Lincoln School

AP US History Syllabus2013-2014Texts:George Brown Tindall and David E. Shi. America: A Narrative History W.W. Norton & Company: New York 2012Charles M. Dollar ed. American Issues: A Documentary Reader Glencoe: New York 1994 Overview:Everything that has happened in the past impacts who we are as people today and what our futures (both individually and collectively as a society) will look like tomorrow. Ignorance of the past is ignorance of ourselves, our society, and our government. In order to understand the world we live in today and to make intelligent informed decisions to make it a better place for tomorrow we need to understand what happened in the past. This class is designed to be an intensive in-depth analysis of United States history. Along the way you will develop skills in reading comprehension, critical thinking, and persuasive writing that will not only enhance your understanding of US history, but which will also help prepare you for a university-level academic environment. In addition, throughout the year you will evaluate the theme of the ever-changing American identity, and how changes in religion, politics, and economics have impacted our society’s understanding of who is, and what it means to be, an American citizen. Unit 1: The Rise of Colonial America (1 Week) (1)Textbook Chapters 1-4Content Covered:1-Pre-Columbian SocietiesA-Early inhabitants of the AmericasB-American Indian empires in Mesoamerica, the Southwest, and the Miss ValleyC-American Indian cultures of North America at the time of European contact2-Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690A-First European contacts with Native AmericansB-Spain’s Empire in North AmericaC-French Colonization of CanadaD-English settlement of New England, the Mid-Atlantic, and the SouthE-From servitude to slavery in the Chesapeake regionF-Religious diversity in the American coloniesG-Resistance to colonial authority; Bacon’s Rebellion, the Glorious Revolution, and the Pueblo Revolt3-Colonial North America, 1690-1754A-Population growth and immigrationB-Transatlantic trade and the growth of seaportsC-The 18th century backcountry D-Growth of plantation economies and slave societiesE-The enlightenment and the Great AwakeningF-Colonial governments and imperial policy in British North AmericaMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-How did the geography of North America impact the development of Native American civilizations there, the continent’s conquest by Europeans, and the varied development of the British North American colonies?2-How does one reconcile the development of representative government with the development of slavery in the British colonies?3-American Identity: What ethnicities, social classes, genders, and religions were considered full members of society/the community in the: New England, Middle, and Southern ColoniesHomework Assignments:1-Read Jared Diamond’s essay “Accidental Conquerors”2-Read and answer questions in American Issues (AI) for: 1.1, 1.2, 1.63-AI: 2.2, 2.6, 4-AI: 3.3, 3.4, 3.5Primary/Secondary Source Readings:1-“Accidental Conquerors” by Jared Diamond from The Third Chimpanzee2-“The First Americans” (secondary source) in American Issues3-Indian Language Groups circa 1500 (map) in AI4-“Europe’s First Frontier” (secondary Source) in AI5-“Reasons for Colonization” by Richard Hakluyt the Elder (primary source) in AI6-“Indentured Servitude” by Richard B. Hofstadter (secondary source) in AI7-“Mercantilism” by Gerald N. Grob (secondary source) in AI8-Navigation Act of 1660 (primary source) in AI9-“Memorial of Governor Shute to the King, 1723” (primary source) in AIAssessments: 1-Quiz on chapters 1-42-Homework reading/answer assignments (1, 2, 3, 4)3-MA: Essay—“Geography was the primary factor in shaping the development of the British colonies in North America.” Assess the validity of this statement for the 1600 and 1700’s.Unit 2: American Independence (2 weeks) (3)Textbook Chapters 5-6Content Covered: 4-The American Revolutionary Era, 1754-1789A-The French and Indian WarB-The Imperial Crisis and resistance to BritainC-The War for IndependenceD-State constitutions and the Articles of ConfederationE-The federal ConstitutionMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-Which war more fundamentally shaped modern America, French and Indian or American Revolution?2-Did the Articles of Confederation constitute a crisis period in US history?3-US Constitution: radical or conservative?4-American Identity: How did a growing sense of American identity in the years prior to 1775 help lead to the Revolution?5- American Identity: How did the Revolutionary period change the understanding of American identity?Homework Assignments:1-AI: 4.5, 4.6, 4.72-AI: 5.3, 5.43-AI: 6.5, 6.8Primary sources/Secondary Sources:1-Declaration of Independence 2-Constitution 3-Bill of Rights 4-Abigail Adams to John Adams, letters about women’s rights (primary source)5-Fiske vs. Beard, nationalist school vs. economic interpretation of the Constitution (secondary source handouts)6-Distribution of Slavery circa 1700 (map) in AI7-Distribution of Wealth in Boston (graph) in AI8-“Cultural Pluralism in the Middle Colonies” by Frederick B. Tolles (secondary source) in AI9-“Controlling Factions in a Republic” by James Madison (Fedralist #10 excerpt) in AI10-“Woman’s Place in the Republic” by Linda Kerber (secondary source) in AIAssessments:1-Quiz on chapters 5-92-HW: 4, 5, 63-MA: 2005 DBQUnit 3: The Republican Experiment (1 Week) (4)Textbook Chapters 7-8Content Covered: 5-The Early Republic, 1789-1815A-Washington, Hamilton, and the shaping of the national governmentB-Emergence of political parties; Federalists and RepublicansC-Republican Motherhood and education for womenD-Beginnings of the 2nd Great AwakeningMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-What precedents for modern day US governance were established during the Early Republic period?Homework Assignments:1-R/A: 7.2, 7.6Primary Sources/Secondary Sources:1-Alien and Sedition Acts (excerpts) (hand out in class)2-“Hamilton’s Economic Program” (excerpts) by Alexander Hamilton (primary source) in AI3-Sectionalism and Party Competition 1800 (map) in AIAssessments:1-HW: 72-Quiz on chapter 103-MA: noneUnit 4: Jeffersonian Republicanism and the Era of Good Feelings (1 Week) (5)Textbook Chapters 9-10Content Covered: 5-The Early Republic, 1789-1815E-Significance of Jefferson’s PresidencyF-Expansion into the trans-Appalachian West; American Indian resistanceG-Growth of slavery and free Black communitiesH-The War of 1812 and its consequencesMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-To what extent did Jefferson remain true to his Republican ideals once he became President?Homework Assignments:1-R/A: 8.5, 8.7Primary Sources/Secondary Sources:1-“Extending American Dominion to Louisiana” excerpts from Merriweather Lewis and William Clark (primary source) in AI2-Patterns of Westward Movement (map) in AIAssessments:1-HW: 82-Quiz Chapters 11-123-MA: In-class test: multiple choice + essay. Essay= 2004 Part B #2Unit 5: Jacksonian America (2 Weeks) (7)Textbook Chapters 11-13Content Covered: 6-Transformation of the Economy and Society in Antebellum AmericaA-The transportation revolution and creation of a national market economyB-Beginnings of industrialization and changes in social class structuresC-Immigration and nativist reactionD-Planters, yeoman farmers, and slaves in the cotton South7-The Transformation of Politics in Antebellum AmericaA-Emergence of the second party systemB-Federal authority and its opponents; judicial federalism, the Bank War, tariff controversy, and states’ rights debatesC-Jacksonian democracy and its successes and limitations8-Religion, Reform, and Renaissance in Antebellum AmericaA-Evangelical Protestant revivalismB-Social reformsC-Ideals of domesticityD-Transcendentalism and utopian communitiesE-American Renaissance: literary and artistic expressionsMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-How did the geography of America impact the government, society, and economies of the different sections of the country?2-Increased democracy: good, bad, , ?3- American Identity: How did the democratic reforms of the Jacksonian period expand the definition/understanding of the American identity, especially in terms of social class?Homework Assignments:1-AI: 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 9.72-AI: 11.2, 11.3, 11.5Primary Sources/Secondary Sources:1-“Jackson’s Bank Veto” excerpts by Andrew Jackson (primary source) in AI2-“Testing the Bonds of Union: Nullification” by William Freehling (secondary source) in AI3-“King Andrew: A Whig View” (illustration) (primary source) in AI4- National Economic Crisis: The Panic of 1837 (map) in AI5-“The American System” by Daniel W. Howe (secondary source) in AI6-“Seneca Falls Declaration” excerpts by Susan B. Anthony (primary source) in AI7-Newspaper Coverage of Women’s Rights Movement (illustration) (primary source) in AI8-“The Closing of the Sickle and Sheaf” from Ten Nights in a Bar Room by Timothy Shay Arthur (primary source) in AIAssessments:1-HW: 9, 112- Quiz chapters 13-153-MA: In-class DBQ 2011 (Form B) DBQUnit 6: Manifest Destiny (2 Weeks) (9)Textbook Chapters 14-16Content Covered: 9-Territorial Expansion and Manifest DestinyA-Forced removal of American Indians to the trans-Mississippi WestB-Western migration and cultural interactionsC-Territorial acquisitionsD-Early US imperialism, the Mexican War10-The Crisis of the UnionA-Pro- and antislavery arguments and conflictsB-Compromise of 1850 and popular sovereigntyC-The Kansas-Nebraska Act and the emergence of the Republican PartyD-Abraham Lincoln, the election of 1860, secessionMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-What was the root cause of the tension between North and South prior to the Civil War? What caused the South to secede?2-Compromise, why did it fail, is it always a good thing?3- American Identity: To what extent is westward expansion a part of the American identity, how did westward expansion change (or eventually help lead to changes) in the American identity by adding new ethnic groups to the United States? Homework Assignments:1-AI: 10.1, 10.2, 10.33-AI: 12.14-AI: 13.4, 13.5Primary Sources/Secondary Sources:1-“Manifest Destiny” (painting) (primary source) by John Gast in AI2-“The Destiny of the Race” by Thomas Hart Benton (primary source) in AI3-“Southern Views on Expansionism” by William L. Barney (secondarysource) in AI4-“Defense of Slavery As a Benefit to Society” by John Calhoun (primary source) in AI5-Declaration of the Immediate Causes of Secession (excerpts) (primary source) in AI6-“Robert E. Lee and Secession” excerpts from letters by Robert E. Lee (primary source) in AIAssessments:1-HW: 10, 12, 132-Quiz chapters 16-193-Presidents Quiz 1788-18565-MA: Take home essay—2010 Part B Question 3Unit 7: The American Civil War and Reforging the Union (2 Weeks) (11)Textbook Chapters 17-18Content Covered: 11-Civil WarA-Two societies at war: mobilization, resources, and internal dissentB-Military strategies and foreign diplomacyC-Emancipation and the role of African Americans in the warD-Social, political, and economic effects of war in the North, South, and West12-ReconstructionA-Presidential and Radical ReconstructionB-Southern state governments: aspirations, achievements, failuresC-Role of African Americans in politics, education, and the economyD-Compromise of 1877E-Impact of ReconstructionMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-How did the experience of Civil War change the nature of the US federal and state governments?2-Reconstruction: How successful was it? (de jure vs. de facto improvements in African American lives)3-4- American Identity: How did the experience of the Civil War and Reconstruction fundamentally alter the understanding of American identity in terms of government, economics, and especially race?Homework Assignments:1-14.1, 14.62-15.1, 15.3, 15.5, 15.6In-class activities/Primary Sources/Secondary Sources:1-Emancipation Proclamation (primary source)2-Reconstruction Amendments (13, 14, 15)3-“Roots of the Modern Industrial State” by Louis Hacker (secondary source) in AI4-“Sherman and Total War” excerpts from Sherman’s letter to Atlanta (primary source) in AI5-“President Johnson and Reconstruction” by Andrew Johnson (primary source) in AI6-“Mississippi Black Codes, 1865” (primary source) in AI7-“The Freedmen’s Bureau” (illustration) (primary source) in AI8-“Women’s Suffrage” (illustration) (primary source in AIAssessments:1-HW: 14, 152-Reading Quiz chapters 20-223-MA: DBQ take home Reconstruction DBQ (1996)Unit 8: The Trans-Mississippi West, American Industrialization, the Gilded Age, and the Advent of Urban and Rural America During the Gilded Age (2 Weeks) (13)Textbook Chapters 19-22Content Covered: 13-The Origins of the New SouthA-Reconfiguration of southern agriculture: sharecropping and crop lien systemB-Expansion of manufacturing and industrializationC-The politics of segregation: Jim Crow and disenfranchisement14-Development of the West in the Late 19th CenturyA-Expansion and development of western railroadsB-Competitors for the West: miners, ranchers, homesteaders, and the American IndiansC-Government policy toward American IndiansD-Gender, race, and ethnicity in the far WestE-Environmental impacts of western settlement15-Industrial America in the Late 19th CenturyA-Corporate consolidationB-Effects of technological developments on the worker and workplaceC-Labor and unionsD-National politics and influence of corporate powerE-Migration and immigration: the changing face of the nationF-Proponents and opponents of the new order, eg, Social Darwinism and Social Gospel16-Urban Society in the late 19th CenturyA-Urbanization and the lure of the cityB-City problems and machine politicsC-Intellectual and cultural movements and popular entertainmentMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-What is the proper role of the federal government when it comes to addressing economic and social problems, laissez faire or government involvement?2-American Identity: How did industrialization and the shift to wage labor, the new immigration of southern and eastern Europeans, as well as the arrival of large numbers of Catholics and Jews during the Gilded Age change the American identity?Homework Assignments:1-16.1, 16.4, 16.5, 16.6, 16.72-17.3, 17.4, 17.63-18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4Primary Sources/Secondary Sources: 1-“Chinese Railroad Workers” by Sandy Lydon (secondary source) in AI2-“The New South” Henry W. Grady (primary source) in AI3-“Sharecropping as a Way of Life” by Fred Shannon (secondary source) in AI4-“The Atlanta Compromise” by Booker T. Washington (primary source) in AI5-Plessy v. Ferguson 1896 excerpts (primary source) in AI6-Urban Mass Transportation (illustration) in AI7-“Working Class Women” by Sarah Eisenstein (secondary source) in AI8-“The Best Fields for Philanthropy” by Andrew Carnegie (primary source) in AI9-Sources of Immigration, 1880-1919 (charts) in AI10-“Anglo Saxon Supremacy” by Josiah Strong (primary source) in AI11-Tenement Living (illustration of dumbbell tenement) in AI12-Interview with George Plunkitt (primary source) in AI13-US v. E.C. Knight (handout in class) (primary source with secondary source analysis)Assessments:1-HW: 16, 17, 182-Reading Quiz chapters 24-263-MA: In-class test: multiple choice questions and essay on New South Unit 9: American Progressives and American Foreign Policy (2 Weeks) (15)Textbook Chapters 23-25Content Covered: 17-Populism and ProgressivismA-Agrarian discontent and political issues of the late 19th centuryB-Origins of Progressive reform: municipal, state, and nationalC-Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson as Progressive presidentsD-Women’s roles: family, workplace, education, politics, and reformE-Black America: urban migration and civil rights initiatives18-The Emergence of America as a World PowerA-American imperialism: political and economic expansionB-War in Europe and American neutralityC-The First World War at home and abroadD-Treaty of VersaillesE-Society and economy in the postwar yearsMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-What is the proper role of the federal government when it comes to addressing economic and social problems?Homework Assignments:1-19.1, 19.5, 19.62-20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 20.6, 20.7Primary Sources/Secondary Sources:1-Lochner v. New York and Mueller v. Oregon excerpts2-“The Populist Vision” excerpts from the Populist Party Platform of 1892 (primary source) in AI3-“Reform as Social Control: Prohibition and the Progressive Movement” by Norman H. Clark (secondary source) in AI4-Women’s Suffrage and the Working Class (illustrations) (primary source) in AI5-Buck v. Bell excerpts6-“Strategic Reasons for American Expansion: The ‘Big Navy’ Argument” excerpts by Alfred T. Mahan (primary source) in AI7-American Foreign Trade, 1880-1920 (charts) in AI8-“The White Man’s Burden” by David Healy (secondary source) in AI9-Theodore Roosevelt as World Policeman (illustration) (primary source) in AI10-“American Intervention in World War I” by Ross Gregory (secondary source) in AIAssessments:1-HW: 19, 202-Reading Quiz chapters 27-303-MA: 2003 DBQ (Form B)Unit 10: The Roaring 20s and the Great Depression (2 Weeks) (17)Textbook Chapters 26-28Content Covered: 19-The New Era: 1920sA-Business of America and the consumer economyB-Republican politics: Harding, Coolidge, HooverC-The culture of modernism: science, the arts, and entertainmentD-Response to Modernism: religious fundamentalism, nativism, ProhibitionE-The ongoing struggle for equality: African Americans and women20-The Great Depression and the New DealA-Causes of the Great DepressionB-The Hoover administration’s responsesC-FDR and the New DealD-Labor and union recognitionE-The New Deal coalition and its critics from the Right and the LeftF-Surviving hard times: American society during the Great DepressionMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-In what ways were the unique characteristics of the 1920s a product of US experiences during the progressive era and WWI?2-Was the New Deal conservative, radical, neither?3- American Identity: How did the cultural conflicts of the 1920’s, the economic turmoil of the Great Depression, and the increased government involvement of the New Deal change the American identity?Homework Assignments:1-21.1, 21.2, 21.3, 21.4, 21.62-22.1, 22.3, 22.4, 22.5, 22.6Primary Sources/Secondary Sources:1-“The Troubled Countryside” (chart and illustration) in AI2-“The Revived Ku Klux Klan” by Hiram W. Evans (primary source) in AI3-The Results of Immigration Restriction (chart) in AI4-Marcus Garvey and Black Nationalism (photographs) (primary source) in AI5-“Religion and Politics: A Catholic for President” editorial by Al Smith (primary source) in AI6-“Launching the New Deal” speech by Franklin Roosevelt (primary source) in AI7-The Depression and the New Deal (chart) in AI8-Documenting Poverty in the Recession (photograph) by Dorothea Lange (primary source) in AI9-“Women’s Roles in the Depression” by Lois Scharf (secondary source) in AI10-“The New Deal and Blacks’ Frustrations” by Manning Marable (secondary source) in AiAssessments:1-HW: 21, 222-Reading quiz chapters 31-333-MA: In-class 2003 DBQUnit 11: The Second World War (2 Weeks) (19)Textbook Chapters 29-30Content Covered: 21-The Second World WarA-The rise of fascism and militarism in Japan, Italy, and GermanyB-Prelude to war: policy of neutralityC-The attack on Pearl Harbor and US declaration of warD-Fighting a multifront warE-Diplomacy, war aims, and wartime conferencesF-The US as a global power in the Atomic Age22-The Home Front During the WarA-Wartime mobilization of the economyB-Urban migration and demographic changesC-Women, work, and family during the warD-Civil liberties and civil rights during wartimeE-War and regional developmentF-Expansion of government powerMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-How did WWII fundamentally alter US history?Homework Assignments:1-23.2, 23.3, 23.4, 23.5, 23.6, 23.72-24.4, 24.5, 24.6, 24.7Primary sources/secondary sources:1-Roosevelt and the Aftermath of the Quarantine Speech by Franklin Roosevelt (primary source) in AI2-America and the War in Europe by Charles Lindbergh (primary source) in AI3-German and Japanese Aggression (maps) in AI4-To Fight for Freedom pictures by Norman Rockwell (primary source) in AI5-“America and the Holocaust” by David S. Wyman (secondary source) in AI6-Truman’s Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb by Harry S Truman (primary source) in AI7-Japanese-American Relocation: Civil Rights Abridged excerpts from US House Select Committee Hearings (primary source) in AI8-“Race Relations during the War” by Carey McWilliams in AI9-“Women and Wartime Mobilization” by Susan M. Hartmann (secondary source) in AI10-The Returning Hero: Contrasting Images illustrations by Norman Rockwell (primary source) in AIAssessments:1-HW: 23, 242-Reading quiz chapters 34-353-MA: Take-home 2004 DBQ (Form B)Unit 12: The Cold War and 1950’s Prosperity (1 Week) (20)Textbook Chapters 31-33Content Covered: 23-The United States and the Early Cold WarA-Origins of the Cold WarB-Truman and containmentC-The Cold War in Asia: China, Korea, Vietnam, JapanD-Diplomatic strategies and policies of Eisenhower and Kennedy administrationsE-The Red Scare and McCarthyismF-Impact of the Cold War on American Society24-The 1950’sA-Emergence of the modern civil rights movementB-The affluent society and the “other America”C-Consensus and conformity: suburbia and middle class AmericaD-Social critics, nonconformists, and cultural rebelsE-Impact of changes in science, technology, and medicineMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-What were the pros and cons of 1950s America, does it constitute an American “Golden Age”2- American Identity: What people/groups were still not fully included in most Americans’ understanding of the American identity in the 1950s?Homework Assignments:1-25.1, 25.4, 25.62-26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4, 26.6, 26.7Primary sources/Secondary sources:1-George Kennan’s “X Article” (primary source) handout2-The Truman Doctrine (primary source) handout3-American Commitment to Cold War: National Security Council Document 68 by the Department of State (primary source) in AI4-Restraining Communism: United States Security Agreements, 1947-1959 (map) in AI5-The Military Industrial Complex excerpts by Dwight D. Esienhower (primary source) in AI6-Postwar Prosperity and Government Spending (charts) in AI7-Frustration of Truman’s Fair Deal (political cartoons, primary source) in AI8-Desegragation and the Southern Response: Brown v. Board and The Southern Manifesto (excerpts) (primary source) in AI9-Problems of Suburbia excerpts from “The Suburban Dislocation” by David Riesman (primary source) in AI10-Feminism in Postwar America by Leila J. Rupp and Verta Taylor (secondary source) in AI11-A Strategy for the Civil Rights Revolution, excerpts from “A Letter from Birmingham City Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr. (primary source) in AIAssessments:1-HW: 25, 262-Reading quiz chapters 36-373-Presidents quiz 1860-19564-MA: In-class test multiple choice and DBQ (2006 form B DBQ)Unit 13: The 1960’s and the Civil Rights Movement, Counterculture, and Vietnam (2 Weeks) (22)Textbook Chapter 34-35Content Covered: 25-The Turbulent 1960’sA-From the New Frontier to the Great SocietyB-Expanding movements for civil rightsC-Cold War confrontations: Asia, Latin America, and EuropeD-Beginning of DétenteE-The antiwar movement and the countercultureMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-Who was proved right: Washington or DuBois?2-War Protesters: right or wrong?3- American Identity: How did the experiences of the modern Civil Rights Movement and the political turmoil of the 1960’s expand the understanding of who was an American?Homework Assignments:1-27.1, 27.2, 27.3, 27.4 Primary Sources/Secondary Sources:1-Challenge and Response: The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution by Lyndon b. Johnson (primary source) in AI2-A Soldier’s Experience in Vietnam by Specialist Harold Bryant (primary source) in AI3-America’s Failure in Vietnam: Lessons Learned by George C. Herring (secondary source) in AI4-Demonstrations and Protest Against the War (photographs, primary sources) in AIAssessments:1-HW: 272-Reading quiz chapter 383-MA: Take home essay: 2011 essay number 5Unit 14: The 1970’s: Caution in a Crazy World (1 Week) (23)Textbook Chapter 35Content Covered: 26-Politics and Economics at the End of the 20th CenturyA-The election of 1968 and the “silent majority”B-Nixon’s challenges: Vietnam, China, WatergateC-Changes in the American economy: the energy crisis, deindustrialization, and the service economyMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-Was 1968 a turning point in US history, why?2-What is the status of the civil rights movement today, is it over?3-How did the Vietnam and Watergate experiences fundamentally change the nature of American government?Homework Assignments:1-27.5, 27.6, 27.7Primary sources/Secondary Sources:1-Nixon’s Veto of the War Powers Act, Richard Nixon (primary source) in AI2-Excerpts from Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America by Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton (primary source) in AI3-President Ford’s Pardon of Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford (primary source) in AIAssessments:1-HW: 27(part2)2-Reading quiz chapter 393-MA: In-class DBQ 2008 Unit 15: The 1980’s and Beyond: Conservatism Triumphant (1 Week) (24)Textbook Chapter 36Content Covered: 26-Politics and Economics at the End of the 20th CenturyD-The New Right and the Reagan RevolutionE-End of the Cold War27-Society and Culture at the End of the 20th CenturyA-Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying of AmericaB-Revolutions in biotechnology, mass communication, and computersC-Politics in a multicultural society28-The United States in the Post-Cold War WorldA-Globalization and the American EconomyB-Unilateralism vs multilateralism in foreign policyC-Domestic and foreign terrorismD-Environmental issues in a global contextMajor Themes/Essential Questions:1-Did the 1980s and 1990s really mark the triumph of conservatism in America?2- American Identity: What is the modern-day definition of who or what it means to be an American? Is there one definition? What groups are still not fully accepted as part of the American nation? Are there certain hurdles that need to be cleared (in terms of race, gender, social class, ethnicity, language, religion, political beliefs) in order to truly be an “American”?Homework Assignments:1-28.2, 28.4, 28.5, 28.62-29.1, 29.5Primary Sources/Secondary Sources:1-Politics and Moral Issues: The Moral Majority, Jerry Falwell (primary source) AI2-Regional Migration Changes in the United States, 1970-1985 (map) in AI3-US Commission on Civil Rights Report on Affirmative Action (primary source) AI4-Reaganomics: Economic Policies and Results in the Eighties, (political cartoons, chart) in AI5-Excerpts from President Bush’s speech on Earth Summit, George H. W. Bush (primary source) in AI6-Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) excerpts (primary source) in AIAssessments:1-HW 28, 292-Reading quiz chapters 40-423-Presidents quiz 1960-20084-MA: Essay 2010 question 5Looking Backward: Themes Throughout History1-How has the understanding/interpretation of the Constitution changed over time. How have those changes been linked to changes in the US economy and position in the world?2-How has the influence of religion ebbed and flowed in the US over time? What effects have the following periods of religious revival had on the larger US history: 1st Great Awakening, 2nd Great Awakening, Christian fundamentalism during the early 1900s, Billy Graham and the modern evangelist movement of the 1950s, the moral majority of the 1980s-present?3-What role has geography played in shaping the history of the United States? ................

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