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Present Tense Conjugation Review Lesson In order to “use” any infinitive, you must learn to conjugate, and to conjugate you must learn the endings. How many different types of verbs are there? _____What are they: ______, ______, & ______See if you can put the correct endings for the verbs: AR VERBSER VERBSIR VERBSYo Tú Yo Tú Ella/él/ustedTú Ella/él/ustedNosotros Ella/él/ustedNosotros Ellos/Ustedes Nosotros Ellos/Ustedes Ellos/Ustedes Ellos/Ustedes When conjugating, you must always know the subject: Example: Yo como pizza – Tú vives en Florida. – Mi amiga estudia. *Knowing the subject tells you WHICH letters to add! Put the letters you would add for the following: Yo – er verb: Ella – ir verb: Tú – ar verb: él – er verb: Ellos – ir verb: Tú – ir verb: Nosotros – ar verb: Nosotros – ir verb: With practice, you won’t have to look at the chart!!!Remember these Easy Steps for Conjugating: Take off the AR, ER, IR from the verb.Look at your subject & pick your new ending. Add your ending to the verb. Conjugate: Tú hablar Take off the ending: Habl Look at your subject & pick your new ending: as Add your ending to the verb: Hablas Conjugate: Nosotros escribirTake off the ending: Look at your subject & pick your new ending: Add your ending to the verb: Conjugate: Ella comer Take off the ending: Look at your subject & pick your new ending: Add your ending to the verb:Conjugate: Ellos cantarTake off your ending: Look at your subject & pick your new ending: Add your ending to the verb: Conjugate: Yo leerTake off your ending: Look at your subject & pick your new ending: Add your ending to the verb: ................

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