Election of 1800 Q&A

Election of 1800 Q&A

1. Which regions voted mostly for the Federalists? What members of society generally supported the Federalists? The Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states supported the Federalists. Wealthy bankers and merchants supported the Federalists.

2. Which regions voted mostly for Democratic-Republicans? What members of society generally supported Democratic-Republicans? Southern and Western states and small farmers, shopkeepers, and artisans supported the Democratic-Republicans.

3. Looking at your map above, what are the three new states and four new territories established since the original thirteen colonies? The new states and territories established are Kentucky, Tennessee, Vermont, Mississippi Territory, Territory Northwest of the Ohio River, Indiana Territory, and the Territory South of the Ohio River.

4. Look at the section of the chart above that explains which portions of society supported the political candidates. How does the addition of the new states show a stronger support for the Democratic-Republicans over the Federalists? Because Tennessee and Kentucky were in the west, their citizens supported the Democratic-Republicans. This gave them a 3 electoral vote advantage.

5. In 1800, the US was a very young country that was weaker than nearly all European countries. Why do you think the Federalists believed that there should be less democracy in the country? Why do you think they believed the government should favor the wealthy bankers and merchants? Because a few bad leaders could cause the country to fall apart, the Federalists believed that only the smartest and best leaders should be in power.

6. In 1800, the US was also a struggling democracy, trying to preserve the rights of its citizens. Why do you think the Democratic-Republicans believed that there should be more democracy in the country? Why do you think they believed the government should favor the farmers and common people? The Democratic-Republicans believed that the government would be stronger if the people that were affected could have a say, rather than having strong leaders. Because most Americans were farmers and common people, they believed that they should be involved in government.

7. Considering these views, why do you think many people believed this presidential election was very important? This election would determine how the country would be run in the future, so it was important for Americans to make the right choice.


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