Slavery and indenture, a shared narrative, as developed in 2006.Khal TorabullyMy paper will focus on the articulation of two memories linked to servility, namely slavery and indenture. As early as 2005, on the website of Committee for Memory, the official voice of the commemoration of slavery in France and some twenty years after the development of my inclusive paradigms, we celebrated the Day of Memory in France, as instituted by President Jacques Chirac, who made of May 10 an official day for "memories of the slave trade, slavery and their abolitions”. I wrote to the Committee, proposing a shared poetics and narrative between these painful memories. My proposal was accepted and is still recalled on this site some 12 years later. I wrote this article just before the Aapravasi Ghat was inscribed by the World Heritage List in July 2006 and two years before the inscription of Le Morne (2008), site dedicated to resistance to slavery. I thus wrote the first article addressing this necessary articulation.My goal, some 12 years after, is to recall the main ideas of this prospective analysis. As such, “Coolies et esclaves, pour un partage des mémoires” (“Slaves and coolies, for a shared memory”), published in Africultures (n ° 67) in 2006, posits a philosophy which has still to be debated to understand the heart of the relationship between these two histories, namely though the angle of the "Sharing of memories”. I will weigh the situation in Mauritius, which has not become the seat of a victimary competition but of a necessary dialogue between indenture and slavery. This has been the wish of UNESCO, though much has still to be accomplished. I will open on the promises of this inclusive approach foregrounding the humanism of diversity of coolitude. Some 12 years later, what impact has it had on the inscription of the International Indenture Labour Route, for instance, with which I was associated through the team of the Aapravasi Ghat in 2014? Why is the horizon construed through a dual site policy, unique in the History of indenture and slavery, at the heart of the capacity of indenture of addressing current challenges?Dr Khal Torabully is an essayist, director, poet and semiologist who pioneered the field of indenture when he devised the inclusive poetics of coolitude in 1989. He is the very first thinker to have developed a complex vision of the coolie trade, leading to the Humanism of diversity condoned by UNESCO, so as to avert?victimary?concurrence and build a vision of humanities where memories and histories do not clash for sectarian motives. This was the approach adopted by the Governement of Mauritius for its policy of UNESCO sites. Torabully was educated in Lyon France. He is the author of some 25 books, among which?Cale d'étoiles-coolitude?(1992), proposing an original creative approach of indentured imaginary with a maritime focus,?Chair corail, fragments coolies, an award winning book linking the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic coolie trades in 1996. With Dr Marina Carter, he wrote?Coolitude?(Anthem Press 2002), one of the major references relating to indenture and migration studies worldwide. Invited by the Aapravasi Ghat in 2013, he initiated the inscription of the International Indenture Labour Route on the UNESCO agenda. He is preparing a?Logbook of coolitude?and an anthology on indenture. He represented UNESCO at the Commemoration of the Centenary of the abolition of indenture in Guadeloupe in 2017. ................

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