DIAGNOSIS CODESCommonly used ICD-10 CM Codes for Baby23Feeding ProblemsBilious vomiting of newbornP92.01Other vomiting of newbornP92.09Regurgitation and rumination of newbornP92.1Slow feeding of newbornP92.2Underfeeding of newbornP92.3Neonatal difficulty in feeding at breastP92.5Other feeding problems of newbornP92.8Feeding problem of newborn, unspecifiedP92.9Vomiting, unspecified (>28 days old) R11.10Projectile vomiting (>28 days old) R11.12Bilious vomiting (>28 days old) R11.14JaundiceNeonatal jaundice associated with preterm deliveryP59.0Neonatal jaundice from breast milk inhibitorP59.3Neonatal jaundice from other specified causesP59.8Neonatal jaundice, unspecifiedP59.9Weight and HydrationDehydration of newbornP74.1Disturbances of sodium balance of newbornP74.2Disturbances of potassium balance of newbornP74.3Failure to thrive in newbornP92.6Failure to thrive in child over 28 days oldR62.51Abnormal weight lossR63.4Abnormal weight gainR63.5UnderweightR63.6Infant DistressExcessive crying of infantR68.11Fussy infantR68.12ColicR10.83GI IssuesChange in bowel habitR19.4Other fecal abnormalitiesR19.5DiarrheaR19.7Other specified symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomenR19.8MouthAnkyloglossiaQ38.1Congenital malformations of palate (high arched palate) Q38.5OtherEncounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment (When the original reason for visit has resolved) Z09Commonly used ICD-10 CM Codes for Mother23Breast and Nipple IssuesCandidiasis, breast or nippleB37.89Impetigo, unspecifiedL01.00Infection of nipple associated with the puerperiumO91.02Infection of nipple associated with lactationO91.03Abscess of breast associated with lactation/Mastitis purulentO91.13Non-purulent mastitis associated with lactationO91.23Retracted nipple associated with lactationO92.03Cracked nipple associated with lactationO92.13Other congenital malformations of breast (ectopic or axillary breast tissue) Q83.8Hyperesthesia (burning) R20.3ConstitutionalCircadian rhythm sleep disorder, irregular sleep wake typeG47.23Sleep disorder, unspecifiedG47.9FatigueR53.83LactationAgalactiaO92.3HypogalactiaO92.4Suppressed lactationO92.5GalactorrheaO92.6Unspecified disorders of lactationO92.70Galactocele (Other disorders of lactation) O92.79Encounter for care and examination of lactating mother (Excludes encounter for conditions related to O92.-) Z39.1OtherEncounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment (When the original reason for visit has resolved) Z09Resources23.Supporting Breastfeeding and Lactation:The Primary Care Pediatrician’s Guide to Getting Paid. Current Procedural Terminology. American Medical Association 2014. ................

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