APPENDIX C - Amazon S3

Fiscal Year 2008


Career and Technology Education

Reserve Fund Grants |Request for Proposals


Carl D. Perkins

Reserve Fund Grants

Maryland State

Department of Education

Division of Career Technology and Adult Learning

200 West Baltimore St.

Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Dissemination Date:

March 2, 2007


June 4, 2007

| |

|Program Description |

|Name of Grant Program: |Maryland Career and Technology Education (CTE) Reserve Fund Grants |

|Authorization: |Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 |

|Dissemination Date: |March 2, 2007 |

|Deadline for Receipt of Applications: |June 4, 2007 (Due to the competitive nature of these grants, the deadline for applications can |

| |not be extended). |

|Purpose: |To supplement the resources of local school systems and community colleges in rural areas; |

| |areas with high percentages of career and technology education completers; or areas with high |

| |numbers of career and technology education students. |

|Priorities: |Funds must be spent in accordance with Maryland’s identified priorities under Section 135 of |

| |the Perkins Act. Priority will be given to partnerships that support successful student |

| |transition across the learning levels. Grants are intended to: |

| | |

| |Align, consolidate, or expand CTE pathway programs across the learning levels, consistent with |

| |the Maryland State Department of Education’s (MSDE’s) career cluster framework. |

| |Implement high-quality CTE pathway programs that award industry-recognized credentials or |

| |college credit to students. |

| |Expand partnerships with employers to improve CTE programming and to provide industry input and|

| |experiences for faculty members. |

| |Demonstrate innovative CTE programming to improve the academic and technical skill achievement |

| |of all students, including special populations. |

| |Implement an instructional management system to provide students with high-quality work-based |

| |learning experiences for students and faculty members in collaboration with employers. |

| |Expand or improve Maryland’s Project Lead The Way Pre-engineering Program (for new and |

| |continuing PLTW Pre-engineering Programs only). |

| |Implement Maryland’s K to adult career development framework using a systemic approach across |

| |the learning levels, grades seven to adulthood. |

| |Systemically implement Maryland’s career development standards using MSDE’s counseling and |

| |advisory resources in grades seven through twelve and/or the postsecondary tool kits. |

| |Develop and implement a counseling/advisory system across the learning levels (middle to high |

| |school to college). |

| |Administer Accuplacer or Pre-SAT to CTE students in order to provide appropriate interventions |

| |to improve students’ academic achievement. |

| |Provide comprehensive, ongoing, professional development for CTE instructors, administrators, |

| |and counselors in support of items one and two. Ensure alignment to the Maryland Teacher |

| |Professional Development Standards when proposing related initiatives. |

| | |

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|Priorities (continued): | |

|Target Populations: |Target audiences involved in the identified priorities include career and technology education |

| |instructors in partnership with academic faculty members, counselors, and/or administrators |

| |involved in CTE programming or professional development. |

|Technical Assistance: |For technical assistance, please contact: |

| |Dr. Lynne Gilli, Program Manager (410) 767-0518 |

| |Ms. Marquita Friday, Lead Specialist (410) 767-0183 |

| |Ms. Nina Roa, Specialist (410) 767-1904 |

| |Or Your Regional Coordinator at the |

| |Maryland State Department of Education |

| |Division of Career Technology and Adult Learning |

| |200 West Baltimore Street |

| |Baltimore, MD 21201 |

|Eligible Applicants: |Grants are targeted to eligible recipients as defined in Sections 131 and 132 of the Perkins |

| |Act and include local school systems and community colleges in rural areas; areas with high |

| |percentages of career and technology education completers; or areas with high numbers of career|

| |and technology education students. An eligible applicant shall not be identified in more than |

| |six grant applications as an individual applicant or in partnership with other eligible |

| |applicants. Grants are competitive. Final approval for awards will be determined by MSDE. |

| |MSDE reserves the right to take into consideration geographic distribution and demonstrated |

| |readiness when making decisions about awards. |

|Total Funds Available: |Approximately $715,000 (Depending on federal allocation). |

|Range of Grant Awards: |Grants ranging up to $40,000 each. |

|Estimated Number of Grants: |The number of grants awarded will be based upon a competitive process and the total funds |

| |available. |

|Estimated Average Grant Amount: |Up to $40,000 |

|Length of Grants: |One year |

|Estimated Program Start Date: |July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008 |

|Matching Requirement: |If technology is essential to the implementation of one of the three priorities under this RFP,|

| |a 50% match is required for technology purchases. Other expenditures will not require a match.|

| | |

|Fund Use: |Funds must be spent in accordance with the three identified priorities. Grants will be awarded|

| |to applicants demonstrating partnerships in support of successful student transition across the|

| |learning levels. |

| | |

| | |

|Fund Use (continued): |Funds may be used for: |

| |Consultant services (Consulting fees are limited to $500 per day, plus travel expenses. |

| |Consultant travel expenses cannot exceed local per diem rates); |

| |Substitute teacher fees or faculty stipends (Stipends are only allowable for work performed |

| |outside the regular work day); |

| |Materials and supplies to support curriculum development and professional development; |

| |Purchasing of equipment for instruction that supports MSDE approved CTE Pathway Programs and |

| |List A programs ; and |

| |Administrative costs not to exceed 5% of the total grant, including indirect costs. |

| | |

| |Funds may not be used for: |

| |Salaries with the exception of stipends and substitute pay; |

| |Tuition; |

| |Fees for credentialing or licensing examinations; |

| |Program maintenance; |

| |New program development; |

| |Activities below the seventh grade; |

| |Program maintenance at current performance levels; |

| |Purchase of career information delivery system site licenses; |

| |National, state, or local membership dues of fees; |

| |Purchase of curricular materials for new programs beyond a three-year period; |

| |Promotional items (e.g. shirts, key chains, bags, mugs). |

| |Out-of-state travel unless approved by MSDE; |

| |Construction of temporary or permanent structures; |

| |Purchase of equipment for administrative purposes; and |

| |Administrative and indirect costs that exceed 5% of the grant amount. |

| | |

| |Examples of Technology Purchases Requiring a 50% Match: |

| |Purchase of equipment to support infrastructure for distance learning; |

| |Purchase of laptop computers or personal computers unless they are for programmatic use; |

| |Purchase or lease of career information delivery systems; |

| |Purchase of LCD projectors or digital cameras; or |

| |Purchase of Smart Boards. |

|Grant Format: |In order to expedite the review of grant applications, it is necessary to align the required |

| |components to the scoring rubric provided in this RFP as follows: |

| |Activity Goal and Priority Area to be Addressed |

| |Plan of Operation and Key Personnel (by Name, Title, and Role with the Grant) |

| |Evaluation (including mid-year and final reports) |

| |Budget and Budget Narrative |

| | |

| |Proposals must contain the following required forms with original signatures: |

| |Proposal Cover Page – Appendix A |

| |Signed Assurances Page – Appendix B |

| |MSDE Budget Sheet and Budget Narrative * – Appendix C |

| | |

| |* If applying for only one grant, a budget narrative and signed budget sheet is required with |

| |the submission. If applying for more than one grant, individual budgets and budget narratives |

| |should be submitted. A wraparound budget is not required with the initial application. If more|

| |than one grant is awarded to the same recipient, MSDE will notify the recipient to submit the |

| |wraparound budget including all grants to be funded. A signed budget form that matches the |

| |final funding amount must be submitted to MSDE by the date specified in the grant award letter.|

| | |

|Submission Requirements: |For priority item (1-e.), complete and submit the attached application to expand or improve |

| |Maryland’s Project Lead The Way Pre-engineering Program (for new and continuing PLTW |

| |Pre-engineering Programs only). For all other priorities, submit a maximum of a five page |

| |narrative addressing the required components. Please submit applications electronically AND |

| |submit a hard copy of pages requiring original signatures post-marked by 5:00 p.m. on June 4, |

| |2007. |

| | |

| |Grant applications will be submitted via a secured electronic transfer. You will be given your|

| |user name and password. Please see the instructions which were included in the FY 2008 |

| |Regional Meeting folder. |

| | |

| |Original Signatures |

| | |

| |For any page requiring original signatures, the hard copy must be submitted to Maryland State |

| |Department of Education (MSDE) and post-marked by the deadline of June 4, 2007. No grant can |

| |be approved without original signatures. One copy with original signature(s), in blue ink, |

| |should be mailed to Jeanne-Marie Holly in the Division of Career Technology and Adult Learning |

| |and post-marked by June 4, 2007 . |

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| |The pages requiring a hard copy with an original signature are: |

| | |

| |Proposal Cover Page |

| |Assurances Page |

|Submission Requirements (continued): |Budget (Budget and Budget Narrative required for each grant application submitted). |

| | |

| |Pages with original signatures should be sent to: |

| | |

| |Jeanne-Marie S. Holly |

| |Program Manager, CTE Systems Branch |

| |Division of Career Technology and Adult Learning |

| |Maryland State Department of Education |

| |200 West Baltimore Street |

| |Baltimore, Maryland 21201 |

| | |

| |Spending authority is effective on the first day of the month that all elements are received |

| |and in an approvable form. Electronic submission is preferred; however, if you are unable to |

| |do so, the original and two copies may be mailed to the address provided. |




Using the following rubric, reviewers will assign numerical scores and prepare comments. The review team will meet to determine consensus. To be approved, each proposal must receive a combined minimum average rating of at least 70.

|Plan Criteria |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |

| |Meets All Criteria |Meets Some Criteria |Meets Few or No Criteria |

|Activity Goal and Priority|The proposed activity clearly and fully|The proposed activity supports the |The proposed activity provides weak |

|Area to be Addressed |supports student transition across the |Activity Goal, but is limited in its |support of the Activity Goal and/or |

| |learning levels. |potential to support student |does not support student transition |

| | |transition across the learning |across the learning levels. |

| | |levels. | |

|35 Points |35-25 |24-10 |9-0 |

|Plan of Operation and Key |A detailed timeline including specific |A timeline that includes some |No timeline is included. Strategies |

|Personnel |dates is included. Strategies are |specific dates is included. |to implement the proposed activity |

| |identified to implement proposed |Strategies are identified to |are weak; key personnel are not |

| |activity; key personnel are identified |implement proposed activity; key |identified. |

| |by name, title, and role with the |personnel incomplete. | |

| |grant. | | |

|25 Points |25-20 |19-8 |7-0 |

|Evaluation |Evaluation plan clearly explains how |Evaluation plan somewhat explains how|Evaluation plan provides little or no|

| |the activity will be evaluated. Plan |the activity will be evaluated. Plan|explanation of how the activity will |

| |clearly explains how activity will |somewhat explains how activity will |be evaluated. Plan provides little |

| |support student performance measures. |support student performance measures.|or no support of student performance |

| | | |measures. |

|20 Points |20-15 |14-6 |5-0 |

|Budget and Budget |Budget is clear, reasonable and cost |Budget is reasonable and cost |Budget is not clear, reasonable |

|Narrative |effective. Budget narrative itemizes |effective. Budget narrative |and/or cost effective. Budget |

|20 Points |expenses in detail. Budget |identifies expenses and provides |narrative does not provide detailed |

| |calculations are correct. |general explanation. Budget contains|explanation of expenditures. Budget |

| | |some errors. |contains errors and/or is completed |

| | | |incorrectly. |

|20 Points |20-25 |14-6 |5-0 |


| |

|Site development grant awards will be up to $40,000 including all administrative and indirect costs. Based upon continued federal funding, |

|cumulative grants under this activity shall not exceed $70,000 over a three-year period. A minimum of $15,000 must be reserved to support year |

|three activities. |

|Please submit one application per school site. |

Brief Overview of Project Lead the Way (PLTW)

School improvement efforts underway in Maryland are aimed at increasing academic rigor and student achievement. PLTW is a standards-driven program that combines rigorous academics and upgraded technical courses that are focused on a broad career area. It serves as a model for Career and Technology Education programs that prepare students for both careers and postsecondary education. The program continually requires students to attain higher skills in math, science, and technology in each of its courses. To establish these requirements, PLTW incorporates the national standards of the following professional organizations in the content of its program:

← The National Academy of Sciences;

← The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics;

← The International Technology Education Association; and

← The National Council of Teachers of English.

Currently, over 1300 schools offer the PLTW programs in 45 states, the District of Columbia and England. PLTW is designed to be a high-end CTE program and is consistent with the CTE program development process. The sequence of courses can be phased in over a four-year period, but the PLTW program must be implemented in its entirety by the end of the fourth year. Either the Introduction to Engineering course or Principles of Engineering course, may receive Technology Education credit if the local school system determines it is appropriate. Use the rubric provided in this RFP to guide the development of the proposal for this activity.

Minimum Criteria for PLTW Site Development Grants

In order to be eligible for a PLTW Site Development Grant schools must meet and agree to the following criteria and fully complete the PLTW Site Development Response Form (see below). Applicants must submit the form with the grant application.

1. Identify an existing computer lab with at least 15 stations with Intel Dual Core P4 – 840 or better, 800 MHz FSB 2X1MB L2 Cache or AMD Dual Core Opteron or better 2MB L2 Cache Computers able to run Windows XP PRO. Refer to the MSDE/PLTW Supplement, included in the Reserve Fund folder for computer requirements;

2. Select qualified teacher(s) with baccalaureate degree(s) who are knowledgeable in Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trigonometry and the Physical Sciences. PLTW instructors must hold the minimum of a bachelor’s degree;

3. Commit to implement the entire PLTW program, which includes three foundation courses (Principles of Engineering, Introduction to Engineering Design, and Digital Electronics), one pathway course (Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Aerospace Engineering, or Biotechnical Engineering), and the capstone course (Engineering Design and Development) over a four-year period. Continued funding is based on the availability of federal funds and program performance.

4. Commit to complete the PLTW College Certification process by the end of the third year of funding in PLTW;

5. Agree to administer the PLTW end-of-course assessments;

6. Agree to follow the progress of each of the PLTW students throughout their participation in the Program and conduct annual graduate follow-up surveys as organized through the PLTW Systematic Evaluation Process;

7. Commit to the terms of the PLTW School District Agreement and obtain the superintendent’s signature– (sample at );

8. Agree to submit a program proposal for List “A” as an approved Career and Technology Education Program (CTE); and

9. Identify a two- or four-year college engineering related program to articulate with the PLTW program.

Applications that do not meet the minimum criteria will not be reviewed. In addition, applicants must honor the minimum criteria to be eligible for future PLTW funds.


Minimum Criteria for Site Development Grants - PLTW Site Development grantees shall complete and submit this response form with the Reserve Fund Grant Application. This form must be completed and returned with the grant application. Please describe your readiness level by responding to each item:

|1. Does the school have an available computer lab for PLTW? |Yes No |

|Does the lab have at least 15 computer stations with Intel Dual Core P4 – 840 or better, 800 MHz FSB 2X1MB L2 Cache or AMD |Yes No |

|Dual Core Opteron or better 2MB L2 Cache Computers able to run Windows XP PRO? | |

| | |

|If there are not 15 stations, how many computer stations meet the PLTW requirements? | |

| |#      |

|Provide the name and address of the school where the PLTW program will be offered: | |

|      | |

|      | |

|2. How many qualified teachers with baccalaureate degrees who are knowledgeable in Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trigonometry | |

|and Physical Sciences are available to participate in the summer training institute and teach the curriculum? |#      |

|List the names of the teachers and their current certification area(s) (they must posses at least a baccalaureate degree): |

|Teacher’s Name |Certification Area |PLTW Course |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|3. Is the grantee committed to implementing the entire PLTW program over a four-year period? |Yes No |

|Is the grantee committed to completing the PLTW College Certification process by the end of the third year of the school | Yes No |

|site’s funding for the PLTW Program? | |

|5. Does the grantee agree to administer the PLTW end-of-course assessments? | Yes No |

|6. Please describe the reasonable measures the grantee will take to follow the progress of each of the PLTW students | |

|throughout the student’s participation in the Program. | |

|      | |

|      | |

|Will the grantee conduct annual graduate follow-up surveys and participate in the Program’s systemic evaluation process? |Yes No |

|7. Will the grantee commit to the terms of the PLTW School District Agreement? | Yes No |

|8. Does the grantee fully understand that PLTW is a CTE Program and cannot be offered to fulfill the Advanced Technology |Yes No |

|Education credit options for graduation? | |

|9. List a two-or four-year college engineering or engineering technology related program to articulate with the PLTW | |

|program.       | |

The purpose of the PLTW Site Development Grant is to provide funding to support the development of new PLTW sites. Grantees must agree to use the PLTW Fast Track Program Proposal Application to develop and implement PLTW. This program is a sequence of five courses which, when combined with traditional mathematics and science courses in high school, introduces students to the scope, rigor and discipline of engineering prior to entering college. For a full description of PLTW, go to .

Respond to each (A – D):

A. Activity Goal and Priority Area to be Addressed (35 Points)

• Describe how PLTW fits under career clusters and pathways, as part of a local school system’s entire program offerings.

• Discuss the school’s readiness to implement PLTW, which course(s) will be implemented in the first year of operation and how academic and technical resources, including staff, will be aligned to implement the PLTW program. Include a letter of support from the high school principal with this application ensuring agreement to implement and sustain the PLTW program.

B. Plan of Operation and Key Personnel (25 Points)

• Describe how the school will adhere to the following timeline in order to implement PLTW in the 2008-2009 school year and describe how activities support the Activity Goal, Clusters and Pathway programs:

Plan of Operation

Proposals will also agree to implement the following steps based on the proposed timeline:

July 1, 2007 – October 10, 2007

• Register to send one or two high school and middle school counselors to the Maryland PLTW Counselors’ Conference. This conference is one-day in length and is held in Maryland. It is tentatively scheduled for the fall of 2007.

• Grant funds may be used to send only counselors to the Counselors’ Conference. Counselors must work with at least seventh grade students. Reserve Fund money cannot be spent below the seventh grade.

• If the grantee intends to send other school personnel, then the grantee must assume the costs, which would not be considered an allowable expense under this grant.

September 1, 2007 – November 30, 2007

• The Local Career and Technology Education (CTE) Director or central office PLTW primary contact starts the application process to join the PLTW network by registering the school system on the website (). There is no application fee.

• The School Administrator continues the application process by accessing the PLTW website and registering the school.

• After both the school system and the school are registered on the PLTW website, PLTW will send the contact person the School District Agreement. The school superintendent must complete the application process by signing the School District Agreement.

• Return signed agreement to PLTW.

• Provide PLTW teachers release time for one day of on-going training. It is tentatively scheduled for fall 2007.

December 1, 2007 – February 28, 2008

• Identify industry and postsecondary partners under an articulation agreement between the school system and postsecondary institution including both two- and four-year colleges and universities. A list of two- and four-year institutions of higher education that offer engineering programs is included in the MSDE/PLTW Supplement.

• Begin forming a Partnership Team (PT) composed of mentors/coaches/advisors from business/industry, colleges, and the community.

• Complete and submit to MSDE the PLTW Fast-Track Proposal. A signed copy of the School District Agreement must accompany the fast-track proposal

December 1, 2007 – March 31, 2008:

• Access the PLTW website and have teachers complete the online assessment.

• If necessary, assist teachers in upgrading knowledge and skills in technology, computers, math and/or science.

January 1, 2008 – April 30, 2008:

• Register teachers for the July 2008 Summer Training Institute (STI). This proposal may include registration fees if the registration deadline occurs in this fiscal year. Since the grant ends on June 30, 2007, travel costs and teacher stipends to this training cannot be included in this proposal. Based upon the availability of federal funds, it is anticipated that opportunities will exist for continued funding in FY 2009.

• All training for the PLTW STI should be registered for and taken at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Exceptions to take the training at another location must be authorized by Maryland’s PLTW Affiliate Director and will only be allowed if UMBC cannot provide the training needs of the PLTW instructor. Under these circumstances, training can be accessed at the following locations nearest to Maryland: New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ; Penn State University, Lehigh Valley, PA; Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY; University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. Travel to any other location must be pre-approved by MSDE/DCTAL if Reserve Funds are to be used to support the travel.

March 1, 2008 – June 30, 2008:

• Order the equipment, material, supplies and software identified in the budget narrative.

• Equipment - for Engineering CTE Completer programs only. Funds for equipment can only be expended on State approved Career and Technology Education programs. Once the program is approved, equipment may be purchased.

Key Personnel

• Designate the following (List names, titles and place of employment):

o Program Contact for PLTW.

o Stakeholders for the Partnership Team (PT) to be involved in the development of the PLTW site or enhancement to the Engineering Completer Program. The Partnership Team (PT) also known as the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) is comprised of mentors, coaches, and/or advisors from business/industry, colleges, and the community. The participation of postsecondary stakeholders is required. The PT must include engineers and engineering faculty.

o Teacher(s) to deliver instruction, to take the online assessment and to attend the training institutes. (The teacher(s) must have a bachelor’s degree.)

o One or two middle and one or two high school counselors to attend the Maryland Counselors’ Conference and provide information to faculty, students and parents. Counselors must work with at least seventh grade students. Reserve Fund money cannot be spent below the seventh grade.

C. Evaluation (20 Points)

• Describe how the evaluation plan will ensure that the proposed program supports overall goals and aligns to the following Maryland PTLW outcome measures:

o By 2009, PLTW will increase by 20% the number of graduates from high school PLTW programs who are accepted in postsecondary engineering and engineering technology programs.

o By 2009, the enrollment of females in PLTW will be 10% higher than the 2006 female national enrollment in engineering and engineering technology programs.

o By 2009, the racial and ethnic minority student enrollment in PLTW programs will be collectively proportionate to the overall school population.

o By the end of the second year of membership in PLTW, each school will have an effective school partnership team in place that meets regularly and contributes to program improvement.

o By 2010, Maryland schools implementing PLTW will increase their dual completion rate by 10%.

D. Budget and Budget Narrative (20 Points)

• All applicants for PLTW grants will submit a budget narrative itemizing expenses for the proposed project. Use the PLTW Sample Budget (Appendix D) in an Excel spreadsheet as a guide in developing the budget for the school site. The budget items should be listed to show estimated cost of each line item. Each line must be detailed and specific. General expenses should be broken down into specific line items. The quantity for each item on the PLTW website is based on a session of twenty (20) students. It is strongly recommended that the PLTW Purchasing Manual CD be used when developing the budget.

• Applicants must also submit the budget on the MSDE budget form. Be sure the budget totals correctly.

1. A Sample PLTW budget narrative in an Excel spreadsheet (Appendix D) is included in the RFP. Review the sample budget narrative to inventory existing equipment and supplies. Use the sample PLTW budget to identify items needed to implement PLTW (i.e. equipment, materials, supplies, software, textbooks and staff development) and modify the spreadsheet to submit for this grant.

2. Grant funds may support the following PLTW program requirements:

• PLTW recommended equipment and supplies (for CTE completer programs and new programs as they are approved);

• Up to five computers and a laptop for the teacher (laptop needed for Summer Training Institute). This purchase will not require a match if it is documented that the school has at least six computers that meet PLTW’s requirements as noted in the PLTW Site Development Response Form;

• Textbooks and reference material identified by PLTW;

• PLTW software lease; and

• Professional development:

o Mileage for a one-day Counselors’ Conference to be held in central Maryland (Anne Arundel, Baltimore, or Howard Counties); and

o Registration fees for the July 2008 PLTW Summer Training Institute (if the registration deadline occurs in this fiscal year). Travel costs and teacher stipends for attending the PLTW Summer Training Institute cannot be include in this proposal. However, they can be included in the FY 2009 PLTW grant. Funds may be used to cover registration costs associated with the Summer Training Institute for only those faculty members who plan to teach PLTW courses during the next school year.

3. If the grantee does not follow the budget recommendations, a brief explanation should be provided. Each PLTW Reserve Fund Grant Project Application should include a budget form and a budget narrative itemizing expenses for the proposed project.

4. Funds may not be used for:

• Stipends, salaries, or tuition except as specified;

• Purchase of equipment or computers for any purpose except as specified;

• Furniture to equip the labs;

• Travel except as specified;

• Upgrades to computers or computer labs;

• Meals; and Administrative, including indirect costs of the grant, cannot exceed 5%.


|Second and third-year site enhancement grant awards are negotiable based on previous allotments. Based upon continued federal funding, requested funds|

|cannot exceed $70,000 over a three-year period. A minimum of $15,000 must be reserved to support year three activities. |

|Please submit one application per school site |

School systems with the following sites are eligible to apply for the PLTW site enhancement grant:

|Local School System |Site |Implementation Year |Available |

| | | |FY 2008 Funds |

|Cecil County |Bohemia Manor High School |Year 2 |$21,531.93 |

| |Rising Sun High School |Year 2 |$21,531.93 |

|Howard County |Atholton High School |Year 2 |$31,730.00 |

| |Hammond High School |Year 2 |$31,730.00 |

| |Reservoir High School |Year 2 |$31,730.00 |

| |Long Reach High School* |Year 3 |$36,994.00 |

| |Marriotts Ridge High School* |Year 3 |$36,994.00 |

| |River Hill High School* |Year 3 |$36,994.00 |

|Prince George’s County |DuVal High School |Year 2 |$33,566.13 |

|Queen Anne’s County |Kent Island High School |Year 2 |$16,239.00 |

*Must complete the PLTW College Certification process prior to the end of the 2007 - 2008 school year.

Brief Overview of Project Lead the Way (PLTW)

School improvement efforts underway in Maryland are aimed at increasing academic rigor and student achievement. PLTW is a standards-driven program that combines rigorous academics and upgraded technical courses that are focused on a broad career area. It serves as a model for Career and Technology Education programs that prepare students for both careers and postsecondary education. The program continually requires students to attain higher skills in math, science, and technology in each of its courses. To establish these requirements, PLTW incorporates the national standards of the following professional organizations in the content of its program:

• The National Academy of Sciences;

• The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics;

• The International Technology Education Association; and

• The National Council of Teachers of English.

Currently, over 1300 schools offer the PLTW programs in 45 states, the District of Columbia and England. PLTW is designed to be a high-end CTE program and is consistent with the CTE program development process. The sequence of courses can be phased in over a four-year period, but the PLTW program must be implemented in its entirety by the end of the fourth year. Either the Introduction to Engineering course or Principles of Engineering course, may receive Technology Education credit if the local school system determines it is appropriate. Use the rubric provided in this RFP to guide the development of the proposal for this activity.

Minimum Criteria for PLTW Site Enhancement Grants

In order to be eligible for a PLTW Site Enhancement Grant schools must meet and agree to the following criteria and fully complete the PLTW Site Enhancement Response Form (see below). Applicants must submit the form with the grant application. Please note continued funding is based on the availability of federal funding and program performance.

1. Identify additional qualified teacher(s) with baccalaureate degree(s) who are knowledgeable in Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trigonometry and the Physical Sciences to teach new courses;

2. Send additional counselors to participate in the PLTW Counselors’ Conference in Maryland;

3. Commit to the continued implementation of the PLTW courses;

4. Agree to release PLTW teachers for one day of PLTW on-going training (to be held in state);

5. Agree to administer the PLTW end-of-course assessments;

6. Ensure students are enrolled in the appropriate mathematics courses for each PLTW course;

7. Continue to engage the partnership team and school leadership to promote and strengthen the PLTW program;

8. Agree to follow the progress of each of the PLTW students throughout their participation in the Program;

9. Conduct annual graduate follow-up surveys as organized through the PLTW Systematic Evaluation Process; and

10. Identify a two-or four-year college engineering or engineering technology related program to articulate with the PLTW program.

Applications that do not meet the minimum criteria will not be reviewed. In addition, applicants must honor the minimum criteria to be eligible for future PLTW funds.


Minimum Criteria for Site Enhancement Grants – PLTW Site Enhancement grantees must complete and submit this response form with the Reserve Fund Grant Application. Please respond to the following:

|How many additional qualified teachers with a baccalaureate degree and knowledgeable in Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trigonometry | |

|and Physical Sciences are available to participate in the training institute and teach the curriculum? |#      |

|1a. List the names of the teachers, their current certification area(s) and the course they will teach: |

|Teacher’s Name |Certification Area |PLTW Course |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|Will the grantee send additional counselors to the PLTW Counselors’ Conference in Maryland? | Yes No |

|Is the grantee committed to the continued implementations of the PLTW courses over the next three years? | Yes No |

|Does the grantee agree to release PLTW teachers for one day of PLTW on-going training (to be held in state)? | Yes No |

|Does the grantee agree to administer the PLTW end-of-course assessments? | Yes No |

|Will the grantee ensure that students are enrolled in the appropriate mathematics courses for each PLTW course? | Yes No |

|Will the grantee continue to engage the partnership team and school leadership to promote and strengthen the PLTW program? | Yes No |

|8. List a two-or four-year college engineering or engineering technology related program to articulate with the PLTW program. | |

|      | |

Respond to each (A – D):

A. Activity Goal and Priority Area to be Addressed (35 Points)

• Describe how PLTW fits under career clusters and pathways, as part of a local school system’s entire program offerings

• Second and third year sites should address the following:

o Discuss progress to date (including successes and challenges) in implementing PLTW.

o Identify the courses to be implemented.

o Describe how the proposed activities will lead to the continued implementation of PLTW.

o Describe how academic and technical resources, including staff, will be aligned to implement the PLTW program.

o Include a letter of support from the high school principal with this application ensuring agreement to implement and sustain the PLTW program.


• Second-year sites should attach a timeline to complete the PLTW College Certification process by the end of the third year of funding for the program. (Go to for more information on the process.)

• Third-year sites should describe steps taken toward the College Certification process, which must be completed by the end of the 2007-2008 school year.

B. Plan of Operation and Key Personnel (25 Points)

• Describe how the school will adhere to the following timeline in order to implement PLTW in the 2007-2008 school year.

Plan of Operation:

July 1, 2007 – October 10, 2007

• Register to send one or two high school and middle school counselors to the Maryland PLTW Counselors’ Conference. This conference is one-day in length and is held in Maryland tentatively scheduled for fall 2007.

• Grant funds may be used to send only counselors to the Counselors’ Conference. Counselors must work with at least seventh grade students Reserve Fund money cannot be spent below the seventh grade.

• If the grantee intends to send other school personnel, then the grantee must assume the costs, which would not be considered an allowable expense under this grant.

September 1, 2007 – November 30, 2007

• Do the PLTW Self-Assessment for the College Certification Process.

• Provide PLTW teachers release time for one day of on-going training. It is tentatively scheduled for fall 2007.

December 1, 2007 – March 31, 2008:

• Access the PLTW website and have new teachers complete the online assessment.

• If necessary, assist teachers in upgrading knowledge and skills in technology, computers, math and/or science.

• Contact MSDE to schedule a PLTW College Certification Site Visit.

• Have students participate in the PLTW evaluation process (go to: ).

January 1, 2008 – April 30, 2008:

• Register teachers for the July 2007 Summer Training Institute (STI). This proposal may include registration fees, if the registration deadline occurs in this fiscal year. Since the grant ends on June 30, 2008, travel costs and teacher stipends for this training cannot be included in this proposal. Based upon the availability of federal funds, it is anticipated that opportunities will exist for continued funding in FY2009.

• All training for the PLTW STI should be registered for and taken at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Exceptions to take the training at another location must be authorized by Maryland’s PLTW Affiliate Director and will only be allowed if UMBC cannot provide the training needs of the PLTW instructor. Under these circumstances, training can be accessed at the following locations nearest to Maryland: New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ; Penn State University, Lehigh Valley, PA; Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY; University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. Travel to any other location must be pre-approved by MSDE/DCTAL if Reserve Funds are to be used to support this travel.

March 1, 2008 – June 30, 2008

• Order the equipment, material, supplies and software identified in the budget narrative.

• Equipment - for Engineering CTE Completer programs only. Funds for equipment can only be expended on State approved Career and Technology Education programs.

Key Personnel:

• Designate the following (List names, titles and place of employment):

o Program Contact for PLTW.

o Stakeholders for the Partnership Team (PT) to be involved in the development of the PLTW site or enhancement to the Engineering Completer Program. The Partnership Team (PT) also known as the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) is comprised of mentors, coaches, and/or advisors from business/industry, colleges, and the community. The participation of postsecondary stakeholders is required. The PT must include engineers and engineering faculty.

o Teacher(s) to deliver instruction, to take the online assessment and to attend the training institutes.

o One or two middle and one or two high school counselors to attend the Counselors’ Conference and provide information to faculty, students and parents. Counselors must work with at least seventh grade students. Reserve Fund money cannot be spent below the seventh grade.

C. Evaluation (20 Points)

• Describe the progress to date on the following indicators:

o By 2008, PLTW will increase by 20% the number of graduates from high school PLTW programs who are accepted in postsecondary engineering and engineering technology programs.

o By 2008, the enrollment of females in PLTW will be 10% higher than the 2007 female national enrollment in engineering and engineering technology programs.

o By 2008, the racial and ethnic minority student enrollment in PLTW programs will be collectively proportionate to the overall school population.

o By the end of the second year of membership in PLTW, each school will have an effective school partnership team in place that meets regularly and contributes to program improvement.

o By 2009, Maryland schools implementing PLTW will increase their dual completion rate by 10%.

D. Budget Narrative and Budget Form (20 Points)

• All applicants for PLTW grants will submit a budget narrative itemizing expenses for the proposed project. Applicants should use the PLTW budget recommendations listed in the PLTW Sample Budget in an Excel spreadsheet (Appendix D) to determine if the budget is reasonable and cost effective. Reviewers will use PLTW budget recommendations to determine if the budget is reasonable and cost effective. The budget items should be listed to show estimated cost of each line item. Each line must be detailed and specific. General expenses should be broken down into specific line items. The quantity on the PLTW website is based on a session of twenty students. It is strongly recommended that the PLTW Purchasing Manual CD be used when developing the budget.

• Applicants must also submit the budget on the MSDE budget form (Appendix C). Be sure the budget totals correctly.

1. A Sample PLTW budget narrative in an Excel spreadsheet (Appendix D) is included in the Reserve Fund RFP. Review the sample budget narrative to inventory existing equipment and supplies. Use the sample PLTW budget to identify items needed to implement PLTW (i.e. equipment, materials, supplies, software, textbooks and staff development) and modify the spreadsheet to submit for this grant.

2. Grant funds may support the following PLTW program requirements:

• PLTW recommended equipment and supplies (for CTE completer programs and new programs as they are approved);

• Up to five computers and a laptop for the teacher (laptop needed for Summer Training Institute). This purchase will not require a match if it is documented that the school has at least six computers that meet PLTW’s requirements as noted in the PLTW Site Development Response Form;

• Textbooks and reference material identified by PLTW;

• PLTW software lease; and

• Professional development:

o Mileage for the Counselors’ Conference to be held in central Maryland (Anne Arundel, Baltimore, or Howard Counties); and

o Registration fees for the July 2008 PLTW Summer Training Institute (if the registration deadline occurs in this fiscal year). Travel costs and teacher stipends for attending the PLTW Summer Training Institute cannot be include in this proposal. However, they can be included in the FY2009 PLTW grant. Funds may be used to cover registration costs associated with the Summer Training Institute for only those faculty members who plan to teach PLTW courses during the next school year.

3. If the grantee does not follow the budget recommendations, a brief explanation should be provided. Each PLTW Reserve Fund Grant Project Application should include a budget narrative itemizing expenses for the proposed project.

4. Funds may not be used for:

• Equipment, supplies and consumables for PLTW courses implemented in years one and two;

• Stipends, salaries, or tuition except as specified;

• Purchase of equipment or computers for any purpose except as specified;

• Furniture to equip the labs;

• Travel costs and teacher stipends for attending the Summer 2007 PLTW Summer Training Institute;

• Upgrades to computers or computer labs;

• Meals; and

• Administrative, including indirect costs of the grant, cannot exceed 5%.





200 West Baltimore Street

Baltimore, Maryland 21201

This agreement is between the Division of Career Technology and Adult Learning, Maryland State Department of Education and the following eligible recipient:

Institution/Agency Name:

Institution/Agency Address:

Institution/Agency Code:

Program/Project Title: CTE Reserve Fund Grant CIP Code:

Starting Date: July 1, 2007 Ending Date: June 30, 2008

Name of Program/Project Director: Phone:


Level(s) (check appropriate) Secondary ___ Postsecondary ___ Adult Other (specify)

Estimated Annual Cost of Program/Project Federal (P.L. 105-332) $

(Should agree with Proposed Budget) State Categorical $

State/Local $

Other $


Local Perkins Plan Application Reference (If applicable)

Type of Proposal/Project (check one) ____ New ____ Revised ____ Amendment

Signature of Local Application Coordinator (Secondary)

Career & Technology Occupational Dean (Postsecondary)

Signature of Other Recipient (Not Secondary/Postsecondary)




Part B - State Leadership Activities ____ Professional Development

____ Professional Development ____ Curriculum Development

____ Curriculum Development ____ Performance Standards

____ Performance Standards ____ Other

____ Other

Part C - Secondary & Postsecondary CTE Programs OTHER

____ Secondary ____ State Categorical

____ Postsecondary ____ Other (Specify)

APPROVED FUNDS - Federal Control No.

State Categorical Source of Funds FY

TOTAL AMOUNT Approved for FY

CIP/CTE Activity No.

Signature, Assistant State Superintendent, Career Technology & Adult Learning Date

MSDE 0304 Rev. 04/99 (PROCOVER)


By receiving funds under this grant award, we hereby agree, as grantee, to comply with the following terms and conditions:

|1. |Programs and projects funded in total or in part through this grant will operate in compliance with State and federal laws and regulations, including but|

| |not limited to the Department of Labor, 1964 Civil Rights Act and amendments, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Code of Federal |

| |Regulations (CFR) 34, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), the General Education |

| |Provisions Act (GEPA), the Maryland Education That Is Multicultural Regulation, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with |

| |Disabilities Act. |

|2. |The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) may, as it deems necessary, supervise, evaluate, and provide guidance and direction to grantee in the |

| |conduct of activities performed under this grant. However, failure of MSDE to supervise, evaluate, or provide guidance and direction shall not relieve |

| |grantee of any liability for failure to comply with the terms of the grant award. |

|3. |Grantee shall establish and maintain fiscal control and fund accounting procedures as set forth in 34 CFR Parts 76 & 80 and in applicable State law and |

| |regulation. (For Career Connections grants, 29 CFR Part 97.) |

|4. |Grantee shall adhere to the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) reporting requirements, including the submission of progress reports. (For |

| |Career Connections grants, OMB Circular A-102) |

|5. |Entities receiving $300,000 or more of federal funds need to have an annual financial and compliance audit in accordance with OMB Circular A-133. |

|6. |Grantee shall retain all records of its financial transactions and accounts relating to the grant for a period of three years, or longer if required by |

| |federal regulation, after termination of the grant agreement. Such records shall be made available for inspection and audit by authorized |

| |representatives of MSDE. |

|7. |Grantee must receive prior written approval from the MSDE Program Monitor before implementing any programmatic changes with respect to the purposes for |

| |which the grant was awarded. |

|8. |Grantee must receive prior written approval from the MSDE Program Monitor for any budgetary realignment of $1,000 or 15% of total object, program or |

| |category expenditure, whichever is greater. Grantee must support the request with reasons for change. Budget alignments must be submitted at least 45 |

| |days prior to the end of the grant period. |

|9. |Requests for grant extensions, when allowed, must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the end of the grant period. |

|10. |Grantee shall repay any funds which have been finally determined through federal or state audit resolution process to have been misspent, misapplied, or |

| |otherwise not properly accounted for, and further agrees to pay any collection fees that may subsequently be imposed by the federal and/or state |

| |government. |

|11. |If the grantee fails to fulfill its obligations under the grant agreement properly and on time, or otherwise violates any provision of the grant, MSDE |

| |may suspend or terminate the grant by written notice to the grantee. The notice shall specify those acts or omissions relied upon as cause for |

| |suspension or termination. Grantee shall repay MSDE for any funds that have been determined through audit to have been misspent, unspent, misapplied, or|

| |otherwise not properly accounted for. The repayment may be made by an offset to funds that are otherwise due grantee. |

I further certify that all of the facts, figures, and representations made with respect to the grant application and grant award, including exhibits and attachments, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

| | |

| | |

|Superintendent of Schools/Head of Grantee Agency |Date |

Revised 7/97 (DCTAL)



(Required MSDE budget forms in Excel spreadsheet format will be sent by e-mail)



(This will be sent to eligible recipients by e-mail along with an electronic copy of this RFP)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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