Revised May 2017

 P/R #1

The Laws of the game shall be those adopted by the International Football (soccer) Board each year and shall come into force as mandated by The Canadian Soccer Association.


P/R #2

(a)             Each player must sign the official registration form provided by The Ontario Soccer Association (O.S.A.) on payment of a fee set by your clubs respective District.

(b)           Each team MUST register 11 players by May 1st of each year. If 11 players are not registered by May 1st the club will be fined $100.00. If 11 players are not registered by May 15th the club will be fined an additional $250.00.

(c)          Each team in the Provincial Elite (Open Age) Men’s division of the Ontario Soccer League is restricted to registering a maximum of 25 players per season.

 (d)           The club and player shall be liable for any errors or incorrect statements on the registration form.

 (e)            Player movement within the same club, subject to compliance with the OSA Published Rules, shall be permitted from a lower level team to a higher level team. No players shall be permitted to play down.

(f) All players MUST produce their players’ registration book (P.R.B.), OSA Approved ID Card or permit or they will not be permitted to play. One representative from each team MUST inspect the P.R.B.’s or permits of the opposing team. It shall be the responsibility of team representative to notify the referee of any discrepancy. The referee shall record such complaints in his report to the League.

(g) If a player plays without his P.R.B or OSA Approved ID Card, the player will be deemed to be an ineligible player and the player, coach and team will be subject to disciplinary action.

(h) Any player arriving late (up until halftime) to a game MUST produce his P.R.B or OSA Approved ID Card to the opposing coach before he enters the field of play.

(i) In circumstances where a team official who is in possession of the teams’ OSA Registrant Books fails to appear to permit the inspection of the books- no game will be played, the offending team will forfeit the game and will be subject to disciplinary action.

(j)            A team may not play in any Ontario Soccer League game, or include on its

team sheet (or game sheet) for an OSL game, a player who was registered

with, or transferred to, that team after August 15. Any player playing up MUST be registered to that club before August 15. 

(k) A team playing an ineligible player shall forfeit any game(s) in which the player played, and shall be subject to further disciplinary action.

(l) A player who is registered competitively with a team in the Ontario Soccer League or with any other League shall not be permitted to "play up" from a recreational team to an Ontario Soccer League team.

(m) All team officials (coach, manager, etc) require an OSA Registrant Book and MUST have it available at all games for presentation. Failure to present such document on request shall render the team official ineligible to participate in that game, be listed on the gamesheet and to be present on the team’s bench area


P/R #3

Within the OSL, a copy of all documentation regarding the transfer of any player must be sent to the league office and accompanied by a fee of fifty ($50.00) dollars, payable to the league.

The transfer deadline for the Ontario Soccer League is August 15


P/R #4

(a)             Temporary Eligibility permit players will not be permitted unless permit has been produced to the referee and attached to the team sheet prior to the game. The player must produce their P.R.B or OSA Approved ID Card as proof of identification.

(b)             Permits will only be issued for scheduled League games.

(Cup and Playoff games are not permitted)

(c) A maximum of 2 players on permits will be permitted for any one game.

(d) A player shall be entitled to three “Temporary Eligibility Permits” to play for an amateur team during each playing season. (OSA Operational Procedures, Section 9 Procedure 22)

(e) A "Trial Registration Permit" entitles a non-registered player to play two games for a Registered Team during a fifteen day period. (OSA Operational Procedures, Section 6 Procedure 8)

(f) A player may obtain two "TRIAL PERMITS" during one playing season. The trial period for each shall not overlap.


P/R #5

All clubs on whose grounds any game is being played under the jurisdiction of the League:

(a)                Shall have their goal posts equipped with proper nets.

(b)             The field must be marked off as required by the laws of the game and have four corner flags which must be at least five feet in height when posted.

(c)             When games are played on grounds provided by the League, it is the home team’s responsibility to provide the four corner flags.

(d)             The home team will be responsible for providing two match balls of regulation size, in satisfactory condition to the Referee.

(e)              The home team is responsible for ensuring that the flood lights remain on for the duration of the game. Failure to comply will result in a replay of the entire game at the opposing teams field at the home teams expense (Game officials and field cost)

(f)            All Provincial Men’s League games must be played in an enclosed stadium or park approved by the Board of Directors with dressing rooms and adequate playing facilities.

(g)             In all games the first named team according to the official schedule or Cup Draw will be considered the home team.

(h)             Each team shall provide appropriate personnel to ensure the safety of all participants.

(i)              Within twenty four (24) hours of the conclusion of each match, a representative of each team MUST complete their game report online. Failure to do so will result in a $25 fine.

(j)              Every team must at the time of application for membership, register its playing colours and grounds if possible, with the League office.

(k)              In the case of similarity of colours, the home team must change.

(l)               In all games played under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Soccer League or Ontario Soccer Association all players shall wear numbered shirts. No two players on the team shall wear the same number. No player may change his number during a game, without the consent of the referee and this should be noted on the team sheet.

(m)           Numbers shall be a minimum of eight inches in height, of contrasting colour from the body of the shirt and the number must be indicated against the player’s name on the team sheet.

(n)             Goalkeepers must wear a contrasting colour to both of the teams and the referee.

(o)               Each team entered in the league must have a team head coach who has their Respect in Soccer and has completed the Soccer for Life course plus MED (making ethical decisions).

(OSA Operational Procedures, Section 11 Procedure

(p) All players must be uniformly attired with the same colour jersey, shorts and socks. The only exception is in the goalkeeper’s uniform.

Any team that does not comply with this rule, as per the referee’s game report, will automatically be fined $25.00

P/R #6

 (a)            A team sheet must be completed in triplicate by both teams. One copy handed to the Referee or linesman and one copy handed to opponents prior to the start of the game. Save for provision of proof to the contrary, a player whose name appears on the team sheet shall be deemed to have played.

 Each player up to a maximum of eighteen (18) must be listed together with a maximum of three (3) club officials including a coach. Only persons listed on the team sheet are permitted to sit on the bench or in the designated bench area. Players’ registration book numbers must be listed on the team sheet and the player must have his book available for checking in accordance with P/R #2 (g).


 (b) Game Officials fees MUST be paid prior to the start of the game.

 ( c) In all competition under the jurisdiction of this League, seven substitutes shall be permitted.

 Goal kick, scoring of a goal, injury to a player, half time, commencement of overtime period, and half time of overtime period. The same substitution rules shall apply in overtime play.

(d) Three points will be awarded for a win and one point for a tie. League standings will be decided be points gained.

In the event of two or more clubs finishing the schedule with an equal number of points, their final standings may be decided by a play-off game as required by the Board of Directors.

P/R #7

(a)             All games must start promptly. Referees must see that this rule is enforced and report any breach of the rule on the team sheet. Games must not start later than fifteen minutes after the scheduled kick-off time, unless a previous game is late finishing, or unless agreed to by the referee. Such a game is in default by the club responsible for the delay.

(b)             No game shall start unless both teams can field seven players. A game shall be abandoned should a team be unable to continue with a least seven players on the field of play.

(c)             All games should be of full regulation time, conditions and time permitting.

If there is any doubt on the part of the respective captains and/or the referees, agreement must be reached before the game to reduce the play time, to ensure that two equal periods can be played. If the two captains cannot agree, the referee will decide. If the first game of a double header is so late in starting that the playing of full regulation time would cause it to encroach on the allotted time for the second game, then the playing time of the first game much be reduced to enable the second game to play normal time. The reduced time must be of two equal periods.

(d)             Games that are abandoned after the 70 minute mark due to weather will be allowed to stand.

(e)             If the agreed playing time in any game is not completed for any other reason, this must be reported by the referee on the team sheet.

The Board of Directors shall determine the outcome of the game as follows:

1.                  Allow the score to stand.

2.                  Order the game to be replayed.

3.                  Have the offending team default the game by a score of 1-0.

4.                  Subject the team or teams to other discipline if applicable.


P/R #8

(a)              In the event of a club defaulting a game, the game will be awarded to their opponents and the defaulting club shall pay the whole of the officials’ fee and any other expenses reasonably incurred and will also be subjected to discipline by the League. If the game was defaulted due to mitigating circumstances, the Discipline Committee or Board of Directors may order the game to be replayed.

(b)             1. In the event of a team not showing up for a game, a fine of $500.00 will be assessed against the “No Show” team. For the second offence in the same season a fine of $1,000.00 and a bond of $1,000.00 will be assessed against the team. For a third offence in the same season the team would forfeit their bond and their League bonds and be expelled from the League and may be subjected to further penalties.

2. A “No Show” team is any team that does not fulfill its scheduled or rescheduled games without the express permission of the Director of Scheduling or the Board of Directors.

( c) If a team is unable to fulfill their league schedule at any time during the season the following will occur;

a) if they have played 50% of their scheduled league games all scores will remain and the remaining games will be awarded 1-0 to opposing teams.

b) if they have played less than 50% of their scheduled league games all scores and games will be deleted.


P/R #9

a) If a game is canceled for any reason the home team must reschedule and play the game within 45 days of the canceled game, and at least one (1) calendar week prior to the end of the season and subject to approval from the league office. If the home team does not comply the game will be rescheduled by the league office. The home team will remain responsible for the referee’s fees and the ground fees.

 (b)            If a change of the date, time or field of a game is necessary, the Director of Scheduling or his delegate, whenever possible, will advise the teams involved by telephone or e-mail with at least 48 hours notice to the clubs concerned.

  (c)          Games rescheduled to take place within a 48 hour period must have the consent of the teams affected.

(d)            A team having an Ontario Cup game within 24 hours of a League game, may have the League game reschedule but would assume all costs connected with the cancellation. Any team having a game within a 48 hour period of an Ontario Cup Semi Final of Final may have the league game rescheduled.

 (e)           Each team shall supply the League office with two contact names, addresses and phone numbers. League notification to either contact on items to do with team games (reschedules, cancellations, etc.) shall be considered as official League notification.

P/R #10

 (a)             All entries in Cup competition shall be subject to the approval of the Board.

 (b)           The draw for the Cup competition under the jurisdiction of the League shall take place by the name of all clubs entered, being placed in a ballot and shall be drawn in couples. The club first drawn shall be the home team. Both clubs shall share the cost of the officials.

 (c)           League games take priority over cup games. (Except for Ontario Cup)

(d) Game Officials fees in all Cup games are split between both teams (50/50).

(e)            All cup & playoff games shall be single games only. Should the score be tied after regulation time five penalty kicks shall be taken by each team, alternatively.

The team scoring the most goals from such kicks shall be declared the winner. Should the teams be equal on the number of kicks, additional penalty kicks shall be taken alternatively by the two teams until one team has more goals than the other, after an equal number has been taken. If no winner has resulted after all members of the team have taken a penalty kick, the same rotation of players will start over. The Board of Directors may also rule that the game be replayed.

 (f)           In the final of the Playoffs the League shall be responsible for the stadium costs and game officials and shall be entitled to the gate receipts.

 (g)            The game officials for semi-final and final games shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

 (h)           The Board of Directors of the League shall be the legal holders in trust of all Cups and other trophies belonging to the League.

 (i)           Before handing the cups or trophies to the winners of any competition, they shall obtain from the successful club a satisfactory and approved bond for the safe custody and for the return of any cup or trophy in the same good order and condition as such club received same. Club and/or players will be assessed for any loss or damage to the trophies.

(j)              Two weeks prior to the date fixed for the Final or deciding game of any competition under the jurisdiction of this League, the Secretary of the League shall procure the return of the cup or trophy from the club who last received same. A fine of $100.00 will be assessed against any club not returning trophies before Awards night.

 (k)            Clubs entered in any competition must at all times field their strongest team, and any club failing to do so without providing good and satisfactory reason will be subjected to discipline.


P/R #11

(a)             All protests shall be delivered to the secretary of the League by Registered Mail, and must bear a postmark not later than three (3) days (Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays accepted) from the date of the game in which the protest has arisen, and be accompanied by a deposit of ($200) two hundred dollars. Where a game is played under protest, such fact must be noted on the team sheet and a formal protest must then be lodged as stipulated in the rules of the League or competition.

(b)             Protest deposits shall be in the form of cheque, or money order, made payable to this League.

(c)             At the same time that the Protest is delivered to the Secretary of the League, a true copy of the Protest shall be sent to the club against which the Protest is lodged, by Registered Mail.

(d)             Any club lodging a Protest must produce proof of such lodgment at the meeting held to consider the Protest, and the onus of proof of allegations contained in the Protest shall be upon the protesting club.

 (e)           In dealing with any Protest, the Board of Directors or appointed committee shall take into consideration the possession by the protesting club of any prior knowledge of the facts or allegations contained in the Protest, which if properly used, might have prevented the Protest.

 (f)            The Board of Directors or appointed committee shall have the right to declare all or part of the Protest fee forfeit where the Protest has been considered and not sustained, or where the Protest has not been properly lodged or as otherwise provided in these rules. The Protest fee will be returned if the Protest is upheld.

 (g)           If at any time after the period allotted for submission of a protest has expired evidence is presented which could have constituted grounds for a protest, such evidence shall be considered by the Board of Directors or appointed committee at their discretion.

 (h)           Objections to ground, goalposts, ball or colours DO NOT CONSTITUTE GROUNDS FOR A PROTEST. Objection of this nature, however, should be given in writing to the referee by half-time. The referee must report objections to the League, which will take any necessary action to prevent repetition of the same including fining or disciplining the offending club.

 (i)            The referee shall require the responsible club to correct the cause of the objection if this is possible without unduly delaying progress of the game.

 (j)            Any protest, once lodged with this League, may not be withdrawn, except by permission of the Board of Directors.

 (k)           Any club dissatisfied with the decision of this League on any protest or discipline decision shall have the right to appeal to the Ontario Soccer Association.

 (m)         In the event of conditions of lodging a Protest are not met the protest will be ruled out of order.


P/R #12

(a)             Players, or club, or team officials reported for misconduct shall be dealt with by the League or their District Association, except as otherwise stipulated in O.S.A. Published Rules.

(b)             In all cases of alleged physical assault on a game official by a player, club, or team official, he shall be suspended until the case has been dealt with by a Discipline Committee of the Ontario Soccer Association.

(c)             Players, officials, and spectators are allowed to take part in, or attend matches on condition that they observe the constitution of the League.

(d)             Every club is responsible to the League for the action of its players, officials and spectators, and is required to take all precautions necessary to prevent spectators threatening or assaulting officials and players.

(e)             No referee, linesman, player or official of any club or team shall bet on any soccer match under the jurisdiction of the League.

(f)              In all discipline cases dealt with by the Association, a District Association, or the League, the party complained against shall have the right to appear, at his own expense, when the case is heard.

(g)             A player and/or team official ordered off the field will have their case reviewed by the Discipline Committee at the League office; commencing at 6:30pm on the dates shown in the schedule. Players and/or team officials may participate in subsequent games until the case is due to be heard by the Discipline Committee. The admin fee is $30.00. A player and/or team official may request a hearing but must do so in writing, along with a $50 fee no later than 72 hours after the dismissal.

(h)              The Board of Directors shall have the power to cause teams to forfeit points or be expelled from the League if found guilty of serious discipline offences at a properly held discipline hearing.

(i)              In discipline cases, when a club disputes the identification of a player sent off, the onus is on the club to prove the correct identity.

(j)             Any person found guilty of any offence must be sentenced in accordance with the Published Rules of the Ontario Soccer Association.


P/R #13

(a)             Any club secretary changing his address or any club changing the secretary must notify the secretary of the League in writing within seven (7) days. Failure to comply with this rule shall render the club subject to a fine of $50.00

 (b)           All clubs in membership shall place their players at the service of the League and any players selected to play in a representative or other game arranged by this League, and without good and sufficient cause, refusing to comply with the arrangements of the League for playing the game, or failing to play in such game, may be judged by the Directors to have been guilty of misconduct.

 Any club which may be deemed to have encouraged or instigated such players to commit a breach of this rule shall be deemed guilty of similar offence, and the player and club may be punished in such a manner as the Directors may consider advisable.

(c)          The Board of Directors may declare any date to be a “closed date” and no games shall be played thereon except those sanctioned and approved by the Board of Directors, provided, however, that this power shall not be unreasonable exercised.

 (d)           The Board of Directors shall have the power to deal with any club, player, or member of any club in an official capacity whose conduct may be deemed objectionable. The Board of Directors may, through any of their members or otherwise take notice of any club, player or member of a club whose conduct may be deemed prejudicial to the welfare of the game, and deal with the matter in such a manner as the Directors may think fit.

 (e)            No Benefit games shall be played without the consent of the Board of Directors first having been obtained, and no player or member of any club in membership with the League shall be entitled to participate in the proceed of such benefit game without the consent of the Board of Directors. Clubs given permission to play such games must furnish a complete statement of accounts in connection there with to the Board of Directors immediately after the game has taken place.

(f)             No club in membership with the League shall play games outside the jurisdiction of this League without first receiving permission from the Board of Directors, nor shall any club in membership with this League, take part in any game for or against unaffiliated teams, or in an unaffiliated competition. Violation of this rule will render the offending club suspended and ineligible to take part in any competition under the jurisdiction of this League until reinstated by the Board of Directors.

(g)             No club or clubs in membership shall stage or play games on any challenged principle or for any trophy or other award without the written consent of the Board of Directors first having been obtained.

(h)              No competition or tournament shall be arranged by any clubs without first obtaining the consent and approval of the Board of Directors. All clubs competing in any division must become members of the League.

(i)              Any club in membership with the League, or any member thereof, guilty of inducing or attempting to induce a bona-fide player of another club, under the jurisdiction of this League, to leave his club and join them, shall be deemed guilty of misconduct and shall be liable to expulsion or such other punishment as the Board of Directors may consider necessary to meet the justice of the case.


P/R #14

(a)             All clubs fielding two or more senior teams shall submit to the League prior to the commencement of the season and adding thereafter a list of such teams, designated “First, Second, Third,” etc. This MUST also be designated in the Players’ Registration Books.

(b)             There will be no downward movement of players.

(c)             An unlimited amount of players (within the same club) may play up for the higher level team for League games only, except for P/R #14e.

(d)             A player may play up for the higher level team (within the same club) an unlimited amount of time throughout the season.

(e)             For playoff games, no player movement will be allowed unless a player has played a minimum of five (5) regularly scheduled League games, during the current season, for the team to which he intends to move.

(f)              In accordance with P/R #14 (d), no such movement is permitted for cup competition.

(g) Providing that the player meets the age eligibility requirements; a player registered to an MJ district team may play up into the Regional U21 or Provincial U21, a player registered to a senior regional team may play up into the Provincial U21. If it is within the same club no permit is required, if it is different club a temporary registration permit is required. P.R.B’s are always required.

(h) A player that has played in an O.S.L. sanctioned cup cannot play in any other O.S.L. sanctioned cup.


P/R #15


a) The teams finishing in the top position of each of the Regional Premier divisions shall be promoted to the Provincial Elite division. The teams finishing in the top positions of the Regional divisions shall be promoted into the appropriate Regional Premier division. The teams finishing in the top position of the MJ Division or any District league shall be promoted into the appropriate Regional division.

*If (a) Club(s) declines promotion into a Provincial or Regional League, the offer of promotion shall be extended to the next Club(s) provided that the Club(s) was within six points of the last eligible Club to qualify for promotion. (As per OSA Operational Procedures Section 9.1 Procedure 17.1.20)

b) The teams finishing in the last two positions of the Provincial Elite division shall be relegated to the appropriate Regional Premier division. The teams finishing in the last 2 positions of each of the Regional Premier divisions shall be relegated to the appropriate Regional division. The teams finishing in the last two positions of the Regional divisions shall be relegated to their appropriate district league. In accordance with OSA Published Rules, if there are additional vacant spots in the Regional Leagues, other teams may be considered from the Multi-Jurisdictional or District Leagues based on their standings in their respective leagues.

* If there is an opening in the Provincial Elite or any of the Regional divisions the 2nd team relegated may apply.


a) The teams finishing in the top positions of the U21 Provincial Divisions shall be promoted into the U21 Provincial Elite division. The teams finishing in the top positions of the U21 Regional divisions shall be promoted into the appropriate U21 Provincial division.

b) The teams finishing in the top positions of the U18 Provincial and Regional Leagues shall be promoted into the U21 Provincial divisions. All other graduating U18 teams may apply to the Regional U21.

c) Teams finishing in the top positions of the U21 Provincial Elite or U21 Provincial Divisions are eligible for the Regional Open Age Division.

d) The teams finishing in the last three positions in the U21 Provincial Elite will be relegated to the appropriate U21 Provincial division**. The teams finishing in the last 2 positions of the U21 Provincial Divisions shall be relegated to the appropriate U21 Regional division.**

** If they are no longer of age they can apply to their appropriate district


For the 2016 season 4 teams will be relegated from the U21 Provincial Elite.

e) The Board of Directors may enact variations to the above rules provided they are approved by the O.S.A. and are presented to the clubs in membership prior to the playing season.


P/R #16

(a)             Referees must notify the office of the League by telephone, email or refcentre, the result immediately after the game has been played and must complete and forward the team sheets to the office within two (2) days. Failure to comply with the above may result in disciplinary action.

 (b)           Complaints by or against referee shall be submitted to the League office in writing. After the complaint has been dealt with, the parties concerned will be notified.

( c) The League office will pay officials 50% of the fee if the game is rained out and they have not been informed at least 2hrs prior to kickoff.

d) All referees shall be appointed by the Director of the League, or a referee coordinator to act on its behalf.

(e) In the event of the referee appointed not attending the game, the Assistant Referee #1 shall be considered the appointed referee. UNDER NO CONSIDERATION, must the teams concerned play a friendly or exhibition game.

(f) In the event that only one referee attends the game, the game MUST be played.


P/R #17

 (a) A player may play up from a youth team of another club subject to an affiliation agreement in accordance with O.S.A. Operational Procedures Section 9.1 Procedure 20.

 (b) An “Affiliation Agreement” is a document signed by two clubs under which they agree to “play up” players from a youth team of one Club to a senior team of the other Club in accordance with all the provisions of the O.S.A. Operational Procedures.

 (c ) The agreement form shall be a “Standardized Affiliation Agreement” to be             provided by the OSA and it will include the terms of the agreement. One term             shall be that any game of the player’s youth team shall take precedence over any             game of the senior team.

 (d) A Club operating youth amateur teams may enter into an “Affiliation Agreement” with a Club operating senior amateur team(s) providing that the two Clubs are affiliated to the same District Association.

(e) The “Affiliation Agreement” must be filed with the following organizations in order to be in effect:

a) The Ontario Soccer Association

b) The District Association with which the two clubs are affiliated; and

c) The Ontario Soccer League.

(f) The “TEMPORARY ELIGIBILITY PERMIT” is not required when such movement occurs.

(g) The player must obtain an “O.S.A. Registrant Book” which must be available for presentation at each game in which he/she is playing. Failure to present the “O.S.A. Registrant Book” shall render the player ineligible to play in that game.

(h) An “Affiliation Agreement” between two clubs shall be in effect for one year only but may be renewed on an annual basis.

The “Affiliation Agreement” may be revoked by either Club by serving notice to the other club, the Ontario Soccer Association, the District Association and the Ontario Soccer League.

(i) In accordance with O.S.A. Operational Procedures Section 9.1 Procedure 20, the following limitations will be in effect for this league:

a) There will be no affiliation between Clubs in this League.

b) Not more than 5 players can playup under the “Affiliation Agreement” for any one game.

c) No player may play up in a Cup game or Playoff game under the “Affiliation Agreement”.

d) If an “Affiliation Agreement” with an OSL team is terminated, neither club can enter into another “Affiliation Agreement” within the Ontario Soccer League.

e) No “Affiliation Agreements” will be accepted after August 15 of each year.


P/R #18

(a) The Fiscal year shall end November 30th of each year and all clubs indebted to the League shall be notified by email of their debts which must be paid within 15 days. Failure to pay within 15 days may result in termination of membership.

(b) Debts remitted in the form of cheques which are not accepted by the bank for reason of insufficient funds or any other reason, shall be considered not paid and the Board of Directors may fine or suspend the party in question.

( c) All invoices sent to Clubs must be paid within 15 days of receipt. Any account still outstanding after 60 days will result in an automatic suspension.

(d) Only certified cheques or cash will be accepted at the Annual General Meeting for Outstanding debts.

(e) All League Fees, Bonds and any outstanding MUST be paid in full by the Annual General Meeting. If these fees are not paid by this date the club will be subject to a $100 late fee.

(f) Failure to apply by the Annual General Meeting may result in loss of secured position from the previous season.

(g) If any team withdraws from the league after February 15th they will forfeit their league bond. Any team that withdraws after March 14th will forfeit both their league fee and their league bond and will be fined $1,000.00

If there are violations of any of the League’s Rules and Regulations the Board of Directors shall determine the discipline action to be taken.


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