Clothes - Universidad Veracruzana

Unit 4


1.-Ropa (clothes)


3.-Possesive Adjectives and Possesive Pronouns


5.-Presente Progresivo

6.- El clima

1.-Ropa (clothes)


Dress Skirt Shirt Shirt Boots

Belt Gloves Jeans Hat

Sweater Coat Jacket Suit

Shorts Cap Socks Scarf

Sneakers tie Sandals High

Heels Shoes


|Spanish |English |

|Color |Colour (Uk), Color (Us) |

|Claro, Clara |Light |

|Oscuro, Oscura |Dark |

|Pálido, Pálida |Pale |

|Aguamarina |Aquamarine |

|Amarillo, Amarilla |Yellow |

|Anaranjado, Anaranjada |Orange |

|Azul |Blue |

|Azul Celeste |Light Blue |

|Azul Marino |Navy Blue |

|Blanco |White |

|Bordó |Maroon |

|Carmín |Carmine |

|Castaño |Chestnut |

|Coral |Coral |

|Dorado |Golden |

|Dorado Brillante |Goldenrod |

|Durazno |Peach |

|Fucsia |Fuchsia, Hotpink |

|Gris |Grey (Uk), Gray (Us) |

|Lila |Mauve |

|Madera |Burlywood |

|Cafe |Brown |

|Negro |Black |

|Plata, Plateado |Silver |

|Púrpura |Crimson |

|Rojo |Red |

|Rosado, Rosada |Pink |

|Turquesa |Turquoise |

|Verde |Green |

|Verde Azulado |Teal |

|Verde Oscuro |Dark Green |

|Violeta, Morado/A |Purple, Violet |

| | |


3.-Possesive Adjectives and Possesive Pronouns

Adjetivos Posesivos (Possesive Adjectives)

Se utilizan para indicar a quién pertenece el sujeto u objeto de la oración. Van seguidos de un sustantivo (o una cláusula nominal).

|Possessive Adjectives |

|my |mi / mis |

|your |tu / tus |

|his |su / sus |

|her |su / sus |

|its |su / sus |

|our |nuestro/a/os/as |

|your |vuestro/a/os/as |

|their |su / sus |


Como se puede observar, son muchos menos que en español, ya que no se diferencian en singular o plural. Por ejemplo:

• my car mi auto

• my cars mis autos

Sin embargo, debe prestar atención cuando se refiere a la tercera persona, ya que en castellano se usa "su" en todos los casos, mientras que en inglés varían según la persona.

Note además que "your" puede referirse al singular (tu) o al plural (tus de ustedes).

my house

your house

his house

her house

its house

our house

your house

their house

Si se está hablando de una persona y se describe su casa, se usaría his o her, según el sexo de dicha persona.

• John lives in New York. His house is very big.

• Susan lives in New York. Her house is very big.

Pero si se habla de un animal se debe utilizar its.

• The cat lives in New York. Its name is Bob.

Para preguntar de quién es algo, se usa Whose. Siempre va seguido de un sustantivo y luego la forma interrogativa del verbo.

|Whose |De quién |

Whose book is this?

¿De quién es este libro?

It's Paul's book. / It's his book. / It's his.

Es el libro de Paul. / Es su libro. / Es suyo.

Note que en este caso se usa el adjetivo posesivo seguido del sustantivo, o bien directamente el pronombre posesivo, como se explica a continuación

Possesive Pronouns

Se utilizan para indicar a quién pertenece algo. Como son pronombres, reemplazan al sustantivo al que se está haciendo referencia.

|Possessive Adjectives |Possessive Pronouns |

|my |mi / mis |mine |mio/a/os/as |

|your |tu / tus |yours |tuyo/a/os/as |

|his |su / sus |his |suyo/a/os/as |

|her |su / sus |hers |suyo/a/os/as |

|its |su / sus |its |suyo/a/os/as |

|our |nuestro/a/os/as |ours |nuestro/a/os/as |

|your |vuestro/a/os/as |yours |vuestro/a/os/as |

|their |su / sus |theirs |suyo/a/os/as |


Por ejemplo:

his is my car. Este es mi auto.

This car is mine. Este auto es mio.

That is her book. Ese es su libro.

That book is hers. Ese libro es suyo (de ella


Puedes decir:

La casa de Juan John’s house.

El carro de Luis Luis’ car.

Los libros de los estudiantes The students’ books

(Observa que si el nombre del poseedor o dueño termina en “S” solo le agregas el apostrofo ).

Exercise 1

Complete colocando el pronombre posesivo que corresponda a la persona indicada entre paréntesis.


1. Whose pen is this? It's Paul’s. (PAUL)

It’s his pen. (he )

It’s his (he)

1. Whose apple is this?

It's ________________(Kylie).

2. Whose dog is that?

It's ________________(we).

3. Whose computer is that?

It's ____________(the kids).

4. Whose car is this?

It's ________________(Laura).

5. Whose book is that?

It's ________________(I).

6. Whose glasses are these?

They're _____________(Harry).

7. Whose dictionary is this?

It's ________________(you).

8. Whose album is this?

It's ________________(they).

9. Whose hat is this?

It's ________________(Mark).

10. Whose gloves are these?

They're _____________(I)


1. It’s Kylie’s. 6. They’re Harry’s.

2. It’s ours. 7. It’s yours.

3. It’s the kids’. 8. It’s theirs.

4. It’s Laura’s. 9. It’s Mark´s.

5. It’s mine. 10. They’re mine.



Usamos estas palabras para unir dos oraciones, formando así de dos oraciones cortas una oración larga.


It is raining I am wearing a raincoat

I am not wearing a hat

It is raining and I am wearing a raincoat.

It is raining but I am not wearing a raincoat.

AND: para agregar información

BUT: para contrastar la información antes mencionada.

5.-Presente Progresivo

Present Continuous

|Affirmative |Negative |Interrogative |

|I am wearing |I am not wearing |Am I wearing? |

|You are wearing |You are not wearing |Are you wearing? |

|He is wearing |He is not wearing |Is he wearing? |

|She is wearing |She is not wearing |Is she wearing? |

|It is wearing |It is not wearing |Is it wearing? |

|We are wearing |We are not wearing |Are we wearing? |

|You are wearing |You are not wearing |Are you wearing? |

|They are wearing |They are not wearing |Are they wearing? |

Necesitamos conocer el verbo TO BE ( ser o estar – am, is, are) y agregarle al verbo la terminación ING, (que en español es la terminación: ando- iendo) y entonces entenderás

|Affirmative |subject + am/is/are + 1 > "ing" |

|I am wearing a nice hat - Estoy usando un sombrero bonito |

|He is wearing a navy blue shirt - El está usando una camisa azul marino. |

|Negative |subject + am/is/are + not + 1 > "ing" |

|I am not wearing my new dress – yo no estoy usando mi vestido nuevo |

|She isn’t wearing boots - Ella no está usando botas |

|Interrogative |Am/Is/Are + subject + 1 > "ing" ? |

|Am I wearing your favorite color? - ¿Estoy usando tu color favorite? |

|Are they wearing the uniform? - ¿Están usando ellos el uniforme? |

Wear: usar, llevar puesto ropa o accesorios.

En esta unidad encontrarás algunos verbos impersonales ( verbos que se refieren al estado del tiempo y que solo se utilizan con el pronombre IT ) acompañados con la terminacion : ING

It is snowing Esta nevando It isn’t raining No esta lloviendo

Adjective + Noun

Recuerda siempre colocar primero los adjetivos calificativos (rojo, azul, grande, gordo, etc.) antes del sustantivo (objeto, animal o cosa).

I am wearing a black dress Estoy usando un vestido negro.


My dress is Black Mi vestido es negro.

6.- El clima

The weather vocabulary

Unit 4 I am not wearing boots


Exercise 1.- Describe what the Jackson Family is wearing today


1.-Jenny Jackson is wearing______________

2.-Mrs. Jackson is wearing_______________

3.-Kenny Jackson is wearing_____________

4.-Mr. Jackson is wearing


Find the vocabulary and classify the words according to the category.

(17 – 32 POINTS )

|H |C |R |

|17 |23 |27 |

|18 |24 |28 |

|19 |25 |29 |

|20 |26 |30 |

|21 | |31 |

|22 | |32 |

Exercise 3

Complete the next spaces using the appropriate possessive Adjective (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their)

Example: I have a sister. ___ name is Susan.

Answer: I have a sister. Her name is Susan.

Hi Daniel,

[pic]name is John. This is [pic]friend Jason. He's 12. [pic]sister is nine. [pic]pet is a budgie. [pic]name is Dickens. Jason and I go to the same school. There are 450 boys and girls in [pic]school. Jason's form teacher is Mrs. Peterson. She has got a pet, too. [pic]pet is a tortoise. Our form teacher is Mr. Smith. I like [pic]lessons. He has two dogs. The dogs love to play in [pic]garden. Now I have a question for you. What's [pic]pet?



Exercise 4

Possessive adjectives and pronouns

En este ejercicio podrás practicar el uso correcto de los posesivos. Lee atentamente las oraciones y completa con el adjetivo posesivo o con el pronombre posesivo que corresponda.

Possessive Adjectives: my - your - his - her - its - our - your - their

Possessive Pronouns: mine - yours - his - hers - its - ours - yours - theirs

Principio del formulario

1. Paul and Jeannie are going to visit [pic]friends tomorrow. [pic]

2. He usually goes to England for [pic]holidays. [pic]

3. Sheila is buying a present for [pic]mother. [pic]

4. We are living in [pic]new home. [pic]

5. This is their car. It's [pic]. [pic]

6. This is my computer. It's [pic]. [pic]

7. You received a letter from [pic]brothers. [pic]

8. The dog has [pic]own place here. [pic]

9. This is his telephone. It's [pic]. [pic]

10. Monica and Sheila will meet [pic]parents. [pic]

Exercise 5

Exercise on Pronouns

Principio del formulario


Possessive Pronouns

Replace the personal pronouns with possessive pronouns: mine - yours - his - hers - its - ours - yours – theirs

1. This book is (you) [pic].

2. The ball is (I) [pic].

3. The blue car is (we) [pic].

4. The ring is (she) [pic].

5. We met Paul and Jane last night. This house is (they) [pic].

6. The luggage is (he) [pic].

7. The pictures are (she) [pic].

8. In our garden is a bird. The nest is (it) [pic].

9. This cat is (we) [pic].

10. This was not my fault. It was (you) [pic].

Exercise 6

Clothes Word Search Puzzle

Bl_ _ se

C _ _ t

Dr _ s _

H _ t

J_ ck _ t

J_an _

P_ nt_

Shi_ t

Sh_e _

Sh_ rt_

Sne_k _ rs

S_ ck _

S_ ngl_s_e _

Sw_at _r

Links para practicar

Ropa (con sonido):

El clima (sopa de letras):

Ropa (sopa de letras):

Relacionado con el clima:

Para practicar POSESIVOS:

Answer key EXAM

Exercise 1

1.a blue blouse and blue shorts

2.- a pink dress and pink high heels

3.-a brown t-shirt, blue shorts and brown shoes

4.-a blue shirt, blue shorts and blue sneakers

Exercise 2


|17 skirt |23 spring |27 sunny |

|18 jacket |24 summer |28 warm |

|19 cap |25 fall |29 cold |

|20 blouse |26 winter |30 hot |

|21 pants | |31 windy |

|22 belt | |32 snowy |

Exercise 3

Hi Daniel,

my name is John. This is my friend Jason. He's 12. His sister is nine. Their pet is a budgie. His name is Dickens. Jason and I go to the same school. There are 450 boys and girls in our school. Jason's form teacher is Mrs. Peterson. She has got a pet, too. Her pet is a tortoise. Our form teacher is Mr. Smith. I like his lessons. He has two dogs. The dogs love to play in his garden. Now I have a question for you. What's your pet?



Exercise 4

1. Paul and Jeannie are going to visit [pic]friends tomorrow. [pic]

2. He usually goes to England for [pic]holidays. [pic]

3. Sheila is buying a present for [pic]mother. [pic]

4. We are living in [pic]new home. [pic]

5. This is their car. It's [pic]. [pic]

6. This is my computer. It's [pic]. [pic]

7. You received a letter from [pic]brothers. [pic]

8. The dog has [pic]own place here. [pic]

9. This is his telephone. It's [pic]. [pic]

10. Monica and Sheila will meet [pic]parents. [pic]

Exercise 5Principio del formulario

1. This book is yours[pic].

2. The ball is mine[pic].

3. The blue car is ours[pic].

4. The ring is hers[pic].

5. We met Paul and Jane last night. This house is theirs[pic].

6. The luggage is his[pic].

7. The pictures are hers [pic].

8. In our garden is a bird. The nest is its[pic].

9. This cat is ours[pic].

10. This was not my fault. It was yours[pic].

Exercise 6



Dress hat





Shoes shorts





Final del formulario

Final del formulario


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