-6th Level-


|Present Simple…………………………. | 1 |

|Have got…………………………………. | 7 |

|Imperatives……………………………… | 8 |

|Wh-questions…………………………… | 9 |

|There is / there are…………………….. |10 |

|Comparative and superlative......……. |11 |

|Reading………………………………….. |13 |

|Verbs…………………………………….. |14 |



a) __________ you work in the morning ? j) __________ Peter your Uncle ?

b) __________ you tired ? k) They __________ not sing well.

c) Where __________ you live ? l) We __________ not singers.

d) Where __________ your house ? m) Who ________ they ?

e) I ________ not at school. n) What ________ you do ?

f) ____________ Sarah have a bike ? o) He ____________ drive very well.

g) ____________ they Italian ? p) Where ___________ they now ?

h) You __________ repair old things. q) What __________ they serve for dinner ?

i) They ____________ very nice. r) I ______ type letters because I _______ not a secretary.

02. GIVE SHORT ANSWERS : YES, ... DO or NO, ... DON’T.

a) Do they water the plants everyday ? - ___________________________________________

b) Do you ski ? - ___________________________________________

c) Do your parents travel a lot ? - ___________________________________________

d) Do you like rap music ? - ___________________________________________


a) on - they - phone - every - talk - weekend - the


b) Canada - not - live - they - in - do


c) boyfriend - her - not - Patrick - is


d) use - they - on - do - Mondays - the - computer - ?


e) ? - on - go - you - where - do - weekends


f) home - time - are - what - ? - at - you


g) arrive - at - what - home - you - time - do - ?



a) ________________________________________________ - No, she is a dentist.

b) ________________________________________________ - No, they don’t study Spanish.

c) ________________________________________________ - Yes, they are friends.

d) ________________________________________________ - Yes, we like horror movies.

e) ________________________________________________ - They play soccer on Mondays.

f) ________________________________________________ - We watch TV after dinner.

g) ________________________________________________ - I get up at 6:30 every day.


a) Where do you live ? - _____________________________________________________

b) Are you American ? - _____________________________________________________

c) When do you brush your teeth ? - _____________________________________________________

d) Is your father a doctor ? - _____________________________________________________

e) Do your friends like chocolate cake? - _____________________________________________________

f) Where is your mother now ? - _____________________________________________________

g) What time do you get up ? - _____________________________________________________

h) Does your brother play chess ? - _____________________________________________________

i) Do you go to work everyday? - _____________________________________________________

j) What does your mother like to eat? - _____________________________________________________

k) When do you do your homework? - _____________________________________________________

l) Do you get up late on Sundays? - _____________________________________________________

m) Where do you live? - _____________________________________________________

n) When do you visit your grandparents? - _______________________________________________

o) Do you clean your bedroom? - _____________________________________________________

p) Where do you work? - _____________________________________________________

q) When do you visit your friends? - _____________________________________________________

r) Do you drink a lot of water? - _____________________________________________________

s) Where do you study English? - _____________________________________________________

t) Are you a Spanish teacher? - _____________________________________________________


a) drive ( negative ) - ___________________________________________________________

b) have lunch ( interrogative ) - ___________________________________________________________

c) cook ( affirmative ) - ___________________________________________________________

d) speak ( negative ) - ___________________________________________________________

e) go to bed ( interrogative ) - ___________________________________________________________


a) YOU dance very well. f) THEY work on weekdays.

b) I live in New York. g) WE study English.

c) YOU cook on weekends. h) THEY swim on Tuesdays.

d) I ride my bike every day. i) WE like horror movies.

e) YOU get up at 6:30. j) THEY have breakfast at 7:00.


a) YOU brush your teeth after the meals. f) SHE helps her mother every day.

b) THEY use the computer. g) HE loves chocolate cake.

c) WE read the newspaper. h) IT rains a lot in summer.

d) YOU do your homework. i) SHE cries a lot.

e) THEY go to bed very late. j) HE washes his car on Sundays.


a) DO you play soccer every day ? i) DOES your mother play volleyball ?

b) DO you go to the movies on weekends ? j) DOES your mother go to the club on weekends?

c) DO you speak Japanese ? k) DOES your father speak Chinese ?

d) DO you wash your clothes ? l) DOES your father wash his clothes ?

e) WHEN DO you watch TV ? m) WHERE DOES your father work ?

f) WHERE DO you buy your clothes ? n) WHEN DOES your mother cook ?

g) WHY DO you study English ? o) WHAT DOES your father do on weekends ?

h) WHAT DO you do on Sunday evening ? p) WHAT DOES your mother like to eat ?


a) You eat breakfast every day. ( He )

b) They usually read a newspaper. ( She )

c) We never go to the movies. ( Tony )

d) They are always happy. ( He )

e) We are rarely sad. ( Brian )

f) You don’t watch TV every day. ( She )

g) They don’t study English. ( Bob )


Example : Do the girls like football? - No, they don’t

a) ___________ Jim eat hamburgers? - Yes, ______________________

b) ___________ you go to school? - Yes, ______________________

c) ___________ she drink lemonade? - No, ______________________

d) ___________ he help his mother? - No, _______________________

e) ___________ they walk to school? - Yes, ______________________

f) ___________ fish live in the water? - Yes, ______________________

g) ___________ your dog sleep in your bedroom? - No, _______________________

h) ___________ you like bananas? - No, ______________________


a) She goes to school in the morning. e) You do homework everyday.

b) They get to the classroom at 7:05. f) John plays soccer.

c) We are students. g) He is my friend.

d) He gets up early on weekdays. h) The dog lives in my farm.


a) She never __________________________________________.

b) They always ________________________________________.

c) You hardly ever _____________________________________.

d) He sometimes ______________________________________.


a) ______________ do you on Sundays? To church.

b) ______________ e-mails do you get a day? About fifteen.

c) ______________ do you drink for breakfast? Milk.

d) ______________ do you go to the club? On Sunday afternoon.

e) ______________ do you go to work? By bike.

f) ______________ do you have English classes? Three times a week.

g) ______________ is your boss? Mr. Evans.

h) ______________ do you work on the holidays? Because I need the mone.

Look at the pictures and make sentences using the adjectives in the correct comparative or superlative form:

1. The giraffe is ………………………………………………………………………………………. the dog.

2. The cheetah ………………………………………………………………………….………. in the world.

3. The boy ……………………………………………………………………..…………………. the little girl.

4. The ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..… boy.

5. This is …………………………………………………………..…………. singer I have ever heard.

6. Tom ……………………………………………………………………………………… player in the team.

7. The white dog …………………………………………………………………………… the brown dog.

8. The man ………………………………………………………………………………………..……….. the boy.

9. The clown in blue ……………………………………………….……………… the clown in green.

10. The alligators …………………………………………………………………………………… the gorilla.

11. Climbing ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. fishing.

12. Peter is ……………………………………………………………………………………………… in my class.

Fill in the chart:

|Irregular adjectives |Long adjectives |Short Adjectives |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |TO BE |CAN |HAVE GOT |Other verbs (LIKE) |

|AFFIRMATI|I am |I can |I have got |I like |

|VE |You are |You _____ |You have got |You like |

| |He is |He can |He has got |He likes |

| |She ___ |She ___ |She __________ |She ___ |

| |It ____ |It ____ |It ____________ |It ____ |

| |We ____ |We ____ |We ___________ |We ____ |

| |You are |You ____ |You __________ |You _____ |

| |They ____ |They ____ |They _________ |They ____ |

|NEGATIVE |I am not |I can’t |I haven’t got |I don’t like |

| |You aren’t |You can’t |You haven’t got |You don’t like |

| |He _____ |He can’t |He hasn’t got. |He doesn’t like |

| |She _____ |She ____ |She ________ |She ___ |

| |It ____ |It ____ |It ________ |It ____ |

| |We ____ |We ____ |We _________ |We ____ |

| |You ____ |You _____ |You _________ |You are |

| |They ____ |They ____ |They ________ |They ____ |

|INTERROGA|_____I? |Can I ? |_____I_____? |_____I_____? |

|TIVE |_____you? |_____you? |Have you got? |Do you like? |

| |_____he? |_____he? |_____he_____? |_____he_____? |

| |Is she? |_____she? |Has she got? |Does she like? |

| |_____It ? |_____It ? |_____It _____? |_____It _____? |

| |_____we ? |Can we ? |_____we _____? |_____we _____? |

| |_____you ? |_____you ? |_____you _____? |_____you _____? |

| |_____they? |_____they? |_____they______? |_____they______? |




Name: ___________________________________________

Surname: ___________________________________________

Number: ____

Class: ____

Nota Importante: En caso de que alguna actividad propuesta no pueda realizarse en la hoja por falta de espacio, se debe realizar en un folio distinto y graparlo.



1. My parents _____________ a new flat.

2. The children _____________ some pets.

3. My sister _____________ an Indian teacher.

4. Lucy and Sam ____________ a baby.

5. I _____________ some foreign friends.

6. My brother and me ___________ happy.

7. He _____________ a new girlfriend.

8. My cat______________ some bones here.

9. His mother ____________ five siblings.

10. The house ____________ twenty rooms.

11. My father _____________ an iphone 5

12. My grandparents ____________ six apartments in New York.


1. Have you got boyfriend? Yes, __________

2. Has my sister got a pet? No, ___________

3. Has your mother got a lorry? No, _______

4. Have they got any money? Yes, _________

5. Have you got many friends? Yes, _______

6. Has it got eight eyes? Yes, _____________

7. Have your parents got an apartment in Manhattan? Yes, _____________

8. Has your dog got a house in the garden? No, ____________

9. Has your father got a gym? Yes, ________

10. Has Teresa got a sister? No, ___________

Yes, I HAVE. No, you _______.

Yes, he _______.

No, she HASN’T.

Yes, it ______

No, we _______.

Yes, you _______.

No, they HAVEN’T.

Write sentences with these words:

1. Samantha / many friends.

2. Pam and Silvy / a new red car.

3. My brother / couse at university.

4. I / fashionable sunglasses

5. She / a birthday chocolate cake.

6. My grandparents / ten granddaughters.

7. My dog/ some bones hiding.

8. Nuria/ an amazing dress.

Write in the correct order:

1. Red / he / got / hair / has / ?

2. He / got /sister / has / American / an

3. Mario / got / pets / has / many / ?

4. Have / a / schoolbag / you / got / ?

5. School / got / my / has / playground / a / great.

6. We / got / have / home / at / garage / big / a / ?

____ I got …?

____ you got …?

____ he got …?

HAS she got …?

____ it got …?

HAVE we got …?

____ you got …?

____ they got…?


you ______ got

he ______ got

she HASN’T got

it ______ got

we ______ got

you ______ got

they ________ got

I ____ got

you HAVE got

he ____ got

she HAS got

it ____ got

we ____got

you ____ got

they ____ got




|Affirmative |Negative |

|Bare infinitive |Don’t + bare infinitive |

|to make – Make your bed! |Don’t make so much noise! |

| | |

| | |


|Orders |Instructions |Advice |Invitations |

|Come here immediatelly, Mary! |First peel the apples, then slice |Do not go out at night alone. It’s |Eat a piece of the cake. It’s delicious! |

| |them. |too risky! | |

Fill in the gaps with the imperative form of the verbs given on the right.

1. not to speak

2. to pass

3. to step

4. to pay

5. not to be/to respect

6. to write

7. not to forget

8. to take

9. to press/to follow

10. not to drink

11. to walk

12. not to walk

13. to listen

14. to repeat

15. to go away

16. not to drive

17. to melt/to add

18. to go/to take

19. not to speak

20. not to spend

21. to take

22. to boil

23. to help

24. not to touch

25.not to be/to relax

1. --------------------------- so loud! The baby is sleeping!

2. --------------------------- me the salt, please.

3. Please, --------------------- aside. I can’t see through you!

4. -------------- to what your parents say. They give good advice.

5. -------------------- so nasty! ------------------ the others!

6. ---------------------------- your name at the bottom.

7. ----------------------------- to take your umbrella. It’s raining!

8. It’s raining! ---------------------------- your umbrella!

9. --------------------- enter and ------------- the instructions

10. -------------------------- that Scotch! You’re going to drive!

11. Please, --------------------------- slowly and quietly.

12. ----------------------------- on the grass!

13. ------------------------------ to me when I’m talking to you!

14. ---------------------------- after me: “I won’t do that again!”

15. ----------------------------- ! I’m trying to concentrate!

16. ----------------------------- so fast! It’s dangerous!

17. First ----------- the butter in a saucepan and then ----- -garlic.

18. ----------- straight ahead and then -------- the first turning.

19. -------------------------- so fast! I can’t understand you!

20. ------------------------- so much money on worthless things!

21. --------------- good care of your sister! I’ll be here in a minute.

22. --------------------- the carrots for just five minutes.

23. ----------------- yourself to a drink! The glasses are over there.

24. ------------------ anything! Mrs. Wilson won’t like it!

25. ------------------------------ so shy! ------------------!

Step 1 : Complete the questions with the correct question words.

Step 2 : Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers.

Step 3 : Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.

1. ……………… do you live?

a. Who

b. When

c. Where

d. How long

2. ……………… have you lived there?

a. Why

b. When

c. Where

d. How long

3. ……………… do you live with?

a. Who

b. When

c. Where

d. How much

4. ……………… people are there in your family?

a. How much

b. How many

c. How long

d. Which

5. ……………… do you get to school?

a. Who

b. How

c. Where

d. How often

9. ……………… are your hobbies?

a. What

b. Why

c. When

d. How many

13. ……………… do you go to the cinema?

a. Who

b. When

c. How many

d. How often

17. ……………… cousins do you have?

a. How long

b. How many

c. How much

d. How tall

6. ……………… ‘s your mother’s name?

a. Who

b. When

c. What

d. Why

7. ……………… is your birthday?

a. Who

b. When

c. Where

d. How many

8. ……………… do you do on your birthday?

a. Who

b. What

c. Where

d. Why

10. ……………… ‘s your phone number?

a. What

b. Which

c. Where

d. How much

11. ……………… ‘s your email address?

a. Who

b. What

c. Where

d. How long

12. ……………… are you?

a. How long

b. How high

c. How tall

d. How much

14. ……………… do you usually do on Sundays?

a. Who

b. When

c. What

d. How long

15. ……………… colour do you like most? Red or green?

a. Why

b. Where

c. Which

d. How many

16. ……………… teeth do you have?

a. How many

b. How long

c. How much

d. How often

18. ……………… do you live from here?

a. How long

b. How close

c. How much

d. How far

19. ……………… does a cinema ticket cost?

a. How many

b. How long

c. How much

d. How often

20. ……………… did this interview take?

a. Where

b. When

c. How much

d. How long

2. Choose There is or There Are:

1. ___ three bottles of milk in the fridge.

2. ___ a ship in the harbor.

3. ___ twelve students in the classroom.

4. ___ a cat under the table.

5. ___ many boys in the street.

6. ___ five lessons on Monday.

7. ___ a history museum in this city.

8. ___ a wardrobe in the corner of the room.

9. ___ many flowers in the garden.

10. ___ three windows in the room.

11. ___ a stadium opposite the theatre.

12. ___ a lot of apples in the basket.

13. ___ three colleges in our town.

14. ___ four cars near the house.

15. ___ a post-office in this street.

16. ___ many CDs on the table.

17. ___ ten computers in this classroom.

18. ___ a mirror in this corridor.

3. Write the sentences with There is/There are:

1. A college – opposite the museum.


2. Three parks – in this city.


3. Many plates – on the table.


4. A bank – near the shop.


5. A sports club – at the theatre.


6. Many eggs – in the fridge.


7. Ten girls – in the classroom.


4 Fill in Is there/Are there:

1. _____ a garage opposite your house?

2. _____ many birds on the tree?

3. _____ a supermarket near your house?

4. _____ any cheese on the table?

5. _____ flowers in your room?

6. _____ three dogs in the yard?

7. _____ a restaurant in this street?

8. _____ a shoe shop opposite the library?

9. _____ five hotels in your city?

10. _____ a theatre in your city?

11. _____ a swimming pool in this street?

12. _____ hospitals in your city?

13. _____ a bank near the school?

14.______ a café at the bakery?

5. Answer the questions:

1. Is there a dairy shop near your house? (+)

2. Are there many cars on the road? (-)

3. Is there a musical theatre in your city? (-)

4. Are there many boys in your classroom? (+)

5. Is there a park opposite your school? (-)

6. Are there a lot of shops in your city? (+)

7. Is there a bus station in your city? (+)

8. Are there many cinemas in your city? (-)

9. Is there a restaurant opposite the bank? (+)

10. Are there many sportsmen at the gym? (-)

11. Is there a pet shop near your school? (+)

12. Are there many bookshops in your city? (-)

13. Is there a drugstore in this street? (+)

14. Are there any apples in the basket? (-)

6. Correct the mistakes:

1. There are a library round the corner.

2. There is two cats under the tree.

3. There are a flower pot on the floor.

4. There are many flower in the room.

5. There is three cars in the yard.

6. There is two birds on the tree.

7. There are a boy and a girl there.

8. There is a lot of students at the conference.

9. There are two portrait on the wall.

10. There is three umbrellas in the corner.

11. There are some cake on the table.

12. There is two apples on the plate.

13. There are many potato in the basket.

14. There is two tomatoes on the plate.

1. Look at the picture and fill in is or are into the following sentences:

1. There __ a ball

on the floor.

2. There __ toys

on the floor.

3. There __ a cat

at the wall.

4. There __ a

photo on the wall.

5. There __

parents on the


6. There __ a window in the room.

7. There __ curtains on the window.

8. There __ a flower pot under the window.

9. There __ a boy at the wall.

10. There __ a small car toy at the cat.

12. There __ five toys on the floor.

1) tall

2) fast

3) 12) intelligent

4) strong

6) bad

7) lazy

5) good

8) busy

10) young

9) fat

11) dangerous

about George’s routines

She is a doctor at Harrison’s.

She works in Canada.

Her husband is a teacher.

She has 2 sons and one daughter.

She usually misses her classes.

She always gets up early.

She often watches TV.

They often go camping.

They seldom stay home on weekdays.

She uses her computer to chat.

She lives in an apartment.

She hates horses.

She always drives to work.

She prepares breakfast.







She is Kim Anderson, she works in Harrison’s

middle school in Canada, she lives in a country

House, she loves horses, she always

gets up early, she prepares breakfast

for her family, she has two daughters

and one son, her husband works in

a Hospital, he usually drives her

to work, Kim seldom watches TV,

because she is always busy.

She and her family often go camping,

They seldom stay home on weekends.

She never misses her classes.

Sometimes she uses her computer

to chat with other colleagues from her school.

A) Where does she work?

B) What does she do?

C) How many daughters does she have?

D) Where does she live?

E) Who drives her to work?

F) Do they stay home on weekends?

G) Does he work in a school too?

H) Does she always get up early?

I) Is she always busy?

J) How often does she use her computer?




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