True/false - Roden's Aquatic Science


Aquatic Science Spring 2012 Final Exam Review

1. Fish waste is also called …_____.

2. When should you use chemicals and soap to clean an aquarium?

3. Is it okay to purchase fish from a tank with only 1 dead fish? Why or why not?

4. Does part of your aquarium grade include keeping the tank area around your tank, and sink area clean?

5. What is needed to maintain the health of your fish and organisms within the tank.

6. Do green algae contain accessory pigments?

7. How do diatoms reproduce?

8. What does it mean if a plant is nonvascular?

9. What stores energy as fatty acids and lipids?

10. Where can most plankton be found in the ocean?

11. The combination of all colors of light results in what color light?

12. What is the first color to be filtered out of the ocean? What is the last?

13. When is primary productivity high?

14. Do warmer temperatures decrease or increase the rate at which reactions can occur?

15. Can marine plants run out of carbon dioxide?

16. Where are primary producers found in the ocean?

17. Define osmosis.

18. What is bioluminescence and which organisms are associated with it?

19. What are holoplankton?

20. Red algae belongs to the phylum…___.

21. Kelp belongs to the phylum …___.

22. The largest drifting plankton are …___.

23. Can worms live in freshwater and saltwater?

24. Which of the inverts discussed in class have regenerative abilities?

25. Jellyfish spend most of their time in which stage of the life cycle?

26. Organisms that do not move and are fixed in one place are termed…___.

27. Two species living in close association with one another is known as…____.

28. ___ symmetry is the arrangement of body parts around a central point.

29. All cnidarians have a ___cavity.

30. Define cnidocytes and nematocysts.

31. Do cephalopods have acomplex nervous system?

32. Echinoderm means “___”.

33. Insects are included in the phylum… ___.

34. What organism can change the texture of its skin?

35. Chromatophores expand and contract to change the animal’s…___.

36. Which phyla in this section to exhibit segmentation?

37. Octopuses have ___ symmetry.

38. Crabs breathe using what structures?

39. Do Mollusca and Arthropoda both have an exoskeleton?

40. Sea stars have a ____nerve cord.

41. Spines and pedicellaria are_____and are used for____.

42. Can echinodermata can live in fresh and marine waters?

43. ____ have a pair of dorsal arms that stay rolled up when not threatened.

44. What is the largest known invertebrate?

45. The most numerous type of fish is the Class ____.

46. All fish belong to the phylum ___.

47. The Class ___ is the most primitive class of fish.

48. All fish are ___thermic.

49. ___% of fish live exclusively in salt water.

50. Members of the Class ___have a skeleton made of cartilage.

51. If a vertebrate does not have a swim bladder, it will ___when not swimming.

52. How many species of marine crocodiles are there?

53. Is it possible to find a sea snake in Galveston?

54. Do sea snakes breathe underwater?

55. ___% of Class Aves are marine.

56. ___must be added to the tank anytime tap water is added.

57. Gravel and decor must be ___ before added to the tank.

58. The fish to tank ratio is ___inche(s) to ___gallon(s

59. Why is a hood needed on aquariums?

60. Before leaving a fish store with new fish, you should find out…

61. In order to maintain a clean tank, you should not..

62. What are the 3 types of filtration ?

63. How much should fish be fed?

64. A name such as “jellyfish” or “doodle bug” is an example of a

65. A group of related families makes up a(n) __________.

66. Binomial nomenclature is a two part scientific name using _______ and _____________.

67. There are ___ kingdoms of organisms

68. _______________ is the language used in the current classification system.

69. The science of naming organisms is called _____________________.

70. The _________ is the source of energy for all living organisms.

71. How do you write a scientific name?

72. The developer of our current classification system is___

73. In the scientific name Callinectes sapidus, the second word indicates the

74. What is a dichotomous key?

75. What two organisms are the most closely related? Felis catus, Homo cactus, Felis concolor, Concolor cactus

76. List the purposes for classification?

77. What are the domains?

78. 90 % of the energy obtained from food by consumers is…

79. A heterotroph that is a decomposer obtains energy from…

80. Class Asteroidea include sea stars. Which phyla of the animal kingdom does this class belong to?

81. Autrotrophs are organisms that capture energy from ______________and are always found at the ____________of the food pyramid.

82. The sunlit area at the ocean’s surface is known as the _____zone.

83. Water acts as a ________ __________ which allows different wavelengths of light to penetrate at different depths.

84. What are the two nutrients that are not naturally found in seawater, but come from primary productivity?

85. _______ ________ is how fast organisms break down substances.

86. If an animal is placed in the ocean where the water is 37°F and the animal’s internal body temperature stays at 98°F, it could be an ___thermic, fish or whale?

87. The greatest primary production in the ocean is

88. Ocean food webs depend on the presence and success of

89. What are the characteristics of dinoflagellates?

90. What are the characteristics of diatoms?

91. Xanthophylls are ….

92. What are characteristics of Coccolithophores?

93. What are the characteristics of zooplankton?

94. Algae are classified by

95. The division Phaeophyta includes

96. What is the pressure at 120 feet below sea level?

97. What occurs with an increase in pressure?

98. What are the limiting factors of primary productivity?

99. Osmosis is

100. What is the most diverse group of algae?

101. Which algae reaches the greatest depths?

102. What are characteristics of algae?

103. How do animals respire?

104. Plankton are considered to have what type of movement?

105. The skeleton of a sponge is made up of

106. Sponges collectively feed upon

107. What percent of the animal kingdom do vertebrates make up?

108. Define ectothermic and endothermic.

109. What are the characteristics of the kingdom Animalia?

110. What are reason s Arthropoda is the most successful of the animal kingdoms?

111. Which is the “finger” part of a chiliped?

112. What are tube feet used for?

113. What is true of sea star reproduction?

114. What is the underside of a decapod that only shows slightly from the topview?

115. What is related to protection in the invertebrates we have recently studied?

116. What are characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata?

117. The carbohydrate chitin, is responsible for making the mollusca’s…

118. What is happening during molting?

119. Clams move via

120. Sharks have ___ scales.

121. The torpedo body shape of a fish is technically termed

122. A fish with a circular scar may have been parasitized by...

123. The deep sea fish in Finding Nemo, was able to shine a light due to what feature?

124. The __________________ protects fish gills.

125. Vertebrates that lack an extraembryonic membrane that surrounds the embryo and encases it in amniotic fluid, are referred to as

126. The major characteristic of the Class Agnatha is that the fish are ...

127. Sea snakes kill their prey via

128. Examples of a member of the Class Chondrichthyes would be

129. How do sharks stay buoyant?

130. The lateral line of a fish allows it to

131. All members of the Phylum Chordata

132. Whales have what type of fertilization?

133. Name the group of flightless birds.

134. Which of the chordates do not have lungs?

135. The only marine lizard is found in

136. Which animals have a swim bladder?

137. Which two classes have salt glands?

138. What are common marine mammal features?

139. What is the habitat for perch?

140. What material is the crayfish’s skeleton composed of?

141. What are the two body segments of the crayfish?

142. What body structure is removed in “deveined” crawfish or shrimp?

143. What holds the two shells of a mollusk together?

144. List the the taxanomic groups from from largest to smallest.

145. How much water must be siphoned out of the tank when doing a water change?

Which Kingdom is each of these groups associated with?

146. Anthophyta (complex mulitcellular eukaryote with cell wall)

147. Prochorobacteria (bacteria)

148. Zygomycota (mold)

Choose phytoplankton or zooplankton…

149. single celled plant-like organisms

150. Crustaceans

151. Account for between 90 - 98% of ocean carbohydrate production

152. Most numerous of the primary consumers of the ocean

Choose hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic

153. Most marine organisms have the same concentration of dissolved materials in their body as seawater has.

154. Cells become shriveled


Choose: Platyhelminthes, Cnidaria, Nematoda, Porifera, or Annelida

156. Bilateral Symmetry

157. Body Segmentation

158. Hydroskeleton

159. Complete Digestive Tract

160. Nerve net

161. Ladderlike nerve cord

162. sponges

163. flatworms

164. roundworms

165. sea anemone

166. stinging animals

Give the class for each of the following…

167. squid

168. snails

169. live in intertidal zones

170. chromatophores

171. clams and mussels

172. stomach foot

Which bivalve is it?

173. attached to rocks in the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones; they live in large groups.

174. motile existence, filter feeder , lies on the sediment surface; large adductor muscle to open and close shell to swim – part we eat

175. lives very close to the surface primarily in sandy substrata

176. buries itself deeply in soft sandy mud.

177. unlike most bivalves, it is a deposit feeder and uses its long maneuverable incurrent siphon to probe the surfaced of the sediment for deposited organic matter

Name the function for each….

178. Excurrent Siphon

179. Mantle

180. Nacre

181. Pallial Line



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