NOTE: (+) = affirmative sentences (-) = negative sentences (?) = interrogatives or questions

I. Affirmative & Negative Words


|USAGE ( | |

|this car = este coche |this street = esta calle |

|these cars = estos coches |these streets = estas calles |

|that car = ese coche |that street = esa calle |

|those cars = esos coches |those streets = esas calles |

|that car (over there) = aquel coche |that street (over there) = aquella calle |

|those cars (over there) = aquellos coches |those streets (over there) = aquellas calles |


(Go to Grammar, # 56, Demonstratives. Take (free) Quiz 1, Parts A, B, and C)

III. Possessives: Adjectives & Pronouns


|mi(s)* (my) |nuestro/a/os/as (our) |

|tu(s)* (your- tú) |vuestro/a/os/as (your-vosotros) |

|su(s)* (his, her, its, your = Ud.) |su(s)* (their, your = Uds.) |

* Possessive adjectives marked with the asterisk reflect NUMBER, but NOT GENDER.

Remember: The number refers to the object or objects possessed, NOT who it/they belong(s) to.


Mi libro. Mis libros. Mi falda. Mis faldas. = My book, My books, My skirt, My skirts.

The remaining possessive adjectives reflect NUMBER and GENDER. Remember: The number and gender refer to the quantity and gender of the object(s) one possesses, NOT the person it belongs to.

Nuestro coche. = Our car.

Nuestros coches. = Our cars.

Nuestra casa. = Our house.

Nuestras casas. = Our houses.


(Go to Grammar, # 21, Possessive Adjectives.)


|mío, mía, míos, mías = mine |nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras = ours |

|tuyo, tuya, tuyos, tuyas = yours (tú) |vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras = yours (vosotros) |

|suyo, suya, suyos, suyas = his, hers, yours (Ud.) |suyo, suya, suyos, suyas = theirs, yours (Uds.) |

All possessive pronouns in Spanish reflect the NUMBER and GENDER of the object(s) possessed.

For instance, mío, mía, míos, and mías ALL mean “mine.” The choice you make is whether “what is/are mine” = masculine or feminine, singular or plural.


Es mi lápiz. Es mío. = It’s my pencil. It’s mine.

Es mi mochila. Es mía. = It’s my backpack. It’s mine.

Son mis lápices. Son míos. = They’re my pencils. They’re mine.

Son mis mochilas. Son mías. = They’re my backpacks. They’re mine.


(Go to Grammar, # 58, Possessive Pronouns.)

IV. Reflexive Verbs

• Reflexive verbs are the equivalent of using “myself, yourself, herself, himself,” etc. in English.

• In Spanish, however, many verbs are reflexive that would not be reflexive in English.

• You can recognize reflexive verbs by their infinitive form which always ends in “se”

EXAMPLES: maquillarse, bañarse, ponerse

• Reflexive verbs are conjugated as follows:

REFLEXIVE PRONOUN (me, te, se, nos, os, se) + regular conjugation of verb after “se” is removed.

• Examples in the chart are given in the present tense, but the formula works for any verb tense.

|INFINITIVE ( |REFLEXIVE PRONOUN |Regular conjugation |

| | |of AR, ER, IR verb |

|maquillarse (put on make-up) |(yo) Me |maquillo |

| |(tú) Te |maquillas |

| |(ella) Se |maquilla |

| |(Nosotras) Nos |maquillamos |

| |(Vosotras) Os |maquilláis |

| |(Ellas) Se |maquillan |

|ponerse (to put on) |(yo) Me |pongo (los zapatos) |

| |(tú) Te |pones |

| |(él, ella, Ud.) Se |pone |

| |(Nosotros/as) Nos |ponemos |

| |(Vosotros/as) Os |ponéis |

| |(Ellos/as, Uds.) Se |ponen |


(Go to Grammar, # 59, Reflexive Verbs, Part I.)

V. Ser vs. Estar

SER or ESTAR: to be or to be? That is the question in Spanish! (

|The acronym DOCTOR P. will tell you when to use |The acronym PLACE will tell you when to use ESTAR: |

|SER: | |

|Date: Es el 17 de septiembre. |Position: Las alumnas están sentadas. |

|Origin: |Location: Mi hermana está en casa. / |

|Juan es de Puerto Rico. |Madrid está en España. ** |

|Characteristic (permanent) |Action: |

|Ellos son altos. El profesor es simpático.* |Estamos haciendo la tarea. |

|El reloj es de oro. |Los niños están leyendo un cuento. |

|Time: |Condition: El baño está limpio. |

|Es la una. Son las dos. // Era la una. Eran las dos. |Estoy enferma.*** |

|Occupation: |Emotion: |

|Sofía es actriz. |Paco está muy contento. |

| |Los vecinos estaban asustados. |

|Relationship: | |

|Beatriz es mi prima. | |

|Possession: | |

|La casa es de mis abuelos. | |

*OJO: If the adjective refers to how someone feels rather than what they are like, you would use estar.

Compare: Él es nervioso. = He is a nervous person. vs. Él está nevioso. = He is (feels) nervous now.


¿Cómo es tu madre? = What is your mother like?

¿Cómo está tu madre? = How is your mother?

** OJO: ESTAR is ALWAYS used when you refer to location, in spite of the fact that “location” refers

to a permanent state, e.g., Madrid is always going to be in Spain. (The only exception is when you refer

to the location of an event: La boda es en la iglesia Santa María. = The wedding is in St. Mary’s church.)

***OJO: Certain adjectives that we use with “to be” in English are used with “tener” in Spanish:

Tengo hambre. = I’m hungry.

Tenemos sueño. = We’re sleepy.

Ella tiene frío. = She’s cold.

¡Ten cuidado! = Be careful!


(Go to Grammar, #s 15-18, Ser & Estar.)

VI. Verbs like “gustar” (verbs that require indirect object pronouns in front of the verb)

These are special verbs in Spanish which require an indirect object pronoun. The structure of the sentence is seen below. The first column is not necessary, but it is used for emphasis or to clarify who is affected by the verb, e.g., “le” could represent ella, él, María, mi hermano, usted, etc.

*Verbs that we studied with this structure: gustar, fascinar, molestar, interesar, aburrir, encantar, doler, importar, molestar, parecer, quedar. (NOTE: “doler” is stem-changing: Me duele la cabeza.)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

| |Indirect object |The verb conjugation always | True subject of sentence. |

| |pronoun |corresponds to the subject placed | |

| |corresponds |after it* (Column 4). | |

| |to Column 1. | | |

|(A mí) |me |3rd per. sing: |sing. noun = esta película |

|(A ti) |te |interesa, gusta, | |

|(A él, ella, Ud.)* |le |molesta, etc. ( |mass noun = el helado |

| | | | |

|(A nosotros/as) | | |verb in infinitive = leer |

|(A vosotros/as) |nos |3rd per. plural: | |

|(A ellos, ellas, Uds.) |os |interesan, gustan, molestan, etc.( | |

| |les | | |

| | | |plural noun: los deportes |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| (A mí) |( me |fascinan ( |los animales |

|(A ellos) |( les |molesta ( |el frío. |

|(A nosotras) |( nos |gusta ( |leer. |

|(A Ud.) |( le |aburren ( |esos actores. |

|(A mi madre) |( le |interesa ( |el arte. |

|(A los alumnos) |( les |encanta ( |el helado. |

|(A Carmen) |( le |duelen ( |los pies. |


(Go to Grammar, # 48, Verbs like Gustar.)


A. Preterite: The preterite is used to talk about completed actions in the past.


|Regular –AR endings |Regular –ER or –IR endings |

|-é |-amos |-í |-imos |

|-aste |-asteis |-iste |-isteis |

|-ó |-aron |-ió |-ieron |

|hablé hablamos |comí comimos escribí escribimos |

|hablaste hablasteis |comiste comisteis escribiste escribisteis |

|habló hablaron |comió comieron escribió escribieron |

ACCENTS: For ALL Regular preterite forms, the last letter of the 1st and 3rd person singular.

IRREGULAR PRETERITE: (NOTE: None of the irregular preterite forms have accents ()

• IR and SER have the same irregular form in the preterite:

fui fuimos

fuiste fuisteis

fue fueron

• Note preterite form of “hay” = hubo = there was / there were

• OTHER irregular forms: see pp. 510-513 in your book.

• Concentrate on common irregular forms: hacer, poner, venir, saber, poder, decir, tener, estar.

1. With these forms, you should FIRST memorize the irregular stem:

hacer = HIC poner = PUS venir = VIN saber = SUP traer = TRAJ

poder = PUD decir = DIJ tener = TUV estar = ESTUV

2. Then, add the endings. NOTICE that the irregular endings are a combination of:

a. REGULAR –AR Preteriteendings in 1st and 3rd person singular (-é, - ó, but without accent)

b. REGULAR –ER/IR Preteriteendings in all other forms (-iste, -imos, isteis, ieron*)


| |(note change from c to z below) | |

|tuve tuvimos |hice hicimos |supe supimos |

|tuviste tuvisteis |hiciste hicisteis |supiste supisteis |

|tuvo tuvieron |hizo hicieron |supo supieron |

* Exception: TRAER = traje, trajiste, trajo, trajimos, trajisteis, trajeron



PRETERITE: Spell and stem changes

• Spell-Changing verbs: change spelling in 1st person sing. if they have these endings:

- car = buscar = busqué

- gar = apagar = apagué

- zar = empezar = empecé

-er/-ir verbs with vowel before the “er/ir”: leer, creer, destruir:

change “i” to “y” in 3rd person: leyó, leyeron; creyó, creyeron; destruyó, destruyeron

• OÍR: oí, oíste, oyó, oímos, oísteis, oyeron


• Stem-changing verbs: some preterite verbs change in the 3rd person sing. & plural

morir = o ( u = murió, murieron (in the present, this changes from o ( ue in boot forms)

dormir = o ( u = durmió, durmieron (in the present, this changes from o ( ue in boot forms)

preferir = second e ( i = prefirió, prefirieron (in the present, this changes from e ( ie in boot forms)

pedir = e ( i = pidió, pidieron (in the present, this changes from e ( i in boot forms)


(Go to Grammar, UNIT 6: there are various sections on the preterite)

B. Imperfect: The imperfect is used in the following situations in the past:

1. Habitual actions:

Iba al colegio a las nueve. = I went / used to go to school at nine.

2. Ongoing/ simultaneous actions, often connected by “mientras” = while:

Yo estudiaba mientras mi hermana leía. = I was studying while my sister was reading.

3. Descriptions (including age), feelings, emotional state in the past:

La casa era vieja. = The house was old. // Cuando tenía 5 años… = When I was 5…

Había mucha agua en la calle. = There was a lot of water in the street.

Me sentía triste. = I felt sad.

Estábamos muy nerviosos. = We were very nervous.

4. Time, Weather:

Eran las ocho. = It was eight o’clock. Llovía muy fuerte = It was raining very hard.

Hacía mucho frío. = It was very cold.


|Regular –AR endings |Regular –ER or –IR endings |

|-aba |-ábamos |-ía |-íamos |

|-abas |-abais |-ías |-íais |

|-aba |-aban |-ía |-ían |

|hablaba hablábamos |comía comíamos escribía escribíamos |

|hablabas hablabais |comías comíais escribías escribíais |

|hablaba hablaban |comía comían escribía escribían |


Regular –AR: nosotros form

Regular –ER, -IR: all forms


Accents: nosotros form only for IR & SER. All forms for VER.


|iba |íbamos |era |

| | |-AR verbs = stem + -ado // -ER, -IR verbs = stem + -ido |

|yo |he |hablado / comido / vivido |

|tú |has |hablado / comido / vivido |

|él, ella, Ud. |ha |hablado / comido / vivido |

|nosotros/as |hemos |hablado / comido / vivido |

|vosotros/as |habéis |hablado / comido / vivido |

|ellos, ellas, Uds. |han |hablado / comido / vivido |


• decir = dicho

• volver = vuelto

• devolver = devuelto

• escribir = escrito

• hacer = hecho

• morir = muerto

• poner = puesto

• romper = roto

• ver = visto


(Go to Grammar, # 101: Present Perfect)


A. TÚ (informal) commands

• AFFIRMATIVE: 3rd person singular of the present tense. Hablar = ¡Habla español!

Irregular Affirmative: “Princess Di” verbs: di, haz, etc.¡Haz la cama!

Princess Di haz seventen ponies for sale.

= di haz sé ve ven ten pon sal (see chart below for infinitives)

• NEGATIVE: “Yo-flip”

1. Take yo form of present: como, hablo….

2. Change “o” to “as” for –ER/-IR verbs = ¡No comas caramelos!

3. Change “o” to “es” for –AR verbs = ¡No hables inglés!

Irregular Negative: ir, ser, dar, estar (see chart for forms) ¡No vayas al jardín!

B. UD. (formal) commands

EASY! UD. Affirmative: Take the –s off the tú negative form:

no comas = ¡Coma! no empieces = ¡Empiece! no hagas = ¡Haga la cama!

UD. Negative: Just put “no” in front of the verb = No coma, No empiece, No haga

UDS. Affirmative: Add “n” to Ud. affirmative: Coman, Empiecen, Hagan

UDS. Negative: Just put “no” in front of the verb = No coman, No empiecen, No hagan

OJO: In a sentence, use these guidelines to decide if you need the Tú, Ud., or Uds. command:

• One person, first name = Tú command. María, abre la puerta.

• One person, last name = Ud. command. Sr. García, abra la puerta.

• More than one person (you all), whether first or last name: Uds. command.

Sara y Carmen, abran los libros. / Señores, escuchen con cuidado.

|INFINITIVE |TU + |TU - |UD. + |UD. - |UDS. + |UDS. - |

|abrir – regular |abre |no abras |abra |no abra |abran |no abran |

|comer - regular |come |no comas |coma |no coma |coman |no coman |

|volver (o ( ue) stem change |vuelve |no vuelvas |vuelva |no vuelva |vuelvan |no vuelvan |

|hervir (e ( ie) stem change |hierve |no hiervas |hierva |no hierva |hiervan |no hiervan |

|pedir (e ( i) stem change |pide |no pidas |pida |no pida |pidan |no pidan |

|pensar (e ( ie) stem change |piensa |no pienses |piense |no piense |piensen |no piensen |

|contar (o ( ue) stem change |cuenta |no cuentes |cuente |no cuente |cuenten |no cuenten |

|empezar (e ( ie) stem + spell |empieza |no empieces |empiece |no empiece |empiecen |no empiecen |

|agregar (spell change) = gue |agrega |no agregues |agregue |no agregue |agreguen |no agreguen |

|picar (spell change) = que |pica |no piques |pique |no pique |piquen |no piquen |

|escoger (spell change) = ja |escoge |no escojas |escoja |no escoja |escojan |no escojan |

|decir (yo-go) irregular (+) |di |no digas |diga |no diga |digan |no digan |

|hacer (yo-go) irregular (+) |haz |no hagas |haga |no haga |hagan |no hagan |

|venir (yo-go) irregular (+) |ven |no vengas |venga |no venga |vengan |no vengan |

|tener (yo-go) irregular (+) |ten |no tengas |tenga |no tenga |tengan |no tengan |

|poner (yo-go) irregular (+) |pon |no pongas |ponga |no ponga |pongan |no pongan |

|salir (yo-go) irregular (+) |sal |no salgas |salga |no salga |salgan |no salgan |

|ir (both irregular) |ve |no vayas |vaya |no vaya |vayan |no vayan |

|ser (both irregular) |sé |no seas |sea |no sea |sean |no sean |

|dar irregular (-) |da |no des |dé |no dé |den |no den |

|estar irregular (-) |está |no estés |esté |no esté |estén |no estén |


Just remember these two rules:

1. AAA = Always Attach an Affirmative.

Don’t forget that commands of more than one syllable will require an accent mark on the originally stressed syllable (before anything was attached).

Affirmative Command + Direct Object Pronoun (lo, la, los, las)

|Informal (tú) |Compra fruta fresca. = |Cómprala. | | |

| |Pon los libros aquí. = |Ponlos aquí. | | |

|Formal |Ud. | |Uds. | |

| |Compre fruta fresca. = |Cómprela. |Compren fruta fresca. = |Cómprenla. |

| |Ponga los libros aquí. = |Póngalos aquí. |Pongan los libros aquí. = |Pónganlos aquí. |

Reflexive Verb in Affirmative Commands

Informal: attach “te” Levántate (tú)

Formal: attach “se” Levántese (Ud.) or Levántense (Uds.)

2. NAN = Never Attach a Negative *

Negative Command + Direct Object Pronoun (lo, la, los, las)

|Informal (tú) |No compres pan. = |No lo compres. | | |

| |No pongas la mochila aquí. = |No la pongas aquí. | | |

|Formal |Ud. | |Uds. | |

| |No compre pan . = |No lo compre. |No compren pan. = |No lo compren. |

| |No ponga la mochila aquí. = |No la ponga aquí. |No pongan las mochilas aquí. = |No las pongan aquí. |

Reflexive Verb in Negative Commands

Informal: put “te” in front of the verb: No te levantes.(tú)

Formal: put “se” in front of the verb: No se levante. (Ud.) or No se levanten. (Uds.)


(Go to Grammar, #s 90 (Formal or UD. commands); 91, 92 (Tú or informal commands)




|me |nos |me |nos |

|te |os |te |os |

|lo, la |los, las |le |les |

1. Direct and Indirect object pronouns are usually placed in front of the verb:

DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN: Juan recibió un premio. = Juan lo recibió.

INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN. María dio un regalo a su hermana. = María le dio un regalo.

2. There are 3 cases when object pronouns can/must be attached to the main verb:

• INFINITVE: Object pronoun can be attached to verb.

Quiero leer el libro. = Lo quiero leer. OR Quiero leerlo.

• PRESENT PARTICIPLE: Object pronoun can be attached to verb.

Estoy leyendo el libro. = Lo estoy leyendo. OR Estoy leyéndolo.

• AFFIRMATIVE COMMAND FORM: Object pronoun must be attached to verb.

Pon la sartén aquí. = Ponla aquí.

3.) In NEGATIVE COMMANDS, the object pronoun cannot be attached, and

must go in front of the verb:

No comas las galletas. = No las comas.


(Go to Grammar, #s 41, 42, 43: Direct Object Pronouns; #s 44, 45, 46: Indirect Object Pronouns)


XI: SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION: Hace + time expression

A. Hace + time expression + que + present tense = I have (been/done something) for x time.


Hace dos años que juego al fútbol. = I have played soccer for two years.

Hace un mes que conozco a Juan. = I have known Juan for two months.

NOTE that even though the translation into English uses the Present Perfect tense in this case, the Spanish equivalent uses the regular present indicative.

B. Preterite tense + hace + time expression = I did (something) x time ago.


Jugué en un partido de fútbol hace dos años. = I played in a soccer game two years ago.

Conocí a Juan hace dos años. = I met Juan two months ago.


The future tense in Spanish (equivalent of will + verb in English) does not add endings to the stem of the verb. Instead, it adds endings to the entire infinitive.


1. Take infinitive of verb.

2. Add these endings: -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án

NOTE that all endings have accent marks EXCEPT the nosotros form.


|hablaré hablaremos |comeré comeremos |viviré viviremos |

|hablarás hablaréis |comerás comeréis |vivirás viviréis |

|hablará hablarán |comerá comerán |vivirá vivirán |

NOTE: Since the stem is the entire infinitive, there is no difference in formula for –AR, -ER, or IR verbs.


Irregular forms in the future use either a truncated or altered version of the infinitive, but the endings are the same as for regular forms in the future.

Infinitive without -e

poder = podr = podré, podrás, podrá, podremos, podréis, podrán

querer = querr = querré, querrás, querrá, querremos, querréis, querrán

haber = habr = habré, habrás, habrá, habremos, habréis, habrán

saber = sabr = sabré, sabrás, sabrá, sabremos, sabréis, sabrán

Infinitive with “d” replacing “i” or “e”

venir = vendr = vendré, vendrás, vendrá, vendremos, vendréis, vendrán

salir = saldr = saldré, saldrás, saldrá, saldremos, saldréis, saldrán

poner = pondr = pondré, pondrás, pondrá, pondremos, pondréis, pondrán

tener = tendr = tendré, tendrás, tendrá, tendremos, tendréis, tendrán

Infinitive without the letters c and e

hacer = har = haré, harás, hará, haremos, haréis, harán

decir = dir = diré, dirás, dirá, diremos, diréis, dirán


(Go to Grammar, # 99: Future)


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