NCPA - National Community Pharmacists Association

Draft social media:


There’s an important plan under consideration that would be a step towards lowering #drugprices for seniors and helping keep community pharmacies like mine afloat. Visit to learn more and share your support. #FixDIR


I support a proposal to lower prescription drug costs for seniors. Visit to learn more and support this effort. #FixDIR


Do you or a loved one rely on Medicare to afford necessary meds, see drug costs rising, or seem to enter the Part D donut hole earlier each year? Support lowering costs for seniors. #FixDIR


Draft LTE:


Last year, a federal bill was signed into law allowing me – a pharmacist at [PERSONALIZE] – to tell patients about any more affordable prescription drug options at my pharmacy. Now, 

another effort is now underway to help lower costs for seniors. I support it, and I ask that you do too.


For seniors in Medicare Part D, participation isn’t always based on the price paid at the pharmacy counter. Drug plans may assess fees retroactively to the pharmacy, effectively lowering that price – but weeks to months after the transaction. The difference doesn’t return to the patient or stay with the pharmacy, but is often clawed back by the same troublesome middlemen I mentioned earlier.


Additionally, because seniors are currently assessed a higher share against their deductible, they’re pushed more quickly into the so-called Part D “donut hole,” at which point they are responsible for a considerably larger portion of their prescription drug costs.


The federal government is considering shifting these fees to point-of-sale. Patients could then realize benefits of the lower adjusted price, potentially resulting in net savings of more than $200 annually for the average senior.


Please join me in helping lower costs for seniors. Share your support at . And next time you visit us at our pharmacy, if you’re curious about more affordable prescription drug options … just ask!


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