in Spanish: Quien vive en el estanque?Who lives in a pond?Real life images help you explore a pond and its wildlife.Ask your child to draw an animal from the pond.You may find this book in Spanish at You may also open a free account aloud in Spanish:Un zoologico en mi patio (Backyrad zoo)By Rourke Educational Media This book shows real life images of the different insects and animals you may find in the backyard.Ask your child to name the animals and insects in the book, try saying them in Spanish.You may find this book in Spanish at You may also open a free account aloud in Spanish: Quien vive en el estanque?Who lives in a pond?Real life images help you explore a pond and its wildlife.Ask your child to name the animals in the pictures, try saying them in Spanish. You may find this book in Spanish at You may also open a free account aloud in Spanish:Un zoologico en mi patio (Backyrad zoo)By Rourke Educational Media This book shows real life images of the different insects and animals you may find in the backyard.Ask your child to draw the animals and insects, or try exploring your own backyard. You may find this book in Spanish at You may also open a free account love literature, storytelling, and develop literacy skills and concepts. Independent Reading time gives children the opportunity to select either new or familiar books.SuggestionsMultiple reads of the same book? Read for enjoyment? Children may share books and discuss as they read.? Target specific vocab words, print elements, high-level questions, or other skillsProject AM15 minPurpose:Spanish Story Dictation: Child: Write their first and last name.Draw 5 animalsParent: Ask the child to tell you about his drawing. What did he/she draw, where do the animals live?Cuantos animales dibujaste? Como se llaman? Donde viven?Spanish Story Dictation: Child: Write their first and last name.Draw a pond and animals from the book. Parent: Ask your child what animals he/she drew and where do the animals live?Cuales animales dibujaste? En donde viven?Spanish Story Dictation: Child: Write their first and last name.Parent: Which animals did you see in the book?Draw them one and draw where do you think the animal lives?Padre: Preguntale a su hijo/a.?Cuál animal te gusta a ti? Spanish Story Dictation: Child: Write their first and last name. Parent: Ask your child to tell count the animals in the book with you and ask him/her to draw one.Padre: Pregúntale a su hijo/a: ?Cuál animal dibujaste? Spanish Story Dictation: Child: Write their first and last name.Parent: Ask your child to explore his backyard and draw an animal from their backyard, or he/she may draw another one from the book.Padre: Pregúntale a su hijo/a: dibuja un animal que viste en tu jardín. ?Como se llama?Use hands-on and interactive projects to support children's learning. New concepts and skills may be introduced at this time, projects may follow a study and extend over daysSuggestions? Project work tied to the topic of study? Exploration of materials? Questioning/discussions? Story writing or journaling with dictationEnrichment AM10 minPurposeScience: Test the sink or float theory.In a small bowl pour water (half-way), gather a few items in your kitchen, for example, a metal spoon, a wooden spoon, a plastic spoon, an apple, or an orange. Ask your child, do you think this apple is going to sink or float?Wait for your child’s answer and let him/her test their theory. After your experiment, Science: Make a musical instrument:You can make a “Kazoo” with a toilet paper tube, a piece of tissue paper, and a rubber band.Fold the tissue paper in half and wrap it with the rubber band around one end of the toilet paper tube, punch a hole on the tube to let some air out and you have a “Kazoo” it is like a flute.Science: Make Playdough at home: You only need: 1 cup of flour, ? cup of salt, ? cup of water, and food coloring.In a mixing bowl, add flour, salt, and (mix the food coloring in the water) gradually add water and mix, if it is too dry you may add a little more water, then knead with your hands. Let your child help you pour the ingredients and let them do the mixing and kneading. Science: Create different textures using the Playdough, that you made yesterday. Use kitchen utensils to create the textures. Allow the Playdough to dry and ask you child to describe the textures. Science: Building with blocks:Ask you child to draw a house on a piece of paper, provide crayons and paper.Then ask him/her to build a house based on their drawing. This project helps him/her practice fine motor and gross motor skills.When they draw, they are practicing their fine motor skills and when they build they are practicing gross motor skills, they are also visually exploring what their building will look like. Child-driven and include adults or other family members. Introduce new games, materials and engage actively with children during this time to develop higher-order thinkingSuggestions? Use open-ended questions to support children's thinking (e.g., How?, Why?, Tell me about…, What would happen if…?)? Provide access to new materials or house-hold items and writing/drawing materials.? Follow child-initiated play scenarios and role-play based on child's interests? Model scenario-specific vocabulary for children as they playLunch & Quiet / Nap TimeAfternoon Element of the DayDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Reading PM Read Aloud10 min: Purpose: Read aloud: What Matters by Alison HughesThis book talks about the environment and how children can help take care of it.Ask your child to draw his/her favorite part of the book.You may find this book at You may open an account for free at website provides books in English and Spanish Read aloud: What Matters by Alison HughesThis book talks about the environment and how children can help take care of it.Ask your child to tell you why it is important to take care of the environment.You may open an account for free at website provides books in English and Spanish Read aloud: Mr. Mouse’s Motel: Helping othersBy: Jeff DinardoMr. Mouse likes helping others, but what happens when he gets worn out?Ask your child why is it important to help others?You may find this book at You may open an account for free at website provides books in English and Spanish Read aloud: Mr. Mouse’s Motel: Helping othersBy: Jeff DinardoMr. Mouse likes helping others, but what happens when he gets worn out?Ask your child to tell you about Mr. Mouse’s feelings.You may open an account for free at website provides books in English and SpanishRead aloud:I am human: A book about empathyBy Susan VerdeI am human shows that it is okay to make mistakes, while also emphasizing the power of good choices.Ask your child to tell you his/her favorite part of the book. He/ she may draw it too.You may find this book at You may open an account for free at website provides books in English and SpanishCreate love literature, storytelling, and develop literacy skills and concepts. Suggestions? Multiple reads of same book? Read for enjoyment? Children may share books and discuss as they read.? Target specific vocab words, print elements, high-level questions, or other skillsSkill Practice PM5 minPurpose:Dance with GoNoodleBaile con GoNoodle with GoNoodleBaile con GoNoodle & MOVEMENTDance with GoNoodleBaile con GoNoodle & MOVEMENTDance with GoNoodleBaile con GoNoodle & MOVEMENTDance with GoNoodleBaile con GoNoodle games, or mini-lessons to support children's learning. New vocabulary, math or literacy concepts, and isolated skills may be introduced, supported or extended at this time. Suggestions? Exploration of materials? Targeted skill acquisition? Questioning/discussionsJournal PMPurposeAsk your child to tell you about his/her favorite part of the day.Please provide them with paper and crayons and ask them to draw their reflection. Ask your child to draw a story for you and ask him/her to tell you their story. OrAsk your child to tell you about his/her favorite part of the day.Please provide them with paper and crayons and ask them to draw their reflection.Ask your child to try and remember what he did today and ask him/her to draw one thing.OrAsk your child to tell you about his/her favorite part of the day.Please provide them with paper and crayons and ask them to draw their reflection.Ask your child to tell you about his/her favorite part of the day.Please provide them with paper and crayons and ask them to draw their reflection.Ask your child to tell you about his/her favorite part of the day.Please provide them with paper and crayons and ask them to draw their reflection.Children can write letters, their names, draw pictures, label common household objects with adult support, use this time to write about a book or activity, or reflect on the day. This can also take place throughout or at the end of the day.SuggestionsPossible Writing Prompts for Reflection? What was my favorite activity today? Why?? What is something new I learned today?? What is something I would like to learn about tomorrow? ................

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