Exercises (Simple past/ present perfect)

Exercises (Simple past/ present perfect)

Complete the conversations. Put the verbs into the present perfect or the simple past.

|Claire |..................................................................... (you ever do) a musical? |

|Laura |No, but we ..................................... (do) a play before. We ................................... (do) one in |

| |December. |

| | |

|Karen |The game ..................................................... (already begin), look. |

|Liz |Yes, it ..................................... (begin) five minutes ago. Our team |

| |.............................................. (already score) a goal. |

| | |

|Julie |I .................................................. (just buy) some chocolate. Would you like some? |

| |It’s ok, thanks. I ............................................ (buy) some yesterday, and I |

|Sophie |............................................. (not finish) it yet. |

| | |

| |We ......................................... (play) badminton twice so far this week, but we |

|Justin |........................................ (not play) last week. |

| |I .................................... (have) a lot of work last week. Mr Fraser ................................. (give) |

|Simon |us a maths test on Friday. |

| | |

| |............................................................ (you ever be) to Bavaria before? |

|Markus |No, but I ................................................ (be) to the Black Forest. I |

|Steven |........................................... (go) there last year with my family. |

| | |

| |When .................................. (be) the schools quiz competition? |

|Mr Howard |Last month. It ..................................... (take) place at the Radio Birmingham studios. We |

|Mrs Bishop |........................... (lose) to Hilbury School, but it ................................ (be) an exciting game. |

| |There’s something in the school newspaper about it. |

| |Oh, I ............................................. (not see) that yet. |

| | |

|Mr Howard | |


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