ESOL E2 Trinity Writing Exam Preperation - paulmcg

|[pic] |ESOL E2 Trinity Writing Exam Preperation. – Oct 2004 Q1 |

|Name: |Date: |


1. Complete these sentences about what you did before you came to the UK.(past tense)

|Occupation: | |

|was a housewife, went to school, lived with my husband at home, looked |Before I came to the UK I |

|after my children at home, worked in a factory, was in the army, had my own| |

|business, lived with my dad | |

|Daily routine in the past | |

|woke up at ____, went to work at ___, |Everyday I |

|cooked food | |

|took my children to school | |

2 Complete these sentences about where you lived before you came to the UK. (present tense)

|Name of town. |I lived in |

|Location and Country: | |

|North, South, East, north-west, north-east |It is in the of |

|Size: | |

|a big, a small, quite a big, quite a small, a very big, a very small |It is ________________ town. |

|Description: | |

|a lot of shops, a lot of farms, a lot of places to go, an airport, a |It has got _______________________ |

|swimming pool, a hotel, | |

| |It has not got ___________________ |

|Description: | |

|beautiful, ugly, nice, busy, dirty, noisy, polluted |It is a _____________ town. |

3. Complete these sentences about ONE interest or activity (pres simp) (like + __ing)

|Activity – only write about one activity! | |

|reading, shopping, going to the gym, playing football, watching TV, looking|In my free time I like < activity> |

|after my children, playing with my children, visiting my friends | |

|Frequency:- | |

|Once a week, twice a week, every day, on Saturday, on Wednesday afternoon |I usually |

|At the weekend | |

|Reason | |

|it makes me feel good, I like fresh air, I am interested in history, I |I like because |

|enjoy talking, enjoyable | |

4. Now write all the sentences in a paragraph on the computer.


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