Those in Attendance: - Jill Olsen - Linda Schultz - Bob Mollman - Tom Barnes

- Craig Novak - Jeff Selfridge - Greg Hapgood - Michelle Bell

AGENDA: - Linda moved, Jeff 2nded, vote unanimous.

PREVIOUS MINUTES: - Jeff moved, Linda 2nded, vote unanimous.

TREASURER’S REPORT: - Michelle requested clarification about profit not shown for Waffle Breakfast.

- Michelle moved to approve, Tom 2nded, vote unanimous.

OLD BUSINESS: - Training for New Members: May 11th at Nick’s house! Board to be sure to have new members attend (Sharon Woodward, Shawn DeVries, Jacob Wittrock, Sarah Pinion, Cody Crawford and Mike Thielen).

- Siren Wednesday: La Camilla on Cinco de Mayo was wall-to-wall and load, but Fun! Next Up? ____________________ .

- Jane Boyd Update: Need to move pool table by May 18th. Jeff to call CR Billiards to what they charge to move (might be donated?).

- Waffle Breakfast Update: Linda will read Bad Boy list at next meeting of those who haven’t donated a silent auction item yet. Michelle to provide Waffle Breakfast flyer in runners packets for the race that morning.

SOME NEW STUFF: - Membership: Jill will contact Jill Ackermann, Jeff will contact Pam Skilling, Bob will call George Lake.

- Opportunity for MECR to partner with CRBT and Willis Dady Center for a new playground. $1,000 cost to MECR. [Tabled] [Subsequently approved at special Board Meeting 5/4/10].

- District Governor DG Retzlaff and LaDonna will attend our Recognition Night, June 16th, 2010 at ARA Gallery. Mike Tiernan, Lois Foster (and Erik Miles?) to get PHF’s. Could be presented by the District Governor.

- Tax ID Number: Tom has ID #... will get copy of certificate. Greg will find his file from past discussions.

- Presidential Candidate: Mike Tiernan – need to get him on the Board.

- Jack Hotchkiss Memorial Service Above Self Award: plaque, tree at Lowe park with plaque.

- Club Assembly Action Plan: Report not complete yet on last Club Assembly – everyone was engaged and exuded great energy.

- Linn Mar Power Program: Michelle proposed since summer school was a victim of budget cuts – this provides an educational experience for summer sessions as a replacement for District summer school. Linda moved to support with $500 this year, as long as they come to our club and let us know about their program, Bob 2nded, vote unanimous (what else?).

- Michelle brought a Grant Request Form from Daybreak as an example of what we could offer potential donors. For further discussion.

- Silver Cords of Service: To be offered at High School Graduation for students who have performed 40 hours of community service the past year. We could sponsor a Rotary symbol to attach to the knot in the silver cords (approx. $500/year for Linn Mar and Marion HS). Jill to follow-up.

MEETING ADJOURNED: - Linda moved, Bob 2nded, vote was UNANIMOUS !)

NEXT MEETING: - May 19, 2010 (Mr. Beans)


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