Present Perfect Questionnaire eslflow

Present Perfect Questionnaire

Ask a partner the questions below. You MUST answer YES to all questions. Use the pictures as cues but use your imagination too!


1. Have you ever broken a bone ?____________ 2. What did you break ?_____________________ _____________________________________ 3. How did you break it ?__________________ _____________________________________


1. Have you ever been late for something ?_________ 2. What were you late for ?______________________ __________________________________________ 3. Why were you late ?_________________________ __________________________________________

3 1. Have you ever lost your keys ?______________ 2. How did you lose them?_________________ _____________________________________ 3. Where did you find them?________________ _____________________________________

4 1. Have you ever had an argument?__________________ 2. What did you fight about ?__________________ _________________________________________ 3. Why did you get angry ?____________________ _________________________________________

Write your own present perfect & past tense questions and answers for the pictures below

5 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ ______________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ ______________________________________


1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ ______________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ ______________________________________

Present perfect questionnaire script

Ok everyone. Today, we're going to be doing, a question and answer speaking exercise, using the present perfect, and past tenses. The first question is: Have you ever broken a bone? Lucas, would you like to answer? Sure! Yes, I have broken a bone. What bone did you break? I broke my arm when I played basketball last year. How did you break it ? I hit an opponent and fell over , when I was running for the ball. Good answer Lucas! Alright, the second question is: Have you ever been late for something? Charlotte, as you were late for this class, I think I know your answer. Yes, I'm afraid I'm often late. So, give me an example, of something you were late for? I was late for an English examination. Oh no! Why were you late? I reviewed the subject the night before the exam, and I overslept the next day. Oh my God! Did you pass? Yes, I was late but I remembered everything. That's great! Question 3 is : Have you ever lost your keys? Ethan, your turn, Have you ever lost your keys? Yes I have. I lost my keys at the subway station. Really! How did you lose them? I was running to catch the train and I dropped them. Did you get them back? Yes! I got them back. And how did you get them back? Fortunately, the subway staff found them and I picked them up on the way home. Oh what a good outcome. Question 4 is: Have you ever, had an argument? Who's next? Ok, Michelle, you look like you're a little sleepy. Let's wake you up. Have you ever had an argument? Sure. I've had many arguments with my boyfriend. Give me an example, of what you fight about? We had an argument about turning on the air-conditioner. A silly argument, right? Why did you get angry? I felt very hot, but he said it's a waste of money. Your love life sounds funny! Yes, it's ridiculous. So, question 5 is: Have you ever had a car accident? Connor, how about it? Have you ever had a car accident? Yes. I've had a couple small accidents. What happened? Well, one time, the car in front of me stopped suddenly and I drove into it. How did you deal with it? I called the insurance company first,and then, I spoke to the driver of the other car. So finally, we come to the last question: Have you ever fallen asleep during the day Mila, wake up! have you ever fallen asleep during the day? Of course, you know that! Yes, I do. So why did you fall asleep? Because I stayed up all night playing online games. That's a bad habit. Where did you fall asleep? I fell asleep in this class! Oh dear! At least, you woke up and answered the question. Ok students, that's all for today. Thank you for participating!


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