
First Christian Church

Jack & Jill Preschool/Extended Care

“A Christian Center”

Preschool & Child Care Center

130 North 6th Street

Leavenworth, Kansas

913 – 682-1222

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Jack & Jill Preschool/Extended Care! When you come into our school please remember…it is a child’s world!

Their Work!

Their Ideas!

Their Fun!

Sometimes a child’s idea of decoration, beauty and good housekeeping does not coincide with adults.

A child’s imagination is great! Children can do wonderful things…paint the wind, dance like a leaf, and find joy and happiness in performing simple tasks. These are abilities that adults may have lost along the way.

Enter and return for a brief visit to the wonderful world of young children. Enjoy their enthusiasm for living and learning!

Jack & Jill Preschool Staff

First Christian Church

Jack & Jill Preschool

General Information

Program & Philosophy

“Train a child in the way he should go,

and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

It is the philosophy of Jack & Jill Preschool/Extended Care that early childhood should be a time of fun, warmth, security, exploring, and discovery. Preschool children are creative and receptive. Our staff strives to nurture these qualities in the children who attend Jack & Jill Preschool/Extended Care.

Our curriculum provides developmentally appropriate activities and materials as well as an atmosphere that encourages the social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and cognitive growth and development of the whole child.

We at Jack & Jill Preschool/Extended Care seek to develop the whole child in the following areas:


We share Bible stories, songs, and prayers with the idea of teaching children that they are special because of God’s love. Each week, each class will attend Chapel in the Sanctuary.


We assist children in the development of both gross and fine motor skills. Climbing, running, jumping, teacher-directed games, balance beams, balls, cutting, painting, writing and play dough all help to develop gross and fine motor skills.


We foster the development of social skills and self-confidence through individual and group interaction, by nurturing and recognizing feelings, participation in holiday parties, special days, field trips, individual and group activities, and other special events.


We strive to develop critical thinking skills, reasoning, and creativity using songs and finger plays, stories, science and nature activities, creative art, and games. We introduce the children to the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, and music.


Jack & Jill Preschool/Extended Care was established by Bernie Roller in her home in 1968. She moved the preschool to the First Christian Church in 1979. Jack & Jill Preschool has been serving the community for over 50 years.

In 1991 an extended care program was added to the preschool to meet the needs of the community. It is licensed by the State of Kansas Department of Health and complies with all the standards put forth by the state.

A volunteer preschool board from the First Christian Church and salaried Directors govern this center.


Jack & Jill Preschool/Extended Care is located at 130 North 6th Street, in the lower level of the First Christian Church on the north side of the Leavenworth downtown area. We are located 10 blocks south of the Fort Leavenworth post gate and one block east of 7th Street. The south side of the church is at ground level and we use the double doors at the southwest end of the building.


A Preschool board and employees at Jack & Jill oversee the program. The First Christian Church Minister is John Sowers.

The Jack & Jill Preschool/Extended Care office may be reached by calling 682-1222. If no one can answer, an answering machine will take your message and we will return your call as soon as possible.

If there is a time when you need to share a concern, please go first to your child’s teacher. If your questions cannot be resolved, please contact the Director, Denise Hill or the Assistant Director, Amy Andrews. For further help you may speak to the First Christian Church Preschool Board.


Jack & Jill Preschool/Extended Care advertises in the public media in order to make class openings known to all. Children are admitted regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or religion. We are a Christian center, open to all denominations. Handicapped children will be accepted only if it is determined by the parents and the Director that we will be able to serve the child’s needs.


Admissions requirements and enrollment procedures are as follows:

• A child must be 2 ½ years of age by August 31st.

• All children must be potty trained and able to communicate to a staff member when they need to use the restroom. They must be able to handle all their own bathroom needs. They also must be able to change their own clothes. We are striving to teach independence. State law prevents us from physically assisting a child with bathroom needs. We can help a child with buttons or fasteners.

• Children in a younger preschool class will not be able to advance to an older preschool class during the same school year.

• A child must be 4 years of age by August 31st to be admitted into the 4-5-year-old pre-kindergarten class.

• Classes are filled on a first come first serve basis according to the date of enrollment. The enrollment fees ensure your child will have a space reserved. We will reserve the spot up to an agreed date set by both the Director and parent/guardian. The enrollment fee is non-refundable.

• If all classes are filled, we will initiate a waiting list to fill vacancies as they occur during the year.

• You may request a teacher. We will try to honor all requests; however, children are placed in a class according to their age. The requested teacher may not be teaching the age group of your child.


Children’s records are open only to the individual child’s teacher, the Directors, authorized employees of the licensing agency and the child’s parents/legal guardian.


• OPEN HOUSE: We will have an open house before school begins. At this time, our staff will be available to answer any questions you may have concerning our program. It also gives the children a chance to meet with their teacher and other students in their class.

• PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES: We have Parent Teacher conferences, which is a wonderful opportunity for teachers and parents to share concerns and ideas about their children.

• PICTURES: A photographer will come to the center during the fall semester and take individual and class photos of each child.

• Christmas Program: In the month of December the children will perform a Christmas Program. All families will be invited to attend the program.

• Special Days: During the school year we will have special days that are both fun and educational. We have such days as Western Days, Hawaiian Luau, Teddy Bear & Pajama Day, etc.

• SPRING PROGRAM: There will be a graduation program for all children advancing to kindergarten and a promotion program for all children who will advance a year in preschool. The children will also have a musical presentation for their families. An event not to be missed!

• FIELD TRIPS: An important part of Jack & Jill Preschool’s curriculum is exposing the children to many, varied experiences within the community. Therefore, field trips are built into the preschool year.


• Each child is required by state regulations to have on file a current health statement that includes a record of up-to-date immunizations and the signature of the child’s health care professional. The health assessment form must be completed and on file prior to the first day of school and must be renewed each year. A physician or public health nurse may do this physical.

• Any child who arrives for preschool and/or extended care noticeably ill, with a rash, or with a fever WILL NOT be admitted for that day. Should the child become ill that day, the parent is notified immediately. Sick children MUST be picked up within 30 minutes of notification. The child may return after all signs of illness are gone for 24 hours. Fever, vomiting and diarrhea must be finished for 24 hours without medications before returning. A back-up caregiver for time of illness is necessary.

• Following State regulations, a notice will be posted, and parents will be notified of any child or adult with a communicable disease.

• A child who has a contagious disease such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, strep throat and Fifth’s Disease may not return until symptom free for 24 hours.

• If needed, an adhesive bandage may be applied. Please let us know on your registration form or verbally if your child suffers from allergic reactions to adhesive bandages.

• In case of medical emergency, a trained staff member will administer first aid. The parent or authorized adult will be notified as quickly as possible. If medical attention is required, the staff will call the local ambulance service that will transport the child to a local hospital. Every effort will be made to contact the child’s physician.

• Please make sure we are aware of any medical problems your child may have. All our teachers are first aid and CPR trained.

• Medications: We will give only doctor prescribed medicine to a child and only with written authorization from the parent/legal guardian. The medicine must be in the original container with the prescription on it. The parent/guardian must sign a form giving us permission as well as informing us of the proper times and amounts to administer the medication.


▪ Please label all outer clothing and book bags

For safety, each child is asked not to wear sandals, dress shoes, western boots or shoes with slick soles that may cause your child to slip or fall.

▪ Clothing that is easy to pull up and down for using the bathroom is important to your child as they develop independence. Straps, buttons, and fancy closures can be very frustrating to young children.

▪ Girls need to wear shorts or tights under their dresses.

▪ Children are encouraged to wear play clothes. Daily activities include active and messy play. The children should feel comfortable enough to enjoy themselves without worrying about their clothes.

▪ An extra set of clothes should be brought daily in case a change is needed. Please bring seasonally appropriate clothes (shirt, pants, underwear, and socks).


Snacks are provided by the center. Snacks may be used as a part of the curriculum. We provide healthy snacks such as cheese, crackers, fresh fruit, vegetables, milk, or juice. Children may bring special treats for their birthday or a special holiday party. Please inform the classroom teacher in advance. We cannot use candles at any time. Please let us know if your child has any food allergies. We strive to be a peanut and nut free school.


We need your help! We would love your help with special projects and holiday parties. Each classroom will need a room parent. Room parents plan snacks and activities for the class holiday parties and keep everyone informed of these special days and parties. Please let your child’s teacher know if you would like to be a room parent.


Jack & Jill Preschool and Childcare will be closed when the Leavenworth Public Schools close for inclement winter weather. When the Leavenworth school system is closed because of snow or ice, then Jack & Jill will also be closed. When the Leavenworth School system is closed because of it being too cold, but the roads are passable, then Jack & Jill will still be open. Please watch the local news channels for the listings. There are no charges for Childcare services due to inclement weather closings.


Telling the child how well he/she is behaving encourages acceptable behavior. This reinforces a child’s good feelings about him/herself. Asking a child to stop and think about his/her unpleasant behavior enables a child to work on self-control. We talk to the child about acceptable behavior.

Redirecting is another form of discipline we use at the center. Redirection is used when the child becomes involved in doing something that is behaviorally unacceptable.

If a child is not cooperating in a group situation, the child will be seated by a teacher and reminded of acceptable behavior.

Removal from a group for a period of THINK SPACE is the next tactic used for a child who continually demonstrates unacceptable behavior. THINK SPACE is not a punishment, but rather a time when the child may calm down, remember what behavior the teacher is asking for, and decide for him/herself when he/she is ready to join the group with appropriate behavior.

Spitting, foul language, hitting, biting, kicking of children or teachers or any unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated. If the behavior is too disruptive on any given day, the parent may be called to pick up their child for the remainder of the day. If behavior problems persist, the parent is asked to a conference to discuss what may be helpful in motivating the child to behave in an acceptable manner. If the behavior does not improve, we reserve the right to dismiss a child from Jack & Jill Preschool/Extended Care until he/she has matured.

We provide a safe, warm, and supportive environment where children may be loved and respected by all. The same is expected from each child.


Establishing a relationship with a family no matter what the dynamics are is an integral part of providing quality childcare.

Sometimes, things become strained in family’s relationships, and this can cause a situation that a childcare provider will need to be prepared for.

It is important in these situations both parents understand our policy regarding child custody and visitation in childcare. We are responsible for not only the child involved, but for all the other children in care that may be affected by the situation.

In a child custody battle, if Jack & Jill does NOT have copies of custody court orders which specifically state one parent may not have access to the child at any time, the child care provider cannot refuse a parent access to the child. The other parent will be immediately informed that his/her child is being picked up by the other parent.

Jack & Jill Preschool Program

Jack & Jill Preschool has been providing quality Christian Preschool instruction to the greater Leavenworth community since 1968 and since 1979 at the First Christian Church.

Our teaching philosophy is based on direct teacher-student interaction. Most classes have a student/teacher ratio of 8 to1. Our curriculum is theme based and encourages children to be actively involved in the learning process. It is our philosophy that young children learn best through play, active manipulation of their environment and real-life experiences.


Jack & Jill Preschool strives to provide an exciting, nurturing, and warm environment that encourages the development of the whole child using age-appropriate curriculum and activities. Listed below are the goals for each program:

2 ½ Year Old Program (Children must be 2 ½ by August 31st)

▪ Socialization skills

▪ Fine motor skills (cutting, gluing, painting, coloring)

▪ Large motor skills (games, outdoor play, etc.)

▪ Listening skills

▪ Following directions

▪ Language development (songs, finger plays, stories, games)

▪ Introduction to shapes, colors, counting, ABC’s

▪ Art activities

▪ Bible stories, prayers, chapel

3-Year-Old Program (Children must be 3 by August 31st)

▪ Socialization skills

▪ Introduction to shapes, colors, counting, ABC’s

▪ Fine motor skills (cutting, gluing, painting, coloring)

▪ Large motor skills (games that involve large muscle use and coordination, outdoor play, etc.)

▪ Art activities

▪ Language development (stories, songs, finger plays, games)

▪ Bible stories, prayers, chapel

▪ Following directions

▪ Listening skills

Pre-Kindergarten Program (Children must be 4 by August 31st)

▪ Introduce reading readiness skills such as letter recognition and sounds of each letter

▪ Introduce math concepts such as counting, number recognition, and matching numbers with the quantities.

▪ Shape and color recognition

▪ Name recognition

▪ Fine motor skills (name writing, tracing, cutting, gluing, painting, coloring)

▪ Gross motor skills (games and activities that involve the use and coordination of the large muscles)

▪ Socialization skills

▪ Following directions

▪ Listening skills

▪ Language skills (stories, songs, finger plays, games)

▪ Art activities

▪ Bible stories, prayers, and chapel

Kindergarten teachers tell us that the most important skills a child entering Kindergarten can have are socialization skills, listening skills and the ability to follow directions.

Our teachers are trained to observe each child closely so that they may reach their full potential. Leavenworth County provides free testing for children in need of additional help. The Leavenworth/Lansing Early Childhood Special Education Services are available free of charge. Testing is available in the areas of speech, hearing, developmental levels, fine and gross motor skills, emotional. If we feel your child needs additional help, we will recommend that they be evaluated.


Our Preschool year begins in September through the middle of May. Preschool will be closed on the following holidays: Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, and the Friday after, Christmas vacation, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Day, Presidents’ Day, and Good Friday. There will be no school during Parent/Teacher conferences and In-service days.


Part Day Preschool Parents have the option of bringing their children into the classroom or using our Drop Off/Pick Up system. Due to limited parking, parents may drop off/pick up their children at the door, in the alley, located on the south side of the building. A teacher will assist the children into their cars and classrooms during drop off and will assist the children into their cars during pick-up. Always make sure an adult is there to receive your child whether at the door in the alley or in the classroom. Children in morning Preschool may not arrive before 8:30 a.m. or be picked up later than 11:30 a.m.


Extended Care is available to all children enrolled in our Preschool program. Extended Care is for parents/guardians when they need care for their children before or after preschool hours. If you need care on a more permanent basis, please consider enrolling in our Childcare program.

**Reservations can be made on a space available basis and must be made 24 hours in advance.

Extended Care is available Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Breakfast: 7:30 a.m.- 8:00 a.m.

Snack: 9:40 a.m. & 2:30 p.m.

Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Jack & Jill Childcare Program

In the fall of 1991, Jack & Jill Preschool added Childcare that is licensed by the State of Kansas, and now serves the needs of the greater Leavenworth community. Our program is designed to accommodate toilet trained children ages 2 ½ through 5 years during the school year. Our Preschool program is from 8:30 a.m. –11:20 a.m., September through mid-May and is a daily part of our Childcare program. Our Summer Adventures/Childcare program accommodates toilet trained children ages 2 ½ through 10 years. The Summer Camp session operates from late May through August, Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. –5:30 p.m.

Unlike part day Preschool, Jack & Jill Childcare is a year-round program serving full time and part time needs. However, it shares the same common goals as Jack & Jill Preschool. We strive to help each child develop to his/her fullest potential, while providing a warm and nurturing environment. Each class has a student/teacher ratio of 12 to 1 for 3-6-year olds and 10 to 1 for 2 ½ year olds.


The center is open year-round from 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. In addition, the center will close for the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans” Day, the day before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving, and a week at Christmas. There will be two days (one in November and one in April) set aside for Parent/Teacher conferences. Alternate Care will be necessary on these days.


Breakfast is served from 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. If your child is not here during this time, please make sure they eat a well-balanced breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your child will feel better and have a much happier day.

Please do not bring food from home for this meal. We will all eat together and have the same food.


Snacks are provided by the center and are served at 9:45 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. We provide healthy snacks such as cheese, crackers, fruit, muffins, vegetables, milk, or juice. Please let us know if your child has any allergies. Children may bring special treats for their birthday or any special party. We cannot use candles at any time and all treats must be peanut and nut-free.


We provide lunch from 11:30 – 12:30. We ask that children not bring food from home. All the children eat what is prepared for them in the kitchen. If there is enough food available, seconds will be served. Please let us know if your child has any food allergies. The menu will be posted by the office and you may request a copy of the menu. We strive to serve peanut and nut free meals and snacks.


All children in Childcare will have a nap or rest time from1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. All children are required to nap or rest quietly during this time period. If you do not wish your child to participate, you must pick-up your child before naptime begins. Children may bring a small pillow, a small blanket and small soft toy. A napping cot and cover sheet are provided by the center. Each child will need to bring a toothbrush for brushing teeth after breakfast and lunch.


Parents will need to sign in/out their child each day. The sign in/out book is located on the podium as you enter the Childcare area. Anyone picking up a child must be listed on the “Authorization for Pick-up” form. Staff members will ask for an I.D. if they are unsure.

When a child is brought into the center, please make sure you leave him/her in the presence of a teacher. Children may not be left unattended. Children may not come into the center alone or leave without an adult. Anyone picking up a child must be 18 years of age or older.

PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS (included in Childcare program)

We strive to provide an exciting, nurturing, and warm environment that encourages the development of the whole child using age-appropriate curriculum and activities. Listed below are the goals for each program:

2 ½ - 3-Year-Old Program

▪ Socialization Skills

▪ Fine motor skills (cutting, gluing, painting, coloring)

▪ Gross motor skills (games and activities that involve the use and coordination of the large muscles

▪ Following directions

▪ Listening skills

▪ Language development (songs, finger plays, stories, games)

▪ Introduction to shapes, colors, counting, ABC’s

▪ Art activities

▪ Bible stories, prayers, chapel

Pre-Kindergarten Program (Children must be 4 by August 31st)

▪ Socialization skills

▪ Language skills (songs, stories, finger plays, games)

▪ Following Directions

▪ Listening skills

▪ Name recognition

▪ Shape and color recognition

▪ Introduce reading readiness skills such as letter recognition, and sounds of each letter

▪ Introduce math concepts such as counting, number recognition, more and less, matching numbers with the quantities.

▪ Fine motor skills (cutting, gluing, painting, coloring, tracing, name writing)

▪ Gross motor skills (games and activities that involve the use and coordination of the large muscles)

▪ Art activities

▪ Bible stories, prayers, chapel

Get Ready to Enjoy the Adventure!

In Christian Love,

Jack & Jill Staff


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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