Dear Teachers, Coaches and Small group leaders

Dear Teachers, Coaches, and Small Group Leaders - Thank you so much for all you do for Children’s Ministry. Each week, God uses your gifts talents and abilities to help boys and girls learn the truth about Jesus. While you serve the children, you also allow their parents to hear the truth about Him. I know that each week you may not see the full impact of your service, but please know that children are choosing to do what is right, and God is working in their hearts so that they know His love and care. God is well pleased with how you give your time and effort. Thank you so much for making Cornerstone Ministries a place where families can come and truly learn about Jesus and build their lives on lasting values. The goal of the Cornerstone Ministries Children’s Ministry is to provide opportunities for kids to have real faith & real fun! To accomplish this goal, it is extremely important for us to create a safe environment for our children. We want you as our leaders to be prepared for anything – to ensure the safety of our children and to create a calm atmosphere in what could be a chaotic situation. The best way to handle emergencies is to plan ahead! The enclosed training CD was created to help you review the safety procedures that we have in place related to evacuation and fire drills. Thank you for taking the time to listen and process the details so that you can be prepared in case of an emergency. I want to emphasize a few key reminders about safety: One of our greatest tools that keep our children safe is our walkie-talkie system. Walkie-talkies enable us to communicate quickly in an emergency and to send valuable information to everyone. Each room in the Children’s Ministry Wing has its own walkie-talkie. For our nursery and two-year-old rooms, the walkie-talkie can simply be clipped to the hanging folder by the door. For our preschool rooms, coaches are required to wear the walkie-talkie and take it and the clipboard with them wherever they go with the children. This allows the coach to be in constant contact with everyone else on the system. Coaches: Please do not leave the walkie-talkies in the classrooms! Small group leaders also have one walkie-talkie in each small group room. Again, if you leave the room for any reason, please keep the walkie-talkie with you. The Rec Room is also equipped with two walkie-talkies in the back of the room in the sound booth. These walkie-talkies are imperative for safety and quick communicate, so please talk to your preschool leader or to me directly if you have specific questions regarding the walkie-talkies – on how to use them or their purpose. To prepare for an emergency evacuation, each room with children has been equipped with a clearly-marked emergency bag. This bag contains all materials needed for an evacuation: an evacuation route for each room, a full map of the church, an extra attendance sheet, a pen, a room sign and a sheet. This bag is hanging right near the door in each classroom or on the wall in the Rec Room. Whenever an alarm sounds, every room must immediately prepare for evacuation. The specific evacuation procedure is described on the attached papers. A few other safety tips and procedures that you should know: Each classroom is currently being stocked with a first aid kit that is hung in the room near the sink or door or in the closet in the Upper Deck. The kit will contain basic safety equipment such as gloves and band aids. We will also have two large first aid kits located in the Nursery and Team Room. We have an Emergency Defibrillator located in the Registration Area in case of an extreme medical emergency. It is hanging on the wall by the bulletin board. CM staff have been instructed on how to use this in an emergency. Please use your walkie-talkie to immediately notify someone if the defibrillator is needed! We have an accident log in the Team Room in the middle cabinet on the far wall. Please be sure to record any accidents in the log (this is obviously not for every little boo boo that we have with our little ones, but please log anything beyond very minor incidents). We need to keep a record of all injuries (both adults and children). One last reminder: There are extra clothes located in the Nursery for both toddlers and preschoolers for those accidents that we have when our little ones cannot make it to the restroom. We also have some elementary clothes located in a cabinet in the team room. That you again for all you do to make Cornerstone Ministries a safe place for our children. Your attention to these important details will ensure the safety of everyone. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the leader of your volunteer position or service time. It’s so important for us to be thoroughly equipped in case of an emergency!In Him,Jenny Marsalese, Children’s Ministry Directorjmarsalese@724.733.0070, x235 CORNERSTONE MINISTRIESStandard Operating Procedures??Medical & Emergency Procedures?The majority of the time, an injury can be treated with a little loving attention and/or a Band-Aid. A small first aid kit is located in each room on the wall near the sink. A fully stocked first aid kit is kept readily available in the nursery as well as the registration area and , in the volunteer room, and in the main kitchen. Band-aids are also kept under each computer station at the registration desk. Please notify a service leader I (or medical personnel during camp) if you have a child that needs help with a minor injury. Please notify the parents of the injury when they pick up their child and document all injuries that occur during any children’s service or event in the Injury Log, located in the volunteer room on a clipboard, before leaving. ?We are NOT authorized to dispense any over-the-counter or prescription medications.?Medical Red Bags: Some children come to Cornerstone and need to have medicine (such as an epi pen) with them at all times. Parents are instructed to ask for a medical bag at registration and fill out the information inside of the bag. They then place the medicine that must travel with the child in the bag and give it DIRECTLY to the leader who is responsible for the child during that time. ?Medication that are brought during camps will need to be delivered to the medical staff and locked securely. Only medical staff may distribute approved medicine during camp. ??Medical Procedures?Serious injuries involving broken bones, fainting, unconsciousness, convulsions, or other serious bodily injury should be treated as follows:?? Stay calm and keep the children and the injured child as calm as possible. Speak calmly and assure the child that everything is going to be okay.?? DO NOT move the child that is injured and DO NOT leave their side.?? Send a volunteer to locate a staff member for assistance.?? If needed, the staff member will contact our medical emergency volunteer team of doctors and contact Security.?? The staff member will contact the parents and advise them of the child’s situation and the procedure being followed.?? The staff member will ask the parents for details on doctor or hospital preferences, if necessary.?? If the child must be transported to a hospital and the parents cannot be located in time, the staff member will accompany the child to the hospital.?? The staff member will continue to follow-up with the parents as needed.?? All volunteers and staff members involved in the emergency must complete a report of the incident immediately following the emergency for the Children's Ministry record. The Incident Report is located in the volunteer room.??Emergency Procedures ________________________________________________________________?Severe WeatherIn the event of any weather warnings, such as severe thunderstorm or tornado warnings, the following procedures willbe implemented:?? All Children’s Ministry Leaders will be notified immediately of the warning and asked to stay alert for further instructions (using the walkie talkies) ? If there is a severe threat, leaders will move all children and volunteers into the Large Group Room. Volunteers should take their rosters and emergency bags with them. Preschool rooms (Nursery—5 years olds) will move into the Treehouse roomKindergarten and Lower Elementary move into the Rec RoomUpper Elementary (Upper Deck) will move into Antioch Hall. ?? Everyone will remain in the Large Group room until the threat has passed. Leader will announce that they may return to their room using the walkie talkies. If threat does not pass, parents will be instructed to pick up their children in the large group rooms. Please follow all security procedures with dismissal. ?? CORNERSTONE MINISTRIESStandard Operating Procedures??Fire Escape policy:?GENERAL INFORMATION: ?1.?Each room has an emergency bag. It contains:A. An evacuation listB. large sheet to gather the children onC. A full map of the churchD. A room signE. A pen for attendance?2. When the alarm sounds, the Children’s Ministry director will confirm that it is not a false alarm.?3. Everyone should begin the evacuation procedure immediately unless it is communicated on the radio that it is a false alarm.A. If it is a false alarm, you will hear, “This is a false alarm. You do not need to evacuate the building”B. If it is an emergency, you will hear, “This is not a drill, please evacuate the building immediately.”? 4 . When the alarm sounds, each leader in each room will begin the evacuation procedure:Line the children up in the room.Check the bathroom and closet for childrenTake the clip board and do a head count before leaving the roomInstruct the children to walk quietly. Reminding them that the noise will be loud but they must not cover both ears to hear instruction. Take the radio and the emergency bag.Turn the lights off and close the door. (This signals the Children’s Ministry Director know that the room has been cleared and it helps contain any smoke or fire.)Position one adult or leader at the beginning of the line and one adult or leader at the end of the line of children. Leave the room and exit using the primary route listed on the evacuation list? (Use the secondary route if the primary route is blocked)Children are to use the second set of glass doors in the main exit of the Children’s Wing. Students will use the first set of glass doors. Walk the children outside. (Stay on the sidewalks along the building to allow for others to exit and provide a clear pathway)Take the children outside to the grassy area beyond the carport exit Have the children sit down on the sheet and do a role call of all the children again. Radio in to the preschool leader that all of the children are accounted for. Say, “(Name of room) are all evacuated. For example: “3 year olds are all evacuated.” ??If it was a false alarm - remain outside in the grassy area until it has been communicated that it is safe to enter the building. Take attendance upon re-entering the building. If we are unable to re-enter the building – parents will be instructed to pick up their children from this area. Please follow security procedures and check stickers for identification.? ................

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