VITA - Northern Arizona University


PEGGY A. RAINES Office: Northern Arizona University

2866 N. Carefree Cir. Center for Excellence in Education

Flagstaff, Az. 86004 Box 5774

(602) 526-3455 Flagstaff, Arizona 86011

(602) 523-7124


Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, Ph.D., August,1991, Curriculum and Instruction/ Content Area English. Dissertation Title: The Nature of the Reflection of a

Cohort of Novice Secondary Language Arts Teachers.

M.A. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, M. A., 1978, Education-Administration and Supervision.

B.S. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, B.S., 1972, Education, Emphasis in Language Arts.



Assistant/Associate/Professor, College of Education, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. Responsibilities: teaching High School Teaching Methods, Secondary Curriculum and Principles, Reading in the Content Area, Middle School Curriculum, I-STEP, Diversity, Technology and Literacy, master’s and doctor courses, advising undergraduate and graduate students, new faculty mentor, serving on doctoral dissertation committees, serving on College, area, and university committees.

Teaching Associate Teaching Associate, School of Education, University of 1987-1991 Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. Responsibilities: Supervising secondary language arts student teachers and teaching methods seminars in a site-based, tutorial teacher preparation program, teaching Oral Communication for Classroom Teachers and Adolescent Literature, supervising secondary student teachers in several disciplines.

Research Associate Research Associate, School of Education, University of Summers Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. Responsibilities: Conducting 1988 -1990 literature searches and synthesizing research into instructional packet for Fall, 1990 Language Arts student teachers engaged in a site-based teacher preparation program.

Research Associate, Colorado Partnership for Educational

Renewal, Denver, Colorado. Responsibilities: Assisting Director in program development and documentation, conducting research and writing major reports.

Health Care Partner in a holistic health care practice, Fort Collins,

Practitioner Colorado. Responsibilities: Coordinating community

1981-1987 education, public speaking, teaching wellness and relaxation classes, performing sports massage therapy and accupressure.

Assistant Principal Assistant Principal, Deer Creek Junior High School, 1979-1981 Littleton, Colorado. Responsibilities: personnel recruitment and selection, public relations, needs assessment and staff development, scheduling, student discipline, and activities coordination.

Assistant Principal, Southern Hills Junior High School, Boulder, Colorado. Responsibilities: staff recruitment and

selection, master scheduling, community relations, building facilities management, personnel appraisal, student discipline, and athletics director.

Teacher/ Teacher/Department Chair, Northglenn Junior High Department Chair School, Northglenn, Colorado. Responsibilities: teaching 1972-1979 7th, 8th, and 9th grade language arts and reading classes; supervision of language arts faculty, budget administration, in-service training, curriculum development and materials selection; sponsored yearbook, drama club, student council, cheerleaders and pep club; coached basketball, volleyball, track, and tennis.



In Progress Willia, E., & Raines, P. Beyond The Tech Cart in Every

Invited Publication Room. This is a book to be published by Dan Weiss Associates that would be for parents on the implications and role of technology in their children’s classrooms. We are still in the negotiation process.

Raines, P. & Oran, S. (2002). Changing Attitudes: The Affect of Diversity Coursework on Elementary and Secondary Pre-service Teachers.

Refereed - Under Review Raines, P. (2002). Nurturing Dispositions in Future Classroom Teachers under review by The Clearing House

Raines, P. (2002). The Gender as Destiny Trap under review by the Sage.

Raines, P. & Hatcher, M. (2002). Women's Identity: Escaping the Gender as Destiny Trap under review by

Gender and Education.

In Press Willis. E. M., Sujo de Montes, L., Raines, P., Garcia, D., & Kotcho, M. (2002) . Technology integration in a pre-service

secondary teacher education program: A closer look in


Refereed Raines, P. (2002). Introductory essay about Students. In

M. Hatcher (Ed.), Bearing Witness: Poetry by Teachers about Teaching (pp. 66-67). Tucson, Arizona: Zephyr Press.

Raines, P. (2002). Poems in the Section on Students: "By Gone Dreams" and "Eric" In M. Hatcher (Ed.), Bearing

Witness: Poetry by Teachers about Teaching (pp. 90 & 126). Tucson, Arizona: Zephyr Press.

Raines. P. (2002). Poems in the Section on Teachers’ Inner Lives, "Transformation" and "My Bones, My Life". In M. Hatcher (Ed.), Bearing Witness: Poetry by Teachers about

Teaching (pp. 153 & 166). Tucson, Arizona: Zephyr Press.

Raines. P. (2002). Poem in the Section on Teaching: "No Picnic" . In M. Hatcher (Ed.), Bearing Witness: Poetry by

Teachers about Teaching (p 51). Tucson, Arizona: Zephyr Press.

Willis, B. & Raines, P. (2001). Technology in Secondary Teacher Education. THE Journal, 29(2), 54-64.

Willis, B. & Raines, P. (2001). Technology and the

Changing Face of Teacher Education. CITE, (Online


(1999) Reprint of Portfolio Surveys from my article, Writing Portfolios: Turning the House into a Home will appear in a new book entitled Teaching Writing in Middle and Secondary Schools published by Allyn & Bacon.

Kain, D, Tanner, M., & Raines, P. (1997). Integrated Secondary Teacher Education Program: On The Edge of Partnership, Perspectives: School-University Partnerships. Monograph Series No. 4, CEE, NAU, Flagstaff, Az. (Authors listed in random choice. No sequence is implied).

Invited Publication Raines, P. (1996). How In the World Do You Assess That? Arizona English Bulletin. 38 (2), 16-19..

Raines, P.(1996). Writing Portfolios: Turning the House into a Home. English Journal, 85 (l), 41-45.

Raines, P. & Shadiow, L. (1995). Reflection and Teaching: The Challenge of Thinking Beyond the Doing. The Clearinghouse. 68(5), 271-274.

Republication in 96/97 and 97/98 Annual Editions: Education. Dushkin Publishing.

Heibert, E., Raines, P. & Hutchison, T. (1991). Alternative Assessments of Literacy: Teachers' Actions and Parents' Reactions. In J. Zutella & S, McCormick (Eds.), Learner Factors/ Teacher Factors: Issues in Literacy Research and Instruction (pp 97-110). National Reading

Conference,40th Yearbook. Chicago: The National Reading

Conference, Inc.


Raines, P. (2000). I-STEP: Preparing student teachers. Arizona Daily Sun, C6-7.

Raines, P. (1991). The nature of the reflection of a cohort of

novice secondary language arts teachers. Abstracts International, 52, 07A. (University Microfilms No. 92-06,627)

Raines, P. (1989). Tracking-Diversity-Cognition. Perspectives, Volume 1, Number 2, Spring. Denver,CO: Colorado Partnership for Educational Renewal.

Raines. P. (1989) School Reform and the Reform of Assessment. Perspectives, Volume 1, Number 2, Spring. Denver, CO: Colorado Partnership for EducationalRenewal.

Raines, P. (1988). The 1987-88 Year In Review. Denver, CO: Colorado Partnership for Educational Renewal

Raines, P., (1980). Your Reading, co-authored with other Colorado English teachers, Urbana, IL: NCTE Publication.


Applied/Awarded (1996). Instructional and Curricular Development Program Grant, "Integrated Secondary Teacher Education Program (I-STEP): A School University Partnership," $2,000.



Professional Conferences

16th Annual Women in Educational Leadership Conference,

“The Four Faces of Feminine Leadership,” Lincoln, Nebraska, September 29, 2002.

Invited Colorado Language Arts Society Conference, “In Celebration of Teachers: Poetry by Teachers about Teaching, Colorado Springs, CO, March 2, 2002.

National Council of Teachers of English 89th Annual Convention, "Affirming Diversity Through Multiple Literacies, Denver, Colorado, November 18, 1999.

Raines, P., Kain, D. & Tanner, M, The Integrated Secondary Teacher Education Program: Early Stages of Partnership, “Connecting with Schools: The Rewards and Challenges of School Partnerships” National Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona, October 17, 1997

Coalition of Essential Schools, 1996 Fall Forum, Integrated Secondary Teacher Education Program: A School-University Partnership, Albuquerque, Nov.,1996

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Conference, Integrated Secondary Teacher Education Program (I-STEP): The Process from Conception to Implementation, Chicago, Illinois, February, 1996.

The Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Integrated Secondary Teacher Education Program (ISTEP): The Process from Conception to Implementation, St. Louis, Missouri, February, 1996.

(Invited) Southwest Regional Literacy Conference, Reflective Teaching: Thinking Beyond the Doing, Durango, Colorado, October, 1995.

National Council of Teachers of English, National Portfolio

Series Conference, Portfolios for Learning and Beyond:

Portfolios, WAC, and Program assessment, Scottsdale, Arizona, June, 1994.

National Council of Teachers of English, National Portfolio

Series Conference, Portfolios for Learning and Beyond: Portfolios, Reflection, and Teacher Research, Baltimore, Maryland, April, 1994.

National Reading Conference, "Alternative Assessments of Literacy: Teachers' Actions and Parents' Reactions,"

Miami, December, 1990.

National Council of Teachers of English Spring Conference, Session Chair, "Using Professional and Personal Journals in Pre-service Teacher Education Programs," Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1990.




Fourth Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, “What do You Mean I should Plan my Curriculum Backwards?,” Coconino Community College, Flagstaff, AZ, August 14, 2003.

Invited Keynote Third Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, “Teaching

on the Edge,” Coconino Community College, Flagstaff, AZ, August 15, 2002.

Invited Keynote The Arizona Department of Health Services Abstinence Only Education Program Conference,Phoenix, Arizona, June 15,


The Way Up 11th Annual Conference for Women in Higher Education, "Gender as Destiny," Mesa, Arizona, October 18, 1999.

Invited Keynote Women of Spirit: Empowering and Honoring Women, "Gender-Based Communication Styles," Prescott, Arizona,

March 27, 1999.

Invited Keynote Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Women in Aviation and Technology Speaker Series

"Interplanetary Communication Styles," February 5, 1999.

The Way Up 10th Annual Conference for Women in Higher Education, "Venutian to Martian: Understanding Gender- Based Communication Differences," Tucson, Arizona, November 9, 1998,

The Way Up 9th Annual Conference for Women in Higher Education, Portfolios: Connecting the Journey to the Vision, Scottsdale, Arizona, October 23, 1997.

Teacher Leaders Conference, "Habits of Mind of the Life- Long Learner", "Designing the Leadership Portfolio", "Teaching as an Inquiry Process", and "Mentor Qualities and Processes", Flagstaff, Arizona, June, 1997.

Teacher Leaders Conference, "Reflection and Inquiry: Creating a Professional Leadership Portfolio," Flagstaff, Az, June, 1996.

Arizona English Teachers Association Annual Conference "Portfolios: Turning the House into a Home", Chandler,Az, October, 1993.

Arizona Reading Association Annual Conference, "Facilitating Reflection Through Portfolio Assessment," Mesa, Az, October, 1993.

Arizona English Teachers Association Annual Conference "Reflective Teaching: Thinking About the Doing", Chandler, Az, November, 1992.

CCIRA State Conference, "Increasing the Teacher's Role in

Assessment - In and Beyond the Classroom," Denver, Colorado, February, 1990.

Colorado Partnership for Educational Renewal Working Conference"Looking at the Literature: Guiding Ideas for Developing Alternative Assessments," Denver, Colorado, September, 1990.

Colorado Partnership for Educational Renewal Spring General Session, "The Year in Review," Denver, Colorado, 1989 and 1990.


EDF 200 Total Class Gathering - Poetry Readings from Bearing Witness: Poetry by Teachers about Teaching, April 2003.

EDF 200 Total Class Gathering - Poetry Readings from Bearing Witness: Poetry by Teachers about Teaching, April 2001.

CEE Options Fair, Secondary Education Representative, April, 2000.

Northern Arizona University Peace Corps Fellows Seminar, Speaker, July 12, 1999.

Northern Arizona University Peace Corps Fellows Spring Seminar, "Mentors: Caring for Professional Development," February 26, 1999.

Northern Arizona University Celebration of Teaching Conference, "What Do I Need to Know, Be Able to Do and Be like As a Beginning Teacher?",1997.

Colloquia on the Arts, Cultures and Sciences of the Colorado Plateau and Great Southwest, "CEE Partnerships: Beginning a Professional Life", Flagstaff Cable Vision, Channel 4, October 10, 1997.

In-service for CEE Staff, Designing Professional Portfolios, October, 1997.

Mentor Teacher Workshop, NAU, June, 1997.

Northern Arizona University Celebration of Teaching Conference, "So why would I Hire You?" April, 1996.

Northern Arizona University Celebration of Teaching Conference, "What does it Mean to be a Thoughtful Teacher?", April, 1995

Northern Arizona University Celebration of Teaching

Conference, "Teacher Reflection: Developing Habits of Mind", April, 1994.

Invited Keynote KDP Induction Luncheon, “Who’s Responsible for Thoughtfulness?” November, 1994.

CEE Education Mini-Conference, "Reflective Teaching,"

October, 1994.

Sedona Unified Schools Summer Institute, "Performance- based Assessment and Learning Styles", Sedona, Az., July, 1994.

Sedona Unified Schools Summer Institute, "Alternative Assessment: Portfolios", Sedona, Az., July, 1993.

Northern Arizona University Celebration of Teaching Conference, "Student Assessment," April, 1993.

First annual Northern Arizona Take Back the Night Rally, "Violence Against Women: Social Injustice," (keynote address), April 14, 1993.

Northern Arizona University Peer Volunteer Network Training Institute, "Presentation Skills: Getting Your Program to Work for You," February, 1993.

University of Colorado at Boulder, Graduate Teacher Program Spring Intensive Workshop"Presentation Skills for Teachers," January, 1990.

Regis College, Guest Lecturer, Denver, Colorado, 1989 1990, 1993.

University of Colorado at Denver, Guest Lecturer, 1979, 1980.




Staff Development

Joseph City School District, two year consultancy to improve instruction in middle and high school classrooms, 2002-2003.

Featured presenter, Writing Project Portfolio Workshop, Chandler-Gilbert Community College, July, 1996.

Consultant to the Science and Mathematics Learning Center Sunnyside Leadership Project, N.A.U., July, 1996.

Featured presenter, Learning Connections Staff Development Portfolio Workshop, Paradise Valley Community College, October, 1995.

Presenter, Women-In Action Series, N.A.U., July, 1995.

Consultant to the Flagstaff Public Schools for K-12

implementation of portfolio assessment to meet the

Arizona Student Assessment Program requirements.

Contract runs from 1992-1996.

Consultant to Flagstaff Public Schools for modification and implementation of portfolio assessment in all Chapter One programs,1994.

Consultant to the Bureau of Indian Affairs' Lukachukai Boarding School for implementation of portfolio assessment in all content areas K-12, 1993-1994.

Consultant to the CEE/Sedona Unified School District Partnership for integration of alternative assessment and

reflective practices into the elementary site-based teacher preparation program, 1993, 1994.

Consultant to Texas Tech University education faculty for integrating portfolio assessment and reflection into their teacher preparation programs, 1993.

Facilitator, mini-conference on interdisciplinary education and tracking, Colorado Language Arts Society, Northglenn, Colorado, 1990.

Curriculum/Program Consultant to Sedona Unified Schools for curriculum Planning development for the future alternative high school to be completed in 1994.

Language Arts Curriculum Development Team Chair, Adams Twelve Five Star Schools, Northglenn, Colorado, 1978- 79.

Language Arts Instructional Objectives Task Force Member, Adams Twelve Five Star Schools, Northglenn, Colorado, 1974-75.

Program Evaluator for "Plant the Seed - Learn to Read," Evaluation Citicorp/Citibank Partnership with the Arizona Department of Education's Literacy Initiative for Children, 1993-1994.

Junior High School Language Arts program evaluator,

Sanders Unified School District #18, Sanders, Arizona, 1991.

High school Language Arts program evaluator, Adams Twelve Five Star Schools, Northglenn, Colorado, 1990.

North Central Evaluation Team member, Adams Twelve Five Star Schools, Northglenn, Colorado, 1976.


University Elected to Faculty Senate, Spring, 2003.

NAU Teacher Preparation Administrative Task Force,


Women's Studies Steering Committee elected member,

2001, 2002.

Commission on the Status of Women, elected member, 2000-2002.

Council on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, elected member, 1999-2001.

University Teacher Education Advisory Council member, Northern Arizona University, 1991-2003, Co-Chair,


Governance Grievance Committee member, Northern Arizona University, 1995-1997

Women's Studies Steering Committee member, 1996-97.

University-Wide Tenure Working Group elected member, Northern Arizona University, 1996.

Women's Studies Library Approvals Task Force, Northern Arizona University, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1999.

Commission on the Status of Women, Sensitivity Training for Faculty Task Force, 1993,1994

University Curriculum Committee member, Northern Arizona University, Fall, 1992.

COE/Area T & L Program Evaluation Committee, 2002-03

308 Practicum Handbook Revision Committee

Annual Review Criteria Task Force, 2002-03

Faculty Status Committee, Co-Chair INL 2001 – 2003

Faculty rep to meet with external program reviewers

LCE Mentor to Statewide part-time and new faculty, Spring, 2003

Brown Bag Facilitator, Sept. 18th, “Tips and Strategies for Creating the Faculty Professional Review File.

Graduation Marshall, Dec. 2002.

Faculty Advisory Committee to INL Chair, 2001

INL Search Committee, 2001

INL Budget Committee, 2000-2001

Promotion and Tenure Standards Committee, 2000-2001

Professional Conduct Review Committee, 2000-2001

Academic Personnel Task Force, 1999-2000.

Conditions of Faculty Service Committee, elected member, 1997-98

Search Committee Co-Chair for ESP Educational Technology position, Spring 1997

Search Committee Co-Chair for INL Secondary position, 1997-98

Dean’s Advisory Council, elected member, 1997-98

Teacher Education Quality Control Committee member, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997

Editorial Board member, Monograph Series, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, 1994,

1995, 1996, 1997.

INL Peer Review Committee, elected member, 1996-97.

Doctoral Dissertation Committees member, Curriculum and Instruction, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997

Chair for Secondary Education Curriculum Revision Committee to evaluate, reconceptualize and restructure campus and field-based secondary teacher preparation programs, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, 1993-1995.

Faculty Incentives Task Force member, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, 1995, 1996.

INL Faculty Search Committees member,1993, 1994, Co- Chair ESP search, 1997, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University,

Curriculum and Instruction Doctoral Program Task Force member, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, 1993.

Instructional Leadership Departmental Budget Review Task Force member, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, 1993.

Secondary Faculty participant in a Technology grant to integrate the use of technology into classroom instruction in a secondary preservice program, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, 1993,1994.

Profession/Community FUSD Summer Math Camp 2003 planning team

Council of Experts for Best Practices in Education, AZ K-12 Center, AzTEC Grant, Oct., 2002.

Invited Keynote speaker for the Third Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Coconino Community College, August 15, 2002

Editorial Review Board, Zephyr Press publication, 2001.

The Arizona Department of Health Services Abstinence Only Education Program Quarterly Meeting, Featured Speaker, Sedona, Arizona, June 15, 2000.

ADE Professional Knowledge: Secondary Content Advisory Committee, nominated member, May, 1999.

Northern Arizona Director, Arizona English Teachers Association Advisory Board, 1991-1995.

Colorado Writing Project Fellow, Denver, Colorado, Summer, 1991-1995.

Peer Mentoring

Mentor to Mary Lynn Quartaroli, Secondary Education, T&L, 2002-2003

Mentor to Wally Nolan, Secondary Education, T&L, 2002-2003

Mentor to Marilee Roberts, Secondary Education, T&L, 2002-2003

Mentor to Dr. Noreen Sakiestewa, Secondary Education, T&L, 2002-2003

Mentor to Dr. Jeanann Foley, Elementary Education, INL,

academic year 2001-2002

Mentor to J. Diane LeBoo, Graduate Assistant, INL,

academic year 2001-2002

Mentor to Dr. Ed Fierros, Secondary Education, INL,

academic year 2000-2001

Mentor to Janet Reynolds, part-time instructor for INL

academic year 2000-2003

Mentor to Arizona Teacher of the Year on Special Assignment, Rod Castillo, academic year 1995-1996.

Mentor to Dr. Ann Batchelder, Secondary Education, INL, academic year 1994-1995.

Mentor to Dr. Daniel Kain, Secondary Education, INL, academic year 1993-1994.


Courses Taught Teaching responsibilities have included the following courses:

High School Teaching Methods Secondary Curriculum and Principles,

Reading in the Content Area (Undergrad and grad)

Middle School Curriculum

Lead faculty member (12 hr. load) in the new Integrated Secondary Teacher Education Program (I-STEP)

Diversity, Technology and Literacy

Curriculum Construction

Instructional Problems in the Junior High and Middle School

Teaching innovations

Developer and Instructor for the new ECI 350- Diversity, Technology, and Literacy Course to replace the old Content Area Reading Course , 1999.

Chair for Secondary Education Curriculum Revision Committee to evaluate, re-conceptualize and restructure campus and field-based secondary teacher preparation programs, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, 1993-1995.

Fall, 1995 lead faculty member (12 hr load) team teaching in the new 16-hour totally integrated secondary pedagogical program. One morning each week the program meets at two designated public school sites. All planning for instruction and evaluation of student work is

done by the team of five secondary faculty members.

Identified as the lead faculty member to develop and teach full time in the proposed Sedona Red Rock High School site based secondary preparation program scheduled to begin Summer Session I, 1997. This program is intended as a post-degree certification program that will be completed in three semesters, one summer at NAU and a full year internship (including student teaching) at SRRH.

Developer and instructor of the Middle School Curriculum Course (ECI 323) to complete Arizona middle school endorsement requirement, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, 1992.


All undergraduate secondary education students whose last names begin with the letters P-T.

Typically 8-10 masters candidates

Masters Thesis Member of 4 MAT committees with Dr. Catherine Wilcoxson,

Biology Department

Doctoral Dissertations Member of 1 committee (T & L), 2003

Member of 1 committee (EPS),2001-2002.

Member of 1 committee (INL), 1996-97.

Member of 2 commitees (INL, EPS), 1997-98

Member of 1 committee (INL), 1996-97.

Member of 3 committees (INL, EPS), 1995-1996.

Member of 1 committee (INL), 1993.


Awarded Full Professor Status, Spring, 2003

CEE Teacher of the Year, 2002 –03

AZ Cactus Pine Girl Scout Council’s 2002 World Awards Nominee

Nominee for President's Teacher of the Year Award, 2000.

Finalist for President's Teacher of the Year Award, 1999.

Faculty Woman of the Year 1993-94, Associated Students for Women's Issues, Northern Arizona University.

Honorary Member of Golden Key National Honor Society, Northern Arizona University, 1994

Wakonse Fellowship for exemplary university teaching, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, 1994.

Outstanding Faculty Woman of the Year nominee, Northern Arizona University's Associated Students for Women's Issues, 1992-1993.

National Council of Teachers of English committee appointee to co-author national publication, 1979.

Outstanding Young Women of America nominee, 1978 and 1979.

Teacher of the Year, Northglenn Junior High, 1974.

Outstanding Academic Scholarship citation, School of Education, University of Colorado, 1972.



Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Phi Delta Kappa

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

The Association of Teacher Educators

American Association of Teaching and Curriculum

National Council of Teachers of English

Southern Poverty Law Center



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