Monday April 20, 2020Future Simple Wh QuestionsWe can use wh questions to ask about something that will happen in the future. To write a wh question in the future simple using the words will or will not (won’t), we:Wh-word + will (or won't) + subject + verb in basic form (present) + complement + ?Examples:+ Max will go with Alex to the baseball game next weekend.What will they see there?When will they go to the baseball game?Where will Max go next weekend?Who will Max go with to the baseball game?Why will Max go to a baseball game next weekend?How will they go to the baseball game?+ Bill will go to Disney World by himself next summer. What will Bill do next summer?When will Bill go to Disney World?Where will Bill go next summer?Who will Bill go with?Why will Bill go to Disney World? / Why won’t Bill go by himself to Disney World?-314325242570How will Bill go to Disney World?Practice:+ My parents will take us to a fancy restaurant for my birthday next Saturday. What will I eat next Saturday?When will we go to a fancy restaurant?Where will we go next Saturday? / Where will we celebrate my birthday?Who will I go with to the restaurant? / Who will I celebrate my birthday with?Why will we go to a fancy restaurant? How will we celebrate my birthday?+ I will do my science homework at my cousin’s house tomorrow afternoon. What will I do tomorrow afternoon?When will I do my science homework?Where will I do my science homework?Who will I be with tomorrow afternoon?Why will I go to my cousin’s house? / Why will I do my science homework tomorrow afternoon?How will I do my science homework? / How will I go to my cousin’s house? ................

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