Lesson Plan Requirements - New Mexico Public Education ...

Lesson Plan RequirementsThe lesson plan template must be completed before the week begins. Any additions to this lesson plan may be included but there may not be any deletion of items as they meet the FOCUS criteria and verification process requirements. Teachers are required to post the lesson plan where it is visible for families and colleagues.Teachers must archive each week’s lesson plan in a binder clearly marked for that year. Teachers must place the first week’s plan in the back of the binder and add subsequent week’s plans on top. FOCUS Criteria requires teachers to keep lesson plan binders for two years.Essential Indicators with Rubrics- Guide intentional teaching instruction, interactions, and observations (see Essential Indicators with Rubrics).?Choose one essential indicator from the New Mexico Early Learning Guidelines (ELG) that will be the primary focus learning goal for each specific daily activity and learning center.Vocabulary Focus Words- Intentionally select 8-10 vocabulary words to teach, while keeping in mind the 3 Tiers of vocabulary (see One Page Resource).?To support the foundational skill of language development, these focus vocabulary words should be seen across the curriculum.Focus Questions-The questioning levels help teachers understand how to ask children thoughtful questions that scaffold and extend their learning, encouraging children to think more critically (see One Page Resource). ?Use the starter questions on the lesson plan to scaffold children’s learning.?Don’t be afraid to use Tier 2 or Tier 3 words (i.e. mischief & photosynthesis), while considering children’s developmental stage and knowledge as you plan your question.Transition Activity- Transition times should include specific tasks for children to participant in and should be brief (less than 3 minutes) (see One Page Resource).?Pre-planning for these times is an important way to keep children actively engaged while moving from one activity to another (i.e. looking for foot prints on the floor while lining up).?Planned activities during transitions such as songs or finger plays will support and enhance phonological or social emotional skills for all children.Meal Time- Should be “family style” and teachers and children should be engaging in meaningful conversations (see One Page Resource).?Meal times provide excellent opportunities for quality interactions and oral language development.Activity Plan- Intentionally planned activities are connected to the essential indicators and support children’s learning.?A short description of the activities should include the roles of participants (i.e. Teacher will… & Children will…) to demonstrate the teaching and learning outcomes.Large Group- These activities should be no more than 20 minutes in duration for EACH large group (see One Page Resource).?Large group activities should occur only as long as the children are actively engaged and interested. Two large group times must occur in full-day programs.?During large group time, learning activities can consist of math, literacy, social emotional, large motor, or science concepts.?Large group does not necessarily mean the whole class at one time, it can be divided into 2 groups if needed.Learning Centers- At least one hour of the day must be spent in learning centers of the child’s choice (ECERS-3 requirement). Intentionally designed Learning Centers promote investigation, exploration, choice, and purposeful play aligned to the Early Learning Guidelines. Small group time may occur during Learning Center time in half-day programs.?During this time, adults must intentionally teach children how to play with materials in the centers and have quality interactions to extend learning opportunities. Small Group- Activities should take place during a designated time in the daily routine when the teacher and educational assistant each work with a small group of children for no more than 20 minutes for each small group time (see One Page Resource). Full day programs must have 2 small group times that are separate from Learning Centers. Learning Centers in half day programs may occur during small group time, but at least one adult must be interacting with the children at centers.?Small group time allows for opportunities to work with children more directly than in a large group setting. ?Small group time should be aligned to an essential indicator (EI) and provided focused learning opportunities for children based on developmental level. Outdoor- Is an extension of the classroom and planning for the playground is just as important as planning indoor activities (see One Page Resource).? Outdoor time should be at least 30 minutes for 450 hour programs & at least 60 minutes for 900 hour programs & rarely cancelled due to weather (ECERS requirement).?The kinds of materials should enrich children’s experiences and enhance motor skills.Read Aloud- Select a quality storybook and prepare for 1st, 2nd, 3rd read (see One Page Resource).?During this time, plan to extend children’s thinking through a selection of rich and intentional questioning and a variety of tiered vocabulary.Writing- Intentional writing opportunities should be seen throughout the day and learning centers.?As children gain an understanding of how print works, they progress through writing phases (see One Page Resource). ? Opportunities can consist of handwriting, daily journaling, and drawing while using crafting tools such as pencils, paint brush, or crayons (i.e. notes, grocery lists, & greeting cards).Rest Time- This is a time for children to rest their bodies and re-energize (see One Page Resource).? Rest time should be no longer than 1 hour and PED allows for 30 minute rest time to be counted as instructional time (i.e. if you have a 7 hour school day and take 1 hour for nap, you can only count 6 hours 30 minutes toward your total program hours for each day). ................

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