sadašnji perfekat pomoćnog glagol "to have" + sadašnji (prezent) particip

(have, has been) + (glagol + ing)

Sadašnjim trajnim perfektom se baš kao i sadašnjim perfektom izražava povezanost između prošlosti i sadašnjosti, pri čemu tačno vrijeme dešavanja radnje nije naznačeno. Ovo vrijeme koristimo kada želimo da naglasimo trajanje radnje, i to radnje koja traje do sada.

It has been raining since Wednesday.

We’ve been waiting for an hour and he still hasn’t turned up.

I’m sorry I’m late. Have you been waiting long?

Present Perfect Continuous se koristi kada govorimo o dugim radnjama ili radnjama koje su se ponavljale, nedavno su se završile i posljedica je očigledna sada:

The streets are wet. It has been raining all night.

A: You have paint on your face.

B: Yes, I have been painting the room.

Određeni broj glagola, koji označavaju neko stanje, a ne radnju, obično se ne koriste u trajnom obliku ( -ing obliku), a takvi su su glagoli know, understand, mean, recognize, seem, see, hear, feel, taste, smell remember, forget, , notice, realise, seem, sound, think, love, like, hate, dislike, enjoy, include, belong, cost, prefer, own, appear, believe, want, have…

I have known him since kindergarten.

NOT: I have been knowing him since kindergarten.

Radnja koja je započeta u prošlosti i još uvijek traje može se uz određene glagole izraziti ili sadašnjim perfektom ili sadašnjim trajnim perfektom, što zavisi od prirode glagola. Glagoli koji se mogu ovako koristiti su: expect, learn, lie, live, rain, sleep, sit, snow, stand, stay, study, teach, wait, want, work etc.

How long have your learnt English?

How long have you been learning English?

He has slept for ten hours.

He has been sleeping for ten hours.

Kada u rečenici pomenemo broj (koliko pouta smo nešto (u)radili, koliko često se nešto dešava) moramo upotrijebiti Present Perfect, a ne Present Perfect Continuous (I have played tennis three times this week, ne: I have been playing tennis three times this week). Uz priloge 'ever', 'never', 'already', 'just', ''still', 'yet' obično koristimo Present Perfect, ne Present Perfect Continuous.

to call – zvati

potvrdan oblik odričan oblik upitan oblik (YES/NO questions)

|I have been calling |I haven't been calling |have I been calling? |

|you have been calling |you haven't been calling |have you been calling? |

|he, she, it has been calling |he, she, it hasn't been calling |have he, she, it calling? |

|we have been calling |we haven't been calling |have we been calling? |

|you have been calling |you haven't been calling |have you been calling? |

|they have been calling |they haven't been calling |have they been calling? |

to study – učiti

potvrdan oblik odričan oblik upitan oblik (YES/NO questions)

|I have been studying |I haven't been studying |have I been studying? |

|you have been studying |you haven't been studying |have you been studying? |

|he, she, it has been studying |he, she, it hasn't been studying |have he, she, it been studying? |

|we have been studying |we haven't been studying |have we been studying? |

|you have been studying |you haven't been studying |have you been studying? |

|they have been studying |they haven't been studying |have they been studying? |

Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Perfect Continuous – summary

|Present Perfect Simple |Present Perfect Continuous |

|For an action which has just finished. |For an action which started in the past and continues up to the present. |

| | |

|They have just made a cake. |She has been teaching for six years. (She began working as a teacher six |

| |years ago and she still teaches.) |

| |Someone has been eating my sandwich. (There is something left, maybe a half|

|Someone has eaten my sandwich. (There is nothing left, someone ate the |of it). |

|whole sandwich.) | |

| | |

|To put an emphasis (za naglašavanje) on number, amount, times... |To put an emphasis on duration (trajanje). |

| | |

|He has painted six pictures. |He has been making coffee all morning. |

|He has made some coffee. |She has been painting for 10 years. |

|How much coffee have you made? |How long have you been painting? |

| | |

|Usually with these time expressions: 'ever', 'never', 'already', 'just', |Usually with these time expressions: ‘all’, ‘all of’. |

|''still', 'yet': | |

| |I’ve been writing all morning. |

|I’ve already done it. |I’ve been going to the beach all my life. |

|I’ve just fed the baby. | |

| |Note: Both PPS and PPC can be used with ‘for’ and ‘since’. |

| | |

|With non-continuous verbs: |For an action that is frequently repeated: |

| | |

|1. Verbs of senses: see, hear, feel, taste, smell |Jim has been phoning Jill every night for the past week. |

|2. Verbs of perception: know, remember, forget, understand, notice, | |

|realise, seem, sound, think | |

|3. Verbs which express like/dislike: love, like, hate, dislike, enjoy | |

|4. Other verbs such as: include, matter, need, belong, cost, prefer, | |

|mean, own, appear, believe, want, have… | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |For an action whose results are visible (vidljivi) in the present. |

| | |

| |Your hands are dirty. Have you been working in the garden. |

| |The streets are wet. Has it been raining? |

| |Why are you so red? I have been sunbathing. |



1. You look tired! Yes I ………………………………........... (work) very hard.

2. Where's the magazine I gave you? What ………………………………........... (you do) with it?

3. We ………………………………........... (have) the same car for twelve years.

4. This room was white. Now it is blue. He ………………………………........... (paint) it.

5. This is the first time I ………………………………........... (drive) a car. Thanks for lending me your car.

6. Sorry I'm late. ………………………………........... (you, wait) long?

8. Somebody ………………………………........... (steal) my keys. They are not on the table.

9. Mary is still watching TV. She ………………………………........... (watch) TV all day.

10. Look! Somebody ………………………………........... (spill) wine on the floor.

11. Your coat smells awful! ………………………………........... (you smoke)?

12. I ………………………………........... (know) him for a long time.

13. How many pages of the homework ………………………………........... (you do)?

14. James ………………………………........... (read) this book for months.

15. He ………………………………........... (read) 20 pages so far.

16. He ………………………………........... (drink) too much recently.

17. 'My friend is a teacher.' 'Really? How long ………………………………...........(she teach)?'

18. ………………………………........... (you ever work) at home?

19. ………………………………........... (you ever play) volleyball?

20. ………………………………........... (he show) you his new watch yet?

21. Are we not there yet? We………………………………........... (walk) for hours!

22. Martin ………………………………........... (date) three girls this week.

23. Why are you out of breath? I ………………………………........... (run).

24. They ………………………………........... (wait) for hours.

25. We ………………………………........... (study) all night.




1. You look tired! Yes I HAVE BEEN WORKING very hard.

2. Where's the magazine I gave you? What HAVE YOU DONE with it?

3. We HAVE HAD the same car for twelve years.

4. This room was white. Now it is blue. He HAS PAINTED it.

5. This is the first time I HAVE DRIVEN a car. Thanks for lending me your car.

6. Sorry I'm late. HAVE YOU BEEN WAITING long?

8. Somebody HAS STOLEN my keys. They are not on the table.

9. Mary is still watching TV. She HAS BEEN WATCHING TV all day.

10. Look! Somebody HAS SPILTwine on the floor.

11. Your coat smells awful! HAVE YOU BEEN SMOKING?

12. I HAVE KNOWN him for a long time.

13. How many pages of the homework HAVE YOU DONE?

14. James HAS BEEN READING this book for months.

15. He HAS READ 20 pages so far.

16. He HAS BEEN DRINKING too much recently.

17. 'My friend is a teacher.' 'Really? How long HAS SHE BEEN TEACHING?'


19. HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED volleyball?

20. HAS HE SHOWN/SHOWED you his new watch yet?

21. Are we not there yet? We HAVE BEEN WALKING for hours!

22. Martin HAS DATED three girls this week.

23. Why are you out of breath? I HAVE BEEN RUNNING.

24. They HAVE BEEN WAITING for hours.

25. WE HAVE BEEN STUDYING all night.


2. have ….been travelling

3. has been writing; since

4. has written

5. haven’t been playing; for

6. have known; since

7. has ……… been

8. haven’t had; for


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