Canadian History in the 20th Century: Trivia

Canadian History in the 20th Century: Trivia

Match the letter (person) to the correct statement. You can use the internet, Markville History website or the textbook.

|Letter |Statement |Person / Event |

| |1. A technological marvel created by Canada that despite its advancement in aerospace travel, |A. D-Day |

| |was cancelled. | |

| |2. This province was the last to join Confederation in 1949. |B. Internment Camps |

| |3. He was Prime Minister during WWI and introduced the income tax to help pay for the war |C. Holocaust |

| |(which still exists today) | |

| |4. In 1980 and 1995, Quebec used this to try to separate politically from Canada. |D. Lester B. Pearson |

| |5. Major WWI battle led by Canadian General Arthur Currie in France in which Canada received |E. Pierre Elliott Trudeau|

| |world recognition. | |

| |6. These were established to assimilate Aboriginal children into Canadian society. |F. Foster Hewitt |

| |7. He was Canada’s famous air ace of WWI, who had 72 enemy kills and won the Victoria Cross. |G. Head Tax |

| |8. During WWII, all Japanese Canadian in British Columbia were rounded up, possessions sold |H. Avro Arrow |

| |and placed in these places. | |

| |9. Canada supplied uranium to the United States to develop this which led to the defeat of |I. Residential Schools |

| |Japan in WWII. | |

| |10. He is one of Canada’s most popular Prime Ministers who drove sports cars and did |J. Manitoba |

| |pirouettes behind Queen Elizabeth II. | |

| |11. This was the full scale Allied invasion of France during WWII (opening scene of “Saving |K. Franz Ferdinand |

| |Private Ryan”) | |

| |12. Canada made all Chinese immigrants pay $500 for this 1903. |L. Referendum |

| |13. This means that all abled men from 20-45 are forced to join the war |M. Vimy Ridge |

| |14. He was the voice behind “Hockey Night in Canada” and coined the phrase “he shoots, he |N. Atomic Bomb |

| |scores!” | |

| |15. He is Canada’s only Prime Minister to win the Nobel Peace prize with his creation of the |O. Billy Bishop |

| |United Nations Emergency Task Force during the Suez Crisis | |

| |16. This province was the first to grant women the right to vote in 1916. |P. Conscription |

| |17. His assassination triggered the First World War (also a band). |Q. Treaty of Versailles |

| |18. Ironically, this was the formal peace treaty that ended WWI that became the primary cause|R. Robert Borden |

| |of WWII. | |

| |19. During WWII, over 11 million people (Jews, Gypsies, Blacks, Slavs, Homosexual, Disabled) |S. Newfoundland |

| |were exterminated by the Nazis. | |


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