Vaccines - midwest-site


1. An inactivated vaccine contains live bacteria or virus that’s altered so it won’t produce disease in most people. (T) (F)

2. Name (2) live vaccines:


b. MMR, Varivax

c. Varivax, IPV


3. Most vaccines should be maintained at _______________ degrees.

a. 0-8 degrees F

b. 20-30 degrees F

c. 35-46 degrees F

d. Room temperature

4. What vaccine is kept frozen? _________________ .

5. Varicella should be given _______ after reconstituting

a. 30 minutes

b. Immediately

c. No time limit

d. One hour

6. MMR should be given _____after reconstituting.

a. 30 minutes

b. Immediately

c. No time limit

d. One hour

7. Generally, how often should someone receive a Td booster?

a. every 2 years

b. every 5 years

c. every 10 years

d. every 7 years

8. Intervals of 2 yrs can by used between Td and Tdap administration for patients over the age of 18.

(T) (F)

9. Age for Boostrix administration is 10 – 18 yrs of age. (T) (F).

10. Age for Adacel is 11 - ______

11. Adolescents ages 13-18 who missed the 11-12 year Tdap dose or received Td only are encouraged to receive 1 dose of Tdap _______ years after the last Td/Dtap dose.

12. Td and Tdap are contraindicated in the 2nd and third trimester of pregnancy? (T) (F)

13. If a vaccine can be administered during pregnancy, it is administered in

a. The second and third trimester

b. As early as the first trimester

c. 2nd or 3rd, except for flu, it can be given through out pregnancy.

d. None of the above. No vaccine can be administered during pregnancy

14. The dose of Hep B for patients between the ages of 0-19 years of age is _______.

Ages 20 and over should receive _________.

15. Hepatitis B is administered at birth, and subsequently at 2, 4, 6, months if using a combination vaccine.

(T) (F)

16. If Hep B monovalent vaccine is used for vaccination, dosing schedule is: at birth, 1-2 months and the final is not given any earlier than 24 weeks. (T) (F)

17. If using a monovalent (containing Hep B only) preparation of Hep B, do you have to give the 4th dose? (Y) (N)

18. Hepatitis A vaccine is administered as early as ______. Subsequent vaccination occurs _______months after the first.

a. 6 months, 12months

b. 12 months, 24 months

c. 12 months, 6 months

d. 12 months, 12months

19. The dose of Hep A 12m-18 yrs of age is _______. Ages 19 and over should receive

_______ .

20. MMR is not contraindicated if a PPD was recently placed. (T) (F)

21. MMR is not contraindicated if the PPD and MMR are placed on the same day (T) (F)

22. PPD placement should be delayed if a patient recently received an MMR. (T) (F)

23. If number 22 is true, you should delay PPD placement for ____________.

a. 4-6 weeks

b. 1-2 weeks

c. Number 22 is false

d. No delay is necessary.

24. What is the optimal period for someone to receive the influenza vaccine?

a. Aug/Sept.

b. Oct/Nov.

c. Dec/Jan

d. Feb/Mar

25. After the initial dose of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, patients age 2-64 can receive one revaccination of the vaccine after _____years.

e. 2 years

f. 5 years

g. 10 years

h. They do not need to be revaccinated.

26. You can safely administer vaccines to patients with a minor acute illness, such as Otitis media with or without fever. (T) (F).

27. Children receive the varicella vaccines at what ages?

a. 12m, 4 yrs

b. 6m, 12m

c. 12m, 24m

d. None of the above

28. Catch up schedule for ages 7-18 years of age – Varicella is given:

a. 4 weeks after the first does if age is 13 or older

b. 3 months if first dose is given at < 13 yrs.

c. None of the above

d. a, b

29. According to clinic protocol what three vaccines are given sub q? (all need to be correct to receive credit)


30. Rotavirus – minimum age for dose #1 is ____________________.

31. Rota virus should not be started later than age 12weeks. (T) (F)

32. Rotavirus – final dose should be given by age 32 weeks. (T) (F)

33. A contraindication for the Rotavirus vaccine is

a. history of intussusception

b. moderate or severe illness

c. vomiting or diarrhea

d. all of the above

34. Polio is recommended in all patients over 18 yrs of age. (T) (F)

35. HPV is used to prevent all types of cervical cancer. (T) (F)

36. HPV can be given as early as nine years of age. (T) (F)

37. HPV is a 3 dose series given at a 0, 1m, 6m schedule. (T) (F)

38. HPV is approved for ages 11-26. (T) (F)

39. Meningococcal vaccine is a one time dose given to ages 10-18 yrs of age. (T) (F)

40. There a 2 types of Meningococcal vaccines (MCV4) conjugate and MPSV polysaccharide. Both are given IM. (T) (F)

41. Prevnar is not routinely given to children ages 5 yrs and older (T) (F)

42. Give one dose of Prevnar to unvaccinated healthy children ages 24m-59m. (T) (F)

43. After the initial order for commencing a vaccine series is given, no subsequent order is needed to administer the remaining doses. (T) (F)

44. Dose one of HIB is given no earlier than 6 wks, routinely it is given at the 2m WCC

(T) (F)

45. HIB vaccines are interchangeable but dosing varies. (T) (F)

46. PPD placement. Inject ______ml of the tuberculin purified protein into the _________skin layer of the patients ___________arm.

a. 0.5, sub q, right

b. 0.5, intradermal, right

c. 0.1, intradermal, left

d. 0.1, sub q, left

47. PPD reading - Instruct the patient to return in __________hrs to have it read.

48. A positive reaction is a measurement of _______mm for a healthy individual and

______mm for an individual who is at high risk.

49. Name at least 4 mild problems associated with vaccine administration.

a. localized redness, low grade fever, tenderness

b. cellulitis

c. Guillien Barre Syndrome

d. swelling

e. a,b

f. a,d

50. What is a the VAERS?

a. Vaccine Administration Evaluation Research Systems

b. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

c. The same thing as WIR

d. None of the above

51. Name the 5 rights when administering any medication or vaccine.

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

52. What determines the needle length for a patient who is 12 months to adulthood?

a. The size of the muscle

b. The size of the arm

c. The amount of fat

d. None of the above.


53. When patients need multiple vaccines (e.g., influenza and pneumococcal), can we just combine them in the same syringe? (Y) (N)

54. When giving two IM injections in the same limb, what is the minimum spacing between the two injection sites?

a. one inch

b. one finger breadth

c. it is not necessary to space

d. none of the above

55. What vaccines can a patient with severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) not receive?

a. inactivated vaccines

b. live virus vaccines

c. They can receive all vaccines

d. None of the above

56. There is no need to inspect vaccines for particulate matter or color, it doesn’t affect the vaccine

(T) (F).

57. When administering vaccines you should be prepared for the possibility of an allergic reaction.

a. Yes. I know where there is Benadryl and an Epi pen.

b. No. You can not have an allergic reaction to vaccines. It is not medication.

c. No, the reaction one has to a vaccine is different to a medication and does not require intervention.

d. None of the above.

58. The following is a ______________________________ injection.


59. The following is a ____________________________injection.



|Vaccine |Name |Dose |Route |

| | | | |

|DT |Diptheria, tetanus |0.5ml |IM |

|Dtap | | | |

|Tdap | | | |

|Td | | | |

|Hep A | |Peds | |

| | |Adult | |

|Hep B | |Peds | |

| | |Adult | |

| | | | |

|HPV | | | |

|MMR | | | |

|Menactra | | | |

|Prevnar | | | |

|Pnuemovax | | | |

|IPV | | | |

|Rotateq | | | |

|Pediarix | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Provide the name or the components under the name column. The first is an example.



Circle the preferred injection site for each age group

Birth – 12 months __________

Needle size __________

Length IM _________

Length Sub q __________

12 months and older _________

Needle size ___________

Length IM _________

Length Sub q ________


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