Guided Reading Activity Answer Key - Weebly

Guided Reading Activity Answer Key

Choosing the President

Lesson 2 Presidential Salary, the Vice President, and Succession

I. Terms, Salary, and Benefits A. George Washington set a long-held precedent when he served for two terms and then declined to run for a third term. B. Franklin D. Roosevelt broke this precedent when he ran for and was elected to a third and a fourth term. The Twenty-second Amendment was passed in reaction to this and because of some people's concern that the president could gain too much power. C. Congress sets the amount of the president's compensation. D. Former presidents receive a lifetime pension, free office space, free mailing service, lifetime Secret Service protection for themselves and their children, and up to $96,000 per year for office help.

II. The Vice President A. The duties assigned to the vice president by the Constitution are: taking over the presidency in case of the death, disability, impeachment, or resignation of the president; presiding over the Senate and voting in case of a tie; and helping decide whether the president is unable to carry out his or her duties and acting as president if that should happen. B. The president also assigns duties to the vice president.

III. Succession A. The purpose of the Twenty-fifth Amendment is to clarify the succession to the presidency and the vice presidency. B. In the order of presidential succession established by the Succession Act of 1947, the next in line for the presidency after the vice president is the Speaker of the House, followed by the president pro tempore of the Senate followed by the cabinet officers, starting with the secretary of state and following in the order in which Congress created the departments.

Summary and Reflection The purpose of the Twenty-fifth Amendment was to clarify the succession to the presidency and the vice presidency should either office fall vacant. In 1973 and 1974, less than a decade after the Twentyfifth Amendment was passed, both offices became vacant and were filled according to the directions of this amendment. The vice president resigned from office, President Nixon nominated Gerald Ford as vice president, and Congress approved. Less than a year later, President Nixon resigned, and the presidency passed to Gerald Ford, who then nominated a new vice president who was confirmed by Congress. This amendment provided for smooth transitions in times of turmoil.


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