Revision of the Present Simple and the Present Continuous

Revision of the Present Simple and the Present Continuous

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Use the Present Simple.

-. John (not visit) _____ his grandparents on Saturdays.

-. My friends usually (listen) _____ to rock music, not classical music.

-. Many people (buy) _____ popcorn at the cinema.

-. He (practise) _____ football every afternoon.

-. Sheila (not speak) _____ Spanish very well.

2. Write questions with the Present Simple and answer (Subject + Verb + Complement).

-. You / live / England?

-. Your family / watch / TV / night?

-. Your father / read / mystery stories?

-. Your friends / play / tennis?

-. You / go / cinema / every weekend?

3. Choose the correct answer.

-. Some people is looking/are looking at the accident.

-. Ben is writing/am writing a project about science.

-. I is waiting/am waiting for my little sister to come.

-. We am standing/are standing to have a better view.

-. The sun isn´t shining/aren´t shining at the moment.

4. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

-. Sally usually (wear) _____ black clothes, but today she (wear) _____red.

-. My parents never (watch) _____ space adventure films.

-. We (read) _____ a Shakespeare play in English class this month.

-. The stars (shine) _____ very brightly tonight.

-. The planets (move) _____ around the sun all the time.

-. I (use) _____ my telescope once a week.

5. Transform the sentences in exercise 4 (except sentence number 1) to the opposite tense, making all the necessary changes.

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