Draw - Figure 7

Video - Ecological Succession:

Look up definitions for the following:

Primary Succession: _______________________________________________________________________


Secondary Succession: _____________________________________________________________________


Pioneer Community: _______________________________________________________________________


Climax Community: _______________________________________________________________________


Draw - Figure 7.11 Primary Succession (p.138 green book) or your own representation for the video

Draw - Figure 7.12 Secondary Succession (p.138 green book) or your own representation for the video


Name: ____________________________________ Assignment #____

Ecological Succession

1. Which is the most likely order of plant life succession around a volcano that erupted and destroyed most life forms?

a. Lichens ( grasses ( shrubs ( trees

b. Shrubs ( grasses ( trees ( lichens

c. Mosses ( grasses ( lichens ( trees

d. Grasses ( trees ( mosses ( lichens

2. Which disturbance would set the stage for primary succession?

a. A farmer’s field is flooded.

b. A rainforest is clear cut for timber.

c. A volcano covers the ground with lava.

d. A fire burns through a temperate forest.

3. When the Mount St. Helens volcano erupted, the blast covered much of the surrounding area with ash. Based on the diagram above, which list shows the sequence of secondary succession that followed that eruption?

a. X, Y, Z, W

b. Z, X, Y, W

c. W, Y, X, Z

d. Z, Y W, X

4. Which of the diagrams below shows an example of secondary succession in an ecosystem?

5. Which order of diagrams would show primary succession in an area that had never been occupied by living organisms?

a. A, C, B, D

b. C, A, B, D

c. D, B, C, A

d. B, A, C, D

6. Which factor is most likely to initiate the process of succession in which a deep freshwater lake becomes a woodland area?

A. accumulation of sediment

B. growth of microorganisms

C. change in the pH of the lake water

D. increase in invertebrate population

7. Each drawing represents different stages in community succession within the state of Tennessee. Which of the following drawings represents the climax community in this succession pattern?


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