Succession Plan Template - CalHR Home

TitleOrganization NameLOGOFiscal Years xxxx - xxxxA Message From [executive staff]Message of support from executive staff. Consider communicating:Importance of the succession plan.Summary of the succession planning process.Which areas contributed to the development of the plan.How the plan addresses the organization’s unique challenges.How the plan supports the goals and missionHighlight one or more initiatives.Expectations for department-wide involvement.Responsibility of employees.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u A Message From [executive staff] PAGEREF _Toc511314153 \h 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc511314154 \h 4Overview PAGEREF _Toc511314155 \h 4Methodology PAGEREF _Toc511314156 \h 4[PLAN NAME] Initiatives PAGEREF _Toc511314157 \h 4Enterprise-wide PAGEREF _Toc511314158 \h 4Staff to Leadership Bridging PAGEREF _Toc511314159 \h 4Leaders as Supervisors PAGEREF _Toc511314160 \h 5Leaders as Managers PAGEREF _Toc511314161 \h 5Leaders as Executives PAGEREF _Toc511314162 \h 5Gap Analysis PAGEREF _Toc511314163 \h 5[PROGRAM NAME] PAGEREF _Toc511314164 \h 5Program Overview PAGEREF _Toc511314165 \h 5Key Positions PAGEREF _Toc511314166 \h 5Competencies PAGEREF _Toc511314167 \h 5Candidate Pool PAGEREF _Toc511314168 \h 6Components PAGEREF _Toc511314169 \h 6Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc511314170 \h 6Appendices PAGEREF _Toc511314171 \h 8Appendix A: Key Position Pipeline Classifications PAGEREF _Toc511314172 \h 8Appendix B: [PROGRAM NAME] Overview PAGEREF _Toc511314173 \h 8Appendix C: Action Plan PAGEREF _Toc511314174 \h 8Appendix A: Key Position Pipeline Classifications PAGEREF _Toc511314175 \h 9Appendix B: [PROGRAM NAME] Overview PAGEREF _Toc511314176 \h 10Appendix C: Action Plan PAGEREF _Toc511314177 \h 11Contact PAGEREF _Toc511314178 \h 14IntroductionIdentify the purpose of the succession plan for your department. Provide a brief introduction to the succession plan and program.Briefly describe how this version of the succession plan may differ from previous version(s). In particular, what changes have been made to address new or ongoing succession challenges.OverviewMethodologyIdentify how the succession plan aligns with the strategic plan and supports the organization’s priorities.Identify Individuals and/or division/program areas that were partnered with to solicit input on current and future workforce challenges.List the guiding principles that steer the development and direction of the plan. Guiding principles represent a broad philosophy that guides the organization throughout its life in all circumstances, irrespective of changes in its goals, strategies, type of work, or the top management filter for decisions at all levels of the organization.Describe how the plan addresses all areas of the organization. [PLAN NAME] InitiativesProvide an introduction of leadership development initiatives for every level of the organization.For each grouping created, discuss the following:Primary role of the group.Impact of the group on staff and the organization.Importance of the group’s development.Summary of the initiatives developed, or that will be developed, for each group.Purpose the initiatives serve.How the initiatives will help develop the group.Below is one way the organization can be grouped to cover all classification levels.Enterprise-wideStaff to Leadership Bridging Leaders as Supervisors Leaders as ManagersLeaders as ExecutivesGap Analysis Discuss the methodology used to determine the current and future gaps between the competencies needed for success in key positions and the candidate pools existing competencies.Display the results of the competency gap analysis.Include the organization’s Leadership Performance Evaluation results (if available). [PROGRAM NAME]Program Overview Provide an overview of the organization’s succession program.Key PositionsIdentify the key positions which are the focus of the succession program and the rationale for prioritizing these positions. A key position is a position whose decision-making authority and related responsibilities significantly influence organizational policies, strategic goals, business operations, or mission-critical projects. A key position can be a managerial position or a highly specialized individual contributor position. (ex: A director’s Executive Assistant may be deemed a key positon if the incumbent has vast institutional knowledge).Table: Key Position PipelineProvide a snapshot of the pipeline associated with the key positions for a high level understanding of the pipeline’s structure and career ladder leading to key positions. Table: DemographicsProvide high-level demographics to contribute to the key position petenciesTable: Competency ModelIdentify the competencies which contribute towards the key positions’ division’s/program’s critical functions, strategic goals, and/or mission.Table: Top CompetenciesIndicate the competencies identified as the most critical for success in the key positions.Candidate PoolIdentify the candidate pool which are the focus of the succession program and the rationale for selecting the candidate pool.Minimum QualificationsIndicate the minimum qualifications for employees to participate in the succession program, if applicable.Application ProcessDescribe the application process for the candidate pool, if applicable.Selection ProcessDescribe the selection process for the candidate pool, if applicable.Leadership Development PlanDescribe the process for evaluating competencies for determining strengths, opportunities for improvement, and overall leadership readiness.Indicate how the individual development plan will be developed, including who will be involved in the planning ponentsDescribe the organization’s process and rationale for determining the program components. Provide an introduction of the program components and summary of the program components.ConclusionIdentify which division/program will own succession planning, and the approach for operationalizing the plan, program, and creating governance. In this section consider highlighting:Qualities and characteristics of your workforce (weaknesses, strengths, unique qualities, etc.) Impact of proposed strategies to your workforceProjection of organization’s accomplishments in succession planning Organization’s future commitment to succession planningAppendicesAppendix A: Key Position Pipeline ClassificationsAppendix B: [PROGRAM NAME] OverviewAppendix C: Action PlanAppendix A: Key Position Pipeline ClassificationsIf necessary for increased understanding, include identification of classifications included in the categories identified in the Key Position Pipeline Table. Appendix B: [PROGRAM NAME] OverviewProvide an overview of the program that serves as an at a glance snapshot for all the key elements of the program.Appendix C: Action PlanThis appendix relates to the Initiatives section of the plan.Outline the initiative to be carried out, identify who is responsible for coordination and implementation, the date in which implementation should be completed, and SMART goals to describe how each initiative will be assessed. The action plan is included as an appendix because it lends itself to continuous updates/change. In this way you will not have to update the entire plan. (Add rows to the table as needed.)InitiativeWhat is the name of the initiative?Responsible Person(s)Who is responsible for overseeing successful implementation of the initiative?Performance IndicatorsHow will we know we achieved our goal and what will success look like?Due DateWhen will it be completed?Enterprise-wide InitiativesStaff to Leadership Initiatives Leaders as Supervisors InitiativesLeaders as Managers InitiativesLeaders as Executives InitiativesChief Executive Officer SignaturePrint NameDateHuman Resources Director Signature Print Name Date Contact ................

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